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物流服务效率的提高对促进物流产业的发展、实现经济增长方式的转变至关重要。文章运用实物期权的分析方法,分析了基于努力柔性的TPLSP提高物流服务效率的决策机理,得到了TPLSP选择高的努力水平并提供高的物流服务效率的客户企业产品市场需求规模门槛值。结果表明:考虑努力柔性使得该门槛值增大,不利于物流服务效率的提高。同时,文章对影响该门槛值的各因素进行了进一步的分析研究,认为物流服务供需双方企业间的战略联盟关系及政府的引导,都将促进TPLSP选择高的努力水平,进而提高物流服务效率。  相似文献   

农业物流生态圈作为一种先进的发展模式,可通过各子系统的相互协作达到双赢,解决传统农业发展面临的产业联动性差、技术水平低下、运营模式落后等问题,推动农业供给侧结构性改革。而考虑到农业物流生态圈涉及主体众多,其协同受多种因素共同作用,需要构建农业物流生态圈协同影响因素框架,以为农业物流生态圈协同研究提供指标体系。基于扎根理论这一质性研究方法,利用Nvivo11.0软件对访谈文本及相关文献资料进行深度分析,得到112个初始概念,进而由初始概念概括出39个范畴,提炼出15个副范畴,最终归纳出协同环境、协同机制、协同能力、协同意愿、扰动因素五个主范畴,形成农业物流生态圈协同影响因素框架。在这个框架中,协同环境可定义为外驱因素,协同机制、协同能力可定义为内驱因素,协同意愿可定义为中介因素,且各因素并非直接对农业物流生态圈产生影响,而是主要通过三条路径进行,其一是外驱因素→中介因素→农业物流生态圈协同,其二是内驱因素→中介因素→农业物流生态圈协同,其三是扰动因素对内驱因素和外驱因素进行调节。  相似文献   

Research results are presented providing an empirical examination of the impact of knowledge synthesis and innovative logistics processes on operational flexibility. The research is theoretically grounded in the resource‐based view of the firm, augmented with the knowledge‐based view. Knowledge synthesis and innovative logistics processes are proposed as key resources in the development of an important logistics capability: operational flexibility. A structural model analysis of survey data collected from logistics executives supports the proposed relationships and indicates that innovative logistics processes can lead to greater operational flexibility. Operational flexibility is also shown to lead to higher levels of logistics performance.  相似文献   

Previous research shows that knowledge integration mechanisms (KIMs) mediate the cross‐functional collaboration‐product innovation performance relationship; however, this mediating effect seems to be rather weak. This study, in contrast, develops a moderated mediation (MOME) model to argue that such a mediating effect is moderated by product innovativeness. A sample comprised of 106 manufacturing firms is utilized in the analyses. A moderated‐mediation approach shows that the mediating effect of KIMs in the linkage between cross‐functional collaboration and product innovation performance varies by different perspectives of product innovativeness. From an industry (macro‐level) perspective, product innovativeness positively moderates the mediating effect of KIMs on product innovation performance; in contrast, such a moderating effect is not significant under a firm (micro‐level) perspective. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although market orientation (MO) has long been considered an important business philosophy, the examination of MO outside the firm's boundaries has been rather limited. To address this, this study explores how supply chain orientation and operational flexibility (FLX) facilitate the implementation of MO. Although the positive impact of MO on firm performance has been well established, this study highlights that such benefits are enhanced by the development of supply chain related capabilities. Results indicate that market‐oriented firms are more likely to realize the strategic importance of managing the supply chain when operating under conditions of high environmental munificence, dynamism, and complexity. This provides a better understanding of the complex relationship between the demand and supply sides of the firm. This study highlights the importance of marketing theory and concepts to supply chain management scholars, and vice versa. This further accentuates the importance of eliminating the disconnect between supply and demand‐management processes, also described as the “Great Divide” (Drucker 1973; Esper et al. 2010a,b). A number of key managerial implications are offered as well.  相似文献   

线上线下与物流协同是"新零售"发展的核心。总体看来,我国"新零售"发展已跨越初级阶段向中高级阶段进化,也对线上线下与物流协同提出了新的要求。基于"新零售"发展现实,围绕线上线下与物流协同发展的四个阶段对协同发展进行逻辑推演,结合零售系统、物流支撑、技术应用等多要素探讨协同的影响因素。研究发现,从动态视角来看,电商与物流协同和线上线下融合为线上线下与物流协同奠定基础,而线上线下与物流协同要经历由线状协同向网状(立体)协同进化过程,也预示由初级协同向中高级协同的迈进;线上线下与物流协同主要受底层逻辑(线上线下协同融合程度、零售业网状协同水平)、核心支撑(物流网络建设、物流运营管理水平、物流生态体系协同)、升级保障(数智化技术协同应用、供应链整合与创新)三个方面共七类因素的影响,而不同因素又具有不同的作用方向。基于此,线上线下与物流协同要秉承"四化"理念,即以规模化运营为基础,以创新化模式为引领,以数智化技术为依托,以生态化体系为关键,提升协同服务水平和效率,构筑协同系统。  相似文献   

Business forecasting with double‐trend time series (long‐term trends and seasonal volatility) has been challenging due to its complexity. Neither a single time series model nor a fixed‐weight combination approach can fully capture the comprehensive information. We address this issue by proposing an improved partial least squares (PLS) based time‐varying weight combination approach. The proposed method can handle the relations both between the single models involved and between single models and time ordering with time‐varying weights. The test on 20 simulated datasets demonstrates the better and more robust performance of the method. We also apply it to three real datasets. The results show that our approach represents a significant improvement over the existing methods in terms of data fitness and prediction accuracy. Copyright © 2017 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

当前我国零售业正在经历一场以网络零售业成熟发展为最鲜明特征的技术升级和业态调整的深刻变革。本文从"技术创新"的视角对业态转型升级和业态结构调整动因分析的基础上构建了零售业态结构调整的原则和操作标准体系,结合零售业态发展的前瞻趋势和客观环境,对我国零售业空间布局优化提出对策建议。  相似文献   

A positive shopping experience provides retailers with a competitive advantage. However, retail environments pose numerous hassles that may negatively affect consumer experiences. Integrating perspectives from attribution theory and expectation theory, we examine the concept of shopping hassle and how it differs from that of retail service failure. Furthermore, we utilize qualitative approaches to explore what shopping episodes consumers perceive as hassles. Conducting semi‐structured in‐depth interviews in Study 1, we develop a classification framework of in‐store shopping hassles. In Study 2, we use a critical incident technique approach to gain a further understanding of types of shopping hassle.  相似文献   

Practitioners are using performance‐based logistics (PBL) strategies to reduce cost and improve value in industries such as defense, transportation, manufacturing, and healthcare. PBL is part of a group of increasingly popular buyer–supplier strategies that focuses on outcomes as oppose to the delivery of products or services. A key tenet of PBL is the use of innovation to create cost avoidance that benefits buyers and suppliers. In this research, we explore the interfirm team‐level factors associated with innovation in successful PBL strategies. This research brings together business, organizational behavior, and engineering literature to study PBL team success. The study entailed interviews with 17 managers involved in large scale PBL projects. The interviews and follow‐on member checking sessions resulted in a model composed of eight emergent categories and associated propositions. Both practical and theoretical implications are provided.  相似文献   

文章以华南地区外向型制造企业为例,对IT能力、战略柔性及绩效关系进行了实证研究。结果表明,IT能力只对非财务绩效有显著的直接正向影响,而对财务绩效没有,但会通过战略柔性中介作用于两类绩效。IT能力对先动柔性和响应柔性均有显著的直接正向影响,同时,先动柔性和响应柔性对非财务绩效具有显著的直接正向影响,但先动柔性对财务绩效的直接影响却不显著。  相似文献   

How firms coordinate efforts to collectively compete as supply chains is a key concern of supply chain management scholars and practitioners. One avenue, the development of collaborative relational capabilities that support supply chain integration, offers promise. However, the effectiveness of collaboration as a supply chain resource has been questioned due to concerns associated with collaborative technologies, and thus prior research has called for a deeper examination of the role that technologies play in facilitating integration. Employing a Service‐Dominant Logic view of hierarchical resources, grounded in Resource Advantage Theory, this research tests a model subsuming relationships between collaboration, integration, and interfirm coordination technologies, and their associated performance outcomes. A sample of 282 supply chain managers from a variety of industries were surveyed, with proposed relationships examined employing structural equation modeling. Test results indicate that collaboration and integration interact to form higher order resources that collectively influence firm performance outcomes through interfirm coordination technologies.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to applying the time‐varying symmetrized Joe–Clayton copula to study the dynamic linkage among possible safe haven assets (SHAs) in the major international markets over the past 34 years. We re‐examine four major asset types (long‐term government bonds, equity indices, oil, and gold) and test whether they are qualified individually as a safe haven asset against when paired against each other in a specific market. The empirical analyses indicate that: (1) Government bonds are generally confirmed SHAs. (2) Gold and oil are overwhelming SHAs against government bond across the markets. (3) US and East Asian markets (Japan, Australia and New Zealand) have more SHA options than the other regions against equity index.  相似文献   

根据复合治理理论,文章分别探讨关系型治理中的柔性规范和团结性规范作为调节因素在合同治理和信任对企业角色外利他行为影响中的调节作用以及角色外利他行为对企业自身绩效的影响。文章通过调查获得了158份来自经销商的有效问卷,应用SPSS17.0和AMOS18.0对数据进行分析并对假设进行了检验。结果表明:合同治理促进经销商角色外利他行为,柔性规范对其有正向调节作用;信任对经销商角色外利他行为有正向影响,团结性规范对其有正向调节作用;经销商的角色外利他行为对企业自身的绩效有显著促进作用。文章最后为企业的渠道管理提出了相关建议,并指出未来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

This study used Loiacono’s WebQualTM scale to compare 278 US and 347 Korean Internet users in terms of their perceptions of retail website quality. The results of the study suggested that the dimensionality of website quality was not consistent across the two samples. This study also examined which dimensions of website quality influenced shoppers’ satisfaction with the site and purchase intention. The findings indicated that the relationship between website quality dimensions and the two dependent variables varied between the two groups.  相似文献   

This study identified fashion consumer profiles among Portuguese young adults. The work was based on four constructs: fashion involvement, fashion innovativeness, self‐expression through fashion products and impulsiveness. Another purpose of this study was to test these instruments in this cultural context in order to contribute to the generalizability of the scales. A cluster analysis uncovered three groups: Moderates, Apathetic and Enthusiasts. On the whole, this study proposes a new way of segmenting Portuguese fashion consumers and demonstrates that the four constructs employed can be used in different cultural contexts.  相似文献   

Retail supply chains must be responsive to consumer demand and flexible in adapting to changing consumer preferences. As a result, suppliers are often expected to deal with time pressure demands from retailers. While previous research demonstrates that time pressure can have longer term relational costs that reduce collaborative behaviors and overall relationship quality, this mixed‐methods study goes further by accounting for attribution effects to explain why the time pressure occurs. Specifically, supplier perceptions for the reason of time pressure being within or beyond a retailer's control, rather than time pressure itself, appear to have a stronger effect on relational outcomes. By investigating time pressure through the lens of attribution theory, this research opens a new inquiry of research that moves away from examination of outcomes themselves (the “what”), to examining “why” the outcome occurred.  相似文献   

The associations of technology synergy, product characteristics, and new product performance are widely spread in the marketing and innovation management literatures. However, little research integrates these associations. This study adopts a meta‐analytic approach to aggregate prior findings across studies published before 2010 to review the relationships between technology synergy, product characteristics, and new product performance. Structural equation analysis reveals that technology synergy has: (a) a positive medium effect on new product performance; (b) a positive and strong impact on product advantage, which then affects new product performance; and (c) an indirect effect on new product performance through product innovativeness and product advantage. These findings suggest that product innovation and advantage are important intermediaries between technology synergy and new product performance—as yet unrevealed in extant literature. Copyright © 2012 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Current efforts in managing knowledge have concentrated on creating, sharing and storing knowledge while business problems require the combined use of these intellectual resources to enable organizations to provide innovative and customized services. The Intellectual Bandwidth model posits that an organization's potential to create value is determined by its intellectual assets and collaboration capabilities. While this is a potentially powerful assertion, the model does not explain the relationship between knowledge management and collaboration. This paper argues that knowledge management and collaboration have common, mutually interdependent purposes and practices. It demonstrates this interdependence, by mapping collaboration processes to knowledge management activities. Following an analysis of the relationship between knowledge management activities and collaboration, this paper concludes with implications for the use of collaboration technologies for increasing the potential of an organization to create value.  相似文献   

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