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李成立 《会计师》2013,(15):10-11
关于我国管理会计与财务会计信息相关性的问题一直是学界探讨较多的课题之一。本文从二者具有的相关性涵义出发,结合实际情况,采用比较分析的方法,从相关性的依据标准和信息来源、相关性所指向的信息使用者、满足会计信息相关性质量特征的要求等三大方面比较分析了管理会计与财务会计相关性的不同。  相似文献   

李成立 《会计师》2013,(8):10-11
关于我国管理会计与财务会计信息相关性的问题一直是学界探讨较多的课题之一。本文从二者具有的相关性涵义出发,结合实际情况,采用比较分析的方法,从相关性的依据标准和信息来源、相关性所指向的信息使用者、满足会计信息相关性质量特征的要求等三大方面比较分析了管理会计与财务会计相关性的不同。  相似文献   

宋代敏 《财会学习》2018,(12):116-117
财务会计和管理会计存在一定的差异,同时也有一定的共性.通常情况下,财务会计与管理会计之间的共性主要体现为具有共同的目标,在信息质量要求上也存在相同点.在对财务部门管理会计使用方法进行大量推广的过程中,如果财务会计与管理会计之间产生共性,那么就会提升财务会计与管理会计之间的高度融合.从不同角度出发,企业应该保证两者之间高度的融合,减少管理会计和财务会计在企业发展中产生的障碍.因此,本文重点阐释了财务会计和管理会计的概念,并对管理会计、财务会计融合的可行性进行了分析,结合财务会计和管理会计融合的现状,分析了财务会计和管理会计在实际工作中的具体应用.  相似文献   

1.正确处理财务会计电算化与管理会计电算化的关系   目前,我国会计电算化仅仅实现了财务会计的电算化,还不是完整意义上的会计电算化。完整意义上的会计电算化应该是财务会计和管理会计的全面电算化。但是,管理会计电算化是以财务会计电算化为基础的,因为财务会计电算化能为管理会计电算化提供所需的财会信息。因此,企业应在实现财务会计电算化的基础上,不失时机地推进管理会计电算化,解决管理会计手工操作难的问题。   2.正确处理会计电算化与会计信息化的关系   会计信息化是通过会计从工业经济社会的手工会计时代向知识…  相似文献   

财务会计与管理会计是会计学科的两大分支.本文通过分析两者的区别和联系,提出财务会计与管理会计有效融合的必然性,并就融合的方法选择上,提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的深入,我国的经济水平一直呈现出健康发展的总体趋势。在新形势下,和经济领域密切相关的财务会计和管理会计日益受到人们的高度重视。现阶段很多企业都是选用财务会计和管理会计相互独立、互不干扰的模式,这样一来不仅限制了财务人员的思维,阻碍了个人创造力的发挥,也在一定程度上降低工作弹性。本次研究首先叙述了财务会计与管理会计之间的管理,分析了二者融合的必然性,并且提出了新形势下促进财务会计与管理会计融合的方法。本次研究对管理会计以及财务会计的发展具有非常重要的理论意义及现实意义。  相似文献   

高军 《中国外资》2011,(14):85-85
管理会计与财务会计作为企业会计的重要领域,两者在应用中有着不可取代的作用。本文从管理会计与财务会计的概述入手,以管理会计与财务会计区别与联系为基础上,对管理会计与财务会计进行了对比研究。  相似文献   

夏成娟 《时代金融》2016,(5):108+111
财务会计与管理会计是企业会计的组成部分,财务会计与管理会计的融合不仅能降低企业的生产成本,还能加强企业的投资决策、促进企业的经济效益发展。本文对财务会计与管理会计的含义进行了简要的概述;其次,对财务会计与管理会计的联系与区别进行了分析说明;最后,本文从三个方面提出了一些新形势下财务会计与管理会计的融合策略,以供参考。  相似文献   

孙兴业 《时代金融》2014,(8Z):178-178
随着市场竞争的日益激烈,企业在从财务会计向管理会计的转变上投入了越来越多的关注和重视。本文将在充分阐述财务会计与管理会计关系的基础上,结合对管理会计重要性和缺失原因的分析,深入探讨推动财务会计向管理会计转变的战略和措施。  相似文献   

针对目前会计职能转型,以及传统财务会计与管理会计并肩发展的趋势,财务会计与管理会计实现融合的目标就指日可待了.在确定两者之间存在关系的基础上,认为可以借助建立并完善现代企业的会计体制、设置专门的管理会计部门等策略可以推进财务会计与管理会计融合的进程,以为企业财务管理工作效率的提升注入新鲜的动力源泉.  相似文献   

基于会计相关性的企业内部报告地位与价值   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从会计相关性对内部报告的需求出发,首先探讨了企业内部报告的内涵,明确了企业内部报告与外部报告的关系,以及企业内部报告的主导地位。在此基础上,分别从企业内部报告与管理会计创新,企业内部报告与财务报告变革,企业内部报告与内部控制实施,企业内部报告与财务分析发展,企业内部报告与公司理财完善五个方面,论述了企业内部报告的理论价值与应用价值。随着企业内部报告体系的建立,管理会计将从基于会计的管理转向基于管理的会计;财务报告的变革将以内部报告创新为基础;内部控制实施的信息将更加系统;财务分析将从基于投资者的财务分析发展到基于管理者经营的财务分析;公司理财将更加注重资本经营、资产经营、商品经营和产品经营的协调统一。  相似文献   

We examine whether accounting academics on the board of directors affect their firm's financial reporting quality. While regulations mandate firms to include financial experts as outside directors to enhance transparency, there is also a shortage of suitable individuals with both the relevant expertise and the appropriate management and communication skills. Although increasing evidence suggests that academics as outside directors improve firm performance, previous studies do not focus on the role of accounting professors per se on accounting quality. The prevalence of hiring academics as outside directors renders China a suitable research setting. We observe greater value relevance of reported earnings when accounting academics serve as financial experts in the board, especially in firms where their influence is expected to be more pronounced. Our evidence implies that accounting scholarship contributes to the efficiency of the capital market, and can potentially supply the boardroom demand for financial experts.  相似文献   

公允价值在会计准则中的广泛运用引致了以财务报告为目的的评估业务需求。本文选取了2004~2008年上市公司为研究样本,检验了以财务报告为目的的资产评估总体价值相关性以及基于资产减值测试的评估价值的市场反应。研究结果表明,新会计准则实施后的价值相关性显著提高,而资产减值的计提受投资者的关注度则有所减弱。这说明以财务报告为目的的评估有效地提高了会计信息的质量和信息含量,并在一定程度上抑制了滥用公允价值进行盈余管理的行为。从长远来看,深化经济的市场化程度,努力构建一个完整、统一、开放、充分竞争的市场,实现评估界与会计审计界的良性互动,同时加强会计监管及行业自律并对滥用公允价值及虚假评估行为予以严惩,仍是未来一段时期的重中之重。  相似文献   

KOJI OTA 《Abacus》2010,46(1):28-59
A major financial disclosure feature in Japan is that stock exchanges require firms to provide next year's earnings forecasts. This study investigates the value relevance of Japanese management earnings forecasts and their impact on analysts' earnings forecasts. First, the value relevance of management forecasts is investigated using a valuation framework provided by Ohlson (2001 ), in which firm value is expressed as a function of book value, current earnings and next year's expected earnings. The analysis yields that of the three accounting variables examined, management forecasts have the highest correlation and incremental explanatory power with stock price.
Next, the impact of management forecasts on analysts' forecasts is examined. The results show that more than 90% of changes in analysts' forecasts are explained by management forecasts alone. Further analysis reveals that the heavy dependence of financial analysts on management forecasts in formulating their own forecasts may partially be attributed to the relatively high accuracy of management forecasts. At the same time, financial analysts also somewhat modify management forecasts when certain financial factors indicate that the credibility of management forecasts is in doubt.
Overall, this study presents empirical evidence that Japanese management forecasts provide useful information for the market and have a significant influence on analysts' forecasts.  相似文献   

公允价值会计和金融稳定研究——金融危机分析视角   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文基于金融危机的背景下,对公允价值与金融稳定之间关系进行研究。公允价值会计在金融加速器和资产市场混响效应的基础上引入会计加速器,使风险承担更具顺周期效应,这对金融系统的稳定产生了不利影响。本文在坚持公允价值会计的原则下,从金融市场稳定的角度,建立了一个理想信息框架。通过该框架,市场参与者,不仅能从微观层面上获得企业有关财务状况的估计、风险轮廓的估计和计量的不确定性等信息,而且还能从宏观层面上获得风险的相关性、风险传染的可能性及其系统风险等方面的信息。  相似文献   

This paper explains that value relevance research assesses how well accounting amounts reflect information used by equity investors, and provides insights into questions of interest to standard setters. A primary focus of financial statements is equity investment. Other uses of financial statement information, such as contracting, do not diminish the importance of value relevance research. Value relevance questions can be addressed using extant valuation models. Value relevance studies address econometric issues that otherwise could limit inferences, and can accommodate and be used to study the implications of accounting conservatism.  相似文献   

论我国政府财务会计信息质量特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政府财务会计作为政府会计的重要组成部分,其职能主要是对外提供满足各利益相关者进行决策所需的会计信息,从而解除政府的受托责任。作为对外会计,其所提供的产品即会计信息必须严格遵循相关准则制度的要求,并符合相应的质量标准。本文认为政府财务会计信息质量特征具有多维性,首先受成本收益的约束,只有在成本小于收益的前提下提供会计信息才是可行的,提供的所有信息从总体上要求具有可理解性,在内容上要满足可靠性和相关性,在会计信息的口径和方法上应遵循可比性,同时应保持一定程度的谨慎性,而在信息的取舍上主要取决于重要性特征。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine whether changes in accounting standards improve value relevance of financial information on listed companies in Mexico. The research was conducted for the period 2000-2013 using a sample of 141 companies that report to the Mexican stock exchange using the methodology of panel data. Our findings show that changes in local regulations (generally accepted accounting principles) to internationally approved standards (financial reporting standards and international financial reporting standards) increase the value relevance and therefore the quality of information. The study shows that the accounting information with international financial reporting standards is more trustworthy for foreign and national investors.  相似文献   

Mary E. Barth 《Abacus》2015,51(4):499-510
Financial accounting is essential to financial accountability, which is essential to a prosperous society. There are many examples of how improvements to financial accounting, supported by research, have enhanced financial accountability. Such research requires a strong relation between accounting academics and practice; this relation has ebbed and flowed during the life of Abacus. The relation seems to ebb when accounting academics embrace related fields and flows when the relevance to accounting practice emerges. Economics and finance have provided new perspectives and meaningful insights about the information investors need to make informed decisions. Regardless, there are many intriguing and open questions awaiting accounting research that can provide insights into how financial accounting—and thus financial accountability—can be improved. The future is bright for financial accounting researchers who do research relevant to accounting practice and want to contribute to a prosperous society.  相似文献   

This paper contrasts educational reforms in New Zealand and the U.K. exploring the role of accountability in processes of management control. The paper focuses on the use of performance measurement in schools. Performance evaluation in the U.K. is, arguably, individualized, in New Zealand an organizational focus is retained The paper will seek to provide an account of the way that individuals have been called to account for their performance (Townley, 1996). Roberts' (1996) discussion of individualizing and socializing accountability is central because of its key claim that some forms of organizational accountability provide a separation of the strategic and moral consequences of action. This is seen as potentially damaging as it may free instrumental action from any form of ethical constraint, equally it may undermine any potential for collective action. In exploring this dimension we will examine the technologies of both financial accounting and management accounting which promote particular approaches to performance evaluation, accountability and control. Our argument raises questions as to the relevance of management accounting as a tool of control and whilst recognizing that financial accounting is also limited suggests that it is worth reconsidering its role in the context of a broader approach to performance evaluation.@e$g0  相似文献   

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