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为了探讨汽车服务行业服务质量、顾客满意度与顾客认知、情感、意向、行为等四类忠诚度之间的关系,我们对广东省7家汽车4S店进行实证调查,结果发现:服务质量对顾客的认知、情感和意向忠诚度有直接的影响;顾客满意度对顾客四类忠诚度都有直接的影响,且顾客满意度对态度忠诚的影响大于其对行为忠诚的影响;在顾客四类忠诚度中,对顾客行为忠诚有直接影响的是认知忠诚和意向忠诚,其中意向忠诚的影响程度较大。  相似文献   

This article aims to identify factors which support customer loyalty, either through dedication or by imposing constraints, and subsequently empirically analyzes the relationship between identified factors and the attitudinal and behavioral component of loyalty in the context of retail banking. Data collected from a sample of 293 retail banking customers have been analyzed through structural equation modeling. The study results suggested two constraint promoting factors and one dedication promoting factor which supported loyalty. The study contributes to knowledge by empirically testing the qualitative model and coming out with empirically proven dedication-promoting and constraint-promoting loyalty supporting factors.  相似文献   

在高度竞争的市场环境中,赢得顾客并与顾客维持长久关系是非常重要的,而这种长久关系的建立在很大程度上是以顾客满意为基础的。因此,如何提高顾客满意度、培育和维系忠诚的顾客群体是现代企业生存和发展亟待解决的重要课题。本论文提出了一个包含服务公平性、顾客感知质量、顾客感知价值、顾客满意感和顾客忠诚感概念模型及18项相关研究假设,并在武汉市20家酒店展开了问卷调查.最后采用规范的、科学的实证研究方法对此概念模型和研究假设进行了检验。  相似文献   

Because of the inherently virtual nature of online environments, maintaining customer loyalty on business-to-customer (B2C) e-commerce websites is a challenging task. Although there have been many e-commerce studies that investigate customer loyalty in various B2C contexts, none of them have examined loyalty by simultaneously adopting quality-, risk-, and value-driven perspectives. This study integrates the quality-satisfaction-loyalty paradigm and the extrinsic cue-quality-risk-value chain to develop a theoretical model of customer loyalty that is based on an integrated quality-risk-value perspective. Data collected from 542 experienced online shoppers are used to validate the theoretical research model. Additionally, the mediation effects of perceived e-service quality, perceived risk, perceived value, and satisfaction on the relationship between electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and loyalty in B2C websites are validated using rigorous statistical methods. As hypothesized, the findings indicate that both positive and negative eWOM significantly influence perceived e-service quality and perceived risk and, in turn, significantly affect perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty via the mediation of perceived e-service quality and risk. This study substantially enriches our understanding of the success of B2C websites by highlighting how the sequential causal relationships among key extrinsic cues, quality, risk, and value can strongly influence customer satisfaction and loyalty on these websites. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

随着微利时代的到来,通过提高客户满意度来发掘售后服务价值已经成为各厂商在激烈竞争的市场中获胜的关键。基于此,本文构建了汽车后服务业客户满意度评价指标体系,通过问卷调查,实证分析了汽车后服务业的客户满意度情况,并提出了提升客户满意度的策略。本文创新点在于MOT测评点价值贡献——差距散点图,运用图的形式解读客户满意度,有很大的可操作性。  相似文献   

消费者创新性对顾客忠诚的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着买方市场特征的日益显著,企业竞争策略开始从单纯的争夺顾客向保留顾客转变。鉴于当前消费者创新性对顾客忠诚的重要作用,研究消费者创新性对顾客忠诚的影响,对于我们更好地认识顾客忠诚形成机制并指导顾客关系管理实践具有十分重要的意义。基于消费者视角,借助计划理论与调节聚焦理论探讨消费者创新性对顾客忠诚影响的内在机理可以发现,消费者创新性对顾客忠诚具有负向影响,且这种负向效应不受顾客满意度水平高低影响。同时,消费者创新性对顾客忠诚两个维度的影响存在差异,即消费者创新性负向影响行为忠诚,而对态度忠诚并无显著影响。考虑到消费者创新性对顾客忠诚及其具体维度的影响,为更好地进行企业顾客关系管理,必须关注目标顾客消费者创新性程度,特别是重视目标市场中消费者创新性程度较高的那部分顾客。企业在追求顾客忠诚时,不能仅仅关注顾客满意,还要充分认识消费者创新性对顾客忠诚的负向影响,将注意力转向企业外部,关注消费者创新性程度,采取适当的营销策略合理防止消费者创新性程度较高的顾客发生购买行为转移。  相似文献   

The goal of this project is to find out if Spain is undergoing a disinvestment process in foreign service companies which might be leading to offshoring. To achieve this – after tackling conceptual and methodological aspects – a company's total disinvestment has been estimated. Subsequently, its ratio to gross investment has been evaluated for the whole sector and for all the activities the company performed in the 1993–2004 period. The result does not show a worrying disinvestment process. Over the last year in the study, though, a significant change has been seen, which might suggest the beginning of a disinvestment process in some activities – as is happening worldwide.  相似文献   

零售业客户忠诚度与营销策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客户满意度管理是零售业营销环境下提升客户价值、建立和保持客户忠诚的有力工具,而识别客户的体验需求,提高NPS记分是提高零售业客户忠诚度的先决条件。从企业战略实施层面来看,我国零售业提高客户忠诚度是企业可持续发展的核心要素,忠诚的顾客是企业最宝贵的财富。  相似文献   


In an attempt to increase customer loyalty amid increasingly competitive business environments, organizations are looking to customer relationship management (CRM) to help provide a solution. In spite of CRM failure rates cited as being as high as 70%, organizations continue to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars on CRM implementations. Attempts of past research to resolve why failure rates are so high have tended to focus on technological factors such as database integration or factors internal to the organization such as system adoption or organizational culture. While these areas are important, reactions of customers may also play a role. This paper uses justice theory to investigate the potential impact that customer involvement in a CRM implementation may have on customer loyalty. Propositions are provided to guide future research.  相似文献   

Purpose: This article studies, from the perspective of relationship marketing, the loyalty behavior of industrial customers in the context of an industrial cluster. Loyalty is a key variable for studying long-term relationships between firms.

Research implications: Recent advances in consumer and services marketing consider that perceived value and satisfaction are central to explaining customer loyalty. However, very few business-to-business (B2B) studies explain the antecedents of customer loyalty, where perceived value acquires a multidimensional perspective. This study adopts the relationship marketing approach, and loyalty behavior is analyzed in a specific setting: an industrial cluster. Furthermore, the effect of the number of suppliers is analyzed as a possible moderator in the relationships of the model.

Methodology approach: We have chosen the Spanish tile cluster to test a series of hypotheses. Questionnaires were elaborated from primary and secondary information and structural equation models (SEM) have been used for statistical treatment and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).

Findings: This study highlights the importance of the relationships among perceived value, satisfaction, and loyalty and the importance of the different dimensions of perceived value.

Practical implications: The empirical study and the results provide important evidence for managers, specifically, the critical influence of the emotional and social perceived values by the customer on his or her level of satisfaction and on the achievement of final loyalty—the importance in the commercial training programs of this matters.

Originality, value, and contribution: This study highlights the importance of the most intangibles dimensions of value for the industrial cluster relations between companies.  相似文献   

This research explores the mechanisms linking consumers’ perceptions of the environmental friendliness of service to customer loyalty. It investigates positive emotions evoked by perceptions of environmental friendliness and then links these emotions to customer satisfaction and loyalty as outcome variables. The data for testing a set of hypotheses was collected from a sample of over 150 consumers for three service industries, each. The results suggest that positive emotions in the form of “warm glow” feelings and sense of belonging are encouraged by environmental friendliness. The positive emotions have direct impacts on satisfaction, but show mixed impacts on loyalty.  相似文献   

Human enhancement technology (HET) is advancing a host of industries, yet it remains limited in its retail, sales, and service applications. Soon, however, these technologies appear likely to have notable impacts on customer experiences. To address their potential influences on customer–employee interactions and the customer experience, this article leverages insights about the human–robot continuum to predict that a mid-range approach may be realistic for retail, sales, and service encounters (cf. pure robot range), at least in the near term. Furthermore, the authors detail the likelihood of both beneficial (elevated warmth and competence) and detrimental (dehumanization) mediating effects of HET on customer experiences. They also propose four moderators: information about the HET, gain/loss frames, persuasion ability, and strategic fit between HET and firm orientations. These insights suggest various implications and research directions pertaining to HET, as well as ways that these technologies might be used effectively in different industries.  相似文献   

Does the widely accepted espectancy-disconfirmation model apply to situations within a financial services context? Or could it be, due to specific characteristics of services, that a different model applies? This paper addresses these questions and tests the relationships between consumer expectations, performance, disconfirmation, .satisfaction and repeat purchase in a lisrel model. The results would suggest that the relevancy of disconfirmation is fairly apparent and that expectations have only an indirect influence on satisfaction where financial services are concerned. The performance level of financial services however has a strong positive direct effect on satisfaction.  相似文献   

Customer loyalty is increasingly seen to be crucial to the success of business organisations, with the growing realisation that attracting new customers is far more expensive than retaining existing ones. It has been suggested that a way of increasing customer retention is through secure relationships between buyers and sellers. Surprisingly, however, and despite the growing body of literature on relationship marketing issues, little empirical research has been conducted on the link between relationship marketing and customer loyalty in a retailing context. This paper attempts to address this gap by presenting and testing a conceptual model of the process by which the implementation of relationship marketing can enhance such loyalty. A dyadic exploratory study of clothing store managers and their customers was conducted. Findings reveal that customers' perceptions of clothing stores' relationship marketing efforts are crucial to enhanced commitment and loyalty. Implications are drawn from these results, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

移动互联网应用正向用户生活需求中深入渗透,人们利用移动设备就可以在短暂的碎片时间内随时随地快捷、海量的获取资讯。电子书、平板电脑、手机等媒体的出现颠覆了大众的传统阅读方式。本文通过对移动阅读软件的研究,并结合移动阅读的特点,探讨移动阅读用户满意度影响因素与影响机理,帮助移动阅读运营商提高移动阅读服务质量,提高客户的满意度,推动移动阅读行业整体健康持续发展。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relevant predictors of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and explores the group difference by innovativeness or device type, based on equity theory for emerging devices in the initial market of Korea. The results from an online survey of users of emerging devices and structural equation modeling indicate that utilitarian benefit, hedonic benefit, nonmonetary cost, and alternative attractiveness are significant predictors of customer satisfaction, which in turn affects customer loyalty. Hedonic benefit has a stronger relationship with customer satisfaction for more innovative users and nonmonetary cost has a stronger relationship with customer satisfaction for less innovative users. Nonmonetary cost has a negative relationship with customer satisfaction for netbooks; an additional exploratory analysis produced no such evidence for smartphones. These findings suggest managerial implications for customer loyalty regarding emerging devices.  相似文献   

快时尚将大众平价与时尚相结合,是年轻化、民主化、全球化、信息化社会浪潮影响下的产物,其最为显著的特征就是快速与时尚。其中,快速指快时尚品牌快速反应市场的能力,即快速更新产品,快速投入市场,快速响应市场;时尚指快时尚品牌不同于传统服装,往往更追求款式时尚而非服装质量。快时尚作为服装品牌中一个非常重要的领域,具有其自身独特的顾客满意度影响因素。对快时尚服装品牌顾客群体进行研究发现,快时尚服装品牌的款式设计及服装质量对顾客满意度具有正向影响作用,且同等条件下,款式设计的正向影响作用显著强于服装质量的影响作用。不过,男性顾客与女性顾客对快时尚服装的侧重点不同,男性更看重质量,女性更看重款式,这一研究结果符合男女顾客不同的消费心理。因此,为促进企业更好更快发展,快时尚品牌一要做到产品与款式设计紧跟时代潮流,更好地创造并满足顾客消费需求,为顾客提供丰富多样的产品,提高顾客时尚选择性与满意度;二要根据男女顾客不同的消费心理采取具有针对性的个性化营销方式;三要在设计理念上舍弃对欧美品牌的一味模仿和抄袭,深入挖掘我国特有的优秀传统文化,配合国际服装时尚流行趋势,实现设计理念上的创新与突破,创建独具特色的品牌,把握市场主动权。  相似文献   


As the number of tourists continues to grow globally, the hospitality industry players inevitably face more challenges. High competition among the competitors and the emergence of new technologies such as online booking platforms make the competition more intense among players in the hospitality sector. The quality of services provided is undoubtedly crucial to the success of the hotel. Hence, any service failure has to be addressed appropriately in order to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and to keep the image of the hotel intact. It is therefore vital that service recovery programs are carefully planned to meet various types of service failures which may inevitably occur. In this study, questionnaires were distributed to customers who had experienced service failures. The aim was to investigate the influence of service quality and service recovery on satisfaction and, ultimately, the effect on customer loyalty. The research also tested the mediating effect of corporate image between the relationship of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The findings showed that both service recovery and service quality had a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Similarly, it was found that customer satisfaction induced customer loyalty towards the hotel operator. The result also showed that corporate image mediated partially between the relationship of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.  相似文献   

The present study examines the relationships among customer satisfaction, service quality and perceived value. These variables are increasingly recognised as being sources of competitive advantage. However, little empirical research has been conducted to examine these variables simultaneously and their relationships with post-purchase behaviour. The present study was therefore designed to develop an understanding of the relationships among these variables and their influence on postpurchase behaviour. An integrative model was developed and tested using data collected from customers in the restaurant industry. The results reveal that customer satisfaction and perceived value significantly influence post-purchase behaviour. Implications of the findings and areas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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