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The present paper builds on the published literature on agricultural policy analysis under costly and imperfect enforcement by introducing enforcement costs and misrepresentation into the economic analysis of export subsidies. Specifically, the present paper examines the economic causes of cheating on export subsidies and the consequences of enforcement costs and misrepresentation for the welfare effects and the transfer efficiency of this policy instrument. Policy design and implementation is modelled as a sequential game between a government that designs and enforces the policy and the recipients of the payments. Two alternative policy implementation scenarios are considered. In the first scenario, export subsidies are paid to private trading firms while in the second scenario subsidies are paid directly to the producers of the subsidised commodity. Analytical results show that the introduction of enforcement costs and cheating changes the welfare effects of export subsidies and their efficiency in redistributing income to producers. The analysis also shows that, contrary to what is traditionally believed, the incidence of export subsidies depends on the group that is subsidised to export the surplus quantity – the way the policy is implemented. The results provide additional support for the contention that the economic consequences of cheating are highly policy-specific. Finally, the analysis reveals that when the government faces restrictions on either the volume or the value of export subsidies, cheating reduces the distortionary effects of the policy on international markets. This is true irrespective of whether subsidies are paid to trading firms or to producers.  相似文献   

This paper builds on the literature covering agricultural policy analysis under costly and imperfect enforcement by introducing enforcement costs and misrepresentation into the economic analysis of decoupled farm payments. Specifically, the paper examines the economic causes and consequences of cheating on a stylized decoupled area payment scheme. Policy design and implementation is modeled as a sequential game between a regulator who designs the policy, an agency responsible for policy enforcement, and farmers. Analytical results show that complete deterrence of cheating is not economically efficient when enforcement is costly. The introduction of enforcement costs and cheating changes the welfare effects and transfer efficiency of decoupled area payments, the level of government intervention that transfers a given surplus to producers, the socially optimal income redistribution, and the social welfare from intervention. While the transfer efficiency of the policy is positively related to the extent of farmer misrepresentation, the incorporation of enforcement costs and cheating results in decoupled payments being generally a less efficient means of income redistribution than is traditionally believed. Nevertheless, the analysis shows that decoupled payments remain superior to coupled subsidies as a means of farm income support. Les auteurs ajoutent à ce qui s'est déjàécrit sur l'analyse des politiques agricoles dans le contexte d'une application imparfaite et onéreuse en intégrant à l'analyse du découplage des paiements agricoles le coût d'une exécution forcée et des fausses déclarations. Plus précisément, l'article examine les causes et les répercussions économiques de la fraude dans le cadre d'un programme stylisé de découplage régional des paiements. l'élaboration et l'application des politiques ont été modélisées comme un jeu séquentiel entre l'organisme de réglementation, qui échafaude la politique, l'organisme chargé d'appliquer cette dernière et les agriculteurs. Les résultats indiquent que combattre la fraude n'est pas économique quand une application forcée de la politique est onéreuse. L'introduction des coûts d'exécution et de la fraude entraîne une modification de l'incidence du programme sur le bien‐être social et de l'efficacité du transfert des paiements découplés aux régions, du degré d'intervention du gouvernement débouchant sur la réalisation d'un certain excédent par les producteurs, de la redistribution socialement optimale des revenus et du bien‐être résultant de l'intervention. Bien que l'efficacité de transfert de la politique présente une corrélation positive avec l'importance des fausses déclarations faites par les producteurs, l'intégration du coût d'une application forcée et de la fraude indique que le découplage des paiements n'est pas aussi efficace qu'on le croyait pour ce qui est de redistribuer les revenus. Malgré cela, l'analyse révèle que le découplage assure un meilleur soutien du revenu que le couplage des subventions.  相似文献   

A general equilibrium approach is used to evaluate the welfare impacts of alternative policies for reducing agricultural pollution in an open economy with preexisting distortions caused by income taxes and agricultural subsidies. The policies examined here include the removal of distortionary agricultural subsidies. We find that even though these distortions are small compared to others in the economy, removing them and imposing nitrogen reduction subsidies and/or output taxes can enhance welfare and reduce nitrogen pollution; thereby leading to a substantial double dividend. The relative efficiency of the alternative policies examined here depends on the level of the nitrogen reduction target.  相似文献   

This article analyses how transaction costs and imperfect competition in the land market affect the welfare effects of agricultural subsidies in the new Eastern Member States of the European Union. Benefits of land subsidies end up with landowners in new Eastern Member States also with imperfections in the new Eastern Member States land markets. With unequal access to subsidies, small tenant farmers may even lose out from the subsidies. Decoupling of payments shifts policy rents to farmers, but constrains productivity-enhancing restructuring. Using reserve entitlements to mitigate this effect reduces the intended benefits on distortions and target efficiency.  相似文献   

董春玉  刘颖 《南方农村》2013,(8):29-33,43
提高农户收入是我国粮食补贴政策的重要目标之一,然而当前这一政策目标能否实现是一个值得探讨的问题。本文利用安徽省天长市农户的实地调研数据,运用多元线性回归模型实证检验粮食补贴政策对农户收入的影响。结果表明:(1)粮食补贴金额对农户家庭人均纯收入具有显著的负向影响,粮食补贴金额越高,农户农业生产积极性越高,非农就业时间相对越短,在非农报酬率高于农业报酬率的情况下,农户总体收入水平反而会降低。(2)农户收入更多地受到非农收入的正向影响,非农收入已经成为农户收入的主要来源。因此,要提高农户收入水平,国家应实施相应措施,推进现代农业发展,促进农业报酬率的提高,并积极采取有效措施促进农户非农就业合理发展。  相似文献   

[目的]通过探讨目标价格改革对棉农收入的影响机理,揭示影响南疆四地州棉农增收的主要因素。[方法]从棉农角度出发,基于南疆四地州370个样本农户的实地调研数据,结合当地特有的自然地理、农业生产、社会经济条件以及目标价格政策实施状况,理论分析目标价格补贴对棉农增收的作用机理,并运用多元线形回归模型实证分析目标价格补贴政策等对棉农收入的作用方向和影响程度。[结果]户主受教育程度、是否外出务工、社会关系、棉花种植面积、县域经济发展水平和棉花销售价格等对棉农人均收入均存在显著影响。[结论]基于此,要避免将补贴化为主要的收入保障措施,继续加快土地流转,扩大棉农财产性收入来源,加快新型职业农民培育,发展农民职业教育,加快县域经济发展,多管齐下,破解制约南疆民族地区棉农增收难题。  相似文献   

This survey provides a structured picture of 40 years of literature which uses welfare economic tools to judge agricultural policy. Challenges and developments of normative agricultural policy analysis are discussed in an easily accessible graphical framework. It is shown how the literature has gone from examining a very small discrete set of simple policies to a much broader (often continuous) set of policies that combine policy instruments simultaneously. The importance of the Pareto criterion, used to explore the limits of how government can affect welfare, is revealed. Moreover, given the importance of the objective of income redistribution in agricultural policy, agricultural economists have often departed from the purely efficiency‐oriented tradition in economics. It is shown that they have tried to incorporate equity considerations by either adding these criteria as constraints to the social welfare function, or directly incorporating these criteria in the functional form of the social welfare function.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent developments in China’s agricultural domestic support policy, especially the transition from taxing farmers and agriculture to providing direct subsidies to grain production and purchased inputs. A model‐based quantitative analysis on the effects of these policy changes is presented. Simulation results suggest that recent policy changes have achieved the declared policy goals of increasing grain production and boosting farm income. Much of the increase in grain production and farm income can be attributed to higher per unit return to arable land, land reallocation to grain production and extra agricultural employment triggered by the policy changes. Based on the assumption that China’s public assistance to agriculture and farmers will continue and rise, two hypothetical future scenarios are simulated. Using all the support permitted under WTO de minimis limits with existing instruments, China’s policy will increase grain production, change trade patterns seemingly contrary to China’s comparative advantage, increase rural employment and significantly increase farm income (by more than 12%). If, however, decoupled instruments are applied to raise China’s agricultural domestic support to the same level, China’s agricultural production and trade will remain unchanged, rural employment remain stable, but farm income will be increased by nearly 15%.  相似文献   

A general theory of cross-subsidization due to inframarginal support is developed. Two sources of output distortion are identified: exit deterrence and extramarginal output. Some firms would not be in business without the subsidy. Cost savings due to declining average costs are always greater than the losses incurred where price equals marginal cost. Moreover, it is theoretically possible for inframarginal subsidies to expand output more than equivalent fully coupled subsidies. Empirical analysis of U.S. dairy subsidies isolates these components of cross-subsidization and finds distortions from inframarginal support to be substantial, with implications for trade negotiations, dispute settlement, and policy formulation.  相似文献   

农业机械化水平是衡量现代农业发展程度的重要指标。以种粮大户、合作社等为代表的新型农业经营主体逐渐成为农机投资和提供农机服务的主力军。基于2018年江苏省686个种粮大户的微观调查数据,本文选用了多重跨栏模型并采用控制函数法实证检验了加入合作社对种粮大户农机投资与提供农机服务的影响。研究发现:相较于未加入合作社的种粮大户,加入合作社的种粮大户购买农机和提供农机作业服务的动机更强,户均农机作业服务供给水平更高。具体而言,加入合作社的种粮大户,其农机投资和提供农机作业服务的概率分别上升10.5和12.5个百分点,户均农机作业服务收益约增加3.382万元。由此,本文提出三点政策建议:一是引导种粮大户兼具生产性和服务性的双重功能,并鼓励合作社将种粮大户组织起来,共同开展农机服务。二是发挥合作社的组织优势,引导种粮大户投资相对短缺的农机装备。三是农机补贴向服务供给短缺的农机品种倾斜。  相似文献   

Shifting cultivators manage soil not only by adjusting soil use on already‐cleared lands, as in continuous cultivation, but also by clearing forests to obtain new fertile soils. This study examines the crucial link between on‐farm soil conservation and deforestation in shifting cultivation by modeling forest clearing as an investment in soil for a private farmer. More generally, by doing so the study attempts to integrate deforestation and soil conservation models which have been separately developed in the literature. Our policy goal is to arrest tropical deforestation—as destruction of global commons—caused by land degradation in shifting cultivation while improving the well‐being of poor shifting cultivators. Our integrated approach enables joint policy analyses of deforestation and land degradation. Three welfare‐enhancing policies are considered. The first is agricultural and nonagricultural subsidies affecting farm and nonfarm income opportunities. The second is fiscal and tenure policies affecting discount rates. Our question is whether the link between forest clearing and soil fertility alters the outcomes of these two standard macroeconomic policies commonly found in the literature. The third policy (or program) is various soil conservation measures affecting soil regeneration and erosivity on already‐cleared lands. This article examines a very important question which has received little attention in previous theoretical works: can soil conservation reduce deforestation? This study confirms anti‐deforestation effects of the promotion of nonfarming activities—a common and often emphasized finding in previous works—among shifting cultivators. More importantly, it also demonstrates that improving various soil conservation measures not only discourages forest clearing among shifting cultivators but also tends to have greater effects on forest protection than promoting nonfarming activities. Contrarily, agricultural price subsidy or technological progress gives rise to the opposite outcome, and lowering the farmer's discount rate or improving tenure security encourages him/her to clear more forests just to accumulate soil.  相似文献   

As a multi-objective policy, the EU Common Agricultural Policy continues to secure significant income support for farmers as one of the nine specific objectives. We estimate the income transfer efficiency of a broad set of pivotal policy measures, focusing on the effects of farm structure on income transfer efficiency. We use dynamic modelling, based on a micro-data panel of Italian farms for the period 2008–2014, allowing for endogeneity, simultaneity bias, and omitted variables. In line with previous studies and economic expectations, we find that decoupled direct payments provide the highest contribution to agricultural incomes, followed by agri-environmental payments and on-farm investment subsidies. Coupled payments have no significant impacts on farmers’ income. Generally, for all analysed Common Agricultural Policy measures, large farms benefit from greater transfer efficiency levels compared with medium and small farms. These differences among instruments and across farms suggest that policy-participation costs may play a pivotal role, together with the economic structure of farms, in determining the income transfer efficiency of CAP policies.  相似文献   

[目的]最低收购价政策实施以来,在稳粮价、促生产、保粮安的同时,也产生了显著的负面影响,探索以市场机制为核心的粮食价格支持政策改革势在必行。[方法]文章以稻谷为例,通过构建局部均衡模型,模拟逐渐下调最低收购价、取消最低收购价、取消最低收购价并大幅增加农业补贴等方案对我国稻谷的产量、总消费、库存和净进口等方面的影响,进而探究最低收购价政策调整对我国粮食安全的影响。[结果](1)下调稻谷最低收购价,对稻谷市场价格、总产量和总消费的影响较小,而对库存和净进口量的影响较大;(2)取消最低收购价,虽然能大幅度减小国内外差价、库存量和进口量,但短期内也会显著减少稻谷产量,对我国的粮食供给安全带来了巨大冲击;(3)取消稻谷最低收购价,并大幅度提高了农业补贴后,稻谷总产量下降水平明显减少,既解决了托市收购带来的负面影响,也降低了取消托市收购对粮食供给安全的冲击。[结论]最低收购价政策的支持效应显著,为充分保障国内粮食安全,在推行粮食市场化改革时,应首先考虑小幅度下调最低收购价,而不是一次性取消最低收购价政策;同时,要配套相应的补贴政策,优化农业补贴结构,来保障粮农的种植积极性。  相似文献   

论文通过对湖南娄底市消费者问卷调查数据,并利用SPSS统计分析软件对影响消费者水产品质量安全支付意愿的变量进行研究分析,结果显示:消费者的受教育程度、性别、家庭月收入、每月农产品花费、年龄因素对消费者水产品质量安全支付意愿有较大影响,但消费者受教育程度、性别与支付意愿呈负相关关系。并在此基础上提出相关建议:加大对水产品质量安全知识的宣传和普及;加大对认证水产品的补贴;在超市和农贸市场做好定点宣传和推广工作;制定切实可行的可追溯安全水产品营销战略。  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the motivation for government intervention in agriculture to support farm prices and incomes. A model is outlined in which the government has a preference for higher farm incomes but fails to provide farmers with the socially optimal level of price support, even when one accepts the government's income redistribution goals as a valid reflection of social preference. It is shown that agricultural policy has an intervention bias: government price supports generally are higher than would be socially optimal. The source of the intervention bias is a time inconsistency in optimal agricultural policy formation, caused by the government's inability to precommit to a rule for setting future price support levels. Simulation results indicate that in some circumstances the intervention bias in agricultural policy can be substantial.  相似文献   

[目的]农户节水技术采用的长效机制对保障长期粮食安全、促进农业可持续发展具有重要意义。[方法]文章基于粮食主产区微观调研数据,衡量农户家庭收入风险,运用Heckman样本选择模型实证分析收入不确定性对农户节水技术初步采用与持续采用行为决策的影响,进一步考察不同政府推广模式在其中的调节效应。[结果]收入不确定性增加会降低农户持续采用节水技术的意愿,不利于节水技术的长期应用,政府推广对农户节水技术持续采用行为具有正向激励作用;从调节效应来看,收入不确定性对农户节水技术持续采用的负向影响可通过政府补贴和技术培训的调节缓解,其中以灌溉基础设施补贴为典型的政府节水补贴发挥了积极作用。[结论]要降低农村居民家庭收入风险,保持农业政策的延续性和稳定性,加强节水教育和技术培训,同时完善配套服务体系,推动农业生产长效节水。  相似文献   

Although the benefits of organic farming are already well known, the conversion to organic farming does not proceed as the Dutch government expected. In order to investigate the conversion decisions of Dutch arable farms, a discrete stochastic dynamic utility‐efficient programming (DUEP) model is developed with special attention for yield and price risk of conventional, conversion and organic crops. The model maximizes the expected utility of the farmer depending on the farmer’s risk attitude. The DUEP model is an extension of a dynamic linear programming model that maximized the labour income of conversion from conventional to organic farming over a 10 year planning horizon. The DUEP model was used to model a typical farm for the central clay region in the Netherlands. The results show that for a risk‐neutral farmer it is optimal to convert to organic farming. However, for a more risk‐averse farmer it is only optimal to fully convert if policy incentives are applied such as taxes on pesticides or subsidies on conversion, or if the market for the organic products becomes more stable.  相似文献   

华北地区农户对粮食政策的评价及生产粮食意愿分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文在问卷调查的基础上,分析了我国华北地区粮食主产区农户对国家粮食政策的评价和生产粮食的意愿及原因等问题。结果表明,农户对国家"两减免,三补贴"政策的落实情况比较满意,从事粮食生产的农户获得国家粮食政策优惠最多的是"直接补贴";农户对国家粮食政策期望按照重要性排序是:"提高最低收购价">"加大粮食直补">"加大农田基础设施建设">"加大科技投入与推广"。农户种植粮食作物的主要原因是"保证口粮、有粮吃";愿意多种粮食的农户占56.5%,还有32.2%的农户不愿意多种粮食。农户愿意多种粮食的原因主要是当前的粮食及农业政策不错,其次是多种粮食能够增加农户经济收入;农户不愿意多种粮食主要是缘于成本效益较低、增产幅度小以及农户基本口粮足够。  相似文献   

河南省水稻生产成本收益分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨河南省水稻节约成本途径和方法,增加水稻收益,对于调整河南省农业生产结构和稳定地区粮食安全具有重要意义。文章利用实地调研和成本分析相结合的方法,对河南省水稻生产中的收益指标,如物质与服务费、土地成本和人工成本进行了深入研究,明确了成本收益的变化规律。总生产成本结果分析表明,物质与服务费用占有比例最高,人工成本逐年增长,土地成本年波动较小,而在物质与服务费中,机械作业费和化肥费是最主要的影响因素,两者占物质与服务费的比例超过60%。而种子费、灌溉费、农药费占物质服务费的比例不高,均在12%左右。收益分析表明,近年来河南省水稻成本收益趋于稳定,但在2009年和2011年收益率出现下降现象,主要原因是单位面积产量降低和物质与服务费价格的增长。此外,该文从加强稻田水利等基础设施建设、加大种粮补贴力度、稳定农业生产资料价格等方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

河南省作为我国的农业大省,农业人口数量在全省占有相当大的比重,河南省农民的收入水平在一定程度上影响着河南省的整体收入水平,所以增加河南省农民的收入对河南省的整体经济水平有着提升性的作用,但目前河南省农民的收入水平在全国处于较低的水平。文章就河南省农民增收影响因素进行分析,对河南省农民人均纯收入及增长百分比进行统计和计算,并将其与经济较为发达的省份相比较,发现河南省农民收入增长不稳定,且与经济发达地区差距较大。对河南省农民收入构成进行剖析得知,影响河南省农民收入增长的因素主要是家庭经营性收入、工资性收入、财产性收入和转移性收入。并针对这些影响因素提出了完善农村基础设施建设、加快适销对路农产品的生产、促进农业产业化经营、加强对农民的科学素养教育、加强乡镇企业吸纳农民就业、农业发展公司化等一系列有助于河南省农民增收的策略。  相似文献   

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