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胡小文 《世界经济研究》2023,(5):76-90+136-137
在当前美联储加息周期冲击下,跨境资本流动风险和汇率波动不确定性明显增强,亟需加强政策监管。文章构建一个包含跨境资本流动审慎监管的动态随机一般均衡模型,系统研究美联储加息造成的跨境资本流动风险,并深入分析跨境资本流动的“双支柱”政策应对效果。结果显示:第一,美联储加息产生跨境资本流动风险,导致汇率和资产价格波动加剧,造成经济下行。第二,面对美联储加息,小幅跟进式加息能缓解产出波动,但不能缓解汇率、跨境资本和资产价格等波动,而大幅加息对经济和金融风险的负面影响都较大;“双支柱”政策相比加息政策有明显优势,既能抑制跨境资本流出,又能降低经济波动与金融风险。第三,社会福利损失分析表明,最优的双支柱政策组合是货币政策钉住产出、通胀和汇率波动,宏观审慎政策钉住跨境资本波动;随着宏观审慎政策力度增大,社会福利损失逐渐减小。  相似文献   

刘旺霞 《改革与战略》2011,27(1):180-182
经济环境的变化决定着汇率制度的变迁。波兰转轨以来汇率制度相继选择了单一盯住美元、盯住一篮子货币、爬行区间浮动和自由浮动等形式。泰国二战至亚洲金融危机爆发前一直采用单一盯住美元的固定汇率制度。文章据此结合我国人民币汇率制度得出如下经验与启示:应牢牢把握汇率制度调整的主动权并渐进改革,协调好汇率制度与货币政策的关系,与汇率制度相配合有步骤地开放资本项目,加强金融监管尤其是加强对货币错配的审慎性监管等。  相似文献   

弹性汇率制度下的国际资本流动调控策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将资本因素引入供给函数,考虑到外汇市场微观结构,可以构建一个弹性汇率制度和资本有限流动下的宏观经济模型。模型分析显示:放松投资性资本管制会增大国际收支逆差和国内商品市场超额供给的矫正难度,放松投机性资本管制会增大外部失衡的矫正难度;弹性汇率制下, 利率平价机制作用使国际市场利率变化的经济冲击随资本管制降低而增强,更易发生汇率超调。由此引申的政策建议是:资本项目开放更加审慎,适时进行外汇干预,保持国内外利率的动态一致。  相似文献   

在全球"负利率"背景下,中国跨境资本流动的稳定性不断下降,跨境资本大规模、聚集性流入流出已成为常态,容易造成国内金融市场结构失衡,致使输入性风险跨市场传染。文章构建TVP-VAR模型,就2008年以来中国短期跨境资本对外汇市场、股票市场和债券市场资产价格的动态影响机制进行实证研究。研究表明,短期跨境资本对汇率、股价和债券收益率的动态影响有明显的时变特征,且受到监管新政及国际重大事件的显著影响。研究还发现,股票市场与债券市场在不同时期存在对短期跨境资本的"虹吸"和"互替"效应。最后文章提出审慎有序开放金融市场、完善跨境资本"宏观审慎+微观监管"两位一体管理框架、加强短期跨境资本的国际监管合作等政策建议。  相似文献   

当前的人民币国际化,是在资本项目管制背景下推进的。虽然说,英镑和美元的国际化也都经历过资本项目管制的历程,但当时全球汇率体系是以固定汇率、资本管制为主导的。因此,从这个意义上而言,在资本项目管制背景下  相似文献   

现有关于资本开放的研究多聚焦于资本项目自由化、利率及汇率市场化顺序的探讨,却忽视了资本开放顺序对货币政策独立性的影响。实际上,实现资本项目自由化的同时能否保持货币政策逆周期调控的效力,决定了货币当局对危机的反应能力,更是一国能否开放资本账户的关键条件。有鉴于此,文章首先采用状态空间模型测量出中国的实际资本开放度,随后利用引入含有交互项的回归模型评价不同汇率制度下,资本账户开放度对货币政策独立性的影响差异,主要得出以下三点结论:第一,汇率制度变迁不会动摇资本开放对于货币政策独立性的影响,因此汇率市场化和资本项目自由化不存在必然的先后顺序;第二,考虑近期全球避险情绪高涨,现阶段二元悖论与中国经济的实际运行状况更加吻合;第三,受国际不稳定因素影响,近期不宜加快资本账户开放,这可能会诱发产出调控失灵、资本泡沫膨胀以及系统性金融风险。  相似文献   

货币可兑换与汇率机制具有紧密的内在联系。人民币汇率机制安排是人民币自由兑换进程中一个关键性问题。更加开放的资本项目需要更加灵活的汇率制度,以市场为基础的、有管理的浮动汇率制度是我国近中期最佳选择。随着资本项目的日益开放,汇率形成的市场化机制逐步提高,应逐步扩大人民币汇率波动幅度。汇率制度的灵活度与资本项目的开放度应保持同步性。  相似文献   

资本项目开放进程中人民币汇率制度选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章指出积极稳妥推进人民币资本项目开放是人民币汇率改革循序渐进的内在要求,也是经济金融市场改革和经济发展的必然趋势。当前,人民币资本项目开放与汇率制度有着紧密的内在联系,更加开放的资本项目需要更加灵活的汇率制度,包括短期的汇率目标制和中长期的有管理的真正的浮动汇率制度。  相似文献   

本文回顾了印度汇率制度改革和资本项目开放的进程,归纳了在时间顺序和重要性程度方面、汇率安排与推进资本项目开放之间的优先顺序。最后结合我国目前面临的实际问题,在借鉴印度成功经验的基础上,就暂缓资本外流开放、控制投机资本内流以及推进钉住汇率退出提出了建议。  相似文献   

徐雅婷 《南方经济》2018,37(4):20-37
2017年上半年以来,金融周期的概念受到广泛关注。我国房价与人民币汇率,作为资产价格,在金融周期中呈现较强的相关性。随着我国资本项目的逐步对外开放,国际资本流动加大了二者的相关程度,表现出金融顺周期性。通过TVP-VAR模型,文章分析房价、短期国际资本流动与人民币汇率的时变动态关系,试图用短期国际资本流动解释房价与汇率的相关性,并发现国际资本的顺周期性呈现不对称特点:国际资本流出时期在房价与汇率的相关性中起到桥梁变量的作用,较流入时期而言顺周期性更强。因此,文章认为关注金融周期中资本项目开放产生的不对称顺周期性对于防范金融危机具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In recent years, emerging Asian economies have experienced (i) large capital inflows, especially a surge in portfolio inflows, and (ii) an appreciation of asset prices such as stocks, land, and nominal and real exchange rates. We empirically investigate the effects of capital inflows on asset prices by employing a panel VAR model. The empirical results suggest that capital inflows indeed have contributed to asset price appreciation in the region, although capital inflow shocks explain a relatively small part of asset price fluctuations.  相似文献   

The cross-border transmission of a financial shock has been a subject of rich literature. While a large number of studies have focused on the phenomenon of strong co-movements of asset prices and capital flows in the event of financial stress, very few discussed the contagion or spillover effects in terms of capital flow volatility. This paper is one of the first attempts to assess, empirically, whether or not there is a global and regional spillover effect in the volatility of capital flows to emerging and developing countries. Based on the sample of 49 emerging and developing countries for the period 1980–2009, the empirical results suggest strong and significant contagion effects in the volatility of capital flows to individual economies. The magnitudes of contagion vary depending on the type of capital flows, whether it is foreign direct investment (FDI) or portfolio and other investment (mostly bank lending). The findings also suggest the volatility dynamics of gross flows is different from that of net flows. The volatility of net inflows is more exposed to intra-regional contagion compared to that of gross inflows.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the impact of exchange rate volatility on growth in Emerging Europe and East Asia. Exchange rate stability has been argued to affect growth negatively as it deprives countries from the ability to react in a flexible way to asymmetric real shocks and increases the probability of speculative capital inflows and overheating. In contrast, exchange rate stability can be argued to affect growth in emerging market economies positively as transactions costs for international trade decline, uncertainty for international capital flows is less and macroeconomic stability is enhanced. Cross country panel estimations provide evidence for a negative impact of the exchange rate volatility on growth in both Emerging Europe and East Asia. Parts of this negative growth effect can be associated with exchange rate volatility caused by macroeconomic instability.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we investigate whether capital flows induce domestic asset price hikes in the case of Korea. This issue is relevant for crisis‐hit economies trying to prevent a boom–bust cycle as well as in the formulation of macroeconomic policy objectives in emerging market economies. Korea has recently experienced large capital inflows, in particular a surge in portfolio inflows. Furthermore, asset prices, including stock prices, land prices and nominal and real exchange rates, have also appreciated. The empirical results, obtained using a vector autoregression model, suggest that capital inflow shocks have caused stock prices but not land prices to increase. The effects on the nominal and real exchange rates have been limited, which relates to the accumulation of foreign exchange reserves.  相似文献   

A characteristic of many of the recent emerging market currency crises is a preceding surge in capital inflows and their reversals or ‘sudden stops’ during the crises. The empirical investigation of 38 emerging market economies between 1990 and 2003 reveals that a surge in capital inflows significantly increases the probability of a sudden stop. In addition, a surge accompanied by a high current account deficit or an appreciated real exchange rate is more likely to be associated with a sudden stop. The paper also finds that a surge that is dominated by private loans and portfolio flows rather than direct investment has a higher probability to end with a sudden stop.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical overview of recent contributions to the literature on the policy implications of capital flows in emerging and developing countries, focusing specifically on capital inflows as well as on the links between inflows and subsequent capital-flow reversals. The objective is to clarify the policy challenges that such inflows pose and to evaluate the policy alternatives available to the recipient countries to cope with those challenges. A large menu of possible policy responses to large capital inflows is considered, and experience with the use of such policies is reviewed. A policy “decision tree”—i.e., an algorithm for determining how to deploy policies in response to an exogenous inflow episode—is developed, and strategies to achieve resilience to both inflows and outflows in a world where exogenous events may frequently drive capital flows in both directions are discussed.  相似文献   

《World development》2002,30(11):1899-1919
It is widely argued that a country’s economic performance over time is determined to a great extent by its political, institutional and legal environment. We refer to these institutions and policies as the governance infrastructure of a country. We utilize newly developed indices to examine the effects of governance infrastructure on both foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and outflows for a broad sample of developed and developing countries over 1995–97. In addition, we examine the role of other forms of infrastructure including human capital and the environment. The results clearly indicate that governance infrastructure is an important determinant of both FDI inflows and outflows. Investments in governance infrastructure not only attract capital, but also create the conditions under which domestic multinational corporations emerge and invest abroad. It would appear that investments in governance infrastructure are subject to diminishing returns, so that the benefits, in terms of inflows, are most pronounced for smaller and developing economies.  相似文献   

文章基于24个非美发达经济体和16个发展中经济体的长面板数据,采用FGLS模型分析了短期国际资本流动对不同经济体资产价格的影响。结果显示:短期国际资本对股票和房地产价格具有显著的促进作用,但对债券价格的影响并不显著。与此同时,非美发达经济体资产价格对短期国际资本冲击的反应更为敏捷,但波动幅度小。这表明发达经济体不仅更容易吸引外资,且能够较好地平缓短期资本快速进出造成的冲击,从而降低冲击可能引发的系统性风险。  相似文献   

本文对新兴经济体和发达经济体高端装备制造品出口复杂度及其影响因素进行比较研究。从出口复杂度现状来看,当前发达经济体高端装备制造品出口复杂度较高,新兴经济体与其存在差距;不同行业的竞争态势存在差别,智能制造装备行业差距最大,其他行业差距较小。出口复杂度影响因素分析结果表明,发达经济体高端装备制造品出口复杂度主要受人均资本、贸易开放度和政府治理效力的正向推动,而新兴经济体受自然资源租金、科技研发和贸易开放度变量的正向影响更显著,行业间的差别使得相关影响因素的差异作用更明显。中国及主要新兴经济体应借鉴发达经济体的先进经验,从重点产业发展、基础要素投入、科研投入与人力资本协调、开放合作关系巩固等方面着手,提升产业竞争优势。  相似文献   

This paper assesses whether gross capital inflows to the Philippines are expansionary or contractionary in view of the model predictions and multi-country empirical analysis of Blanchard, Ostry, Ghosh, and Chamon (BOGC, 2015). We make use of data for the period 1977–2017, and apply both ordinary least squares and vector autoregressive techniques. The results indicate that total gross inflows are expansionary for both output and credit growth. At a more disaggregated level, we find, consistent with BOGC (2015), that non-bond inflows are expansionary. But contrary to BOGC (2015), we find that bond inflows to the Philippines are also expansionary. Using the Philippine case illustrates the importance of country specific factors in characterizing the macroeconomic effects of capital inflows.  相似文献   

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