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<正>299个村实现广播电视村村通、132个村建成农家书屋、宁都影剧院投入使用、宁都体育中心破土动工……按照"亦城亦乡、持续发展"的思路,江西省宁都县大力推进文化民生工程,构建覆盖城乡的公共文化服务体系,越来越多的群众可以在家门口享受幸福文化生活。该县采取政府补、部门帮、群众捐的形式,大力完善城乡文化设施和文化活动场所,构建覆盖城乡的公共文化服务体系。目  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,我国继续加大文化惠民政策发展,以满足人们日益增长的精神文化需求,积极构建现代公共文化服务体系,促进公共文化服务体系不断走向完善。就目前现代公共文化服务体系建设来说,基层文化是其中的薄弱环节,对此,需要进一步加强基层文化队伍建设工作,积极开展基层文化人才培养,为促进基层文化发展打造一支强有力的、高素质的人才队伍。本文主要分析了基层文化队伍建设中存在的突出问题,并重点介绍了现代公共文化服务体系中加强基层文化队伍建设的有效途径和方法,为促进公共文化服务体系完善,推动基层文化发展提供一些参考思路。  相似文献   

构建公共文化服务体系,切实保障人民群众的基本文化权益,不断满足人民群众日益增长的文化需求,是新的历史条件下转变政府职能,建设服务型政府的重要任务。我们认为,公共文化服务体系的构建,应以文化领域的扩展为方向,以文化载体的创新为依托,加快实施公益性重点文化工程,推动城乡文化市场一体化发展,基本形成适应社会主义市场经济体制、符合社会主义精神文明要求的城乡公共文化体系服务格局。  相似文献   

从牧区图书馆服务的现状人手,拓展少数民族地区图书馆服务能力,构建公共文化服务体系,以便更好地为少数民族地区,特别是牧区广大牧民服务,让图书馆贴近群众,让人人都能享受图书馆的公共文化服务.  相似文献   

扬州市公共文化服务体系建设的现状、问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以扬州市为例,分析了公共文化服务体系的现状及问题,提出了加强公共文化服务体系建设的对策.  相似文献   

毛玮 《中国财政》2012,(14):62-63
宁波市鄞州区坚持面向农村基层,大力推进公共文化服务均衡化,使区域文化发展水平迈上了新台阶。公共文化服务综合评估连续两年获浙江省第一,并于2011年成功跻身"国家公共文化服务体系示范区"之列。(一)体制机制长效化。把体制机制创新作为构建公共文化服务体系的突破口,强化政府主导、社会参与,努力推进投入多元化、服务外包化、运作市场化。一是坚持公共财政建文化。优先安排文化发展规划、优先保障文化事业投入、优先满足文化建设需要。2011年全区公共文化事业经费投入  相似文献   

近年来,连云港市财政部门认真落实各项文化惠民政策,进一步加大文化事业投入,逐步构建起覆盖城乡、结构合理、功能健全、实用高效的公共文化服务体系,文化惠民工程建设呈现良好的发展态势。一是公共文化服务设施网络不断完善。年安排“基层公共文化专项补助资金”250万元,采取“以奖代补”的形式对基层公益性文化单位维修改造、设备购置和基层文化活动的开展给予补助。  相似文献   

河北石家庄:构建公共文化服务体系近年来,河北省石家庄市财政局出台措施,支持公共文化服务体系建设。一是支持提升市级文化服务能力。安排新书购置专项经费,充实市图书馆馆藏书籍,使图书馆年可接待读者150万人次以上;投入5800余万元,用于市美术馆购置服务设备、布展、增加馆藏等;安排资金支持市群艺馆、  相似文献   

程芳 《中国外资》2009,(12):180-181
文章以扬州市为例,分析了公共文化服务体系的现状及问题,提出了加强公共文化服务体系建设的对策。  相似文献   

文化创造美好,美好需要文化。随着中国特色社会主义进入新时代,工人文化宫等职工文化阵地建设也要提升至更高层面,肩负更多的使命。首先必须坚持不忘初心,牢记使命,牢牢把握工人文化宫服务职工的基本属性,突出工人文化宫的公益性服务性,依法依规推动工人文化宫纳入公共文化服务体系。一、把握机遇,积极推动工人文化宫纳入公共文化服务体系(一)党中央高度重视文化建设,把工人文化宫作为公共文化服务体系的重要组成部分。《中共中央关于加强和改进党的群团工作的意见》指出:"各地要统筹管好用好现有群众活动阵地和设施,整合用好社会资源,纳入现代公共文化服务体系。"  相似文献   

In an increasingly diverse business environment, managers must be able to navigate through the thicket of habits, gestures, and assumptions that define their coworkers' differences. Foreign cultures are everywhere--in other countries, certainly, but also in corporations, vocations, and regions. Interacting with individuals within them demands perceptiveness and adaptability. And the people who have those traits in abundance aren't necessarily the ones who enjoy the greatest social success in familiar settings. Cultural intelligence, or CQ, is the ability to make sense of unfamiliar contexts and then blend in. It has three components--the cognitive, the physical, and the emotional/motivational. While it shares many of the properties of emotional intelligence, CQ goes one step further by equipping a person to distinguish behaviors produced by the culture in question from behaviors that are peculiar to particular individuals and those found in all human beings. In their surveys of 2,000 managers in 60 countries, the authors found that most managers are not equally strong in all three of these areas of cultural intelligence. The authors have devised tools that show how to identify one's strengths, and they have developed training techniques to help people overcome weaknesses. They conclude that anyone reasonably alert, motivated, and poised can attain an acceptable CQ.  相似文献   

When a major change initiative runs aground, leaders often blame their company's culture for pushing it off course. They try to forge ahead by overhauling the culture--a tactic that tends to fizzle, fail, or backfire. Most cultures are too well entrenched to be jettisoned. The secret is to stop fighting your culture--and to work with and within it, until it evolves in the right direction. Today's best-performing companies, such as Southwest Airlines, Apple, and the Four Seasons, understand this, say the authors, three consultants from Booz & Company. These organizations follow five principles for making the most of their cultures: 1. Match strategy to culture. Culture trumps strategy every time, no matter how brilliant the plan, so the two need to be in alignment. 2. Focus on a few critical shifts in behavior. Wholesale change is hard; choose your battles wisely. 3. Honor the strengths of the existing culture. Every culture is the product of good intentions and has strengths; put them to use. 4. Integrate formal and informal interventions. Don't just implement new rules and processes; identify "influencers" who can bring other employees along. 5. Measure and monitor cultural evolution. Otherwise you can't identify backsliding or correct course. When the leaders of Aetna applied these rules while implementing a new strategy in the early 2000s, they reinvigorated the company's ailing culture and restored employee pride. That shift was reflected in the business results, as Aetna went from a $300 million loss to a $1.7 billion gain.  相似文献   

国家税务总局日前表示,将与有关部门共同研究完善促进文化体制改革和文化产业发展的一系列税收政策,加大税收政策支持力度,积极为深化文化体制改革、加快文化事业和文化产业发展营造良好的税收环境。  相似文献   

The international business is more frequent and the process of economic globalization is faster. The chal enges of culture emerge, and cultural adaptation is considered to be important in the interna...  相似文献   

晓健 《国际融资》2010,(9):52-55
继承和发展优秀传统文化,是我们厚积薄发的重要条件。中国文化族群互助的优良传统、中庸平衡的发展思想、和谐为本的道德情怀和艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约的创业精神,具有巨大潜在力量,是我们做好工作的历史基础。中国强有力的政治组织优势特别有利于集中力量办大事,有利于打集群战役,有利于推动社会化的信用体制建设  相似文献   

审计文化模式概说   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着审计发展的历史,审计文化模式的发展一般分为原初型、技术型和人本型三个阶段。原初型审计文化模式伴随着审计的诞生而产生,随着经济的发展、民主政治的出现和科学技术的进步,审计文化模式实现了从原初型到技术型的转型。技术型审计文化模式是以弘民主、讲公开、求高效、重规范为主导价值的审计文化模式,但其对效率和制度规范的过分执着,使审计活动仅仅关注当下的审计成果,往往容易忽视对审计伦理等审计价值的思考。人本型审计文化模式是审计文化模式发展的高级阶段,其继承了技术型审计文化模式的民主、公开、高效等优点,同时因为价值理性的引入,又使技术型审计文化模式的弊端得以克服。人本型审计文化模式将有力地指导我国审计文化建设。  相似文献   

Sam Cole 《Futures》1990,22(10):1044-1058
This article outlines an approach to the analysis of alternative cultural futures using methods of cultural accounting and scenario analysis. These techniques are developed using a cultural matrix defined by the interrela- tionships between knowledge, technology and the natural environment. Although the methods are illustrated using hypothetical scenarios and stylized data, they may be applied to a variety of culturally diverse societies.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of intrastate cultural tightness-looseness (CTL) on accounting conservatism, using firms located in 50 states of the United States, from 1988 to 2016. It finds that firms located in culturally tight states prefer to take a cautious approach to reduce uncertainty of future economic events by increasing accounting conservatism compared to those located in culturally loose states. Moreover, we find that the positive effect of cultural tightness on accounting conservatism is more pronounced as product market competition increases. Taken together, our findings provide evidence that intrastate CTL has differential impacts on accounting conservatism in the same national culture, and product competition strategically reinforces the positive effect of CTL on accounting conservatism.  相似文献   

会计师事务所的文化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,一些事务所出现了人心涣散、经营理念分歧、员工情绪对立等现象或苗头。原因虽然是多方面的,但忽视了事务所文化建设不能不说是一个重要的方面。本文试就事务所文化建设作一初步探讨。 事务所文化建设的 一般涵义与步骤会计师事务所的建设与发展应重视人的因素,强调精神文化的力量,通过无形的文化力量形成一种行为准则、价值观念和道德规范,以此凝聚员工的归属感、积极性和创造性,从而实现事务所可持续发展的目标。因此,笔者认为,会计师事务所文化是事务所在一切行为的过程和结果中,所努力贯彻和体现出来的以文明取胜的群体竞争意识…  相似文献   

Ian J. Grand 《Futures》1999,31(5):959
How can people from different cultures collaborate effectively? How can we imagine joint futures when we come from radically different background? Is cultural diversity an asset or a hindrance to effective collaboration? Is celebrating cultural diversity enough? This essay explores these questions by discussing the problems of convergence and diversity in communities as they relate to possible futures. It examines some examples of successful collaborative ventures, raises numerous problems and questions, and suggests that cultures always reinvent traditions. We can learn to practice community if we learn to practice difference.  相似文献   

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