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This study examines China's structural transformation under the assumption that its employment structure converges to that in major developed economies in one and a half decades. The required annual output differentials between tradable and nontradable sectors, productivity increment in the nontradable sector, and government expenditure increment are estimated with the goal of employment stability conditional on population ageing. It appears that labour transfer from the tradable sector to the nontradable sector would be accompanied by relatively large aggregate output changes due to population ageing and efficiency changes in the tradable sector. Consumer price and real exchange rates are less affected during structural transformation. Although fiscal deficit would increase, government expenditure as a tool to stabilize employment is welfare improving as long as job switching is not cost prohibitive.  相似文献   

货币升值的后果--基于中国经济特征事实的理论框架   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
张斌  何帆 《经济研究》2006,41(5):20-30
本文在一个贸易品/非贸易品两部门模型中,讨论了真实汇率外生条件下部门之间全要素生产率变化对产业结构与贸易余额的影响。我们发现,在保持名义有效汇率固定与国内物价水平稳定的货币政策组合下,市场经济体制改革所带来的贸易品部门相对非贸易品部门更快的全要素生产率进步所带来的不仅是经济增长,还会造成(1)工业/服务业产业结构扭曲;(2)贸易顺差扩大;(3)工资水平下降,并阻碍了农村劳动力向城市转移;(4)工资下降与利润率上升,收入分配恶化。解决上述问题的关键在于人民币汇率水平调整与非贸易品部门市场化改革和全要素生产率提高。  相似文献   

This paper develops a continuous-time two-country dynamic equilibrium model, in which the real exchange rates, asset prices, and terms of trade are jointly determined in the presence of nontradable goods. The model determines the relation between the financial markets and real goods markets in the world economy and their responses to various shocks under the home bias assumption. A positive domestic supply shock induces a positive return on the domestic asset markets and a deterioration of terms of trade that improves the foreign output and boosts the foreign asset markets. Demand shocks act in the opposite way. This model also analyses the impact of change in the relative price of nontradable to tradable goods on the terms of trade and asset markets. A higher productivity growth in tradable goods than in nontradable goods leads to a higher relative price of nontradable to tradable goods, which appreciates the real exchange rate, deteriorates the terms of trade, and depresses the domestic and foreign asset markets. A lower relative price of nontradable goods depreciates the real exchange rate, improves the terms of trade, and lifts both the domestic and foreign asset markets.  相似文献   

This paper adopts an alternative approach to the study of the impact of capital inflow on the real exchange rate by foremost, analysing the effect of FDI inflow on the ratio of tradables to nontradables, and then estimating the relationship between the tradable‐nontradable ratio and the real exchange rate, while accounting for the role of financial openness. Based on data for a group of developing countries, the findings show that an increase in FDI inflow is associated with a decrease in the tradable‐nontradable ratio, and that an increase in the tradable‐nontradable ratio leads to a depreciation of the real exchange rate; this effect being greater with an increase in financial openness. This suggests that an increase in FDI inflow could result in an expansion of the nontradable sector, which would be associated with a greater appreciation of the real exchange rate under a higher level of financial openness.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(2):123-145
The shocks that underlie China's comparatively rapid growth include gains in productivity, factor accumulation and policy reforms that increase allocative efficiency. The well-known Balassa–Samuelson hypothesis links productivity growth in tradable industries with real appreciations. Yet it relies heavily on the law of one price applying for tradable goods, against which there is now considerable evidence. In its absence, other growth shocks also affect the real exchange rate by influencing relative supply or demand for home product varieties. This paper investigates the pre-conditions for the Balassa–Samuelson hypothesis to predict a real appreciation in the Chinese case. It then quantifies the links between all growth shocks and the Chinese real exchange rate using a dynamic model of the global economy with open capital accounts and full demographic underpinnings to labor supply. The results suggest that financial capital inflows most affect the real exchange rate in the short term, while differential productivity is strong in the medium term. Contrary to expectation, in the long term demographic forces prove to be weak relative to changes in the skill composition of the labor force, which enhances services sector performance and depreciates the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

We estimate the effects of exchange rate on U.S. employment, exploiting differences in industrial composition across major cities. We find that a 1% depreciation of export‐weighted real exchange rate has a positive 0.98% direct effect on manufacturing employment. Its indirect effect on local nonmanufacturing employment rises with the size of the local manufacturing sector, consistent with the hypothesis that there exists a local spillover from the tradable to the nontradable sector. In cities with heavy concentration of manufacturing employment, the indirect effect is statistically significant and about 60% as large as the direct effect measured by the number of jobs. (JEL F3, F1, J2)  相似文献   


We wish to reconcile the major trends in wages and the terms of trade using a directed technical change approach in which: (i) tradable and nontradable goods can be substitutes or complements; and (ii) scale effects can be present or can be partially or totally removed. With a lower skilled labour ratio and a higher relative wage in the tradable sector, the price (real exchange rate or terms of trade) mechanism is crucial in determining sectoral productivity differences and thus wage inequality. Along the balanced growth path, the real exchange rate can be negatively related with the relative productivities in horizontal innovation (the Balassa-Samuelson effect) and with the relative labour level, depending on scale effects. The wage premium increases due to an increase in the relative labour level in the nontradable sector under substitutability with scale effects or under complementarity without scale effects. A calibrated version of the model indicates that the model closely replicates the data for Germany. Moreover, while the Balassa-Samuelson effect is quantified, an increase in the relative supply of labour in the tradable sector decreases both terms of trade and inequality.  相似文献   

This paper develops a general equilibrium monetary model to study China–US trade relations. The model captures two main features of China–US trade: China's fixed exchange rate regime and the use of the US dollar as the international medium of exchange. The main conclusions of this paper are threefold. First, an improvement in the productivity of China's tradable sector would benefit both China and the US. Second, a RMB appreciation would reduce consumption in the US and increase consumption in China, and would likely reduce China's trade surplus. It would also lead to a contraction in China's tradable sector and an expansion in US's tradable sector. Third, a monetary expansion in the US would hurt China because it would lead to a transfer of wealth from China to the US, a fall in China's relative wage rate and terms of trade, and an artificial expansion in China's tradable sector. A US monetary expansion would also increase China's trade surplus.  相似文献   

Revisiting the time‐honored link between productivity growth and the real exchange rate, we find that higher labor productivity tends to appreciate the real exchange rate, consistent with the traditional view. Contrary to the traditional view, however, we find that the positive productivity effect is transmitted through the relative price between tradable goods, rather than through the relative price between tradables and nontradables. Moreover, higher total factor productivity is found to often depreciate the real exchange rate. These latter two pieces of evidence, combined with the conceptual strength of total factor productivity over labor productivity as a productivity measure, call for further refinement of the conventional view regarding the effect of productivity on the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic general equilibrium model and studies structural change in a small open economy with two tradable sectors, agriculture and manufacturing, and a non‐tradable sector, services. In addition to obtaining results for a falling employment share of agriculture and a rising share of services, we demonstrate analytically the hump‐shaped share of manufacturing by identifying two countervailing effects: the productivity effect and the Balassa–Samuelson effect. The first effect, arising from differential rates of productivity growth among sectors, increases the share of manufacturing; the second effect, together with low rates of substitution between products, enhances the service sector and eventually draws labour from the manufacturing sector. At the aggregate level, however, the economy maintains a constant rate of growth. We calibrate the model with data from South Korea and find that the calibration fits the country's historical path of structural change.  相似文献   

East Asian and Latin American economies present opposite exchange rate electoral cycles: exchange rates tend to be more depreciated before and appreciated after elections among East Asian economies, while the opposite is true in Latin America. We propose an explanation for these empirical findings where the driving force of the opposite exchange rate populism in these two regions is their difference in the relative size of tradable and non‐tradable sectors, coupled with the distributive effect of exchange rates. In a setup where policy‐makers differ in their preference bias toward non‐tradable and tradable sectors, the exchange rate is used a noisy signal of the incumbent's type in an uncertain economic environment. The mechanism behind the cycle is engendered by the incumbent trying to signal he is median voter's type, biasing his policy in favor of the majority of the population before elections.  相似文献   

This paper studies the Balassa‐Samuelson (B‐S) effect in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. We use time series and panel cointegration techniques and show that the B‐S effect works reasonably well in the transition economies under study during the period from 1991:Q1 to 2001:Q2. However, we find, that productivity growth does not fully translate into price increases because of the construction of the CPI indexes. We therefore argue that productivity growth will not hinder meeting the Maastricht criterion on inflation in the medium term. In addition, the observed appreciation of the CPI‐deflated real exchange rate is found to be systematically higher compared with the real appreciation the B‐S effect could justify, especially in the cases of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This can be partly explained by the trend appreciation of the tradable price‐based real exchange rate, increases in non‐tradable prices due to price liberalization and demand‐side pressures and the evolution of the nominal exchange rate determined by the nature of the exchange rate regime and the magnitude of capital inflows. JEL classification: E31, F31, O11, P17,  相似文献   

This paper uses a multi-country dynamic general equilibrium model to illustrate real convergence processes in a small open catching-up economy. Our results indicate that even if the convergence is driven by smoothly evolving processes, the dynamic adjustments of key macrovariables can be far from smooth. We also demonstrate that overly optimistic expectations about current or future productivity shifts can generate sizable boom–bust cycles. A comparison across alternative monetary regimes reveals that a flexible exchange rate helps to smooth real convergence processes and misperceptions associated with tradable sector productivity, while it generates more volatility in scenarios based on nontradable sector productivity developments.  相似文献   

长期实际汇率主要取决于经济的供给面,即生产率的变化,这一思想体现在巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应的模型中。文章从巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应的理论出发选择合适的计量模型,然后以制造业和服务业分别表示贸易品部门和非贸易品部门,通过差分回归模型和协整检验来分析人民币实际汇率与中国两部门间生产率差异之间的关系,回归结果符合巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应的结论。在1980~2004年间,人民币实际汇率的变动趋势与中国两部门间的生产率差异变化趋势基本相符:非贸易品部门生产率提高幅度大时,人民币趋向于贬值;而贸易品部门生产率提高幅度大时,人民币实际汇率趋向于升值。  相似文献   

Empirical work on the division of real output and prices into tradable and nontradable components has not kept pace with theoretical developments. The conventional proxies of prices and productivity by tradable and nontradable sector are examined and found deficient in several important respects. It is demonstrated that an approach that relies on the long–standing data on gross domestic product by industry of origin can overcome some of these deficiencies. These data are used to construct new annual measures of prices and productivity for tradable and nontradable output for 12 industrial countries over the period 1950–73. While far from precise, the new measures are consistent with the following criteria for distinguishing between tradables and nontradables: the degree of foreign trade participation should be higher for tradables than for nontradables; the degree of international commodity arbitrage, as measured by cross-country correlations of price changes, should be higher for tradables than nontradables; and tradables should be closer substitutes than nontradables for traded goods from other countries (imports). Despite the considerable conceptual advantages of the new measures of prices and productivity over the conventional proxies, correlation analysis indicates that the new and old measures usually move together rather closely in our 12 subject countries. The correlations are higher across the alternative relative productivity measures than for the alternative relative price measures.  相似文献   

Monetary shocks and how they are transmitted internationally are investigated in this paper. The paper shows that where a national currency is used as an international medium of exchange, the international money is non‐neutral. In particular, an increase in the supply of the international money leads to a transfer of real resources to the international money‐issuing country from its trading partner. It also induces an expansion of the nontradable sector in the international money‐issuing country, and an expansion of the tradable sector in its trading partner. The real impact of a monetary shock is greater under a fixed exchange rate system than under a flexible exchange rate system.  相似文献   

Using disaggregated sectorial data for developing and transition countries, this study shows that rising levels of remittances have spending effects that may lead to real exchange rate appreciation, and resource movement effects that favor the nontradable sector at the expense of tradable goods production. These are two characteristics of the phenomenon known as “Dutch disease”. The results further suggest that resource movement effects that favor the nontradable sector should operate stronger under fixed nominal exchange rate regimes.  相似文献   

From 1989 to 2010, the RMB–dollar real exchange rate depreciated, despite China's rapid income growth relative to the US. We develop a macroeconomic-trade model of the very long-run equilibrium RMB-dollar real exchange rate. We show that this long-run depreciation of the RMB-dollar real exchange rate can be justified by our model, if we note that Chinese agriculture has relatively low productivity and that agriculture is tradeable. Relative to our equilibrium benchmark, the current real RMB-dollar rate is, if anything, over appreciated.  相似文献   

Agriculture is thought to play a number of roles in the early development process. All of these roles involve fostering non‐agricultural development, in particular manufacturing. It is argued in this paper that agriculture plays a role that has hitherto been ignored. Specifically, if agricultural labor productivity increases faster than manufacturing labor productivity, the real effective exchange rate will depreciate. This depreciation of real effective exchange rate occurs because in very poor countries agriculture makes up the dominant share of both GDP and employment. The depreciation also makes it easier for a country to expand the production of tradables relative to nontradables, with manufacturing being the main tradable. This proposition, which as agricultural labor productivity increases relative to manufacturing labor productivity the real effective exchange rate depreciates, is tested using data drawn from 10 sub‐Saharan African countries.  相似文献   

This article analyses the impact of exchange rate regimes on the real sector. While most studies in this field have so far concentrated on aggregate variables, we pursue a sectoral approach distinguishing between the tradable and non-tradable sectors. First, we present a survey of the relevant theoretical and empirical literature. This demonstrates that evaluations of exchange rate regimes and their impact on the real economy are largely dependent on specific assumptions concerning, in particular, the parameters of a utility function, the nature of the price adjustment process and the characteristics of the shocks analysed. Second, we conduct an empirical analysis of the behaviour of the tradable and non-tradable sectors under different exchange rate regimes in seven Central and Eastern European countries. We find no firm evidence of a differential impact of given exchange rate regimes on the dynamics of output and prices in the two sectors. We proffer a conceptual and technical interpretation of this.  相似文献   

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