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刘翠翠  卫平 《当代经济科学》2012,(4):117-123,128
本文从技术溢出的角度考察了外商直接投资对相对工资差距的影响。FDI主要通过两种技术溢出渠道作用于相对工资差距:其一为FDI引致的进口贸易而产生的技术溢出,其二为外资企业在当地从事生产、经营活动而产生的技术溢出。基于我国省际面板数据的实证研究分析表明:FDI的两种技术溢出渠道均扩大了我国的相对工资差距,但存在区域差异。  相似文献   

本文基于12180家企业面板数据估计了内资非出口企业与内资出口企业、外资出口企业、外资非出口企业之间的工资差距。研究结果表明,内资非出口企业与内资出口企业、外资非出口企业、外资出口企业之间存在显著的平均工资差距。进一步的分析发现,邻省外商直接投资对本省内资企业工资具有显著负效应;由于交易费用的存在,非相邻省份的外商直接投资对省内内资企业工资有显著正效应。同时,省内国际贸易对内资企业工资影响显著为正;由于区域间产业趋同现象的存在,相邻省份的贸易对省内内资企业的工资影响显著为负。因此,为缩小收入差距,要求我国消除区域壁垒,建立统一市场。  相似文献   

Using data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, this paper investigates wage inequality and wage mobility in Europe. Decomposing inequality into within‐ and between‐group inequality, we analyze to what extent wage inequality and mobility can be explained by observable characteristics. Furthermore, we investigate which individual and household characteristics determine transitions within the wage distribution. We find that overall, mobility reduces wage inequality. While a large part of wage inequality is due to unobservable characteristics, the equalizing effect of mobility mainly occurs within groups. Furthermore, both personal and household characteristics play an important role for wage transitions. Finally, our findings reveal large cross‐country differences across Europe.  相似文献   

This article focuses on wage formation in an equilibrium (two-sided) model of search with match-specific heterogeneity. Despite a large number (a continuum) of employers, search provides sufficient isolation to generate market power. By posting wages, employers, without collusion, capture most of the surplus that accrues to any match. The equilibrium wage is below that which maximizes employment. An example, using calibrated parameter values, is used to reconcile some recent, otherwise contradictory empirical results on the employment effects of minimum wage adjustments.  相似文献   

This paper builds an externality-based model with physical and R&D capital, proves the linearity of technology functions, and derives two measures of spillovers from the relative differences between social and private rates of return. China’s regional empiric studies exhibit a reverse direction of spillovers between foreign invested firms and local economy and provide an estimation of the spillover measures of between 13% and 18%.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of constructing an index, in the presence of a large public sector, which will tell us whether any adjustment to wages or other payments to households in one situation will leave the households better or worse off than in some previous situation with a different set of prices. This index is an extension of the true price index. The paper also proposes an index of the affordable wages with which the first index should be compared.  相似文献   

Wage Drift and the Relevance of Centralised Wage Setting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The system of wage setting in the Nordic countries is often regarded as highly centralised, contributing to considerable real wage flexibility. This view has been questioned, as sizeable wage drift may offset the effect of central negotiations. This paper presents evidence from the four major Nordic countries, suggesting that there is little or no such offsetting effect. Yet, at central negotiations, the institutional system of wage formation may induce nominal rigidities that may prevent wage restraint when there is little room for money wage growth. Empirical evidence supports the existence of nominal rigidity.  相似文献   

In the last ten years, a number of economists have tried to explain the observed decline or stagnation in the real wages of the US labor force in spite of slow but steady rise in labor productivity. This paper reports a similar affliction for the Japanese labor market since 1973. The explanation for stagnant wages in spite of respectable productivity gains in Japan lies in the vast appreciation of the yen versus the dollar, and ultimately in the highly regulated retail distribution.  相似文献   

最低工资对中国就业和工资水平的影响   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
马双  张劼  朱喜 《经济研究》2012,(5):132-146
本文以1998—2007年全国各市(地区、自治州、盟)最低工资标准随时间变化的外生差异来识别最低工资上涨与企业平均工资、企业雇佣人数的关系。利用1998—2007年规模以上制造业企业报表数据进行的分析显示,最低工资每上涨10%,制造业企业平均工资将整体上涨0.4%—0.5%。借助2006—2007年福建省最低工资上涨的"准自然实验"本文也证实了该结论。对于不同行业、不同人均资本水平的企业,最低工资上涨的影响也存在异质性。最低工资将更多地增加劳动密集型或人均资本较低企业的平均工资。研究还发现,最低工资每增加10%,制造业企业雇佣人数将显著减少0.6%左右。政府在制定最低工资时应权衡其在收入分配上的积极效果以及其对就业的负面影响。  相似文献   

We introduce the concept of a parameterized collection of games with limited side payments, ruling out large transfers of utility, and demonstrate conditions ensuring that a game with limited side payments has a nonempty -core. Our main result is that, when some degree of side-paymentness within nearly-effective small groups is assumed and large transfers are prohibited, then all payoffs in the -core treat similar players similarly. A bound on the distance between -core payoffs of any two similar players is given in terms of the parameters describing the game. These results add to the literature showing that games with many players and small effective groups have the properties of competitive markets. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C71, C78, D71.  相似文献   

知识溢出的测度方法综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来知识溢出问题在区域经济学、新增长理论和空间经济学等领域获得了大量研究,相应地知识溢出测度方法的探索也成了关键问题。知识溢出的测度方法分为4类:技术流量法、成本函数法、生产函数法和文献追踪法,分别对这4种方法进行综述,并讨论了各自的优缺点。  相似文献   

Karl Pichelmann 《Empirica》2001,28(4):353-373
The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief review of aggregatewage developments in the EU member states. We start with a short discussion of wage bargaining mechanisms, their impact on labour market outcomes, and take a look into the crystal ball to learn about possible future developments. Section III analyses nominal wage developments focussing, in particular, on the evolution of cross-country patterns as anindicator for the synchronisation of wage developments. Section IV discusses real wage growth in relation to productivity developments using a somewhat refined 'real wage gap indicator';and Section V simply concludes.  相似文献   

The emerging notion that corporatism/centralisation reduces inter-industry wage dispersion is the main leading force behind this paper. We use data from a long series of comparable datasets to analyse the evolution of the size of inter-industry wage dispersion in Portugal. We compare the results with the ones obtained in other countries to find that the country has a high inter-industry wage inequality when compared with the European standard. Nevertheless, the dispersion decreased during the second half of the 1980s along with the establishment of a neo-corporatist setting, supporting the expected reduction.  相似文献   

This paper offers a sysnthesis of a number of important complementary theories of wage determination.The model is estimated and tested with respect to its long-run and dynamic properties.Applying johansen's(1998)FIML estimation procedure,the maximum eigenvalue and the trace tests suggested two cointegrating vectors and estimated and another the underlying theoritical model.We combined both vectors and estimated in a second step an error correction model which was satisfactory with regard to its in sample and out-of-sample performance.None of the assumptions for OLS estimation were violated and the recursive estimation revealed model stability.additionally,the forecasting ability of the model was satisfactory.The main feauture of this model is that conflict elements are of parmount in the UK wage determination.  相似文献   

This article analyses the wage effects of drinking using the Australian Twin Registry data. A multinomial logit framework is employed to explain the allocation of workers across various drinking states, and to correct for selection bias in the wage equations. It is found that there is a significant positive wage premium for moderate drinking. A favourable family background (during childhood) is positively related to the measure of moderate drinking. Greater genetic endowments are also associated with moderate drinking.  相似文献   

This paper updates and deepens our understanding of the wage performance of immigrants in Germany. Using the German Socio‐Economic Panel, it documents that immigrant workers initially earn on average 20% less than native workers with otherwise identical characteristics. The gap is smaller for immigrants from advanced countries, with good German language skills, and with a German degree, and larger for others. The gap declines gradually over time but at a decreasing rate and much faster for more recent cohorts. Less success in obtaining jobs with higher occupational autonomy explains half of the wage gap.  相似文献   


This article undertakes an empirical evaluation of Cuba's new development strategy placing tourism at the heart of the process of incorporating markets into a socialist system. The principal research question is whether the introduction of markets related to the Cuban tourism complex has been as successful in establishing viable backward linkages to industry as claimed. Drawing on a multitude of quantitative and qualitative sources, the article demonstrates that backward linkage building has been quite successful and even made possible a transformation of Cuba's formerly so dependent trade structures. However, there are signs that backward linkages are not as viable as could be desired. Other complementary reforms beside the introduction of markets are necessary, such as fighting soft budget constraints in user and producer firms. The article concludes that it will be difficult to fight the roots of the inherited incentive problem without initiating fundamental labour market reforms.  相似文献   

The author argues that the recent controversy over the effect of the minimum wage on employment offers an opportunity for teaching introductory economics. Research findings on the minimum wage could be used to motivate alternative models of the labor market, such as monopsony and search models, and to teach students how economists test hypotheses with data.  相似文献   

This paper examines the unemployment and wage effects of the tax shift from an income tax to a consumption tax in a shirking-type efficiency wage model. It is found that the results of the ex-ante individual income-neutral and aggregate revenue-neutral proposals in this paper's efficiency wage model confirm those in the monopoly trade union model analyzed by Sampson (1986), Creedy and McDonald (1990, 1992), and Pemberton (1992). The ex-post tax-shifting schemes are also discussed.  相似文献   

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