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文章结合对高职生的自主创业现状和创业意识的调查,阐述了SYB创业培训项目在高职毕业生中的宣传、推广、实施及后续支持服务的过程,并指出在高职生中实施该项目存在的问题。  相似文献   

文章结合对高职生的自主创业现状和创业意识的调查,阐述了SYB创业培训项目在高职毕业生中的宣传、推广、实施及后续支持服务的过程,并指出在高职生中实施该项目存在的问题.  相似文献   

基础医学作为医学的根基在其发展和应用中有着不可替代的作用,但基础医学的师资短缺和流失的状况情况却令人堪忧。全国大部分医学院校的基础医学教师呈现明显不足的现状,这与基础医学教师的显性流失和隐形流失有着莫大的关系。在人员配比合适的情况下,隐形流失确是影响教学质量,关乎学校发展的潜在不利因素。通过对基础医学专业的164名教师进行问卷调查,分析了基本信息和问卷回答,从基础医学教师是否存在隐性流失、流失意向、流失动机及择业动机和工作满意度等方面多维度分析了师资隐形流失的现状和原因。  相似文献   

Do unfettered markets produce too many or too few entrepreneurs? Two seminal papers [ Stiglitz and Weiss (1981) and de Meza and Webb (1987) ] obtained ambiguous answers to this question based on different assumptions about the character of information asymmetries in credit markets. The present paper approaches the same question but using a labor market model in which income is determined by ability and individuals derive utility from income and occupational group status. Occupational group status for entrepreneurs depends on the average entrepreneurial income (due to ex post screening by banks), whereas status for wage employees depends on their own income and ability (due to ex ante screening by employers). Thus, individuals create externalities through their occupational choice. It is shown that there can be too many or too few entrepreneurs in equilibrium depending on the marginal returns to ability in entrepreneurship relative to paid employment; this enables the researcher to use independent evidence about occupational marginal returns to identify the relevant equilibrium likely to arise in practice, together with the likely appropriate policy responses. Based on this approach, we suggest that there may be too many (low ability) entrepreneurs in the USA.  相似文献   

工作投入与工作卷入和工作狂的区分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工作投入(work engagement)是组织心理学家在最近引入的一个新概念,新的概念在最初被介绍的时候,总是要避免与已经存在的概念相重复。工作倦怠(burnout)的研究已经有30多年的历史了,是当前人们争相研究的热点,它  相似文献   

本文在JD-R理论框架下,探讨工作要求、工作资源与工作投入之间的关系。通过对服装企业研发人员的问卷调查与统计分析,结果显示:服装企业研发人员的工作投入状况整体处于中等偏上水平;工作要求与工作投入呈弱负相关性,工作资源对工作投入具有较强的正相关性,并且工作资源的不同维度对工作投入有显著正向预测作用,显示了工作资源对提高工作投入的特殊作用。  相似文献   

Sustainable entrepreneurship contributes to solving social and environmental problems through the means of successful for‐profit businesses. This paper contributes to understanding how sustainable entrepreneurship is implemented by exploring an emerging new form of business, ‘B Corps’, that employs market tactics to address social and environmental issues. Through interviewing 14 B Corps, the exploratory research study found that B Corps treat profit as a means to achieve positive societal ends, they regard the B Corp model as a tool for change, the B Corp model provides a common collective identity for internal and external validation, they are focused on societal impact rather than maximizing profits and they attempt to legitimate this form of sustainable entrepreneurship by influencing the business community and government officials. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

We examine the origins and outcome of entrepreneurship on the basis of exceptionally comprehensive Norwegian matched worker-firm-owner data. In contrast to most existing studies, our notion of entrepreneurship not only comprises self-employment, but also employment in partly self-owned limited liability companies. Based on this extended entrepreneurship concept, we find that entrepreneurship tends to be profitable. It also raises income variability, but the most successful quartile gains much more than the least successful quartile loses. Key determinants of the decision to become an entrepreneur are occupational qualifications, family resources, gender, and work environments. Individual unemployment encourages, while aggregate unemployment discourages, entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

高等学校积极构建创业实践体系,是培养高水平创新创业型人才的关键。本文提出了一个中心、一个平台,个性辅导与批量创业相结合,校、院、系三级创业指导网络的模式,以指导学生创业实践活动。  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2007,14(2):251-268
We test the wealth maximization theory of quitting behavior on the German Socioeconomic Panel (1985–2003). With the interpretation of job satisfaction as an expression of the experienced preference for the present job against available alternatives, the propensity to stay in the present job is simply related to the residual of a job satisfaction equation. We show that this residual is a better predictor of quits than the overall level of satisfaction. Furthermore, we validate a dynamic extension of the economic theory of quits for which uncertainty in the expectation of future events plays a decisive role.  相似文献   

We consider a labor market with search frictions in which firms need to invest in capital before they can post a vacancy. This assumption creates a natural scope for hold-up problems, but the innovation of our study is that we allow for competition among the applicants who apply for the same job. In our economy all applicants are paid their actual marginal product. Nonetheless, with random search there exists a hold-up problem, leading to underinvestment in capital. On the contrary, if workers can direct their search towards firms with different capital levels, the equilibrium is efficient. This result contrasts sharply with the predictions of models with ex-post bargaining that never yield an efficient allocation. Moreover, our results extend the efficiency of auction mechanisms to an environment with non-contractible investments.  相似文献   

Job Assignment and Promotion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper surveys theoretical models of job mobility with special attention to promotion and career profiles. The review is ordered according to the assumptions concerning information on workers' relevant characteristics (i.e. perfect vs. imperfect information, private vs. public information) and technology (i.e. single-job models vs. many-job models). JEL classification: D21, J31, L23  相似文献   

Rational Nonprofit Entrepreneurship   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper derives the decision to found a nonprofit firm as the equilibrium outcome of a multistage game among individuals who would like a public good to be provided. The model predicts that if individuals will voluntarily contribute towards provision of the public good, then it is in the self-interest of the entrepreneur to impose a nondistribution constraint on herself by founding a nonprofit firm.  相似文献   


It has long been argued that spatial microsimulation models can be used to estimate the impact of major changes in the local labour market through job losses or gains, including local multiplier effects. In a previous paper we have used SimLeeds, which is a spatial microsimulation model for the Leeds local labour market, in order to estimate the initial employment and income effect of a hypothetical closure of an engineering plant on different surrounding localities. This paper builds on that work and presents an extension of SimLeeds in order to provide estimates for the multiplier effects of such major changes in a local economy. In particular, we focus on the spatial distribution of the multiplier effects such as the event changes that are triggered by initial job and income effects. The disposable income gain or loss for each individual or household eventually leads to the increase/decrease of consumption of goods and services and to possible changes of the preferred retail location etc. (i.e. moving to more/less expensive stores). There are also net monetary losses for the government from the increase/decrease of income tax revenue and from the decrease/increase of the benefit claims from the households affected. In addition, the initial income and employment impacts would have second- and third-round multiplier effects, which could include the openings/closures of local convenience grocery stores as a result of the rise/fall of local demand for their goods. These closures in turn would generate further job creation or loss, which would have further multiplier effects at different localities within the city. This paper addresses all these multiplier effects in a spatial microsimulation context and provides a new framework for multiplier-effect micro-spatial analysis.


Modélisation des Effets Socio-économiques d'une Perte ou d'un Gain Important d'Emploi sur le plan Local: un Cadre Spatial de Micro Simulation

On a longtemps discuté du fait qu'on pouvait utiliser les modèles spatiaux de micro simulation dans l’évaluation des effets des variations importantes, affectant le marché du travail local, par le biais de pertes ou de créations d'emploi, et dans l’évaluation des effets multiplicateurs locaux dans l'analyse. Dans un article précédent, nous avons utilisé SimLeeds, modèle de micro simulation pour le marché du travail de Leeds, dans le but d’évaluer l'effet de la fermeture hypothétique d'une usine sur l'emploi et les revenus dans les différentes localités environnantes. L'article s'appuie sur ce travail et présente une extension de SimLeeds pour fournir des estimations des effets multiplicateurs, générés par des variations importantes, affectant une économie locale. En particulier, nous nous sommes intéressés à la distribution spatiale des effets multiplicateurs, par exemple, les changements provoqués par les modifications initiales, qui ont touché l'emploi et les revenus. Le revenu disponible en plus ou en moins pour chaque ménage entraîne en définitive une augmentation/diminution de la consommation des biens et services et peut amener les ménages à s'approvisionner ailleurs. (par exemple, s'approvisionner dans des magasins plus ou moins chers). Il y a aussi des pertes sèches pour le gouvernement du fait de l'augmentation/diminution de la rentabilité de l'impôt sur le revenu et du fait de l'augmentation/diminution de la base imposable des ménages affectés. De plus, les modifications initiales affectant le revenu et l'emploi auront des effects multiplicateurs de seond et de troisième rang, au nombre desquels on pourra ranger l'ouverture/la fermeture d’épiceries locales. C'est la demande locale, en hausse ou en baisse, qui provoquera les ouvertures/fermetures. Ces fermetures provoqueront à leur tour des créations ou suppressions d'emploi, qui auront donc comme conséquences des effects multiplicateurs supplémentaires sur les différentes localités composant la ville. Cet article explique tous ces effets multiplicateurs dans un contexte spatial de micro simulation, et donne un nouveau cadre à l'analyse micro spatiale des effets multiplicateurs.


Modelo de impactos socioeconómicos de pérdida o ganancia de empleo importante en un ámbito local: structura de microsimulación espacial

Desde hace tiempo se sostiene que los modelos de microsimulación espacial pueden utilizarse para calcular el impacto de los principales cambios en el mercado laboral de ámbito local mediante las pérdidas y ganancias de empleo, incluyendo los efectos multiplicadores locales. En un ensayo anterior utilizamos SimLeeds, que es un modelo de microsimulación espacial para el mercado laboral en Leeds, a fin de calcular el efecto inicial de un cierre hipotético de una planta de ingeniería en el empleo y los ingresos en diferentes localidades de la zona. Nos basamos en ese trabajo y presentamos una ampliación de SimLeeds a fin de ofrecer los cálculos para los efectos multiplicadores de tales cambios principales en una economía local. En particular nos enfocamos en la distribución espacial de los efectos multiplicadores como los cambios de eventos que son desencadenados por los efectos iniciales en el trabajo y los ingresos. La ganancia o pérdida de ingresos disponibles para cada individuo o familia conduce con el tiempo a un aumento o una disminución del consumo de bienes y servicios y a posibles cambios de la ubicación minorista favorita, etc. (es decir, a desplazarse a almacenes más caros o baratos). También existen las pérdidas monetarias netas para el gobierno debido al aumento o la disminución de los impuestos sobre la renta y al aumento o la disminución del número de solicitudes de prestaciones para las familias afectadas. Además, los impactos iniciales en los ingresos y el empleo tendrían efectos multiplicadores de segunda y tercera ronda que podría incluir la apertura o el cierre de tiendas de alimentación locales como resultado de ese aumento/descenso de la demanda local de bienes. Estos cierres generarían a su vez otra creación o pérdida de trabajo que tendrían otros efectos multiplicadores en diferentes lugares de una misma ciudad. En este ensayo abordamos estos efectos multiplicadores en un contexto de microsimulación espacial y ofrecemos una nueva estructura para el análisis micro espacial del efecto multiplicador.  相似文献   

随着大学毕业生数量的增长和素质的提高,创业逐渐成为大学生毕业后的一个重要去向.本论文通过在烟台大学对烟台大学及其他烟台高校的在校大学生发放调查问卷的直接调查方式取得的数据,通过stata软件进行分析,主要从大学生所处的创业氛围,社会资本的角度分析这些影响因素如何对大学生创业的意愿产生影响.研究结果表明,社会资本和创业氛围与大学生创业意愿表现出了正向相关作用,即大学生所拥有的社会资本越丰富,大学生的创业意愿越强烈;大学生当地的创业氛围越浓厚,大学生的创业意愿越强烈.本研究结果可为大学生当地的创业政策的制定提供依据.  相似文献   

工作设计革命:工作重塑的研究进展及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工作重塑完善了传统工作设计理论与操作流程,这一概念认为工作设计不应只是由组织管理者主导,不应只是采取自上而下式的设计模式.员工也应是工作设计的参与者,他们推动工作设计进行自下而上的变革,将自身兴趣、偏好和能力等与工作相结合,发掘工作意义、工作认同和幸福感.作者通过相关文献梳理,总结和评析了工作重塑的原理、驱动因素、影响机制及结果等,探讨了该领域的未来研究方向.研究认为,随着员工知识水平及自我意识觉醒,组织不仅要深入了解员工的工作重塑行为,更要积极推动工作设计革命,引导和支持员工进行工作重塑,以提高其工作积极性、主动性和创造力,提升组织竞争力.  相似文献   

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