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采用统计分析和探索性空间数据分析方法,在第四、第五、第六次人口普查乡镇街道数据的基础上,着重探讨了北京都市区2000年以来人口空间发展的新特征.研究表明,2000年以来,北京旧城区人口整体实现了正增长,改变了绝对数量不断下降的趋势,增加了人口疏解的难度.远郊区人口增速超过近郊,逐步演化为郊区化的主要承载空间,显示出远郊新城在集聚人口方面的吸引力.全局Moran指数显著为正且逐年减小,揭示人口的郊区化扩展,但2000以来这种趋势有所减弱.局部Moran指数揭示高-高类型集聚区以旧城区为中心逐步向外围扩展,新增的高-高类型区主要位于西北部和北部,减少的区域主要分布于二环以内.低-低类型区分布于都市区的外围,并且向西部的门头沟区和西南部的房山区逐步集中.说明新时期北京都市区人口空间发展存在大范围的集聚和小范围的扩散两种趋势,即人口从都市区外围向近郊及远郊新城集聚,同时由旧城中心部分街道向外围扩散.  相似文献   

《周礼·地官·载师》称:“邑外为郊,离城五十里为近郊。百里为远郊。”关于城郊的概念有丰富的表述,但都无一例外地反映了城市和郊区的关系。在城市化进程中,今天的郊区可能就是明天主城区的一部分,今天的远郊则将成为明天的近郊。随着杭州城市化进程的加快和城市中可利用土地资源的减少,郊区已然成为开发热土。杭州城市中心、边缘区、郊区的界定发生了巨大的变化,  相似文献   

在上海,随着工业和人口向郊区转移扩散,就业与居住的空间失配问题逐渐暴露。通过构建空间失配指数测算公式,计算出了1990-2010年各年份上海市工业分布与人口分布的空间失配指数。认为空间失配的形成原因包括工业转移与人口扩散的机制不同、时间不同、空间隔离、工业企业与居民对区位的偏好不同等。为了有效地改变上海的空间失配现状,提高城市空间发展的可持续性,建议坚持多核心的城市空间发展模式,加强郊区基础设施建设,充分发挥市场机制的作用,积极引导"本地居住、本地就业"。  相似文献   

一个城市的郊区,是指包围城市而又毗邻城市的环状地带。说得更科学一些,城市郊区应该是城市市政界线以内、城区用地周围的田园景观地带和紧密为城区服务的农副业经济区,是城市的重要组成部分。尽管早在西周时期,我国已有“邑外为郊,离城五十里为近郊,百里为远郊”和“以宅田、士田、贾田任近郊之地”,“以官田、牛田、赏田、牧田任远郊之地”的记载。但是,现代意义上的城市市政界线的形成和变迁,是在漫长的历史进程中,伴随着城市规模的扩大和城市职能的完善而逐步实现的。北京城市郊区的形成和变迁就是典型的一例。  相似文献   

2000—2010年北京市人口空间分布与变动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2000年和最新的2010年人口普查资料分析了2010年北京人口的空间分布特征,以及近10年人口的空间分布变动。研究表明,北京人口增长十分迅速,老城区人口依然在增加,仅有西城和崇文区出现了人口净减少,其他区域人口都在增加,总人口越来越多地集中到城市功能拓展区和城市发展新区;人口分布不均,人口密度从市区到郊区递减;人口城市化进入了一个新的阶段,市区基本为100%城市化,没有出现中心衰退,城市郊区化和远郊区农村城市化加速发展;人口增长主要是常住外来人口的增加,并且户籍人口和常住外来人口都在向城市功能拓展区和城市发展新区集中。最后探讨了它对城市和区域规划和政策的启示。  相似文献   

当前,城市中心的土地资源已经极其稀缺,那么,面对这样的情况,就会有巨大的人口从城市迁徙到郊区,而近郊片区已被国外的经验证明是最适合城市人口居住的片区,也就意味着在不久的将来会有大量居住建筑出现在近郊区域。而现在国内对近郊居住建筑的理论研究还很缺乏,因此,笔者选择城市建筑近郊谈谈自己的看法。一、城市近郊居住建筑发展中所面临的问题所谓与现在的矛盾,是指在先前较为不方便的环境条件下,对现在居住建筑的使用者,也就是居民的生活所带来的问题。涉及到交通、经  相似文献   

进入21世纪,世界人口已经超过70亿,发展中国家经济发展迅速,城市化进程加快,中国人口城镇化率在2011年达到51.27%,所以,仅以人口作为特大城市判断依据显然难以令人信服。特大城市相比其他城市,无论从人口规模、经济规模和地理空间规模,还是从区域发展和创新带动力方面都处于其所在国家或区域的前列,在区域城市体系发展方面起着重要标杆作用。判断特大型城市的标准首先应是城市人口规模和人口密度标准,其次是城市首位度,再次是城市的"吞吐"能力,最后是城市的功能完备度。  相似文献   

近年来,我国大城市居住郊区化的趋势日益明显,郊区尤其是近郊地带逐渐成为住宅开发和消费的热点区域,而在近郊购房者中,又多来自于中心城区的郊迁人口。居住郊区化受城市空间发展、家庭生命周期、交通条件改善等多种因素影响,有着特定的规律,并与郊区的住宅建设息息相关。探讨郊区化人口的居住行为和特点,无论对提高住宅的开发效益还是对郊区住宅建设的有效管理都是很有必要的。由于我国城市居住郊区化发展的历史较短,其中的规律还不明显,相对而言,西方发达国家则要成熟得多。为此,本文将以西方发达国家的城市为例,探讨居住郊区…  相似文献   

2000年7月,诺贝尔经济奖获得蒂格利茨在世界银行中国代表处发言时称21世纪初期影响最大的世界性事件,除高科技以外就是中国的城市化。郊区在实行“三个集中”的战略思想下,不断提高本区域的城市化率和城市化水平,而中心城区由于各方面资源约束,要求郊区承载市区溢出人口。郊区城市化途径主要有两条:郊区自身城市化率的提高、吸引中心城区扩散人口及中心城区产业转移来改善城市化水平。城市化进程加快,必然引发住宅需求的增加。  相似文献   

城市体系视角下长三角工业空间集聚与转型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论文以上海、南京、杭州、无锡、苏州及其所辖的一个近郊和一个远郊为研究对象,分析长三角主要区域性中心城市对不同远近区域的工业扩散趋势,从而把握和判断工业化和城市体系优化进程中长三角工业经济的空间集聚与转型.  相似文献   

The Spatial Pattern of Residential Mobility in Guangzhou,China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In urban China, residential mobility behaviors have changed fundamentally in recent decades. While research has been undertaken on the trends and causes of residential relocation for different population groups, less attention has been paid to micro‐level processes of residential change, yet the latter underscore urban dynamics. This study addresses this through a survey conducted in Guangzhou in late 2012, which analyzes the spatial flows of residential shifts within and between three distance zonesinner core, inner suburbs and outer suburbs—to reveal complex mobility trends. In particular, hukou or household registration status, socio‐economic status, the nature and rank of employment, and tenure were found to have varied effects on the probability of inward and outward shifts. More specifically, while outward shifts in recent years mainly involved local hukou holders, families with higher education levels, a higher socio‐economic status or those working for government departments and public institutions were found to be more likely to settle in high‐rise commodity housing in the inner core. The majority of non‐hukou migrants, by contrast, moved within the same street or between adjacent streets within the same suburban area, while age, socio‐economic status and homeownership were found to increase an individual's chance of an inward shift.  相似文献   

This study of Shanghai analyzes the city's emerging patterns of residential settlement in 2010. Most previous research on China focused on central city patterns, but by 2010 urban development in major metropolitan areas was taking place predominantly in the suburbs. The analysis re‐examines and extends previous studies of the level of segregation by various key population characteristics, showing that the highest segregation is found in the suburban ring, where original villager residents are now joined by an influx of migrants from other regions and by intracity movers. We probe the sources of the segregation pattern in multivariate analyses at two scales—an innovative analysis at the level of individuals that shows how people's citizenship status, occupation and education affect the type of housing that they are able to live in, and jointly contribute to their location in the metropolitan area. We show that the patterns attributable to the market reform period mostly did not supplant the socialist urban structure, but rather used it as its foundation. Segregation today can be attributed less to current class inequality than to state policies in the distant and recent past that have determined when, where and for whom housing is built.  相似文献   

产城融合理念下中原经济区小城镇产业选择与培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产城融合是中原经济区实施新型工业化、新型城镇化和农业现代化协调发展的基本战略,在此过程中小城镇作为推进城乡一体化的切入点和统筹城乡发展的结合点,产业的选择与培育对实现产城融合至关重要。为此,小城镇发展中要做到产业规划与总体发展规划相结合,产业集聚与人口集中相结合,产业培育与内生发展动力培育相结合,产业园区建设与提升综合承载能力相结合。  相似文献   

Based on qualitative long-term fieldwork conducted in a peripherally located small town in East Germany, this article compares the dispersal of repatriates from the former Soviet Union with that of recent refugee arrivals. It shows that in this small town the dispersal and local governance of refugees builds on previous approaches to dealing with repatriates. Such approaches repeatedly result in cycles of localized distribution and subsequent small-scale segregation, short-term integration activities, the detachment of both groups from the town and, finally, migrants’ subsequent outmigration and relocation to other (mostly larger) cities. To make sense of this path dependency in terms of its specific patterns and characteristics, and to explore the relationships between dispersal, local policy framings, and in- and outmigration to and from small towns, I apply a studying through dispersal approach. This approach reveals that dispersal is an important factor in making and unmaking local migration policies. It can turn small towns into productive sites for migration governance, often transforming them into mere waiting zones and transit spaces. This not only continues migrants’ experiences of displacement but also impacts on the image of the small town, where migrants themselves may not want to reside permanently.  相似文献   

The importance of family considerations in mobility decisions of rural to urban migrants in India was investigated by analyzing evidence on urban rural ties. The empirical basis was a survey of migrant heads of households in Delhi conducted from October 1975 to April 1976. Only 14% of the migrants in the sample were accompanied by family members when they moved to Delhi, and at the time of the survey 44% of the sample were living on their own as nonfamilial households. 82% of the migrants reported having family members living in the area. In 1/3 of these cases the rural household contained the wife of the migrant. Over 3/4 of the sample visited their origin regularly, and 2/3 were sending money. Migration decisions are discussed in the context of the mutlicentered family, and urban rural family links are classified into several distinct types, and the importance of visits and remittances to origin for each of these types are investigated. An econometric analysis of conjugal separation is presented, and the determinants of remittances are investigated. The salient methodological innovations are a 7-part typology of urban rural familial links and the use of logit analysis in the identification of the important determinants of conjugal separation. Nearly 4/5 of the migrants visited their place of origin. The proportion reporting visits was higher for migrants who had family members at place of origin, but as many as 60% of the migrants not having family links maintained contact with rural residents through visits. If migrants recognized mutual kinship rights and obligations dictated by the social system, they maintained close functional ties with their kin. Only 56% of unmarried migrants living as nonfamilial units reported visits to origin compared to 92% of those living with their nuclear unit. For migrants who reported presence of family members at origin, there was no significant difference between landowners and nonlandowners in the proportion who reported visits. Married migrants who had left their wives in the rural area were more likely to visit origin during the agricultural busy periods. A majority of the migrants maintained economic links with the rural area, and in early all these cases financial flows were from the urban to the rural area. Remittances tended to be related positively to urban earnings and needs of the rural household and negatively to obligations in the urban household. There was no evidence of ties weakening over time, but migrants who planned to settle in the city remitted less. To an extent conjugal separation was temporary and reflected husbands and wives making the journey at different times. Migrants were also inhibited from bringing their wives to the city if they owned land at origin or had migrated to obtain cash for specific needs. A part of the explanation also lies in varying regional cultural and environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

当代美国城市化演变、趋势及其新特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
二战后美国城市化向郊区化或逆城市化阶段转变,人口、工厂、商店及各种机构从大城市中心迁移出去,在外围的郊区及小城镇重新定址.在城市化演变过程中,由城市中心及郊区次级中心组成新型的大城市地区逐渐多中心化乃至无中心化,整个大城市地区支离破碎.与此同时,城市系统趋于集群化,幅员辽阔的大城市地区经济经过分化与整合,城市化向非城市地区扩散与渗透,出现了新的城市化影响地区,对城乡地区构成了深远的影响.  相似文献   

面向京郊农村住宅建筑节能技术研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调研分析农村住宅建筑围护结构的特点,根据京郊农村的实际情况(地理状况和经状况),分析京郊农村住宅建筑的热环境现状,探讨该类建筑节能所采取的主要措施,包括外墙外保温系统、墙体内保温系统和其他新型及综合技术。  相似文献   

中国快速城市化时期农民工住房类型及其评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市化过程中来自农村的城市移民的住房问题是城市化过程中的突出问题之一,这个问题解决不好就会出现如巴西和印度等国家大量的城市贫民窟,成为城市发展的“肿瘤”.在分析中国城市农民工住房的基础上,从城市化、城市空间结构、经济和社会发展等角度评估现有的比较典型的农民工住房类型,最后提出几点政策和规划建议.  相似文献   

开发区既不是单纯的产业区,也不是完全的城市市区,而是卫星城类型的城市现代化新区.开发区的首要功能是开发与生产,同时需建有必要的生活区,开发区既是城市的新型生产区,更是城市的现代化新区,开发区发展的必然趋势是城市一体化.  相似文献   

提出在为口岸小城镇做总体规划时应注意的几个问题,并以黑龙江省饶河镇为例分析其规划的立意和主题思路,强调口岸城镇产业化、生态环境、城乡一体化建设在东北地区小城镇总体规划中的重要作用。  相似文献   

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