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国家经贸委近日发布《茧丝绸行业“十五”规划》,对我国丝绸行业发展现状、发展远景以及行业十五期间我国丝绸行业发展的总目标、重要任务、实施措施作了详细规划。其重点内容有: 一、 我国茧丝绸行业发展前景及不利因素 尽管我国茧丝绸行业在“九五”期间遇到了很大困难,经历了较长时间的调整,但展望未来我国茧丝绸行业依然充满美好的前景。 首先,蚕丝作为“纤维皇后”,素有“人的第二肌肤”美称,其舒适性和保健功能是其他纤维无法比拟的,特别是人类进入21世纪的今天,人们崇尚回归自然,蚕丝作为“绿色”、“环保”产品,将成为国际消费的主流之一。世界蚕丝纤维产量仅占世界纤维总量的0.175%左右,远远不能满足人们日益增长的需要。目前欧美市场需求基本稳定,南美、中东和南非以及原东欧国家成为丝 相似文献
从2003年11月3—6日在苏州召开的“第八届海峡两岸表面精饰联谊会暨电镀清洁技术交流与装备、材料展示会”上获悉,苏州市电镀行业在“十五”期间有了较大的发展。 在苏州的经济发展中,与机械、电子、航空、日用、医药、化工等行业有着密切关系的电镀行业,以去年为例,与“九五”期间同期相比,产值从17.3亿元,上升到了37亿元,是原来的2倍多。利税从1.1亿元上升到了3.5亿元,是原来的3倍多。预计今年全市电镀行业生产总值 相似文献
一、石油工业“十五”计划的指导思想和发展方针 我国石油工业“十五”计划编制的指导思想,一是实现油气资源来源多元化,确保油气资源供应安全,避免石油危机给国民经济造成较大的冲击;二是要以经济效益为中心,真正实现储量、产量和效益的三者统一。 根据我国石油工业现状和石油需求增长趋势,初步建议“十五”期间 相似文献
轴承行业“十五”发展规划纲要确定了中国轴承行业总体发展目标,所确定的技术攻关任务主要有两个,一是提高轴承寿命与可靠性,二是滚子轴承减振降噪。对于滚动体行业,“十五”攻关的重点是围绕轴承攻关的两大任务,认真分析我国滚动体的制造水平和质量水平,针对影响轴承寿命振动噪声的主要因素,解决滚动体关键制造技术,与轴承制造企业紧密配合,全面提升滚动体的质量,实现滚子轴承减振降噪,提高轴承的寿命和可靠性。 相似文献
无 《中国石油和化工经济分析》2014,(2):32-35
2003年以来,随着国际原油价格持续高位震荡以及国内原油对外依存度的不断攀升,刺激了国内甲醇燃料替代石油战略的消费预期,导致甲醇发展出现过热态势,产能迅速扩张并在2008年后集中释放,而甲醇替代能源并未达到先前的消费预期,加上国外低成本天然气甲醇蜂拥进入中国市场,对国内甲醇生产企业造成了较大冲击, 相似文献
我国机床行业“十五”发展思路 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
面对进入21世纪装备制造业发展所承担的历史重任,面对加入WTO后经济国际化的挑战,面对机床工具行业处于长期低迷,从去年开始出现恢复性增长的新形势,面对整个经济处于战略性结构调整的转换时期,机床工具行业迫切需要就行业发展中的一些重大问题和下个世纪发展的总体思路进行深入的探讨和研究。机床行业“十五”发展面临的形势 1.我国政府主张的装备国产化政策,将为今后一段机床工具行业发展提供一个较好的空间。从去年实行财政技改债券开始,朱总理、吴邦国副总理就多次指示发行财政技改证券就是要启动内需,启动内需就是国内… 相似文献
Technical entrepreneurship: what do we know? 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Arnold C. Cooper 《R&D Management》1973,3(2):59-64
The factors influencing the birth of new, high-technology firms have been investigated in a number of separate studies. This paper summarizes and reports upon this research. New, technologically-based firms have had, in the aggregate, substantial economic impact. The birth of these companies has been concentrated in particular places and at particular times. The decision to found a new company appears to be influenced by three major factors. The characteristics of the entrepreneur, including the many aspects of his background which make him more or less inclined toward entrepreneur-ship, are important. The organization for which he has been working, which might be termed ‘the incubator organization’ also influences the entrepreneurial decision in various ways. A third factor consists of a complex of external influences, including the availability of venture capital and the collective attitudes toward entrepreneurship. Feedback processes appear to be at work such that past entrepreneurship makes future entrepreneurship more likely. 相似文献
RoHS已然到来.与设备供应商、焊料等厂商相比,半导体供应商的反映似乎有些沉默,实际上,虽然无铅化运动给他们带来了各种挑战,但各大厂商如高通、IDT、Spansion、安森美及Broadcom等,已然早已行动,从半导体供应商的角度迎接无铅化时代的到来. 相似文献
Although a firm's innovation performance has been commonly attributed to its innovative capability, in a study of 102 Chinese automobile assemblers, we find that employees' collective motivation for new product development (NPD) is more important than NPD capability in determining firms' innovation performance. This finding suggests that researchers need to simultaneously consider both unit‐level capability and unit‐level motivation in studying the mechanisms that drive innovation. Furthermore, our results indicate that a firm's strategic orientation focusing on NPD affects its employees' collective NPD motivation and NPD capability through relevant, mediating HRM practices. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Henrich R. Greve 《战略管理杂志》1998,19(10):967-988
Managers planning to abandon a market position need to find a promising alternative, and face a choice of inventing a new market position or entering an existing one. The great uncertainty on the consequences of different actions leads them to rely on other organizations for information on how to compete, making adoption of existing market positions likely. Their wish to avoid direct rivalry and maximize growth leads them to seek out information on new market positions with few incumbents. As a result, recently innovated market positions are mimetically adopted by organizations that can easily observe previous adoptions and see them as relevant to their market situations, increasing the market differentiation. This theory is tested and supported by analysis of the spread of new radio formats in the United States. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Adam Lindgreen Author Vitae Finn Wynstra Author Vitae 《Industrial Marketing Management》2005,34(7):732-748
This article presents a review of the existing literature on value in business markets, from the perspective of both business marketing and purchasing and supply management, in three steps. First, some of the early research strands on value are examined including value analysis and engineering, the augmented product concept, consumer values, and economic value of customers. Then this seminal research and more recent research are categorized according to two distinct levels of analysis: the value of goods and services versus the value of buyer-supplier relationships, and different understandings of the role of business marketing and purchasing and supply are discussed. Lastly, a number of future research avenues, which can be organized around the value of products/relationships on the one hand and value analysis/creation/delivery on the other, are considered. 相似文献
Existing research suggests that in acquisitions of small technology‐based firms by large established firms post‐merger integration both enables and hinders acquirers' efforts to leverage the technology of acquired firms. This apparent paradox can be resolved once we account for the qualitatively distinct ways in which acquirers leverage technology acquisitions. Integration helps acquirers use the acquired firm's existing knowledge as an input to their own innovation processes (leveraging what they know), but hinders their reliance on the acquired firm as an independent source of ongoing innovation (leveraging what they do). We also show that experienced acquirers are better able to mitigate the disruptive consequences of the loss of autonomy entailed by integration, though we find no evidence that they achieve greater coordination benefits from integration. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Many argue that food away from home (FAFH) is a contributing factor to the obesity epidemic, showing that body mass index and consumption of FAFH are positively correlated. However, correlation analyses using a simple regression approach, such as the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), do not prove that FAFH causes weight gain. We use a first-difference estimator to establish a causal relationship between FAFH and dietary intakes. Using dietary recall data from the 2003–2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and the 1994–1996 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals, we find that FAFH does indeed increase caloric intake and reduce diet quality, but that the effect is smaller than if estimated using OLS. Thus, models based on associations are likely biased upward, as much as 25% by our estimates. 相似文献
象征型购买行为的儒家文化价值观诠释--概念界定、度量、建模和营销策略建议 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
本文从研究消费者购买行为的角度,尝试创建与之相关的儒家文化价值观度量体系,构建基于儒家文化价值观动因的消费者购买行为分析模型,并对象征型购买行为做实证分析。研究结果显示,该模型的信度和效度令人满意,本文创建的儒家文化价值观度量体系能够有效地诠释象征型购买行为。 相似文献
This empirical paper analyses data gathered from self-employed teleworkers, matching this against teleworking's defining characteristics, which appear in the literature. Our evaluation leads us to question whether the term 'teleworking' has lost much of its value in today's working world. We therefore suggest the new term 'home-anchored worker' as a less complex and more useful replacement. 相似文献