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国际工程承包企业如何面对WTO的机遇和挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国加入WTO给国际工程承包企业带来了更多的机遇,根据市场互换原则,建筑市场对等开放,我国国际工程承包企业承揽国内外的外资工程项目的机会增多,同时国际合作也将大大加强,但带来机遇的同时,也带来了挑战,同行业竞争更加激烈,经营机制不适应,复合型人才匮乏等等,本就我国国际工程承包企业如何面对加入WTO带来的机遇和挑战,如何大力发展我国国际工程承包事业进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The advent of National Vocational Qualifications represents an important change in British Government policy from attempting to secure appropriate training inputs to a system driven by the aim of stimulating the attainment of learning outcomes assessed against national standards. This article presents a case study of the implications of this policy for intermediate skills in engineering, a major industry subject to rapid technological change.  相似文献   

Business services have been receiving increasing attention from academics, practitioners and policy-makers. Despite the growing interest, this field of research suffers from several limitations: it draws mostly on services marketing theory, and it is grounded mostly in monadic and dyadic studies. This paper contributes to the advance of business services research by addressing these limitations with regard to a specific service-related issue. We carry out an interdisciplinary study by integrating among others an industrial network approach (INA) into the services area, and we thus develop the research at a network level by adopting a services network perspective; furthermore, the study is carried out in a business-to-business context by looking into a health cluster: the Health Cluster Portugal. The article addresses one particular aspect of business services networks: their emergence. We propose a conceptual framework that draws on process-based research and integrates theories from other bodies of research, allowing a rich understanding of how a business service network is created. Our findings point to discontinuities along the emergence of such networks, showing that there is an iterative process underlying their formation, with different theories playing a predominant explanatory role at different stages. This paper contributes to the wider body of literature on services research by promoting the integration of the INA and other process-related approaches in the area of business services networks, and also provides practitioners and policy-makers with a structured framework to understand how an intentional ‘bottom–up’ business service network may be created or orchestrated.  相似文献   

Interfirm partnering has become a familiar aspect of corporate behavior as it is found in a large number of industries with many Companies participating in strategic alliances. This paper focuses on questions that are related to market structural issues of this phenomenon in an international context. It raises the question whether alliances establish stable networks of firms, and whether market leading firms dominate the world of strategic partnering. Our contribution stresses the need for a further understanding of cooperative behavior in terms of the increase of corporate flexibility and the extension of core competences of companies.  相似文献   

In the light of the increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), it is important to gain a better understanding of their influence on work–life boundaries. This study examines how individuals manage their work–life boundaries by using ICTs. The findings of a qualitative study with independent contractors show that individuals actively use multiple ICT‐mediated tactics to shape their temporal, spatial and psychological work–life boundaries. Furthermore, findings suggest that individuals cannot simply be classified as ‘integrators’ or ‘segmentors’, as they may have diverse preferences with regard to both the dimension (temporal, spatial or psychological) and direction (work‐to‐life or life‐to‐work) of boundary permeability. A framework that takes account of these aspects is derived based on the empirical results.  相似文献   

We examine the conditions under which the prior partnering experience of firms contributes to value creation in their new alliances. We propose that prior experience with the same partners, that is, ‘partner‐specific experience,’ provides greater benefits than ‘general partnering experience’ that encompasses all prior alliances with any partner. We further explore some of the boundary conditions for the effects of partner‐specific experience. We suggest that the effect of partner‐specific experience on value creation in alliances is moderated by the extent to which the assets of the new partner differ from those of the firm's prior partners. We also propose that the firm's own technological and financial resources increase the benefits of partner‐specific experience. Finally, we predict that the value of partner‐specific experience will increase under high levels of firm‐specific uncertainty. We test these hypotheses with comprehensive longitudinal multi‐industry data on joint ventures formed among Fortune 300 firms between 1987 and 1996. Based on stock market returns to joint venture announcements, the results provide support for the contingent value of partnering experience. The implications for managing alliances and advancing organizational learning are discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the relationship between the external business network of a country business unit (CBU) of a multinational firm, its performance, and the unique institutional characteristics of the foreign market in which it operates. We develop hypotheses about the CBU network structure associated with operating margin given different levels of institutional development, and the categories of network contacts associated with CBU operating margin. We test the hypotheses using social network analysis in 54 CBUs in two different business segments within one multinational company. Results show that the CBU network structure associated with higher operating margin depended partially on the level of the country's institutional development, and that network composition related strongly to CBU operating margin. We identify implications for research. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops a unified framework to analyze a continuum of hybrid cooperation agreements along two dimensions: their degree of revenue sharing (scope of alliances) and their degree of cost sharing (scope of joint ventures). The analysis focuses on the air transportation industry, distinguishing between interline and interhub markets. As economies of traffic density become stronger, we find that the socially optimal cooperation agreement moves from full alliance to joint venture in interline markets, whereas it moves from joint ventureto merger in interhub markets. These results are driven by the tradeoff between a procompetitive effect of alliances in interline markets and an anticompetitive effect in interhub markets, along with the efficiency gains associated with joint ventures in interhub markets. We also develop an empirical application for intercontinental routes for the period 2010–2016 that identifies a positive impact of deeper degrees of airline cooperation (revenue and cost sharing) on traffic, both in interline and interhub markets. Therefore, the potential anticompetitive effect of deeper alliances in interhub markets is not observed in our sample.  相似文献   

The efforts to address markets as socio-technical orders have hitherto focused on the role of marketing in shaping demand. However, in many markets the role of purchasing is just as important. This paper uses a case study to examine how a single buying company can attempt to shape an emerging market through its purchasing practices. As a result, the study identifies five types of market-shaping actions. Within each action type, the market-shaping behavior of a buyer in an emerging market can be very diverse and include internal actions as well as actions aimed at influencing other market actors. While agency on the purchasing side is often associated with large size organizations, namely government and public sector agencies, our case study shows that agencies on the purchasing sides can be deployed in a variety of ways rather than merely through raw bargaining power. The findings indicate that buying firms do not simply adjust their own purchasing processes according to existing offerings, but actively attempt to drive market evolution in particular directions.  相似文献   

The EU has set out to introduce information and communication technologies into all areas of the socioeconomic structure. Initially, however, a Common Information Area (CIA) needs to be established to ensure that information and communication are freely mobile throughout the economic and social space. To this end the EU needs to develop a strategy to ensure that a series of high-powered telecommunication networks emerge in an integrated and coordinated fashion. While several initiatives to assist the market-based provision of the CIA have been established, there seems to be an absence of an overarching coordinated strategy to aid its development. A single body to oversee the EU telecommunication sector may need to be established.  相似文献   

The relationships between communication patterns and performance of software development projects mostly resemble those of technical services, and not development projects, in hardware R&D. The local focus of software development projects in their information requirements is emphasized by the positive influence only of the informal and mostly internal literature, while external contacts, participation in conferences, and formal and external literature were inconsequential. The implications are two-fold: a) on the conceptual level they suggest that a trade-off between coordination and innovation requirements of the task might be an important determinant of optimal communication patterns; b) on the practical level it suggests that 'software development' consists of 'software engineering' and 'software production'. Consequently, it should be recognized that as such, these activities should be managed differently—the former as R&D, the latter as manufacturing.  相似文献   

This paper explores the importance of relational embeddedness in external networks as a strategic resource for performance and competence development in multinational corporations (MNCs). Two different types of relational embeddedness at the subsidiary level—business embeddedness and technical embeddedness—are proposed to have an influence on the subsidiary's market performance as well as its importance for competence development in the MNC. Using data on 97 Swedish MNC subsidiaries, five hypotheses are tested in a LISREL model analysis. The results suggest that technical embeddedness has a positive impact on both the subsidiary expected performance and its role in the development of products and production processes in the MNC. Indirectly, through external technical embeddedness, external business embeddedness also influences the sister units' product and process development and subsidiary market performance. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据"昆仑"工业润滑油销售现状,分析了原有流通贸易型销售渠道的局限性.基于工业油从流通贸易型销售向终端型销售转型的发展趋势,探讨了设立专业的行业开发小组,开发"昆仑"工业润滑油大中型终端客户的设想.  相似文献   

The research reported in this article, co-ordinated by the WZB Institute of Berlin, examines organisational, technological and human resource practices that enhance quality in product development by improving communication and cooperation between the actors. In this context it was found that, although the importance of HR policies was recognised, implementation remained low.  相似文献   

The Republic of Korea is a forerunner in integrating the topic of standardization into engineering education at the academic level. This study investigates developments and evolutions in the planning and operating of the University Education Promotion on Standardization (UEPS) in Korea. This paper examines why the Korean government initiated the UEPS, how the UEPS has operated, and what the educational content of the UEPS program is. This study of the UEPS may serve as a benchmark of how to incorporate technical standards into science and technology education at both the national and individual university levels. Some implications and considerations for the future introduction of similar courses in other countries are discussed.  相似文献   

Interfirm strategic alliances appear to have become more important as a part of (international) business. In this contribution an attempt is made to clarify our understanding of the motives that lead firms to cooperate in their innovative efforts. Going beyond general theoretical statements and case studies, attention is paid to both sectoral differences in the motivation for partnerships as well as to contrasts in interorganizational features of technology cooperation. Based on a large sample of alliances the analysis reveals some major differences regarding the research orientation of contractual arrangements and organizationally complex alliances.  相似文献   

Researchers and practitioners have recently paid great attention to research and development (R&D) performance measurement, although it is acknowledged to be a very challenging task because of R&D intrinsic uncertainty and complexity levels. In this paper, the problem of designing a performance measurement system (PMS) for R&D activities is addressed; specifically, we investigate if and how the design of the PMS is influenced by the type of activity it is applied to, namely Basic and Applied Research or new product development (NPD). We first develop a theoretical framework that comprises the main constitutive elements of a PMS for R&D. Then the framework is used for supporting a multiple case study analysis involving eight Italian technology-intensive firms. The research results show that the criteria for designing the constitutive elements of the PMS are radically different in Basic and Applied Research and NPD. The reasons behind the observed dissimilarities in the design criteria are widely discussed in the paper, as well as their implications for R&D managers.  相似文献   

The Israeli 5G auction that took place in August 2020 used the Combinatorial Clock Auction mechanism adapted to the Israeli market. We review the challenges that the Israeli Ministry of Communication faced while designing the auction and discuss the strategic consequences of the design. We highlight the special characteristics of the Israeli telecommunication market and, in particular, the fact that most operators share their antenna networks and their spectrum assets with other auction participants, but spectrum licenses need to be purchased by each operator individually. The Israeli Ministry of Communication required operators sharing the same networks to submit joint bids in the auction. We discuss the implications of this decision on the efficiency of the auction, and the difficulties it caused the bidders. We discuss the effect of further incentive schemes that accompanied the auction, and we also describe some signaling opportunities that emerged during the auction process.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between diffusion of digital networks and performance of specialised sub-contracting SME's. The results demonstrate that the impact of the adoption of digital networks on the performance of sub-contracting SME's is highly dependent on the managerial capacity of firms to utilise the benefit of new technologies.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was twofold: (1) to examine the mediator effects of imagination between learning environment and academic performance, and (2) to compare differences between the environment–imagination–performance structural models of science and engineering majors. A survey was administered at eight universities across different regions of Taiwan. The participants in this study were divided into two groups. The first group consisted of 529 science majors, whereas the second group consisted of 523 engineering majors. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to confirm the structure of the measures employed in this study. A structural equation modeling was used to test all the hypotheses proposed. With respect to the science group, our results showed that, through the mediation of imagination, learning resources had a dominant impact on academic performance, whereas both human aggregate and organizational measure had moderate influences. In contrast, among the engineering group, both human aggregate and social climate had relatively strong effects on academic performance, whereas both learning resources and organizational measure had mild influence. These findings seem promising enough to warrant further inquiry. They also provide insights for fields in which imaginative talent and creative performance are essential. Finally, practical applications of the present study were suggested, limitations were acknowledged, and future research was discussed.  相似文献   

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