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This study examines the combined impact of bilateral tax treaties and domestic tax policies on corporate income remit- tances to and from Japan and thc United States. Thc study calculates the two-way flows of corporate reminanccs between these two coun- tries and 100 other countries. We find very significant differences in the tax treatment by these two countries across bolh remittance methods and countries. The study recommends that both govern- ments seek ways to promote greatcr worldwide uniformity in tax treatment of corporate income remittanccs.  相似文献   

本文选取2005~2008年中国293个地级市各主体税种税负结构和城镇居民可支配收入数据,运用面板回归和截面回归等方法,实证分析了税负结构对居民可支配收入的影响和对不同收入阶层居民收入水平的影响。研究结果表明:(1)除个人所得税税收负担对居民可支配收入的影响较不显著外,增值税、营业税以及企业所得税税收负担对居民的可支配收入都有很显著的负向影响;(2)我国的税负结构并没有发挥应有的调节收入分配,减缓社会阶层分化的作用,并在一定程度上加剧了社会阶层的分化。本文的政策含义是:税负结构合理的关键是责权利的一致性或成本与受益的对称性,应当结合收入分配制度改革对税收制度进行相应调整,同时加强对非工薪收入的缴纳。  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - In this study, we reconcile conflicting findings from the extant literature on the impact of tax system parameters on tax noncompliance. We argue that social norms play...  相似文献   

企业税务信息披露:一种社会责任视角的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业社会责任问题目前在理论界与实务界正越来越受到重视。向社会公众披露真实准确的财务信息,尤其是披露税务信息是现代企业履行社会责任的重要体现。本文立足于企业社会责任场域,从企业社会责任视角,分析企业税务信息披露的现状,探讨造成企业税务信息披露缺陷的成因,并有针对性地提出切实可行的改进措施,以促进企业税务信息披露更为充分,披露内容更为准确,从而更好地履行其社会责任。  相似文献   

绿色消费是我国推进生态文明建设所倡导的消费行为,本文将社会规范划分为描述性规范、动态描述性规范和命令性规范,探讨了社会规范对绿色消费的影响及作用机制。通过两个实验研究发现,描述性规范、动态描述性规范、命令性规范对绿色消费的促进作用显著,三者对绿色消费的促进作用无显著差异;描述性规范、动态描述性规范会激活消费者的个人规范,个人规范在描述性规范、动态描述性规范影响绿色消费过程中发挥部分中介作用;命令性规范会引发消费者的后果认知,进而激活个人规范,后果认知与个人规范在命令性规范影响绿色消费过程中发挥完全中介作用。因此,可以发挥描述性规范、动态描述性规范对绿色消费的引导示范作用和命令性规范对绿色消费的监督作用,激活绿色消费的个人规范水平,更为有效地促进绿色消费。  相似文献   

杨燕绥  朱祝霞 《财贸研究》2011,22(6):76-82,106
社会保障税费改革争论已久,实质问题不在于谁负责征税,而在于区分税费性质,理顺社会保障体系的结构。基于社会保障税的税源与税率的确定,以《国家人口发展战略研究报告》发布的人口数据为基础,以国民基础养老金为例,测算2010—2050年中国社会保障税的税率、财政支出占比与GDP占比,结果表明:国民基础养老金作为纯公共品,应由政府通过税收的方式为其筹集资金,资金来源的可行方式是征收社会保障税。  相似文献   

This article begins with a review of the literature on the ethics of tax evasion and identifies the three main views that have emerged over the centuries, namely always ethical, sometimes ethical, and never or almost never ethical. It then reports on the results of a survey of HK and U.S. university business students who were asked to express their opinions on the 15 statements covering the three main views. The data are then analyzed to determine which of the three viewpoints is dominant among the sample population. Although it was found that HK scores were significantly different from the U.S. scores, both HK and U.S. respondents were opposed to the view that tax evasion is always or almost always ethical. The strongest arguments justifying tax evasion were in cases where the government was corrupt, the tax system was unfair and unaffordable. The weakest arguments for justifying tax evasion were in cases where there was a selfish motive. The underlying cultural differences are further explored in hope of accounting for differing perceptions of ethics of tax evasion. Policy implications for increasing people’s awareness of ethics on tax evasion are also highlighted.  相似文献   

The nature of revenue generation for state‐sponsored lotteries has been an issue of public debate for quite some time. Although most studies have found lotteries to have a regressive tax incidence, several have concluded otherwise. Unfortunately, the vast majority of academic studies address this concern by examining the tax incidence of only one state's lottery and/or by using only one time period's data. In addition, many assessments of the tax impact of lotteries fail to consider other demographic variables that may influence purchase patterns and, thus, be of interest to policymakers. To remedy this, the current paper assesses the incidence of the lottery excise tax for five states using county level data spanning multiple years. Also assessed are changes in incidence across demographic groups as the lotteries matured. Lottery tax incidence is assessed with multiple regression estimates of the income elasticity of demand for lottery products. The predominant finding is that the lottery tax for these states had a regressive incidence. Otherwise, few consistencies in either change in lottery tax incidence or purchase patterns across demographic variables were found.  相似文献   

This study explores corporate social responsibility (CSR) by conducting a cross-cultural analysis of communication of CSR activities in a total of 16 U.S. and European corporations. Drawing on previous research contrasting two major approaches to CSR initiatives, it was proposed that U.S. companies would tend to communicate about and justify CSR using economic or bottom-line terms and arguments whereas European companies would rely more heavily on language or theories of citizenship, corporate accountability, or moral commitment. Results supported this expectation of difference, with some modification. Specifically, results indicated that EU companies do not value sustainability to the exclusion of financial elements, but instead project sustainability commitments in addition to financial commitments. Further, U.S.-based companies focused more heavily on financial justifications whereas EU-based companies incorporated both financial and sustainability elements in justifying their CSR activities. In addition, wide variance was found in both the prevalence and use of specific CSR-related terminology. Cross-cultural distinctions in this use create implications with regard to measurability and evidence of both strategic and bottom-line impact. Directions for further research are discussed. Laura P. Hartman is a Professor of Business Ethics and Legal Studies in the Management Department in the College of Commerce at DePaul University, as Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University and as Research Director of DePaul’s Institute for Business and Professional Ethics. She is also an invited professor at INSEAD (France), HEC (France), the University of Melbourne, the Université Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille III and the Grenoble Graduate School of Business. She has been published in, among other journals, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business & Society Review, Business Ethics: A European Review, and the Journal of Business Ethics. Robert S. Rubin is an Assistant Professor in the Management Department at DePaul University’s Kellstadt Graduate School of Business. He received his PhD in organizational psychology from Saint Louis University. His current research interests include transformational leadership, leader cynicism, social and emotional individual differences, and management education and development. K. Kathy Dhanda is an Associate Professor at the Department of Management at DePaul University. Her areas of research include sustainable supply chains, environmental networks, marketable permit modeling, sustainable management, and public policy.  相似文献   

试析美国的收入分配政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,分配目标并不是决定美国经济政策的首要因素,但这些经济政策不可避免地会对社会分配格局产生影响.20世纪80年代以来,美国的税收政策和社会保障政策对收入分配产生了一定的影响,但是从严格意义上来说,收入分配问题只是在政府曾对其采取过认真对策这一点上,才可将其理解为政策问题.  相似文献   

Millions of households in the United States receive federal income tax refunds annually, many for substantial amounts. Consumers can use the proceeds of income tax refunds for spending and saving, but tests of prior programs to encourage savings show low take‐up rates. This field study shows that the majority of tax filers make no estimate of their refund amount in advance, but that consumers who are able to estimate their refund in advance of completing their tax returns tend to be reasonably accurate in their estimates. Moreover, taxpayers who estimate their refunds before filing their taxes are more likely to save their refunds than those who do not. These results highlight the importance of expectations and planning with respect to savings decisions.  相似文献   

跨国公司是催生国际税收征管合作的主要驱动力。可以从两个维度看待跨国公司与国际税收征管合作的关系:一方面,跨国公司是国际税收征管合作最重要的规制对象;另一方面,跨国公司是催生、挑战、改变和发展国际税收征管合作的驱动力。因此,跨国公司与国际税收征管合作之间的关系,必然需要实现两个方面的转变:第一,从态度上来讲,实现跨国公司对国际税收征管合作从对抗和被动服从阶段向自愿服从和自愿配合阶段的嬗变。第二,从地位上来说,实现跨国公司从国际税收征管合作规制对象向参与者的转变。国际社会对此非常关注,并已经开始深入的调查研究和立法实践。我国也应当从加强与跨国公司的对话和合作、为大企业纳税人建立“量身定做”的税收服务、建立大企业税收风险反馈机制等方面做出积极应对。  相似文献   

We examined cynicism as a mediator of the influence of managers’ mission-congruent communication and behavior about ethical standards (a form of supervisory behavioral integrity) on employee attitudes and intended behavior. Results indicated that cynicism partially mediates the relationship between supervisory behavioral integrity and organizational commitment, but not the relationship between supervisory behavioral integrity and intent to comply with organizational expectations for employee conduct.  相似文献   


Understanding electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in social networking sites (SNSs) is crucial as consumers have potential to reach global audiences quickly and easily. This article presents the first cross-cultural study on eWOM in SNSs by examining social relationship variables between the United States and China. Specifically, social capital, tie strength, trust, and interpersonal influence were examined as potential predictors of eWOM communication in the emerging online social channels. The results suggest that national culture plays a significant factor that affects consumers’ engagement in eWOM in SNSs in the two countries. Theoretical and managerial implications for global Internet marketers were presented and discussed.  相似文献   

This study used a laboratory experiment with monetary incentives to test the impact of three personal factors (moral reasoning, value orientation and risk preference), and three situational factors (the presence/absence of audits, tax inequity, and peer reporting behavior), while controlling for the impact of other demographic characteristics, on tax compliance. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) reveals that all the main effects analyzed are statistically significant and robustly influence tax compliance behavior. These results highlight the importance of obtaining a proper understanding of these factors for developing effective policies for increasing the level of compliance, and indicate that standard enforcement polices based on punishment alone should be supplemented by an information system that would acquaint tax payers with the compliance level of other tax payers; reinforce the concept of fairness of the tax system among tax payers; and develop programs that enhance and appeal to a taxpayer's moral conscience and reinforce social cohesion.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a survey of the attitudes to corporate citizenship and practices of corporate citizenship of 93 of the largest private and publicly listed corporations in Australia. The results suggest there was considerable hesitation in positioning corporate citizenship as a proactive, long term, internal culture process. Instead, corporate emphasis was generally on short-term community activities. Also, there was little variation in these results when respondents were classified by industry, international involvement and legal structure. Clearly, significant links have yet to be made by corporate Australia to connect the financial, social and environmental bottom lines.  相似文献   

Have tax policies affected entrepreneurial activity in the U.S.? We extend the time series literature on this topic by using more recent data and modern econometric techniques to examine the importance of federal income, payroll, capital gains, corporate income, and estate taxes on self-employment rates. Regression results show that most of these taxes have significant but small effects on self-employment activity. A battery of cointegration and causality tests confirms the general finding that taxes can have significant influences on entrepreneurship, but they are likely to be ineffective tools for generating meaningful changes in entrepreneurial activity.  相似文献   

Research suggests that noncompliance with speed limits is high. One factor that may provide some explanation for individuals' speeding behavior is the driver's personality. To examine social issue behavior in relation to speeding, this study examined specific personality characteristics in the context of speed limit compliance behavior. To test the hypotheses, data were gathered via an online survey. The results indicate that personality, along with social issue involvement, influenced speed limit compliance behavior.  相似文献   

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