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现代企业均通过使用不同的管理工具(例如:目标管理、绩效考核、员工职业发展规划、ISO9000质量管理标准体系等),将各种规章制度细分与优化,以减少管理成本。但企业若将管理智慧集中于各种管理工具的翻新,或将管理工具视为“法宝”,则背离了管理的本意,导致各种问题层出不穷,这种管理演变的现象被称为“次级管理”。  相似文献   

现代企业均通过使用不同的管理工具(例如:目标管理、绩效考核、员工职业发展规划、ISO9000质量管理标准体系等),将各种规章制度细分与优化,以减少管理成本。但企业若将管理智慧集中于各种管理工具的翻新,或将管理工具视为“法宝”,则背离了管理的本意,导致各种问题层出不穷,这种管理演变的现象被称为“次级管理”。  相似文献   

管理的过程是将管理思想付诸管理实践的过程,也是将管理理念付诸管理行为和组织个人行为的过程。企业文化管理所要做的工作主要包括一是全面梳理管理思想,并清晰化、系统化,这也就是当前我们讨论的企业文化建设的过程;二是将管理思想通过一定的方法和工具应用于管理实践.直接作用于组织行为和个人行为.最终实现组织目标的过程,  相似文献   

陈博  崔靓 《中外企业家》2014,(4):176-176,178
随着我国发展的加快,企业集约化、精细化管理将延伸到日常管理的方方面面。固定资产作为企业中的重要经济资源,其管理价值和重要意义将愈来愈受到管理层的重视。对固定资产在企业生产经营中的作用进行重新审视和定位,将有助于进一步挖掘利用固定资产的潜在经济价值。虽然目前对固定资产的管理手段和管理方式还不能满足企业价值最大化管理的需要,但随着对固定资产管理意识的转变和技术手段的日益提高,固定资产的潜在功能将进一步发挥出来,对国民经济的发展将发挥越来越重要的作用。本文通过对固定资产管理过程的全面审视,对完善固定资产管理制度、优化固定资产管理组织、推进固定资产信息化建设提出建议,以期望对改善固定资产管理方式、充分利用固定资产的经济价值起到良好的促进作用,为现代企业提供必要的技术支持。  相似文献   

物联网技术新一代IT技术充分运用在各行各业之中,人类可以以更加精细和动态的方式管理生产和生活,达到“智慧”状态,提高资源利用率和生产力水平,改善人与自然间的关系,仓库物联网管理应用就是利用物联网技术将仓库管理与网络连接起来,将仓库动态的管理达到随时随地都能管理和查看仓库的情况。  相似文献   

企业文化来源于企业经营与管理活动中,影响着企业人力资源管理的每一个过程。如果一个企业要优化它的人力资源管理,企业文化的创建是必不可少的一环。对于人力资源管理来说,企业文化是一个大背景和大基调,将深厚的人文精神融会到人力资源管理之中,离开了企业文化影响下的人力资源管理将流于平淡和盲目。  相似文献   

吴鸣 《企业文化》2009,(2):45-46
制度管理是有限管理,激情能将管理放大至无限。管理者需要用心管理,创造激情,发挥出化腐朽为神奇的效果  相似文献   

质量管理是当前比较流行的一种管理方法,是管理的一种哲学。质量管理有一系列的管理原则组成,而这些原则又有很多相关的管理技术支持。本文将从质量管理的相关概念入手介绍质量管理的发展历程、相关特性、其发展动因等,最后将论述质量管理在各个领域的应用。  相似文献   

随着劳动合同法的深入实施,用人单位的人力资源管理将面临变革性的挑战和考验,劳动关系将更加复杂、劳资双方利益冲突将更加明显。因此,控制人力资源管理风险,依法正确地处理劳动关系,将成为用人单位必需面对的问题!  相似文献   

预算管理与财务会计、管理会计关系密切,是财务部门工作的一部分。为提升预算管理水平,将财务会计与管理会计有机融合,通过对企业财务、业务活动的管理,将各个部门产生的财务数据有机融合,为预算工作提供完整、全面的数据。本文以企业预算管理中财务会计与管理会计的融合性为研究对象,阐述了管理会计、财务会计内涵及两者之间的关联性。基于企业预算管理中两者融合的意义,对如何促使财务会计与管理会计融合,提出相关对策建议,希望为相关人士提供参考。  相似文献   

The ability to achieve advancement for materiel management is a potential that few have challenged and achieved. Reasons for this lack of growth vary in degree, but the opportunities in the 1990s will be tremendous. The political skill and team leadership ability expressed by materiel managers throughout hospitals will ultimately result in whether this challenge is met or not. Materiel managers will need certainly to change their perception of their own role, as well as the perception of hospitals, in order to achieve this. The road will be challenging, but with the winning attitude, skill building, and proven management ability, I believe that materiel managers will become successful in hospital executive management in the 1990s.  相似文献   

Although participative management supposedly cures the ills of low morale and productivity, managers in these organizations are often frustrated with their jobs. Part of this frustration may come from not understanding their changing roles in participative work systems. In this paper I introduce a model of the cycle of participative management which outlines the stages of organization maturity and the appropriate management roles for each stage. I also discuss how the manager acts as a Leader, Facilitator, Enabler, and Coach. My purpose is to help Human Resource Managers understand how management roles will change as the organization evolves to a mature participative work system and to show how they can support this challenging transformation.  相似文献   

abstract This study examines when a firm's members are most likely to promote and defend its reputation. Building on past research in impression management theory and the upper‐echelons perspective, I argue that firms facing increased visibility among different stakeholder groups will increase corporate reputation management activities towards those groups and decrease activities towards other groups. I further argue that top management group characteristics will moderate these relationships, suggesting that certain top management groups are more attuned to the situational needs of reputation management. A set of hypotheses are tested using pooled cross‐sectional time‐series data on a set of Fortune 500 companies. Results indicate that firms generally directed reputation management activities towards their more visible stakeholders. However, the type and extent of reputation management behaviour varied. Specifically, for firms whose top management groups were more highly educated or output oriented, highly visible situations with the media were more likely to be associated with a higher use of press releases. Moreover, those same firms devoted more resources to mass media advertising under situations of high consumer visibility compared to firms whose top management groups were less educated or throughput oriented.  相似文献   

周旭 《基建优化》2002,23(5):42-44
物业管理计划是物业公司在招投标中的重要文件,是中标后物业管理运行的行动指南,目前在我国还不受重视。从区域分析、近邻分析、现状物业分析、市场分析、改进方案或推荐方案分析六个方面探讨了编制物业管理计划的步骤和内容。  相似文献   

Imagineering is a philosophy that unleashes the latent potential of a company's employees. The end result is a highly motivated group of employees who will dramatically cut operating costs, improve quality, and solve the day-to-day management headaches. If employees have an "I don't give a damn" attitude, then it is management that must make the changes in the company culture. Management is responsible for most of the problems, directly and indirectly, in the company. Imagineering will solve most small and large problems in the company. However, be forewarned that imagineering requires the total commitment of management. And it is the management that must make the most changes.  相似文献   

The 1990s will be a decade of increasing dramatic and traumatic change for hospitals. Reimbursement, technology, and consumers, either alone or in concert, will be the forces that will shape hospitals in the future. At the end of the 1990s we will have hospitals that offer technology to the critically ill, outpatient surgical services, and comforting care for those in the late years of life. Material management will be important to hospitals because expense control will be as important as ever. However, I believe the role of a material manager will diminish as the services provided change and as the role is folded into the responsibilities of those who manage one of the three critical business areas hospitals will be in. This new hybrid of today's manager will still apply all of the concepts to the distribution of supplies in a hospital as today's material managers do but will use them as only a part of their overall management responsibility.  相似文献   

企业经济效益,是企业一切经济活动的根本出发点。文中结合实际。从增加收入、降低成本、安全管理及人力资源开发四个方面简要探讨如何提高经济效益,加快煤炭企业内部铁路运输公司的发展问题。  相似文献   

I have been involved in materials management for about 30 years (that is not something many of us really want to admit--it says we are getting old), and over that time I have seen many methods of communication come and go. In the 1960s, we used seven-part carbon forms to generate orders. We also used the keypunch card or IBM card to send our request for materials to our supplier. The supplier would acknowledge our order and provide us with a promise date. This could be done by mail using these cards or by forwarding the information to us electronically for conversion to cards. I could trace the history of communication in painful detail, but that is not important. What is important is that the only thing that has remained constant in those past 30 years has been change. We have all heard that before, but we seem to forget it. This presentation will look at the future of EDI and the Internet in supply chain management.  相似文献   

The social and political aspects of a governmental computer-based accounting system (SCR) in Denmark will be examined. It is generally accepted that the SCR system has fulfilled a number of useful purposes. However, it has also been subjected to adverse criticism, as extensive, political implications have been detected in its application. In the study I have analysed the application of accounting technology from a political perspective. One of the main findings of this study indicates that the centralized management accounting system has implications for the balance between autonomy and control. It is suggested that centralized accounting technology creates a management view that symbolizes dependency and bureaucracy. If such an understanding of accounting technology is integrated with theories of management control, we may find that the SCR system will have an impact on the evolution of local management control in government agencies.  相似文献   

Societal and political changes mean that individuals are working until later in life, leading to interest in whether older workers' effectiveness differs from that of younger workers. An important predictor of work effectiveness is ‘interpersonal emotion regulation’, that is, the management of others' feelings. However, little is known so far about whether there are age-related changes in interpersonal emotion regulation ability. In this article, I apply theoretical evidence about aging to a model of the composite tasks involved in interpersonal emotion regulation, in order to form predictions about age-related differences in the management of others' feelings. I further review the existing empirical evidence base, to highlight areas where predictions are supported and areas where further research is needed. It is hoped that this article will guide future empirical work in this important area, in order to broaden the evidence base on age and emotion regulation.  相似文献   

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