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反诘语气副词是表达反问语气的语气副词,主要出现在反问句中.反诘语气副词是构成反问句的重要成分,也是话语交际的常用手段.目前语言学界对于反问句和反问语气已有了比较广泛的研究.本文主要探讨了"难道""岂""何尝""何必""何妨"和"何曾"等反诘语气副词在反问句中所体现的否定表述,及反诘语气副词与否定范畴的密切关系.  相似文献   

副词的语义归纳和语义识别关系密切,但两种研究的方法和目的不同。多功能副词的语义识别需要充分利用文本中的语音因素、句法结构因素、相关词语的语义特征以及语用推理等百科知识。现代汉语副词“都”具有总括范围和强调极性两种基本功能,这两种功能在真实文本中的实现有相应的文本因素表现。准确识别副词“都”的功能对于正确理解话语的意义具有重要影响。  相似文献   

本文从语义指向的角度,探讨南安方言副词内部的异同。相同的是可以根据它们对语法属性的选择,语义指向所修饰的句法成分。不同的是有的副词可以前指也可以后指,有的副词只能后指;有些副词可以指向词和短语,有些副词可以指向整个句子;有些副词需要靠具体的语境才能不产生歧义,有些副词则是可以指向省略的句子成分。  相似文献   

陈率 《浙商》2013,(15):76-77
《福布斯》在报道张以弛与他的硅易科技时用了这样的标题:“微软小心了,一个新生代中国(对手)公司已出现”。将一封英文信函的文本放人一个名叫“易改”的软件里,轻点“检查”,马上文字中的拼写、语法、句子不完整等错误都会被圈点出来,同时还弹出一个统计对话框,告诉你它对这篇文字在用词及句子结构上优良差的评级等。如果你再电击“润色”按钮,这个软件还会给出一些更加贴切与优美的用词建议。此外易改还有各种写作向导模板,供用户在起草时套用参考。  相似文献   

拟声拟态词的多用是日语的特征之一。但在普通的语法教科书中,并没有收录拟声拟态词,12品词中也没有列入。那么,日语表达中拟声拟态词的功能到底如何?本文拟以日本人语言活动中的语言表现为切入点,讨论拟声拟态词的语用功能,在此基础上提出拟声拟态词研究和日常使用的相关对策。  相似文献   

林莹 《中国广告》2010,(10):123-125
作者对“重新定位”的思考,原因可归于三个词,它们在英文里刚好都是以字母“C”开头:竞争、变化、危机。有趣的是,在1980年出版的书中,“重新定位”仅出现在第8章,是一种为竞争对手贴上负面标签的方法。2010年6月,该书的新版出版。不妨借此一窥作者思想之进展。  相似文献   

旅游文本属信息类加宣传鼓动类语篇,语篇功能是传达信息和旅游营销,其翻译目的在于激发外国游客参观景点的兴趣或选择入住某酒店宾馆。在旅游文本英译过程中,译者应从汉英旅游文体风格差异、文化差异和语用差异出发,灵活运用改写、增删、语用调整等各种翻译手段,从而达到旅游文本英译的营销目的。  相似文献   

汉语里的“不”是一个使用范围广、频率高的否定副词。这个副词不但经常出现在口语中,也经常出现在书面语中。对于“不”字,中国学者作过不少的研究,一致认为“不”是副词,表示否定的语义但对于“不”字的语法功能上还存在着不少分歧。  相似文献   

全球经济一体化使国际贸易成为促进各国经济发展的重要动力。商标是企业宣传和推销产品的有效途径之一。商标翻译对于商品在本土以外的销售情况起着举足轻重的作用。商标翻译涉及市场学、广告学、消费心理学、文化等学科领域。由于商标词具有特定的语用功能,在商标翻译过程中,既要遵循“忠实”、“通顺”、“等值”等翻译原则,同时要符合民族心理,并达到一定的审美效果。  相似文献   

近代翻译家严复提出的翻译的最高境界“雅”,经后人的不断修正和补充,已不局限于指文字的“典雅”,而是泛指用得体的语言、文字体现不同文体风格的美感。外贸信函与其他文体相比,具有格式(用语)规范、语言简洁、语气委婉三大特征,翻译中不但要求完整传达信函内容、句子通顺易懂,语言形式上更要切合上述风格,这便是外贸信函翻译的“雅”的原则。  相似文献   

This laboratory study investigated the impact of relationship, relative levels of perceived contribution, and resource constraints on individuals' allocation preferences and dyads' negotiated allocations. Dyads of female undergraduates – either strangers or roommates – were given performance feedback that one member produced the majority of the resources available to the dyad; the members of the dyad faced relatively scarce or abundant resources. Subjects indicated their individual allocation preferences and then negotiated the distribution of resources as a pair. Results indicate that all three factors are important predictors of the norms of distributive justice met by the individually preferred and dyadically negotiated allocations. Results also suggest that the degree of agreement between the norms implied by individually preferred allocations and dyadic agreements affect strangers' satisfaction with outcomes to a greater extent than roommates'.  相似文献   

A Classification Scheme for Negotiation in Electronic Commerce   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
In the last few years we have witnessed a surge of business-to-consumer and business-to-business commerce operated on the Internet. However, most current electronic commerce systems are little more than electronic catalogues that allow a user to purchase a product under predetermined and inflexible terms and conditions. We believe that in the next few years we will see a new generation of electronic commerce systems emerge, based on automated negotiation. In this paper, we identify the main parameters on which any automated negotiation depends. To show the applicability of our classification framework, we use it to categorise a representative sample of some of the most prominent negotiation models that exist in the literature.  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNS) offer brands the ability to spread positive electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) for the purposes of building awareness and acquiring new customers. However, the credibility of eWOM is threatened of late as marketers increasingly try to manipulate eWOM practices on SNS. A greater understanding of eWOM credibility is necessary to better enable marketers to leverage true consumer engagement by generating credible peer-to-peer communications. Yet, to date, there is no one framework synthesising which factors constitute eWOM credibility in the online environment. This paper revisits the word of mouth credibility literature and proposes a new credibility framework – the 4Cs of eWOM Credibility: Community, Competence, Content, and Consensus.  相似文献   

口碑传播的形成机理与口碑营销   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文在全面回顾和分析口碑传播的内涵与功能的基础上,通过构建口碑传播的形成机理模型,深入剖析了口碑传播的传播过程及其影响因素,并进一步提出了口碑营销的策略选择。  相似文献   

Word of mouth (WOM) has become the focus of growing interest among marketing practitioners and consumers. However, the promises of WOM marketing are often oversold, and various assertions about the nature of WOM, its dynamics, antecedents, and consequences at times have been misstated in mass-mediated articles and books on the topic. In this introductory paper for the special issue on WOM and social media, we survey the current state of WOM knowledge and the role of WOM in contemporary marketing, reconsider common beliefs about the WOM process in an effort to separate WOM facts from fallacies, and presage some future directions and best practices in light of evolving online channels of WOM generation and transmission.  相似文献   

病毒广告推广存在一个首要的前提——形成一个良好的用户口碑。口碑来源于信誉,而信誉的关键又是要求做真实可信的广告。因此,SNS网应该综合运行病毒性营销理性并确保所做的广告都是真实的。  相似文献   

Access 是微软公司推出的基于Windows的桌面关系数据库管理系统,是Office系列应用软件之一.它提供了表、查询、窗体、报表、页、宏、模块7种用来建立数据库系统的对象;提供了多种向导、生成器、模板,把数据存储、数据查询、界面设计、报表生成等操作规范化;为建立功能完善的数据库管理系统提供了方便,也使得普通用户不必编写代码,就可以完成大部分数据管理的任务.如果我们能够实现Access与Office组件其他成员之间进行数据交流,就能达到取长补短、提高工作效率的目的.本文就针对Access在word、Excel中的交叉应用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The United Nations (UN) conceptualizes sustainability as development that meets the current needs of the planet's populations, but without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Although the concept of sustainability has been widely discussed in the international political agendas, inconsistent interpretation and ambiguity of the concept by consumers is observed. In this paper, the understanding of the term sustainability amongst Brazilian consumers is reported. Using the word association projective technique, the participants were asked to write down all the words that came to their mind when thinking about “sustainability.” Thematic content analysis was performed by grouping words by similarity of meaning in categories, which were further submitted to correspondence analysis (CA) to create a perceptual map. Brazilian consumers made different associations reflecting the complexity and multidimensionality of the concept amongst different groups of consumers. The most frequently cited categories are related to environment, health and nutrition, behaviour, production and economy and sustenance. CA accounted for 76.7% of the data variance and the perceptual map evidenced that younger individuals with higher education made associations with categories related to the current concept of sustainable development, similar to that proposed by UN. Moreover, consumers with basic education were associated with categories related to food and sustenance. The findings of this study can contribute to the formulation of education strategies directed towards different social groups, besides directing further research on consumer behaviour.  相似文献   

Previous research showed that words for which the consonant articulation spots wander from the front of the mouth to the back (e.g., EPOK; inward) are preferred over words with the reversed sequence (e.g., EKOP; outward). In the present research, we extended this effect to judgments of online seller trustworthiness and choice of transaction partners. In seven experiments in the context of the online auction market eBay, we show that the mere use of inward compared to outward usernames increases the level of trustworthiness ascribed to online sellers (Experiments 1A, 1B, 2, 4A, 4B) and the likelihood that a seller is chosen for the economic transaction (Experiment 5). As a boundary condition, this effect is reduced when diagnostic information about the seller's reputation is introduced (Experiment 3). We discuss these results in terms of their practical implications for marketing strategies of online sellers and in terms of their relation to research on interpersonal trust.  相似文献   

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