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The current sovereign debt crisis is widely believed to have been caused by insufficient budget discipline. However, the financial sector accounts reveal that public as well as private borrowing in the euro area was dwarfed by the synchronised explosion of assets and liabilities of financial corporations. The paper suggests that the current concentration on a speedy cutback of public debt is premature at best. Policy should pay more attention to the main causes of the crisis: the excesses of the financial sector and the flaws in the design of the heterogeneous currency union.  相似文献   

贺政林 《广告大观》2009,(5):130-131
把毛泽东思想与ROI提升联系在起,初觉略显牵强,细细一想,却自有妙处。将毛泽东思想与营销手段加以结合早已有之,笔者也已非先驱前辈.今日偶得一文,且求个中人士会心笑,如此便罢。  相似文献   

While striving to increase presence in domestic cities, Chinese sports shoemakers continue to explore overseas market despite the international financial crisis. Peak, the first Chinese sport goods brand to manufacture large-sized sports shoes, signed a strategic contract in March with the Federation International Basketball Association (FIBA) to be the latter's Asia's sports brand partner, according to Xu Zhihua, Peak General Manager. FIBA is an authori- tative association governing international basketball competitions.  相似文献   

LDK Solar Co., Ltd., one of China's leading manufacturers of multicrystalline solar wafers, has recently released a gratifying Q3 2009 report, after the company and Q-Celts reached an agreement to continue their supply contract for solar wafers from 2009 to 2018. The recovery of LDK Solar's operation may be the prelude of the rebound of China's photovoltaic (PV) industry.  相似文献   

魏文轩 《江苏商论》2011,(11):66-68
尽管欧美债务危机的肆虐使得我国电子商务业面临业务扩展受限,行业盈利率下降,融资困难等问题。但同时也为国内电子商务业提供了市场机会增加,转型意识得以提升,获得定向宽松政策扶持,海外投资和效益凸显等机遇。因此,国内电子商务业应积极通过转变发展方式,审慎选择融资渠道,提高非系统风险防范力度等措施实现自身又好又快发展。  相似文献   

后危机背景下,通过商业创新扩大消费采落实我国扩大内需战略,既是应对不利国际经济环境的迫切需要,也是解决我国经济发展深层次问题的最佳选择本文认为我国实施商业创新必须以观念创新为先导、以环境创新为保证、以市场创新为依托、以为系统创新为纽带,借助后发优势,以超常规创新抢占商业创新的制高点.  相似文献   

主要介绍了燃料气压缩机是为燃气轮机提供一定压力和温度的燃料气的动力设备。时常由于作为临时原料气的燃料气入口压力低造成燃料气压缩机由于排气高温而停机。这时燃机也因为缺乏燃料而停机。通过采用两台燃料气压缩机串机运行、并机运行和单独运行时打开补气阀补气的措施,最终解决了燃机的供气问题。  相似文献   

Crude steel production in China, the world's largest steel maker, rose 14 percent to a record last year, further complicating this year's iron ore negotiations. Steel output rose to 568 million tons in 2009 from 500 million tons in 2008, the National Bureau of Statistics said in a statement on Januarv 21.  相似文献   

The crises in various emerging markets have affected Europe less than other parts of the world economy. This is largely because intra-regional relations dominate foreign trade and direct investment of EU countries. Yet, ongoing economic turbulences involve risks also for Europe. The author appreciates comments suggestions by Rolf J. Langhammer and Joachim Scheide.  相似文献   

Crude steel production in China, the world's largest steel maker, rose 14 percent to a record last year, further complicating this year's iron ore negotiations. Steel output rose to 568 million tons in 2009 from 500 million tons in 2008, the National Bureau of Statistics said in a statement on January 21.  相似文献   

成功的促销可以增加商场的销售、提高自身竞争力并削弱竞争对手,给商场带来喜人的回报;不恰当的促销也能降低商品的获利能力、增加消费者的价格敏感度.如何正确使用促销这个有效的竞争武器,是每个商业企业都关心的问题.  相似文献   

Backlogs in information-systems departments are growing like Topsy, and something must be done to relieve the load. The authors say that, like it or not, the fourth generation is the answer.  相似文献   

The potential buyer of General Motors Corp's Hummer division will begin formal talks with Chinese regulators June 29 in an effort to win approval for its acquisition, The Wall Street Journal reported on June 26.  相似文献   

Analysts broadly agree on the causes of recent crises in East Asia. Nevertheless, deep controversy exists on appropriate therapy. Especially the International Monetary Fund is under attack. The way of dealing with financial turbulence may have important repercussions on countries within and outside Asia. Risks for the world economy as a whole tend to be underrated so far.  相似文献   

The indebtedness of the developing countries to foreign creditors which has expanded rapidly over the past few years rose by a further 18% last year and by the end of the year had reached the estimated level of $626 billion. The debt servicing for this sum amounted to $131 billion.1 The rescheduling operations required as a result of the accumulating payment difficulties reached a volume of $40 billion. According to the Mexican Minister of Finance, the restructuring of Mexico's foreign debts alone was the largest multilateral support operation in modern financial history.2  相似文献   

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