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There is limited and uncertain evidence on how financial aid affects dropout from or the completion of higher education. A large-scale reform of the Danish student grant and loan system that among others increased student grants by up to $3,000 per year (57 %) was used to identify causal effects of financial aid on outcomes for university students. Estimates were obtained from year-of-study specific models for students observed just before and after the reform, controlling for student, parental and labour-market characteristics. The estimates indicate that the reform lowered dropout rates, but had no overall effect on completion rates, although with substantial variation across population subgroups. The impact on dropout rates was found to be higher for students from a lower socio-economic background and the impact on completion rates was found to be higher three years after the designated study time to completion. The reform seems to have performed as intended by increasing the take-up of student grants and lowering work hours while studying.  相似文献   

Jeff DeSimone 《Applied economics》2013,45(12):1481-1497
I investigate the extent to which negative alcohol use coefficients in Grade Point Average regressions reflect unobserved heterogeneity rather than direct effects of drinking, using 2001 and 2003 Youth Risk Behaviour Survey data on high school students. Results illustrate that omitted factors are quite important. Drinking coefficient magnitudes fall substantially in regressions that control for risk and time preference, mental health, self-esteem and consumption of other addictive substances. Moreover, the impact of binge drinking is negligible for students who are less risk averse, heavily discount the future or use other drugs. However, effects that remain significant after accounting for unobserved heterogeneity and are relatively large for risk averse, future-oriented and drug-free students suggest that binge drinking might slightly worsen academic performance. Consistent with this, the relationship between grades and drinking without binging is small and insignificant on the extensive margin and positive on the intensive margin.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2005,89(5-6):729-760
We explore the impact of school choice on student outcomes in the context of open enrollment within the Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Roughly half of the students opt out of their assigned high school to attend a different CPS school, and these students are much more likely than those who remain in their assigned schools to graduate. To determine the source of this apparent benefit, we compare outcomes across (i) similar students with differential access to schooling options and (ii) travelers and non-travelers within the same school. The results suggest that, other than for students who select career academies, the observed cross-sectional benefits are likely spurious.  相似文献   

对基础教育阶段不良同伴带来的短期和中长期效应的评估已经成为劳动经济学的热点话题.文章根据最新的2014年中国教育追踪调查( China Education Panel Survey, CEPS)微观数据,考察了不良同伴对学生标准化考试成绩的影响.为了克服反射(reflection)和自选择问题带来的估计偏误,文章依据班级上不良学生的比例而非传统文献采用的同伴成绩来刻画学生所处的班级环境,并控制了组群的自然特征.在控制学生个体特征和家庭因素后发现,学生所在班级中存在不良同伴,会对学生自身的学习成绩造成显著的负面影响,这一作用在高年级(初三)表现得尤为明显.班级不良同伴比例提高10%会带来平均成绩下降约2分.分样本的回归显示,男性学生、家庭经济状况不佳的学生和住校生的学习成绩对班级不良同伴的反应更敏感.而学校类型的异质性分析则表明,同伴效应在办学情况较差的学校和乡镇/农村学校表现得更明显.进一步的分位数回归结果表明,不良同伴产生的负面效应对成绩较差的学生影响更大.文章的研究发现有利于丰富学界对教育生产函数的认识,也为今后的教育政策提供有益参考.  相似文献   

Internet panels are increasingly used for stated preference research. Because members of such panels receive compensation for each completed survey, one concern is that over time this creates professional respondents who answer surveys solely for the monetary compensation. We identify professional respondents using data on panel tenure, survey response frequency, completion rate and total number of completed surveys. We find evidence of two types of professional respondents: “hyperactives” who answer surveys frequently and “experienced” who have long panel tenure and a large number of completed surveys. Using an integrated choice and latent variable model on stated preference survey data, we find that “hyperactive” respondents are less likely to choose the 'status quo’ and have a more stochastic choice process as seen from the econometrician's point of view, whereas “experienced” respondents have a relatively more deterministic choice process. Our results show that “hyperactive” respondents significantly impact estimated values.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of student support on performance and time allocation of students in Dutch higher education. In 1996 the maximum duration of grants was reduced by 1 year, and thereby limited to the nominal duration of the study program. This reform could have had substantial financial consequences for students. We evaluate the effects of the reform using a difference-in-differences approach. Our main findings are that after the reform, students early in their study (i) switched less to other programs, (ii) obtained higher grades, while (iii) they did not spend more time studying or working. In addition, for students not older than 20 years when they started their study we find larger effects on all performance variables (switching, percentage of completed courses, graduation in the first year and grade point averages). These findings are consistent with recent evidence on heterogeneous treatment effects for higher ability students.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2007,91(5-6):849-876
We employ a panel of individual student data on math and reading test performance for five cohorts of students in Texas to study the impact of charter school attendance. We control for school mobility effects and distinguish movement to a charter school from movement within and between traditional public school districts. We find students experience poor test score growth in their initial year in a charter school, but that this is followed by recovery in the subsequent years. Failure to account for this pattern may lead to potentially misleading estimates of the impact of charter attendance on student achievement. Students who remain in charters largely recover from the initial disruption within approximately 3 years, and there is weak evidence that there may be overall gains from charter attendance within this period. Furthermore, students who return to traditional public schools after just 1 or 2 years in a charter do not appear to suffer a lasting negative impact despite their poor average performance in their first year of charter attendance.  相似文献   

Indigenous Australians have one of the highest rates of obesity in Australia. However, little is known about the factors that are linked to obesity for Indigenous Australians. The purpose of this paper is to enhance this understanding by examining the role of behavioural characteristics, demographics and socioeconomic status in explaining Indigenous Australians' obesity rates. This study finds that the key factors that impact on the probability of being obese relate to Indigenous Australians' wealth, engagement in physical activity and diet. The factors associated with obesity also vary for Indigenous men and women and for the Indigenous population living in remote and non‐remote communities. The results identify potential target groups for policy aimed at reducing the prevalence of obesity for Indigenous Australians.  相似文献   

People typically set goals in settings where they cannot be sure of how they will perform, but where their performance is revealed to them in parts over time. When part of the uncertainty is resolved, initial goals may have turned out to be unrealistic and hence they no longer work as a motivation device. Revising goals may increase performance by making goals realistic, but may also adversely affect performance through reduced goal commitment. We study the effects of motivating university students to set goals and inviting them to revise their goals later, using a field experiment involving nearly 2,100 students. We use courses containing two midterms and a final exam, where midterms reduce uncertainty about students’ potential performance. We find that motivating students to set goals does not affect performance on average. Students with midterm grades lower than their goal, decrease their performance. This effect is driven by students who were motivated to set goals without being made aware that they can revise their goals later. This finding may help explain why the evidence of the effectiveness of goals on study performance is mixed.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first causal estimates of the impact of internal migrant peers on the academic performance of local students in developing countries. By exploiting the random assignment of students to classes within a school, I find that migrant peers have large and negative effects on the academic performance of local students in China and the negative spillover effects are concentrated among male students and among local students in large cities. The investigation of the underlying mechanisms suggests that the negative migrant spillover effects may come from the worsened learning environment or from the adjustment of teachers’ pedagogical practices in response to the migrant composition in the classroom.  相似文献   

Indigenous families experience substantial and multiple forms of economic burden arising from the size and structure of their families and households. Indigenous households are more likely to have more than one family in residence than other Australian households and are more likely to be multigenerational with older Indigenous people living with younger people in extended family households. This paper seeks to characterise the economies of household size in Indigenous and other Australian households using equivalence scales that cover the range of feasible values and 1995 National Health Survey data.  相似文献   

This article examines the determinants of school choice (government, Catholic or other independent schools) as well as the success in completing year 12 for cohorts of students born in 1961 and 1970. The results show that those attending Catholic and other independent schools have favourable socio-economic backgrounds. Ability has a significant and positive effect on the probability of completing year 12. There is no evidence of unobserved selection effects on the probability of completing year 12 for the 1961 cohort. For the 1970 cohort, there is negative selection into other independent schools and positive selection into Catholic schools. Decomposition results further reveal that selection on the basis of observed characteristics accounts for only a small part of the observed differences in year 12 completion rates across the three school systems. In comparison, selection on the basis of unobserved factors is an important part of the difference in year 12 completion rates. The school effects for both cohorts are much larger than those reported in previous studies.  相似文献   

During the last decade, most of the German states have abolished the final year of higher secondary schooling while keeping academic content almost unaltered. We evaluate the effects of the reform in Saxony‐Anhalt for the double cohort of graduates in 2007. In 2003, the 13th year of schooling was eliminated for students in grade 9, while tenth grade students were unaffected. This provides a natural experiment for analyzing the impact on schooling achievements and educational choice. We find negative effects on grades in mathematics, but no effects in German literature. Moreover, a significant share of females were found to delay university enrollment.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2006,90(8-9):1455-1475
Using a new administrative panel data set from the University of Maryland, this paper explores conventional peer effects and the effects of socially proximate peers at a large public university where some students are randomly assigned to housing. Results show that there is little evidence of robust residential peer effects on undergraduate performance. The impact of socially proximate peers' characteristics on student achievement is then examined using an instrumental variables technique. Results indicate that social “friends” do not impact performance more than randomized peers. The paper casts doubt on the notion that social tie formation is the route to peer effects, and urges caution in the continued pursuit of peer effects in education without substantial empirical or theoretical innovation.  相似文献   

We use data from the 2003 to 2014 American Time Use Survey to estimate substitution between working and extracurricular time for high school students, which may have long‐run educational and labor market consequences. We find that working students are 5 percentage points less likely to participate in extracurricular activities and spend 40 minutes less on extracurriculars per day. We estimate heterogeneous effects by socioeconomic indicators to test whether disadvantaged students are more or less likely to substitute time away from extracurriculars. We find the largest interaction effects by paternal education, where working students with low paternal education are 0.5 percentage points more likely to engage in extracurriculars and increase extracurriculars by 15 minutes per day. (JEL I2, J22, J24)  相似文献   

We use data from the 2003–2014 American Time Use Survey to estimate the effects of time allocated to work and extracurriculars on time spent in educational activities (class and homework) for live-at-home college students, who make up a large share of the college population. Our instrumental variables strategy indicates that students are more likely to substitute time away from homework than from class, and that the effects are generally stronger for work than for extracurriculars. These findings, which remain even after correcting for selection on unobservables through non-parametric matching methods, show that work leads to decreases in the amount of time spent in class by 47 min and on homework by 56 min, whereas extracurriculars lead to a loss of 22 min of homework time. Thus, while after-school activities (extracurriculars and work) may be beneficial with respect to human capital development, they may also have a counteracting, unintended effect due to students’ substitution away from educational pursuits.  相似文献   

Part-Time (PT) work is viewed as a viable option for people who wish to have a gradual transition to retirement. From a policy viewpoint, this may help to alleviate some labour supply shortages and fiscal pressures, especially in the context of the ageing population. Factors such as health or pension provision may influence a person's decision to work PT. This article considers the impact of health on the work decision of people aged 50 and over in the UK and Ireland. Methodological issues are discussed and the impact of unobserved individual effects is estimated using the Mundlak (1978) estimator applied to the multinomial probit model. We find that health problems increase the probability of retirement for this age group in both countries. In Britain, those with health problems are less likely to work full time and more likely to work PT, however in Ireland, health problems appear to have no effect on the probability of PT work. This article discusses the potential reasons for these impacts and current policies on PT work.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence that participation in microfinance programs may increase the likelihood of female group action against domestic violence and spousal abandonment. Although female empowerment has been an explicit target of many microfinance programs, the literature remains conflicted regarding the magnitude and direction of impact. Using multiple estimation methods with data from Bangladesh, I find that women from villages with microfinance programs are substantially more likely than women from non‐program villages to have taken group action by publicly protesting when they observed a woman being beaten, abandoned or divorced. Taking advantage of eligibility requirements for program participation, I further show that women from program villages who are eligible to participate are substantially more likely than non‐eligible women from the same village to have taken group action, which suggests that these effects are in fact related to the microfinance programs themselves.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the impact of class time on students’ grades by using data from Middle Tennessee State University. The data cover a period of six years and are based on a sample of 5803 individuals who enrolled in 133 sections of principles of microeconomics. To identify the causal impact of class time on students’ grades, I used a bootstrapping method which allowed assigning measures of accuracy to sample estimates. For males, the estimated coefficients were negative and statistically significant at the 10% level, and the coefficients suggested that a male student in an afternoon class could expect to earn a letter grade that is 0.029 points lower than he would have earned by taking the class in the morning. For females, the estimated coefficients were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

成功完成并购整合对于并购创新意图的实现至关重要,然而现有研究尚未揭示并购整合决策作用于创新绩效的内在机理。基于并购协同视角实证研究运营协同和财务协同两种整合动机对创新绩效的影响,同时检验整合程度、整合速度与整合动机的匹配效应。研究发现,运营协同、财务协同均对创新绩效具有正向影响,而并购整合动机也须与整合度相匹配。对致力于实现运营协同的并购企业,在整合过程中应采取深度整合、缓慢整合策略;对旨在实现财务协同的企业而言,在整合过程中应采取低程度整合、快速整合策略。研究结论对于跨国并购整合理论与实践具有启示意义。  相似文献   

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