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<正> (一)印度经济在过去的十年内迅速增长,实际国内生产总值(GDP)年平均增长率约为6%。由于遭受诸如亚洲金融危机以及石油价格波动等外界因素的冲击,印度经济在1997-1998年间增速放缓,仅仅达到4.8%。但在随后的两年时间里,其经济增长速度再度达到6%以上。各项社会指标,例如贫困状况及婴儿死亡率,在过去的10年里也有所改善。印度经济在此期间的高速增长,归  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to discuss the main issues highlighted in the Trade Policy Review: Turkey 2003. The paper studies first the main developments in Turkey's trade regime and trade performance. Next it discusses Turkish trade policy emphasising the measures affecting imports, exports and foreign direct investment. The paper points out that agriculture is highly protected, and that autonomous reforms have been implemented in some of the services sectors of the economy. Since joining the EU will require Turkey to adopt and implement the whole body of EU legislation – the acquis communautaire– in all areas, Turkey needs to liberalise its agricultural and services sectors further. Finally, the paper discusses an issue that has largely been neglected in Trade Policy Reviews. It is the sustainability of current account. The paper stresses that Turkey needs to pay close attention to the sustainability of the current account.  相似文献   

Alfred Tovias 《The World Economy》2008,31(11):1433-1442
Israeli authorities have been generally efficient in implementing gradual, mostly unilateral, liberalisation of their country's trade policy regime, with agriculture and related activities being the only major exceptions to the rule. This trend reflects a broad consensus among major political parties in Israel in pursuing liberal trade policy reforms. An alternative interpretation of the liberalising trend is that protectionist pressures from organised sectoral lobbies were either weak or inefficient.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the main issues highlighted in the Trade Policy Review: Turkey 2007. The paper studies first the main developments in Turkey’s trade regime and trade performance. Next it discusses Turkish trade policy under the headings of measures affecting imports, exports and foreign direct investment. The paper notes that the formation of the 1995 EU–Turkey customs union has contributed to a significant increase in the contestability of domestic markets through infusing predictability, transparency and stability to trade policy as well as by liberalising market access. But free trade in industrial goods between Turkey and the EU could still not be established mainly because of non‐tariff barriers and in particular because of the various problems faced in the elimination of technical barriers to trade (TBT). The final section of the paper discusses first the role of standards and conformity assessment in general terms and thereafter evaluates critically the Turkish approach to elimination of TBTs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is two–fold; to examine developments in trade and investment policy regimes in Malaysia following the on–set of the financial crisis, using the Trade Policy Review Malaysia: 2001 of the WTO as a reference point; and to evaluate the Review in terms of the objectives of the WTO Trade Policy Review Mechanism as set out in the Marrakesh Agreement. It is found that, by and large Malaysia has managed to come out of the crisis without compromising on its long–standing commitment to maintaining a relatively open trade and investment policy regime by the regional standards. However, there are some disturbing post–crisis developments, which deserve scrutiny in a future Review. These include increase in the degree of dispersion of tariff rates because of high tariff peaks relating to a few product lines, increased reliance on non–automatic import licensing to regulate imports of a significant number of products which directly compete with domestic production by public sector enterprises, and unexplained delays in meeting commitments under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)  相似文献   

The “Trade Policy Review Mechanism” passed within the framework of the Uruguay Round is intended to increase the transparency of national trade policies and to improve adherence to the rules of GATT. The following article offers a first evaluation of the new instrument.  相似文献   

<正> 墨西哥第三次贸易政策审议进展顺利,本次审议全面而且深入,并为贸易问题的研究工作提供了众多资料和借鉴。委员们赞赏了墨西哥近年来经济上的成效。墨西哥在贸易和投资自由化方面的努力带动了贸易和投资的显著高涨,是促使墨西哥经济进步和繁荣的关键因素。同时,墨西  相似文献   

<正> 除金融管理方面,日本的贸易政策自1998年以来基本上没有大的改变。日本贸易政策的重心是加强多边贸易体系。日本承诺继续减少贸易限制并提高贸易政策透明度。日本内阁于2000年4月通过了关于行业放松管制三年计划的修正案,所涉及行业包括:金融服务、电信、能源、交通和物流。内  相似文献   

<正> 经济和政策方面的发展上次评审以来,为应付经济增长的显著放慢,美国放松了其货币和财政政策,在2001年上半年就降息六次并在今后11年中计划减税1.35万亿美元以刺激经济增长。评审期间,美国经常项目上的赤字已增至 GDP 的4.5%,但得到了大量资本流入特别是外国投资的弥补,使美元持续保持强势。布什总统重申了美国将继续恪守公开、透明、高效的国际贸易规则和程序,并承诺支持新一轮多边贸易谈判。他还公布了旨在为美国的出口和投资寻求更好市场机会的2001年国际  相似文献   

Wasseem Mina 《The World Economy》2008,31(11):1443-1453
This paper reviews the WTO's first Trade Policy Review (TPR) of the United Arab Emirates. The TPR raises a number of concerns about barriers to foreign investment and competition. In reviewing the evaluation, the approach adopted in this paper is to elaborate on two main issues, insufficiently developed in the TPR. The first is investment treaties, which are treated by the UAE as legally superior to and prevailing over domestic legal instruments. The second is free trade zones, which constitute an economic enclave free of barriers to foreign investment and competition. The paper provides preliminary statistical evidence on the relationship between inward FDI, free trade zones and bilateral investment treaties, suggesting the presence of a statistically significant positive association between the three. The evidence lends initial support to the concerns raised by the review.  相似文献   

<正> 近年经济发展自1997年上次贸易政策评审以来,欧洲联盟(欧盟)继续在完善内部市场方面取得重大进展,包括欧元启动。1997年以来,受欧盟地区内需求扩大的影响,经济年均增长约为2.5%,通货膨胀率降到历史低水平,1999年为1.2%。然而失业率依然居高不下,为9.2%。根据《发展与稳定条约》的框架,成员国采取了紧缩财政和稳定价格等恢复经济的宏观政策。欧元于1999年1月1日在欧盟15个成员国中的11个国家正式启动。欧洲中央银行在欧元区推行以维持欧元价格稳定(2%以下)为目的的货币政策。欧元对美元汇价到2000年4月已下降了20%,然而欧洲中央银行基本上没有采取积极的汇率政策来支持欧元。  相似文献   

2009年10月7—9日,WTO对智利贸易政策与实践进行了审议。此次审议是WTO贸易政策审议机构对智利贸易政策的第4次审议。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is a commentary to the first Trade Policy Review (TPR) of Slovenia and to shed more light on the background of the whole process of trade liberalisation and transition in Slovenia during the 1990s. The TPR praises Slovenia for its sound trade regime, which is in conformity to Slovenia's commitments to the multilateral trading system and detects only a few open issues. The paper puts these issues in a broader context of Slovenia's trade liberalisation after independence in 1991 and recent harmonisation with the EU in the pre‐accession negotiation process. Although there is much scope for improvements in Slovenia's trade policies and practices, one should note that most of the open issues raised would disappear anyway upon Slovenia's accession to the EU by 1 May, 2004, and by subsequent adoption of the CET and full implementation of the acquis communautaire. Some of the problems, such as strong government support to agriculture implemented by Slovenia due to harmonisation with the EU's CAP should, however, be challenged at the broader multilateral level in the framework of the Doha Development Agenda.  相似文献   

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