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国庆长假后,10月股市第一日即上涨100多点,四季度市场是否会延续上涨的势头,还是重续三季度的调整?日前,富国基金策略分析师张宏波做客富国扬子基金大课堂,他表示,目前经济虽复苏缓慢,通胀预期略有缓和,但上市公司业绩增长与市场预期还有差距,而且资金面明松暗紧。因此,今年四季度至明年一季度,股市很可能仍维持区间震荡格局,医药农药化肥等存在结构性投资机会。  相似文献   

2009年,中国经济仍处于下行通道,需求回落使企业的利润率水平继续下降,上市公司业绩增速将进一步放缓至3%。但估值已经低于15倍的合理水平,流动性状况也有所好转,市场总体将是振荡反弹。投资机会明显多于2008年。  相似文献   

王海滨 《特区经济》2007,(8):149-150
返贫现象的成因主要在于返贫人口自身素质的低层次性。政府反贫困政策长期注重于短期经济增长和外部环境的改良,离开了贫困人口素质的提高,因而不能从根本上解决贫困问题,杜绝返贫现象。反贫政策、措施是否奏效,其前提是对贫困和返贫现象的根源要有清醒的认识。  相似文献   

What is certain is that mathematics cannot possibly be a valid means (to advances in economic understanding) unless and until it is used properly. That means that dimensions must be used consistently and correctly. Barnett (Barnett, Quart J Austrian Econ, pp. 27–46, 2003) is about problems with the use of mathematics in economics involving the failure to use dimensions/units consistently and correctly. Professor Emeritus Folsom and Professor Gonzalez (Folsom and Gonzalez, Quart J Austrian Econ, pp. 45–65, 2005), hereinafter F&G, say, essentially, that what is correct therein is not new and that what is new is not correct. Additionally, they imply, by raising them, that I did not address issues that I should have, e.g., how to introduce dimensions into introductory economics and problems with the Cobb-Douglas (CD) function unrelated to dimensions. Herein, because of space limitations, I respond only to some of their criticisms. Responses to others are posted on the Ludwig von Mises Institute Working Papers site.
William Barnett IIEmail: URL: http://www.business.loyno.edu/faculty/wbarnett

在享受了牛市的盛宴之后,市场行情急转直下,面对熊市,国内的证券公司纷纷裁员、降薪、收缩战线。然而,商业逻辑的本质还是要回到客户、服务、利润等核心问题上来,在这方面,中国证券公司显然还没有做好"迎接过冬"的准备,中国证券公司要渡冬,还应建立客户管理新机制。  相似文献   

同以往国内外有关服务贸易壁垒量化研究的文献评述不同,本文将量度服务贸易壁垒的各种规模指标和影响指标视为一个完整的体系,对其进行系统的评价,从不同方面比较各种指标的优缺点及其适用范围,提出了进一步完善服务贸易壁垒量化研究的初步构想.  相似文献   

在享受了牛市的盛宴之后,市场行情急转直下,面对熊市,国内的证券公司纷纷裁员、降薪、收缩战线。然而,商业逻辑的本质还是要回到客户、服务、利润等核心问题上来,在这方面,中国证券公司显然还没有做好“迎接过冬”的准备,中国证券公司要渡冬,还应建立客户管理新机制。  相似文献   

The Korean stock market experienced sudden growth in mid-1986. Since then, Korean firms have begun to rely on the stock market as a reliable source of funds. This paper analyses the change in financing behaviour after the 1986 Korean stock market development. Many researchers argue that in developed countries, the liquidity constraint binds a firm's investment decisions. What then is the effect of liquidity on firms in developing countries? These issues will be examined by using a Tobin’s Q model of investment. A total of 171 Korean manufacturing firms, both Jaebol and Non-Jaebol, are investigated for the 1980s. Most empirical studies have not shown an economically large and significant Q effect when cash flow is used in the model. However, empirical results here show that with a strong liquidity effect, Q is large and statistically significant, implying a moderate adjustment cost.  相似文献   

The roaring (20-) 20s are a decade of anniversaries and milestones. 2020 was the 100th anniversary of Ludwig von Mises's seminal article “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth” and the 75th anniversary of F.A. Hayek's seminal article “The Use of Knowledge in Society.” 2022 brought a series of significant anniversaries: the 100th anniversary of Mises's Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis as well as the 60th anniversary of James M. Buchanan and Gordon Tullock's The Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy, Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom, and Murray Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State. It was also the 20th anniversary of Vernon Smith's Nobel Prize. The works and milestones celebrating anniversaries in 2022 owe much to Mises's and Hayek's pathbreaking contributions. This paper summarizes and contextualizes Mises's and Hayek's arguments about socialism and knowledge and introduces a Southern Economic Journal symposium on the anniversaries of “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth” and “The Use of Knowledge in Society.”  相似文献   

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