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中国是水产品第一大出口国和第三大迚口国,秘鲁是世界鱼粉第一大出口国。本文比较了两国水产品贸易规模,幵基于国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数和显性比较优势指数指标对两国水产品贸易的竞争力迚行了研究分析。结果表明,秘鲁各类水产品都具有很强的竞争优势,其中鱼粉的竞争优势尤为明显。而中国在初级水产品、水产品制品、海藻等水生植物及其产品具有一定的市场占有率和竞争优势。我国应借鉴秘鲁水产品贸易成功经验,提高水产品精深加工能力,增加产品附加值,提高各类水产品贸易竞争力。  相似文献   

本文结合中韩两国农产品贸易的发展现状,基于2000-2007年中韩农产品进出口数据,运用产业内贸易指数、边际产业内贸易指数、水平和垂直型产业内贸易指数对中韩农产品产业内贸易状况进行了分析,发现中韩两国农产品产业内贸易以垂直型产业内贸易为主,并从加大技术投入、形成规模经济等角度提出了发展我国与韩国农产品产业内贸易的对策建议。  相似文献   

中韩水产品贸易阶段性特征:2001~2011年的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001~2011年,中韩水产品进出口贸易规模持续扩大,中国一直保持顺差低位,贸易顺差额整体呈上升趋势,但期间出现过短期波动下滑.通过总结中韩间水产品贸易规模变化趋势,梳理影响其变化的国内外因素,发现中韩水产品需求市场持续膨胀是拉动其规模扩大的根本原因,此外,WTO贸易规则、人民币兑韩元汇率变化、非关税壁垒、金融危机、生产成本上升等也对中韩水产品贸易产生了较大影响.对中韩水产品贸易结构分析显示,中国出口韩国水产品贸易额占中国出口水产品总额的比重逐年下降,主要是受中国出口多元化策略的影响.中韩水产品贸易品种结构变化则受到消费偏好、水产品价格变化等因素的影响,表现出不稳定的趋势.中韩进出口水产品价格受资源稀缺、成本上升、自然灾害等不利因素的影响,整体呈上升趋势.  相似文献   

“海上丝绸之路”区位优势下中泰水产品贸易发展现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中泰两国同为亚洲主要渔业大国,论文简要回顾了中国水产品出口贸易背景,分析中国出口东盟水产品贸易的现状以及中泰两国水产品进出口贸易现状,着重剖析了两国的进出口贸易规模和品种,并从双方信息互通、新品种开发、品牌化营销和合作交流四个方面提出促进两国水产品贸易的对策建议。  相似文献   

中国海水贝类出口韩国竞争力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是世界上最重要的贝类生产国之一,是韩国的第一大贝类供应国[1]。论文以联合国商品贸易统计数据库1992-2014年海水贝类的贸易数据为依据,通过中国海水贝类对韩国的出口额变动、贸易专业化指数、出口渗透率指数和出口优势变差指数综合分析其在韩国市场的竞争力,结论如下:中国对韩国的海水贝类出口额变动与其在韩国的竞争力强弱之间并无必然联系;中国海水贝类对韩国市场竞争力整体波动下滑,五大贝类产业间贸易占优势,贸易互补性强;增强中韩FTA框架下中国水产品的竞争力需要两国共同努力。  相似文献   

沈丽 《山西农经》2020,(5):39-41
中韩自贸区的建立对于两国经济贸易发展有巨大的促进作用。广西不仅是"一带一路"有机衔接的重要门户,也是中国与东盟合作的核心纽带,在中韩合作方面潜力巨大。在中韩自由贸易区建立的背景下,对广西与韩国的贸易现状进行了分析,并运用SWOT法分析了广西与韩国进行经贸合作的优势、劣势、机会与威胁,就广西如何加强与韩国经贸合作提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文在概述中挪水产品贸易现状的基础上,运用市场占有率指数、显示性比较优势指数、贸易竞争优势指数和贸易互补性指数、贸易结合度指数分别对中国和挪威水产品贸易的竞争力和互补性进行实证分析。结果表明:近年来中国的水产品竞争力有下降趋势,挪威的水产品竞争力则稳步提升;两国的水产品贸易有较强的互补性,但挪威对中国的互补性更强。  相似文献   

徐兴权 《农业经济》2007,(10):68-69
本文从农业生产、农产品贸易结构以及农产品贸易法律法规等方面分析了中韩农业和农产品贸易的现状。从中韩两国地理位置临近、农产品消费差异、劳动密集程度、两国的农产品进出口情况及两国近年来的农业政策提出中国对韩国农产品贸易的对策与建议。  相似文献   

中韩FTA的签署有效改善中韩两国农产品贸易的制度环境,推动中韩两国农业产业依据各自资源禀赋优势优化配置农业产业资源,推动两国农业产业现代化进程。研究阐述中韩FTA签署的背景及其对促进两国农产品贸易健康发展的意义;从健全中韩农产品争端解决长效机制和推动中韩农产品产业结构同步升级两方面揭示其对两国农产品贸易的影响;从建立中韩FTA框架下农产品贸易制度及标准体系,建构农产品贸易大通关体系和优化农产品贸易空间布局等方面给出优化中韩FTA框架下农产品贸易的策略。  相似文献   

文章通过对中国与东盟4国出口相似度指数与显性比较优势指数进行测算,实证分析了中国-东盟自贸区的贸易现状;据此指出,中国与东盟之间贸易竞争仍比较激烈,存在产生"合成谬误"的可能性,但长期趋势分析表明其可能性越来越小;最后,文章得出结论并给出政策建议。  相似文献   

The US Farm Bill of 2002 is the latest in a 7-decade history of farm subsidy laws that transfer funds to farmers and regulate and subsidize production of selected commodities. Fruit, tree nut, ornamental and vegetable crops, hay and meats remain outside scope of main subsidy programs. The new law continues many innovations of the 1996 Act, such as removal of authority for annual land idling and crop price floors accompanied by government stockholding. Government payments remain the primary focus of commodity programs. The total amount of these payments are likely to remain similar to the amount paid in the period 1999–2001, but with some changes in the form of the programs. For example, allowing owners to update acreage and yield payment bases creates additional incentives for farmers to link current planting decisions to anticipated farm subsidies. Similarly, the new program that ties "counter-cyclical" payments to the price of a specific crop also has production stimulus. A new program, estimated to add about 5–10 per cent to marginal milk revenue for smaller farms, makes 'deficiency' payments to dairy farms when milk prices are low. Despite the new programs with added links to stimulating production, new USA programs stimulate production only marginally more than the subsidies of the 1999–2001 period, which were replaced. Furthermore, the USA has flexibility to avoid explicitly violating its WTO commitments. Nonetheless, this US Farm Bill of 2002 has curtailed the previous trends toward lower farm subsidies and smaller production stimuli, and the negative publicity surrounding it has made negotiating reductions of farm trade distortions more difficult.  相似文献   

Recent research highlights the role that multinational trading companies may play in impeding price transmission. In markets characterised by imperfect competition, an estimate of the partial elasticity of demand may be of limited practical value if no account is taken of the reaction of competitors. In this paper, we demonstrate the potential for market structure to affect price transmission and trade elasticities, and challenge the presumption that only government intervention can impact upon price transmission, with examples supporting why theory would suggest otherwise.  相似文献   

Studies of US‐Mexico vegetable trade have generally emphasized the importance of US tariffs in determining the competitive advantage of US producers. Even so, research has identified at least four factors related primarily to the different levels of economic development in the US and Mexico that also have important effects on US‐Mexico agricultural trade in general and fresh vegetable trade in particular. These include the differential growth rates of US and Mexican real wages, production technology (yields), and per capita income as well as cyclical movements in the real Mexican Peso/US Dollar exchange rate. This study examines the relative contribution of NAFTA and the development‐related factors to likely future changes in US fresh vegetable imports from Mexico. The analysis employs an econometric simulation model of US and Mexican markets for five fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, bell peppers, and onions) accounting for 80% of US fresh vegetable imports. The results suggest that the 1994–1995 Peso devaluation rather than NAFTA was primarily responsible for the sharp increase in US imports of Mexican vegetables observed in the first years following the implementation of NAFTA. Over time, however, the results suggest that differences in the growth rates of US and Mexican production yields and, to a lesser extent, of US and Mexican real incomes and/or real wage rates could plausibly contribute more to the future growth of US tomato, squash, and onion imports from Mexico than the trade liberalizing effects of NAFTA.  相似文献   

野生动物贸易与野生动物保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
野生动物贸易与野生动物保护之间的冲突是显而易见的,但野生动物贸易如果有效利用也会成为野生动物保护的工具。  相似文献   

随着土地市场秩序治理整顿的深化,土地隐形交易对土地市场秩序的危害日益显现,深受社会各界的关注。土地隐形交易,与土地非法交易在其行为和手段上有本质的区别,所谓土地隐形交易是指弄虚作假,巧立名目,钻政策法规空子,以合法手段掩盖非法目的,把“非法”合法化,规避法规政策,逃避国土资源行政执法监察部门监督查处的交易行为。本文作者就土地隐形交易的表现形式、形成原因和治理措施谈了自己的看法,很有见地。  相似文献   

中国渔业发展与水产品国际贸易   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,中国渔业的发展举世瞩目,水产品总量居世界首位。作者从政策、方针、措施等方面阐述了中国渔业持续、快速、健康发展的根本原因及中国水产品在国际贸易方面取得的成就,同时也提出中国的渔业进入世界渔业大格局后应努力的方向  相似文献   

The developing countries as a group could expect to experience only small welfare gains if they chose not to actively participate in agricultural trade liberalization and relied solely on the benefits of partial liberalization in the OECD countries. Participation along the lines of the Dunkel package, with the developing countries reducing positive assistance by less than the developed countries, would yield gains of the order of US $20 billion. More comprehensive participation in trade liberalization involving reductions of both positive and negative protection would almost triple these welfare gains. While some developing countries do not gain from trade liberalization even with full participation, the number of such countries and the magnitude of their losses are greatly reduced.  相似文献   

Recent trade disruptions and their consequences on supply chains show the importance of stable trade relations for exporters' economic planning and importers' supply security. Both instability in trading partners' economic and institutional environment and differences between them are likely to exacerbate these disruptions. We investigate the role of exporters' institutional quality (IQ) and its similarity with importers' IQ in the stability of trade links. We focus on the trade links of agri-food products exported from sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries to the European Union (EU-28) and consider three dimensions of IQ: ‘government selection, monitoring, and replacement’; ‘efficiency of policy formulation and implementation’; and ‘respect of citizens and state for institutions’. Using a discrete-time duration model, we show that the duration of SSA exports to the EU-28 increases with higher exporters' IQ and similarity of trading partners' IQ. The strongest impact of exporters' IQ is associated with ‘government selection, monitoring, and replacement’. In terms of the similarity of trading partners, ‘respect of citizens and state for institutions’ has the largest impact on trade durations. Our findings suggest that the improvement of countries' IQ may boost the stability of trade relationships. Moreover, the similarity of IQs between trading partners supports the stability of trade links and should be carefully considered when establishing new trade relations.  相似文献   

针对贸易中的反倾销规避行为,各进口国相继在WTO框架下,通过国内立法规定了相应的反规避措施,这种措施的主要目的是为了维护反倾销的贸易保护职能.欧美国家的反规避立法主要从三个方面体现了这种功能在规避行为的认定条件中,对具体标准模糊化,加强了反规避措施的贸易保护功能;有选择地运用反规避条款中的内容,使实际操作中的不确定性因素增强;赋予反规避调查部门较大的行政权利.  相似文献   

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