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随着人们生活质量的提升,消费者在购车过程中已经不单单关注汽车产品本身,他们对在购车过程中享受到的服务也很关注,那么汽车4S店需要制定以客户满意度为前提的汽车营销策略就显得尤为重要,本文首先分析的汽车营销市场现状,然后提出了4条基于客户满意度的汽车营销策略。  相似文献   

本文从产品和服务两个维度对20家电力高科技企业的客户调研数据进行检验,分析客户满意度与客户忠诚度之间的内在关系。研究发现,产品和服务的9个满意度测量项均对客户忠诚度有正向促进作用,但只有产品维护服务、客户维护服务两个测量项正向显著影响。主营信息化产品的企业除了客户维护服务外,产品质量也会显著影响客户忠诚度,而主营硬件设备的企业除了产品维护服务与客户维护服务外,前期服务也对提高客户忠诚度有显著影响。因此,电力高科技企业应进一步加强产品与服务的满意度管理,深化“以客户为中心”的服务理念,根据主营产品类型实施精准的客户忠诚计划。  相似文献   

餐饮O2O是近年兴起的一种线上线下相结合的商业模式,O2O模式的客户满意度既包括线上因素也包括线下因素。本文在已有的客户满意度模型基础上,整合线上线下客户满意度的影响因素,构建了餐饮O2O客户满意度理论模型,并运用结构方程方法,以"饿了么"为例进行了实证研究。研究结果发现顾客期望对顾客满意度有负面影响,风险感知、成本感知对质量感知有负面影响,质量感知对顾客满意度有显著正向影响,顾客满意度对顾客忠诚有显著正向影响,本研究将使企业以客户利益为核心,高度重视客户服务,对提高餐饮O2O客户满意度具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

董辉 《中国电子商务》2013,(14):151-152
广东移动非常重视干部队伍培养工作,通过探索与实践“结构化定制”干部培养模式,为公司培养和输送了一大批干部队伍。本文作者在针对干部培养三个方面问题的基础上,提出以组织发展需求为主定制培养内容,以个人发展需求为主定制培养方式的结构化干部培养思路,并结合广东移动在结构化定制培养模式中的具体行动及效果,归纳总结了培养经验。  相似文献   

O2O是一种线上线下相结合的新型电子商务模式,由于O2O在消费和服务提供上的时间隔离,因此从动态和静态集成的视角来探讨O2O的客户满意度更符合O2O商业模式的特点。本文针对O2O商业模式,从动静态的角度分别识别客户满意度的维度,并以滴滴打车为例,用结构方程方法进行了实证研究,验证了在O2O模式下保持客户持续满意与忠诚的主要因素。本文对客户满意度研究提供了一个新视角。  相似文献   

<正>前言借助大量的市场营销活动建立品牌美誉度和忠诚度,几乎是所有企业的行为准则。不过,在高额的费用花出去之后,是否被消费者接受,是许多企业并不确定的事实。为了获得消费者真实的声音,新浪财经联合益普索  相似文献   

格兰仕是一家令人尊敬的企业,至今仍是。格兰仕在世界同行业的地位和“杀伤力”,远高于海尔、联想、TCL这些著名的企业。“假如世界上没有我这家企业,人们会不会觉得明显少了什么?”对这个问题,格兰仕给出的答案比所有中国企业都明确,都理直气壮:假如没有格兰仕,这个行业极可能仍被国外的家电巨头所把持,微波炉极可能现在还是一种让多数中国家庭可望难及的奢侈品。当价格低得让不少消费者觉得难为情的微波炉售出时,格兰仕的确兑现了其“感动消费者”的承诺。  相似文献   

我国是传统的农业大国,农业是国民经济的基础。近年来随着网络普及度的不断提高,农产品电子商务也发展的如火如荼。政府对农产品电子商务也大力支持,2015年中央一号文件再次提出支持涉农电子商务平台建设的论述,进一步推进了涉农电子商务的高速发展。上海菜管家作为农产品电子商务企业的佼佼者,有很多经验值得借鉴和学习。本文从目标顾客群体定位、采购加工流程和物流配送三个方面,分析菜管家企业的成功之处,为已经进入或将要进入农产品电子商务行业的企业提供一些对策建议。  相似文献   

客户忠诚可以划分为客户对公司的忠诚和客户对雇员的忠诚,在转中国"关系"文化情境下,许多企业存在更多的是客户对雇员的个人忠诚.但这种个人忠诚是否有利于提高企业的绩效?是我国许多企业面临的十分严峻的现实问题.本文在相关理论研究回顾的基础上,针对这个问题进行了多重案例研究.研究发现在企业发展的不同阶段,客户对雇员的个人忠诚对企业绩效有不同的影响;管理者应根据企业发展的不同阶段,对客户-雇员忠诚进行有效的管理,充分发挥其对企业绩效的积极作用.  相似文献   

2011年1月26日,国家发改委宣布,家乐福、沃尔玛等外资零售巨头的部分连锁店存在虚构原价、低价标示高价结算、不履行价格承诺等误导性价格欺诈行为;随后,相关城市发改  相似文献   

Specialization dynamics   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper proposes a new empirical framework for analyzing specialization dynamics. A country’s pattern of specialization is viewed as a distribution across sectors, and statistical techniques for analyzing the evolution of this entire distribution are employed. The empirical framework is implemented using data on 20 industries in seven OECD countries since 1970. We find substantial mobility in patterns of specialization. Over time horizons of 5 years, this is largely explained by forces common across countries, including world prices and common changes in technical efficiency. Over longer time horizons, country-specific changes in factor endowments become more important. There is no evidence of an increase in countries’ overall degree of specialization.  相似文献   

扼制问题在企业活动中普遍存在,通过增加企业的交易费用影响企业的专业化分工,但企业的专业化发展不仅受交易费用而且受生产费用节约的影响,只考虑交易费用则显狭隘.本文的研究指出,企业选择专业化还是一体化,是综合考虑交易费用、生产费用和一体化效益后的理性决策,而不只受"扼制问题"的影响.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to explore the process of customization by investigating how retailers and consumers interact in bicycle retailing. The paper focuses on three high-end bicycle retailers. Building on qualitative data gathered through interviews and netnography, this study takes both retailers’ and consumers’ processes into account. The results show that retailers capitalize on external and internal opportunities for co-creation, including new technologies, production and distribution innovations, and social media. Retailers’ planning for co-creation plays a significant role in providing a unique shopping experience for consumers. This includes supply chain solutions such as effective inventory and warehousing systems, partnerships and outsourcing, tracking, and postponement, which facilitate simplicity. Retailers rely on feedback from consumers to improve their planning and implementation processes. In terms of consumer processes, several emotions are evident, including the sense of standing-out and self-esteem, fun and coolness, creativity and imagination, and most importantly, the possibility of reflecting one’s personality in self-designed bikes. Systems that are easy to interact with, such as interactive online configurators, contribute to consumers’ cognitive processes. Loyalty and positive word-of-mouth turns out to be a common manifestation of the behavior associated with such co-creation processes. We also reflect on how, by what means, and why consumers and retailers engage in co-creation through customization, mainly pertaining to learning and innovation. Our results also point to various possible outcomes from such processes for consumer and retailers; including expressing ones personality and individuality for consumers, and providing product variety efficiently, and boosting brand image for retailers.  相似文献   

随着技术进步和我国居民收入水平的提高,消费者的价值需求由实用性向 体验性转变,企业的经营模式也随之发生变化。大量定制正以满足消费者个性化 需求的独特功能,开辟了新的市场空间,成为实现产品价值的主要手段,同时也给 传统的市场营销观念注入了新的内容。  相似文献   

垂直专业化分工及我国的分工地位   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
垂直专业化分工是国际分工的深化,是同一产业或行业内同一产品的不同生产阶段之间的国际分工。基于比较优势的垂直专业化分工,其表现形式是包含中间产品的产业内贸易,其分工和贸易模式是可预测的。我国在全球垂直专业化分工中的地位是进口半制成品并加工装配成消费品,然后出口,其主要形式是加工贸易。  相似文献   

We use a one‐factor two‐sector model of comparative advantage with uncertainty to compare the effects of different specialization levels on growth under various scenarios. We derive the static and dynamic optimal level of specialization under the centralized and the decentralized economy. We identify the conditions under which the socially optimal specialization level entails positive investment in the comparatively disadvantaged sector. We show that in this case the socially optimal solution cannot be reached by the decentralized economy which is in fact characterized by over‐specialization. We conclude presenting a simple tax‐based redistributive mechanism able to achieve the optimal level of specialization in a decentralized economic system.  相似文献   

We estimate the effect of factor proportions on the pattern of manufacturing specialization in a cross-section of OECD countries, taking into account that factor accumulation responds to productivity. We show that the failure to control for productivity differences produces biased estimates. Our model explains 2/3 of the observed differences in the pattern of specialization between the poorest and richest OECD countries. However, because factor proportions and the pattern of specialization co-move in the development process, their strong empirical relationship is not sufficient to determine whether specialization is driven by factor proportions, or by other mechanisms also correlated with level of development.  相似文献   


This study develops theory and empirically tests the influence of heterogeneity (the degree of standardization or customization) of firm outputs on the globalization entry mode decisions, and receipt of revenues from foreign markets. To insure sufficient variance in the sample while also controlling for extraneous sectoral and national variables, this study obtained and analyzed cross-sectional data from 190 U.S. based firms in the environmental control industry. The findings indicate that the outputs of global firms are significantly less heterogeneous than the outputs of domestic firms, but that heterogeneity is not significantly related to the receipt of foreign revenues, or to the use of a higher control entry mode. These findings suggest that firms with more standardized outputs are more likely to globalize, but that standardization fails to help firms create any additional value in international markets compared to firms with more heterogeneous outputs.  相似文献   

冯根尧 《商业研究》2006,(19):21-23
基于流程设计的服务性企业分类,分析高度标准化服务与高度定制化服务两种极端模式的片面性,探讨大批量定制化模式在服务性企业的应用及“顾客感知点”概念,明确在不影响服务质量的前提下,推迟服务链中的“顾客感知点”是服务性企业提高自身效益的有效途径。  相似文献   

随着城市化快速发展,城市功能开始呈现专业化分工特征,已成为推动产业发展的重要因素.本文利用部分城市面板数据,实证检验城市功能专业化对产业效率的影响.研究结果表明,城市功能专业化显著推动了生产性服务业的效率增长,而对工业效率表现一定的抑制效应,长三角、珠三角和长江中游的城市群功能专业化对工业效率具有显著的抑制作用,但京津冀城市群的功能专业化对工业效率的抑制效应不明显.  相似文献   

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