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中日贸易与人民币汇率:实证分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
中日贸易与人民币汇率问题,其汇率变动对贸易收支的影响是值得怀疑的。在两变量模型中,1998~2003年月度数据计量表明,中日贸易与人民币汇率之间没有长期稳定的协整关系。并且,依据中日两国月度统计数据计量的结论是相一致的。在多变量模型中计量证实,日本对华贸易收支取决于日本总产出、日本进口关税、人民币对日元实际汇率,以及中国总产出等宏观经济变量,仅仅人民币对日元实际升值,只会对日本对华贸易收支产生不利的影响。政策建议是,中日两国应该采取贸易合作政策,这样中日双边贸易收支都将会得到改善。  相似文献   

为提高鲤春病毒血症的监测效率,将细胞培养、酶联免疫吸附试验和PCR方法有机结合,先用细胞扩增病毒5d以提高后续检测的灵敏度,然后用酶联免疫吸附试验进行高通量初筛,最后对可疑阳性用PCR确认。虽然这样的联合检测方法比国标GB/T 15805.5-2008方法多了一个检测步骤,但是却能将检测时长缩短一半,提高了检测效率。经过在45个无临床症状样品上应用,结果显示,联合检测方法和国标方法的结果完全一致,且缩短了检测周期,提高了检测效率,能够发现样品早期感染状态,实现对鲤春病毒血症的高效监测。  相似文献   

在世界范围内,中国春节越来越受消费者欢迎,特别是东南亚消费者会在社交商务中参加中国春节活动。然而,现实中却存在一个矛盾的现象,即一些东南亚消费者春节期间热衷于购买中国商品,而春节过后却抵制中国商品。实证研究发现,东南亚消费者并未完全从态度上偏好中国春节和中国商品,只是出于社交商务的需要才参与中国春节和购买中国商品。东南亚消费者可区分为文化杂食型和节日身份型两个细分市场。其中,文化杂食型消费者包容并喜欢多元文化,会长期偏好中国节日和中国商品;节日身份型消费者仅在中国节日期间会参与中国节日和购买中国商品。这样的结论对指导中国企业实践具有重要价值,首先,为更好地响应“一带一路”倡议,应树立中国品牌意识,在“一带一路”沿线国家培育偏好中国文化和产品的朋友圈,转变消费者态度;其次,为更好地实施“走出去”战略,应在国际市场进行文化杂食和节日身份的细分,对文化杂食型消费者以文化为纽带培育其长期稳定的消费习惯,对节日身份型消费者通过营销策划刺激其消费;其三,为成功进入东南亚市场,对在东南亚运营的社交商务,应侧重培育消费者亲中国文化与产品的态度,并增加其使用社交商务平台的愉悦感。  相似文献   

To date, few studies have empirically examined specific values with respect to the global teenager hypothesis. In testing the global teenager hypothesis, this study investigates similarities and differences in materialism among 14‐ to 17‐year olds in China, Japan and the USA. Significant differences were found between respondents from the three nations for materialism and discretionary spending power. Discretionary spending power had a significant effect on materialism across nations. In addition, evidence supports cross‐national differences in the psychological structure of the materialism construct. While personal gain and social gain explain two materialism dimensions for the Japanese and American samples, factor analysis results suggest materialism may have alternative conceptual underpinnings in China. The findings of this study generally fail to support the global teenager hypothesis as it relates to the value of materialism.  相似文献   

鲤春病毒核酸检测方法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对鲤春病毒核酸检测方法的基本原理和应用情况进行了论述,主要包括RT-PCR、荧光定量RT-PCR、环介导等温扩增技术等,并总结了各方法的特点和发展前景。  相似文献   

基于J2EE的电子商务系统开发框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了基于J2EE的电子商务系统开发框架,采用了多层结构,将表现逻辑、业务逻辑和数据逻辑相分离,通过集成轻量级框架Struts、Spring、Hibernate加上页面框架实现了该开发框架,保证程序具有松耦合性和易扩展性。  相似文献   

提出了基于J2EE的电子商务系统开发框架,采用了多层结构,将表现逻辑、业务逻辑和数据逻辑相分离,通过集成轻量级框架Struts、Spring,H.bernate加上页面框架实现了该开发框架,保证程序具有松耦合性和易扩展性.  相似文献   

尹德臣 《中国市场》2008,(23):61-62
本文主要介绍了建立电子商务网站所采用的技术以及如何提高网站的性能。网站采用J2EE/Struts/Spring应用架构,引入了ORM技术。Hibernate的采用,极大地提高了运行的效率。  相似文献   

长期以来,日本商品贸易的竞争力很高,但其服务贸易的发展却相对落后,这与我国目前所面临的状况相近。本文探讨了日本服务贸易的发展特点,分析了日本服务贸易发展的影响因素,从中得出对我国的启示。  相似文献   

经济需求是现代物流产生和发展的前提,现代物流是随着经济的发展而产生和发展的.日本物流现代化水平的提高以及现代物流的全面发展,取决于日本物流发展六个方面的适用性及其平衡发展.这些适用性主要指地区适用性、环境适用性、国际适用性、战略适用性、管理适用性、理论适用性,可分为与国家层面紧密联系的社会经济问题以及与企业层面密切相关的管理问题两类,两者以一种交错复杂的形态存在,存在相互联系或相互对立的关系.  相似文献   

Ashortage of coal and coal mines has accelerated the resource crisis in China. compounded by the heavy snow in the southern regions that hit just before the Chinese traditional Spring Festival period.The uncertainty of coal supplies from China,Australia and South Africa has resulted in a sharp price increase in the Asian coal market.How to solve the coal problem not only during this time of crisis but also in the long-term has raised the level of concern in this newly affected nation. Some new and alternative resources have been considered as substitutes,such as coalbed methane.China's Foreign Trade interviewed the Vice-President and Senior Engineer of China United Coalbed Methane Co.,Ltd.,Mr.Lin Jianhao,to discuss this topic in detail.  相似文献   

从亚洲各国资产证券化的发展来看,无论是发行数量还是发行品种,日本、韩国都分列前两位.根据日本资产证券化发展过程中标的资产种类多样、产品设计复杂化和韩国资产证券化过程中政府强有力的信用支持和法制推进作用这些特点,得出日韩资产证券化快速发展的原因主要是政府的大力支持、国际投行的积极参与和其在资产证券化方面拥有高水平人才.我国从日韩资产证券化的发展中得到的启示是:要快速发展资产证券化市场,建立和完善相关法律法规,加强证券化标的资产的市场建设,积极学习外国先进经验,培养相关学科知识密集型人才.  相似文献   

贸易摩擦预警:日本的经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本建立以监控贸易摩擦为主,政府、社会团体及企业参与的预警体系,主要包括信息预警机制、法律预警机制、体制预警机制。日本的经验表明,贸易摩擦预警机制能够防患未然,减少和避免贸易摩擦,维护本国贸易利益。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(6):841-861
Internationalisation is an important part of the business history of both non-family and family firms. The discourse regarding both is based on the mainstream microeconomic theories of the firm. This article, through examining the case histories of two successful Chinese overseas family firms, shows that explanations of internationalisation need often to venture beyond the confines of existing theories, especially where contextual factors are influential in shaping decision-making. The experiences of these firms point to the role of the state as a major contextual factor. The case history approach is the most relevant in this and other instances where context matters.  相似文献   

日本对华直接投资影响因素研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文借助于计量经济模型,以1985-2002年的统计数据为基础,对日本对华直接投资的决定性因素进行实证分析。结果表明,日本对华直接投资的主要影响因素包括中国市场容量、中日双边贸易、实际汇率和中日实际工资差异。通过对模型中各变量的比较和归纳,日本对华直接投资动机整体上可以综合为两个方面:一是日本的对外直接投资作为贸易主导型对外直接投资,以扩张本国的边际产业为直接目的;二是中国巨大的市场是吸引日本跨国公司对华直接投资的重要原因。  相似文献   

本文对日本城市批发流通系统的空间结构及城市的层级关系进行了探讨。研究表明,随着城市规模的扩大,城市中心部的信息与交易功能日益发达,并导致城市批发流通系统功能在空间上的分离,即批发流通中的信息与交易功能逐渐向城市中心部转移,物流功能逐渐向城市外部转移。同时,主要具有交易与信息功能的企业总部逐渐向大城市集中,而主要具有物流功能的企业分支机构逐渐向大城市周边的中小城市分散,从而使城市与城市之间呈现明显的层级关系。  相似文献   

Which Firms Exit and Why? An Analysis of Small Firm Exits in Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines exit behaviour of small firms by using data from The Survey of Retirement of Small Firm Managers, which provides information on exit and post-exit behaviour of Japanese small firms and their managers. First, it is shown that small firm exits occur not just because of economic difficulties in their business (‚economic-forced exit’) but also for various other reasons (‚non-economic-forced exit’). Logit estimates show that the probability of economic-forced exit is significantly higher if the manager is relatively young and male, the firm has loans from a financial institution, its sales are tending to decrease, and so on. It is also shown that a rather large proportion of managers continue to work after exit, and this proportion, especially that of employed workers, is higher in the case of economic-forced exits. These results indicate the potential importance of distinguishing these two classes of exits in exit studies.   相似文献   

本文介绍了日本碾米技术的发展历程、日本大米加工工艺和XX典型大米加工工艺。  相似文献   

中国与东盟各国农产品对日本出口的产品相似性指数及CAC指数的测算结果表明,双方相似性较高、竞争也较激烈,但对日本与东盟双(多)边EPA中农业条款的分析结果表明,日本对东盟的农产品开放程度并不高。文章认为日本与东盟成立自由贸易区对中国农产品出口日本影响不大。  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the determinants of and differences between the ethical beliefs of two groups of Japanese students in religious and secular universities. Multiple regression analysis revealed that students of the Japanese religious university perceived that young, male, relativistic, and opportunistic students tended to behave less ethically than did older, female, and idealistic students. Students of the Japanese secular university perceived that male, achievement-oriented, and opportunistic students tended to behave less ethically than did female and experience-oriented students. Opportunism was found to be one of the most important determinants in explaining misconduct. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) revealed that students of the Japanese secular university tended to score higher on achievement and humanism, and lower on theism and positivism than did students of the Japanese religious university. In addition, students of the Japanese secular university were somewhat more sensitive to academic dishonesty practices than were students of the Japanese religious university.  相似文献   

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