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海洋环境是具有非排他性和非竞争性的公共物品,可以分为海洋环境纯公共公共物品、俱乐部物品和共有资源三类。随着社会经济的发展,政府全部承担海洋环境公共物品面临着巨大压力,出现了产出低效率、供不应求等问题,海洋环境公共物品的供给需要探求市场化的供给方式。根据海洋环境公共物品的分类,政府在海洋环境纯公共物品供给过程中发挥主要作用,海洋环境准公共物品由市场供给,供给方式主要有BOT、PPP、TOT三种。  相似文献   

我国农村公共物品的供给模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农村公共物品及其供给体系公共物品是20世纪50、60年代公共选择学派、当代政治经济学派在分析公共财政问题中使用的一个概念。它是指那些具有非排他性和非竞争性的产品。而农村公共物品是指在农村区域范围内的非排他性、非竞争性的产品。根据其特点可以分为纯公共物品和准公共物品。同时满足消费非排他性和非竞争性的公共物品称为纯公共物品,包括农村公共道路、下水道、基层行政服务等;不同时满足消费非排他性和非竞争性的公共物品称为准公共物品,如农村的公共卫生、社会保障、公立学校等。根据公共物品对农村经济发展所起的作用也可以划分…  相似文献   

农村公共产品是指为满足农村公共需要,具有消费的非竞争性与受益的非排他性的社会产品,包括有形产品和无形服务。根据农村公共产品在消费和受益过程中的性质不同,分为纯  相似文献   

由于我国农村公共物品“自上而下”的决策机制忽略了农民的真实需要,导致农村公共物品供给中短缺与过剩并存的结构失调现象。为提高农村公共物品的供给效率,应完善农村公共物品的公共决策机制,农村公共物品的决策应当建立在农民自身积极参与的基础之上,应根据农民的真实偏好,采取“自下而上”的公共政策决策方式。应从以下几个方面着手:  相似文献   

从公共范围的限定出发,村级公共物品进入了公共物品供给研究视野,而村级公共物品作为小规模社区的公共物品,往往为研究者所忽略.本文拟采用公共经济学的视角、公私合作系统的运行机制分析方法,设计一个简单分析模型,以此说明新时期公私合作系统提供村级公共物品的可行性.  相似文献   

耕地具有公共物品的属性特征,耕地保护类似于公共物品管理。在公共物品管理视角下,对耕地保护的基本目的、成本-收益和供给-需求进行了深入分析,进而对我国耕地保护的主要目标、基本策略和政策体系进行了优化设计。研究结论:耕地保护在性质上属于公共物品管理的范畴;耕地保护政策的制定和实施应以目的分析、成本-收益分析、供给-需求分析为基础和依据;我国耕地保护应在目标和策略方面实现转变,系统地构建包括指标控制、利用管制、税费、公共投资、调查监测等政策在内的耕地(农地)保护政策体系。  相似文献   

福建省森林灾害防治投入机制构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
文章分析了福建省森林灾害防治投入新机制的目标、指导思想、基本思路与基本框架 ,并提出建立森林灾害防治投入新机制的基本对策。  相似文献   

傅晓 《农业经济》2008,(4):9-11
本文首先简述公共物品理论的概况与农村公共物品的内涵,然后分析了广东省农村公共物品供给的现状,分析表明,虽然公共物品供给的各项指标普遍高于全国水平,但是供给还是严重不足,而且呈现出明显的地区差异。文中进而提出寻找突破口,建立中央、省、县乡、村、私人企业五位一体的农村公共物品供给体制等四项政策建议。  相似文献   

刘卫  谭宁 《农业经济》2008,(5):15-16
随着经济全球化和我国已成为WTO的正式成员,我国与发达国家在公共产品供给上的巨大差距凸现出来.因此如何解决农村公共产品有效供给成为公共领域的重大课题.本文在对农村公共产品界定的基础上,提出要解决农村公共产品供给与需求的矛盾,应从建立农村公共产品需求表达机制入手,并提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

Multifunctional land use has become a widely supported pathway for Europe's countryside. Brussels and the national governments stimulate farmers to integrate primary production with non-agricultural practices from which they can also benefit. In favour of this development different stakeholders are encouraged to collaborate to produce the so-called farmer-managed public goods. This paper explores critical success factors for the production and maintenance of these public goods. In two Dutch case study regions we show a chronology of major events from 1975 leading to a shift from primary agricultural production towards a successful multifunctional land use. We evaluated which critical success factors crucial for managing public goods manifest themselves in our case study regions. Besides six critical success factors described in literature (Property rights, Asymmetric information, Administrative complexity, Governance, Time lags and Market structure) four other factors appear to be crucial in governing farmer-managed public goods: (1) establishing a system of rewards; (2) a mix of governance forms; (3) visionary leadership with networks in both the public and the private sectors and (4) time for new ideas to mature and to build commitment among the actors.  相似文献   

随着全球渔业资源的不断衰退和新的国际海洋制度的建立,中国大陆和台湾地区的远洋渔业都受到了不同程度的影响,两岸在捕捞范围、渔获量以及渔民自身利益等方面均遭到了一定程度的冲击。近些年来两岸渔业合作领域不断扩大,合作的层次和范围也逐步提高和扩大。远洋渔业作为当前渔业发展的重点领域,两岸在面对资源衰退和国际海洋制度性约束方面面临共同的机遇和挑战。为此,两岸应该进一步探讨建立相应的合作机制来共同面对这些挑战,并积极通过政府、中间组织以及民间团体等组织之间的相互作用来实现合作。  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes deliver multiple, highly valued goods such as cultural amenities, biodiversity conservation and climate stability. These goods are often delivered as side-effects of farmers' production decisions driven by broad-scale, supranational changes in agricultural, trade or other policies. Human well-being is thus affected in ways not taken into account in these macro-policy decisions. To avoid this policy failure, there is a growing demand for the valuation of broad-scale changes in public goods by the general public. For this purpose, context-rich valuation scenarios at this broad scale need to be developed which are empirically-based, policy-relevant and understandable by the general public. In this way, respondents are focused on actual trade-offs rather than invited to give symbolic reactions. This paper presents and discusses a valuation framework developed to fulfil these criteria. The approach is based on a typology of Macro-Regional Agri-Environmental Problems (MRAEP). Each MRAEP is defined by: (1) prevailing farming systems and agricultural landscapes; (2) current levels of public-good delivery; (3) expected direction of land-use change; and (4) expected effects of such change on public-good provision in each macro-region. Multivariate analysis of EU-wide data on agricultural landscapes and farming-systems led to identify thirteen macro-regions in the EU. Current public-good provision was described using public-good indicators. Only those public goods that are expected to change or could be improved by available policy options (core public goods) were used to generate choice alternatives for survey respondents. The paper ends by discussing innovative elements in the proposed approach, achievements, shortcomings and possible policy uses.  相似文献   

Analysis of the joint production of private and public goods (PGs) by farming activities is a fertile research field. These joint production processes are typically characterised by a high level of complexity derived from the intense relationship between the production of both kinds of outputs. An integrated approach is strongly recommended for the study of the provision of agricultural PGs and the design of public intervention in this sector. Here, we propose a theoretical framework to apply an integrated approach using the analytic network process (ANP) to analyse the production of PGs by agricultural systems to support public decision-making concerning the design and implementation of agricultural policies. We introduce a novel approach in applying ANP along both directions of the influences among elements, allowing us to identify the most influenced PGs and the farmers’ most influential decisions. This methodological approach is empirically applied to a particular farming system: the irrigated olive groves (IOG) of Southern Spain. Results show that the PGs most influenced by olive growers’ decisions are soil fertility, the visual quality of agricultural landscapes and farmland biodiversity. In addition, the most influential factors affecting the provision of PGs are the structural ones, namely farm size and tree density, and, to a lesser extent, management factors dealing with fertilisation, soil and irrigation management. These results are useful for supporting agricultural policy decision-making to enhance adequate management of this farming system regarding PGs production.  相似文献   

A valid argument for support is that subsidies are remedies for market failures. Agriculture contributes positively to public goods as food security, landscape preservation and maintenance of population in remote areas. Using a numerical model we simulate what Norwegian agriculture would look like if the only purpose of supporting agriculture was to provide such public goods. This is compared to the consequences of the Uruguay round in GATT and possible future EU membership for Norwegian agriculture. Although the GATT agreement will change agriculture in the desirable direction, the agreement puts no substantial pressure on the current agricultural policy. EU membership on the lines laid down by the accession treaty between EU and Norway prior to the referendum in 1994 would have given a stronger impetus towards the optimal solution.  相似文献   

本文在构建评价指标体系的基础上,对我国海洋渔业生态环境进行了综合评价,认为我国海洋渔业生态面临的失衡威胁正逐渐增强;并从自然和人为因素两个角度剖析了我国海洋渔业生态失衡的内在机理,并结合有关研究成果,构建了我国海洋渔业生态修复技术体系;最后,提出了防治我国海洋渔业生态失衡态势恶化的具体途径与措施。  相似文献   

分析澜沧江-湄公河流域内社会经济现状及现有的水资源合作开发基础,借鉴国际上水资源开发的成功合作经验,提出澜沧江-湄公河流域水资源开发多主体合作机制框架,构建涵盖国家、地方、社会和市场4个层面的多主体合作,以期为推进湄公河流域水资源开发合作提供一条新路径。  相似文献   

The present paper describes a project-based governance approach for public goods provision in the domain of land administration, which is a new decentralized structure within the traditional centralized system in China. Project-based governance represents a new relationship between the central and local governments that aims to cooperatively provide land-related services for public interest projects. The top–down project allocation from the central government and the bottom–up project packaging by local governments together successfully improve the incentives of the local governments and, therefore, achieve the central government’s aim of providing public goods and fostering economic development. We use Fujian Province of China as an example to show the operational process of the project-based governance approach, and we discuss in detail the features and potential effects of the new governance system. The paper may provide new evidence for governance innovation regarding decentralization in a traditionally centralized system.  相似文献   

通过界定“渔业科技人才”,结合统计数据,剖析了我国渔业科技人才现状及其存在问题,发现由于科学测评体系和合理激励机制的缺乏,渔业科技业人才,尤其是中高级人才不足的苗头已然显现。为此,从基本素质、学术业务、科研业绩三方面建立起一套较为完整的渔业科技人才测评指标体系,并基于层次分析法(AHP)构筑用以渔业科技人才测评的多级模糊综合模型,。针对当前渔业科技人才管理的弊端,进一步设计了渔业科技人才激励机制。  相似文献   

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