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The main purpose of this study is to determine the Critical Success Factors (CSF) of Brazilian business incubator management and understand how they are structured. These factors are essential to improve the performance of these Brazilian businesses and to strengthening the Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem. The strategy used was survey, and the data obtained were analyzed using the statistical technique of Exploratory Factor Analysis. The validated CSF were grouped into seven constructs. Thus far, the literature does not present any article within the scope proposed here. Additionally, the statistical technique used here is applied for the first time in this theme.  相似文献   


The CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment) concept has been successfully applied by retailers in many western countries. Due to economic, technical and cultural differences, it has been a big challenge to adopt the CPFR concept in China, and the CPFR implementation process has to be adapted to the characteristics of the Chinese retail industry. In this paper, we analyze current management and information technology applications in the Chinese retail industry and a CFPR application case in China. Then some critical factors for the successful implementation of CPFR by Chinese retailers are discussed.  相似文献   

This article determines critical success factors (CSFs) for electronic commerce (EC), and investigates the explanatory power of these CSFs on firm performance. Through a literature review and interviews with managers in Korean EC firms, a list was compiled of 16 CSFs consisting of 111 items. Questionnaires were administered to managers of EC companies in Seoul, Korea. Survey results show that CSFs have very significant explanatory power for firm performance. Security, privacy, technical expertise, information about goods and services, and variety of goods and services are the most explanatory CSFs. This analysis confirms the fact that customers use EC if they feel comfortable navigating EC for information about a variety of goods and services without technical difficulty and in a secure and private manner. High-performance firms show stronger association between CSFs and performance than lower performance firms do in terms of both Tobin's q and return on assets.  相似文献   

Service orientation has been a major buzz-word in recent years. While the buzz is on a decline, organizations are slowly, but steadily moving towards service oriented designs. However, service orientation turns out to be as much of a managerial challenge as of a technical one. The most important complexity drivers in the service oriented design of information systems seem to be (a) inconsistent design goals of stakeholders and (b) the pursuit of exhaustive service orientation coverage. This research focuses on the following two questions: (1) What are the characteristics of successful implementations of service oriented information systems, and (2) what are the critical success factors influencing, driving and/or, determining these characteristics? Data of an empirical analysis is used to test a set of cause-effect relationship hypotheses based on nine latent variables. In the core of this model we differentiate the variables “overall service orientation infrastructure success” and “service orientation project success”. The hypothesized interrelationships between the nine variables lead to a causal model which is proven to hold.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors aim to identify the critical success factors and challenges of total quality management (TQM) implementation and propose a model for the successful implementation of a quality revolution in Ghana. The approach in this study was to review existing literature followed by case studies of 15 firms. Three employees (quality manager/director and any two “ordinary employees”) were interviewed to identify the critical success factors that would be appropriate for the implementation of a quality revolution in Ghana as well as the main challenges of quality management they face. Findings revealed that top management commitment, empowerment and involvement of employees, resource availability, competition and increased customer awareness, and a well-functioning quality network are the major factors that are critical and essential if any TQM program is to be successful. Three main problems—management resistance, employee resistance, and resource paucity—were identified as principal impediments to TQM programs.  相似文献   


Dell provides personalized marketing services through the Internet (Fischer et al., 2000). This type of application of the Internet is referred to as One-to-One Web-marketing. A review of the current literature relevant to information management and marketing revealed that, relative to other topics, research into this area is lacking. This study addresses this by exploring the Critical Success Factors (CSF) of One- to-One Web-marketing from the user's perspective. It employed a triangulation method of integrating qualitative and quantitative designs in a three-stage research process. The research results revealed that there are five Critical Success Factors of One-to-One Web-marketing from the user perspectives: (1) the satisfaction of customer requirements, (2) the identification of customer differentiation, (3) the design of a quality user interface, (4) the establishment of customer recognition, and (5) the provision of customized services.  相似文献   

日用消费品连锁农家店经营关键成功因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文运用层次分析法探讨了我国日用消费品连锁农家店经营的关键成功因素。在专家访谈与相关文献分析基础上,本文建立了影响连锁农家店经营成功的包含7个准则层要素与28个方案层要素的层次分析架构,并通过对27个总部经理人员和117个门店店长的问卷调查,分别得到这两者所确认的关键成功因素。本文研究结果可以为连锁农家店经营者进行决策或资源分配提供参考,同时对于构筑万村千乡市场工程的长效机制也具有一定的政策涵义。  相似文献   

This paper examines a successful residential peak electricity demand reduction project which employed a multi-disciplinary approach. The purpose of this study was to examine the critical success factors necessary for reducing peak demand and total energy consumption in a small Australian island community. This case study research is based on qualitative data obtained from semi-structured, in-depth interviews with residents from 22 households. It is proposed that the results of the examined project are transferable to other communities if the utility is able to develop the necessary trust, access, influence, and partnership with residential consumers required to create the environment for electricity demand reduction success. Findings from this research highlight the potential approach for future policymaking aimed at reducing peak electricity demand and total energy consumption in multiple communities, thus helping achieve government low carbon targets while reducing infrastructure spending.  相似文献   

基于S-C-P理论的我国期货公司成功因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于结构-行为-绩效(S-C-P)产业组织理论,以及波特竞争优势理论、资源基础理论分析,是找到期货公司成功关键因素(CSF)的有效方法之一。通过运用所构建的理论分析框架,对我国期货市场的环境的变化进行分析,找出影响我国期货公司成功的关键因素,并对我国期货产业发展提出政策建议。  相似文献   

cops在现代经济发展中发挥着重要作用,已经成为国民经济的支柱。同时cops的技术创新过程与普通规模化产品有着显著的不同,传统的创新管理理论不适合来指导cops的创新。研究了cops技术创新的独特过程,并在此基础上分析cops技术创新成功的关键因素。  相似文献   

浙商和粤商是我国经济发展中的两大商人群体。从关键成功因素的视角来看,二者在工作价值观、商机识别与把握、成长模式等方面存在相似之处;而在资源运作方式以及同行企业关系策略等方面存在较大差异。分析、比较二者的关键成功因素特征及其异同,对中小民营企业的发展有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Success Factors for Mass Customization: A Conceptual Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mass customization entails the ability to provide customized products and services to individual customers using technology (information) at optimal production efficiency and cost levels. The concept is gaining prominence because the marketing literature is increasingly focused on delivering superior customer value. Although the mass-customization literature provides many insights into its origins, formats and approaches, it does not provide a coherent framework to assess the viability of a successful mass-customization strategy. Based on the premise of customer perceived value, we have developed a conceptual framework to address this need. We present a series of hypotheses that serve to encourage other authors and direct future research.  相似文献   

Identifying Success Factors for Rapid Growth in SME E-commerce   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With high unemployment rates and major companies downsizing, SME policy has started to move centre stage. The small business job-creation thesis can be traced to David Birch, who placed great emphasis on the job generation process of very rapidly growing businesses he termed Gazelles: "In fact most firms don't grow. Gazelles do. And that is only 3% of all small companies." This paper focuses on the baby gazelles of the Internet economy. It looks at critical success factors that fast growing E-commerce ventures need to take into account in the start-up phase. Based on the results of the EU project KITE, the article demonstrates links between critical success factors, and highlights the competitive advantage deriving from the application of a certain critical success factor. It will compare the critical success factors identified for high growth E-commerce ventures in the start-up phase in KITE with research into the success of high growth companies in general.  相似文献   

Over the last decade or so, many studies have highlighted the important role that marketing plays in contributing to a firm's competitive success. Thus, this article aims to examine the contribution of marketing to the competitive success of forty two British medium-sized manufacturing firms at two time points, 1987/88 and 1997/98, in order to determine any success factors that are durable over time. The investigation is based on mail surveys and in-depth interviews undertaken within the same set of firms at both dates. The findings identify eight specific marketing practices that might well be described as key determinants of success. However, they also draw into question several of the traditional tenets of successful marketing.  相似文献   


Businesses and entrepreneurs are rushing to the Internet to do business and reach new markets. While the Internet is used for cutting cost and generating revenue by conducting business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce (EC) and business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce, existing businesses and entrepreneurs are finding tremendous challenges to succeed. This paper examines the factors that are critical to the success of any company's e-commerce initiative and makes recommendations to businesses and entrepreneurs so they can overcome the challenges and exploit the opportunities presented by the Internet.  相似文献   

网络营销──现代企业制胜之术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络营销作为一种新兴的营销方式,越来越被现代企业所重视,并成为21世纪的营销趋势。网络营销与传统的营销方式相比具有显著的优势。然而由于我国网络营销的发展总体水平较低,网络营销还属于起步阶段,网络对企业营销的巨大优势与潜力没有被挖掘出来。因此,要解决好我国网络营销中注意的问题,加大力度发展我国的网络营销。  相似文献   

The mergers and acquisitions (M&A) literature is vast, spanning over half a century of research endeavor and drawing upon multiple disciplinary perspectives. Despite this wealth of material, the field suffers from a lack of connectedness. There is limited and compartmentalized understanding of the complexities of the M&A process, as the various streams of M&A research are only marginally informed by one another. As a result, the existing body of knowledge on M&A research remains fragmented. There is a need to establish links between existing approaches to M&A and the critical success factors they each promote. In this article, the need for a pluralistic and holistic explanatory framework that reflects the multidisciplinary nature of M&A is highlighted. The article shows that dynamic relationships between different perspectives on M&A and critical success factors matter. Identifying these relationships may help to further our understanding about M&A performance outcomes. Thus, the paper focuses on both relationships within each stage and between stages of the M&A process. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The importance of effective customer relationships as a key to customer value and hence shareholder value is widely emphasised. In order to enhance these relationships, the application of IT to marketing through customer relationship management (CRM) software, e-commerce and other initiatives is growing rapidly. This study examines the factors that influence the successful deployment of CRM applications, with particular emphasis on those factors which are distinct from other areas of application. Using the analytic induction method, success factors were derived from five in-depth case studies. Resulting factors underemphasised in previous literature include: the need for project approval procedures which allow for uncertainty; the need to leverage models of best practice; the importance of prototyping new processes, not just IT; and the need to manage for the delivery of the intended benefits, rather than just implementing the original specification.  相似文献   

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