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跨国公司在华市场垄断倾向及其超越路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国利用外商投资规模不断扩大,跨国公司凭借其规模、技术、营销等方面的竞争优势,实现了对我国市场进入壁垒的突破乃至重建,进而对我国的市场结构产生了不可忽视的影响.文章揭示了跨国公司直接投资进入中国后的市场垄断倾向,阐明了垄断造成的危害,进而提出了解决这一问题的对策.  相似文献   

世界大型跨国公司竞争性投资的技术进步效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
世界大型跨国公司具有显著技术优势,吸收500强大型跨国公司投资是我国促进技术进步和产业升级的重要措施。但是大型跨国公司投资既有促进技术进步的作用,又有技术垄断的负面影响。吸收大型跨国公司的竞争性投资有利于营造竞争环境,打破技术垄断,并将我国国内产业竞争推进到国际竞争的前沿。  相似文献   

OMNI-实现空间通信系统标准化的新思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界500强跨国公司具有显著技术优势,500强企业的战略调整有利于我国利用大型跨国公司投资促进技术进步。吸收500强跨国公司投资是我国促进技术进步和产业升级的重要措施。但是吸收大型跨国公司投资既有促进技术进步的作用,又有技术垄断的负面影响。吸收大型跨国公司的竞争性投资有利于营造竞争环境,打破技术垄断,并将我国国内产业竞争推进到国际竞争的前沿。  相似文献   

论跨国公司与发展中东道国的竞争政策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着经济全球化的深入发展,跨国公司已成为许多发展中东道国经济的重要组成部分。跨国公司的进入,促进了发展中东道国的技术深化和产业升级。然而,随着全球并购浪潮的兴起,跨国公司的实力膨胀,其市场垄断力量增强,限制性商业做法(RBP)盛行,损害了发展中东道国的利益。因此,发展中东道国应加紧制定以限制跨国公司市场垄断力量和限制性商业做法为主要内容的竞争政策。  相似文献   

基于跨国公司进入的古诺模型--以电讯业为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
跨国公司进入将会使中国的电讯产业趋向寡头垄断的市场结构。因此,我们可以使用分析寡头垄断市场均衡的古诺模型来研究跨国公司进入后的中国电讯业发展问题。  相似文献   

跨国公司的进入对我国家电业市场结构的影响,主要集中在对家电企业之间垄断竞争关系的影响。  相似文献   

浅析跨国公司投资与我国市场结构改善   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
著名跨国公司大量投资我国,是近年来我国外商投资中出现的新现象之一。大型跨国公司的进入,使国内竞争国际化,随之在某些行业产生了对我国国有企业的强烈市场冲击,甚至出现了一定程度的垄断,进而影响到我国的市场结构。本文在对跨国公司投资行为给东道国市场结构带来...  相似文献   

孟铁 《商业时代》2008,(5):13-16,48
流通产业市场结构是指流通产业的市场垄断或竞争程度.度量市场的垄断程度,主要看市场集中度,而影响市场结构的重要因素有产品差异、规模经济、进入障碍、产品差别化等.本文主要从产业集中、规模经济、进入壁垒三个方面来分析当前我国流通产业的市场结构状况.并根据SCP分析范式,对我国流通产业市场绩效进行深入分析,提出了优化我国流通产业市场结构的政策选择.  相似文献   

<正> 当代的国际竞争是垄断条件下的竞争。“二战”以后,跨国公司发展迅速,不仅发达国家的跨国公司数量大量增加,规模不断扩大,而且一些发展中国家和地区也出现了一些规模可观的跨国公司。跨国公司在世界经济中的作用不断增强,目前已成为国际贸易的主导力量。据估计,跨国公司的贸易额大约占世界贸易总额的50%。但是,我  相似文献   

在华跨国公司限制竞争行为表现及对策   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
中国加入WTO后,对外开放的步伐进一步加快,许多国际知名跨国公司看好我国市场的巨大容量和经济发展潜力,纷纷进入我国。目前世界跨国公司500强中已有400多家来华投资。大量跨国公司进入我国市场,极大地促进了我国经济和技术的发展,但也带来了一些负面的影响。与国内企业相比,跨国公司在技术、规模、资金等方面都拥有很大的优势,因而极易在我国市场竞争中形成优势地位甚至是垄断地位,从而实施或可能实施限制竞争行为,妨碍公平竞争,侵害经营者和消费者合法权益。王众孚局长在2003年全国工商行政管理工作会议上指出,要加紧研究入世后跨国公司…  相似文献   

跨国资本已成为福建省市场的重要参与者,在福建省市场中占有重要地位。随着跨国资本的大举进入,福建省市场过度竞争导致产业集中度下滑的趋势得到了有效遏制。尽管目前跨国资本的进入与福建省产业集中度的正相关效应尚不显著,但从趋势看,跨国资本的进入对提升福建省的产业集中度将起很大的促进作用,并存在“控市”的可能性。而对跨国公司的市场准入实行完全的或大规模的限制是不现实的;尽快发展壮大能与跨国公司抗衡的国内竞争者才是正确的选择。  相似文献   

行政性进入壁垒保护下的企业实际上是行政性垄断企业。除了公有制本身会导致这些企业出现软预算约束外,行政性进入壁垒的设置与政府管制会强化预算软约束,即这类企业在亏损时更容易获得政府的救助,企业的冗员更不容易释放。而拆除或降低行政性进入壁垒、引入竞争者或允许行业竞争,有助于硬化行政垄断企业的预算约束。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interdependence between firm entry and exit from an industrial dynamics perspective. The paper discusses how entry and exit rates in industrial sectors are affected by previous exit and entry rates. Economic theory presents two different approaches to how entry and exit of firms are interrelated, the multiplier effect and the competition effect. This paper intends to investigate which force is the predominant one, for entry and exit patterns, respectively. The empirical analysis is based on data for 25 Swedish manufacturing industries at the 2-digit SIC level, during the period 1991–2000. In the estimation work the study applies a dynamic panel data approach as suggested by Anderson and Hsiao [Journal of the American Statistical Association, 76:598–606, 1981] and Arellano and Bond [Review of Economic Studies, 58(2):277–297, 1991]. With respect to entry, the empirical results support the multiplier effect such that entry stimulates future entry, but also a competition effect such that past exit induces additional entry. With regard to exit, on the other hand, the competition effect rules, implying that previous entry causes subsequent exit and previous exit reduces subsequent exit.   相似文献   

Considering an homogeneous goods Cournot framework with cost asymmetries between the regulated incumbent and the unregulated entrant, this paper investigates the welfare effects of market liberalization and privatization. The positive efficiency effects of market liberalization depends on reallocation of the production between firms and on the extent of the “output distortion” due to the existence of imperfect information. More competition in a previously statutory monopoly reduces the cost of imperfect information. In terms of social welfare, we derive conditions on the desirability of entry and show that privatization is complementary to deregulation, i.e. privatization makes entry more desirable.  相似文献   

随着电信领域长期垄断经营的局面被打破 ,中国电信业已由垄断逐步走向开放的新时代 ,面临着国内外竞争的巨大压力。“西部大开发”和加入WTO使中国电信业面临着新的机遇与挑战。应运用市场营销学、管理学等理论知识及方法 ,探讨新的营销战略及策略 ,以期对处于激烈的市场竞争中的电信企业带来新的生机与活力 ,赢得更大的市场空间  相似文献   

外部环境与企业财务保守行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于代理理论和战略管理理论融合的观点,我们对企业外部环境与其财务保守行为之间的关系进行了理论分析和实证检验。实证研究结果表明,我国上市公司的财务政策与其外部环境存在明显不匹配的现象。表现为越是在动态环境、市场竞争激烈的行业,上市公司负债比率越高;越是环境稳定、市场竞争程度低的行业,上市公司的财务政策倾向保守。外部环境的变化和公司所处行业的竞争状况并不能合理解释我国上市公司的财务保守行为。企业的内源融资能力和我国的再融资政策也许是我国上市公司财务保守行为的重要原因。  相似文献   

本文指出,土地出让制度是一种许可证制,是由政府创造的一种进入壁垒.以协议出让为主的土地出让制度不仅导致了垄断,而且还导致了严重的"圈地运动"和寻租行为.因此,对土地市场而言,一方面要反垄断,改协议出让为拍卖出让,使许可证竞争;另一方面要鼓励竞争,使大的土地开发项目拆分为众多小的土地开发项目.  相似文献   

Executive Summary This study advances and tests determinants of entry strategies of U.S. companies to Eastern Europe, as well as factors that determine the satisfaction of these companies with their economic performance in this area. Using survey data and a multivariable research design, the study adds new knowledge and supports previous findings. It reports that the entry mode of U.S. companies into these countries is determined by the following variables, ranked from most to least important: market potential, company activity, level of competition, and year of market entry. It also reports that the satis‐faction of U.S. companies doing business in these countries is decided by the following variables, ranked from most to least important: economic‐performance outlook, level of competition, number of competitors, market potential, year of entry, and business activity. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The authors were invited to prepare a paper for the National Consumer Council to discuss the consumer interest in competition policy. While the analytical basis of competition policy has been extensively discussed in various places and empirical evidence on structure-conduct-performance relationships in industry is available, they have not found any material which deals systematically with a possible con sumer oriented approach to competition policy. Before offering specific policy suggestions they have therefore found it necessary to establish a theoretical basis for the identification of the consumer's interest in these matters. This is then used to guide their comments on the particular implications for competition policy. By competition policy they refer to that area of government policy which seeks to control the creation or conduct of dominant firms and other forms of restraint on competition. The analytical model is developed primarily in terms of a consideration of the effects of monopoly, to simplify the discussion it is therefore assumed that cartels can be viewed as a special case of monopoly. In the paper they have treated the consumer as a household-based purchaser and they do not therefore take into account the interests of industrial purchasers.  相似文献   

曹飞 《商业研究》2013,(1):211-216
本文分析了近年来我国土地市场乱象和长期高速持续的房价上涨原因,并提出了政策建议:短期着重于抑制投机需求,中长期的政策则应逐渐减缓产业链上下游的市场垄断力量,消除产业链上下游双轨制,从根本上改善商品住房供需失衡矛盾。  相似文献   

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