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This paper describes the design and operation of a passive siphon sampler for the collection of event‐based water quality data from a remote dryland river. The materials used to construct the siphon sampler were modified to better adapt the design for the collection of non‐conservative water quality parameters and for use in high‐intensity flow conditions typical of Australia's dryland rivers. The performance of the siphon sampler was evaluated in a pilot study of water metals in the rising‐stage floodwaters of the upper Leichhardt River catchment, north‐west Queensland, Australia. Field blanks were used to quantify the extent of contamination of the collected waters by sampling media, atmosphere exposure or water intrusion during an event‐based collection period. The use of inert materials, such as high‐density polyethylene plastic, and careful cleaning with 10% nitric acid washes prior to use reduced environmental contamination of the collected sample. Below detectable levels of Pb and Zn and minor concentrations of Cu (1.8 and 1.3 μg L–1) were reported in rinsate and atmospheric blanks that were exposed in the field for less than 24 h. Atmospheric and flood blanks that remained in the field for greater than 2 weeks and remained in the siphon samplers throughout the duration of the flood events reported quantifiable concentrations of metals. For the case of the upper Leichhardt River catchment, the siphon sampler met the need of providing event‐based water collection data and offered a practical, low‐cost alternative to conventional event‐based sampling techniques. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

赣州地区主要河流水质现状和变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对赣州地区主要河流的水质评价与分析,阐明了这些河流的水质现状和变化趋势。  相似文献   

江河水体自净能力及其水质保护措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用生化需氧量和溶解氧的质量平衡方程,分析江河水体自净能力的有限性,并提出接近水体自净作用形态的水质保护措施。  相似文献   

三峡工程对库区水流水质影响预测   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用开发的三峡水库整体一维水流水质数学模型,对三峡水库建成前后的水流水质变化趋势进行预测分析。重点介绍三峡工程建成后,库区水流条件巨大变化对污染物输移转化特性和水质分布的影响。预测结果表明,三峡工程建成后,三斗坪水位175m条件下,回水区断面平均流速比建库前减小4倍左右,平均有机污染物自净降解速率和大气复氧速率比天然河道状况减小1倍。由于污染物在库区滞留时间成倍延长,有机污染物排入水库后的自净降解总量较天然河道状况增大,因而,建库后加水区内断面平均有机污染物浓度较天然河道状况明显下降,但是,断面平均溶解氧浓度与天然河道状况相比也明显降低,对于守恒类污染物,建库前后水质变化不大。因此,三峡工程对库区水质影响有利也有弊。  相似文献   

A numerical model was established for simulating water wave dynamic problems by adopting the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) methods of iterative solution of Poisson's equation for pressure field, and meanwhile the sub-grid turbulence model was applied in the simulation so as to more accurately describe the turbulence characteristics at the time of wave breaking. In this article, simulation of the problem of the dam collapsing verifies the compoting accuracy of this method, and its results can be identical with the results of VOF method and the experimental results by comparison. Numerical simulations of the course of solitary wave and cnoidal wave run-up breaking on beaches were conducted, and the results are basically consistent with experimental results. This indicates that the SPH method is effective for the numerical simulation of the complex problems of water wave dynamics.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONTheSuzhouCreekisamaintributaryoftheHuangpuRiver .ItislocatedinthedeltaoftheYangtseRiver,originatingfromGuajingkouoftheTaihuLake ,thenpassingSuzhouCityofJiang suProvince ,crossingthecentralareaofShanghaiCity ,andfinallypouringintotheHuangpuRiveratWaibaidu .Itis 12 5kmlong ,5 3.1kminShang haiCity .Theaveragewidthis 70m 80mathigh tidetime .Theaverageflowis 6 .0m3/s ,andabout4 0 % 6 0 %isthesewagefromriverside .Theflowiscontrolledbytide ,andthewatervelocityisverylow…  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTIONUptonow ,thereportsforsolving 2Ddepth integratedequationsofflowandmasstransportintidalregionhavebeenintroducedinlargenum bers .FromthebeginningofYanenko[1] .TheFi niteDifferenceMethod (FDM )hasbeenwidelyappliedbyFalconer[2 ] ,VincenzCasulli[3,5] ,HeSh…  相似文献   

根据1997~2000年的水质监测成果资料进行统计分析,对江西省不同水期地表水水质变化规律进行了探讨,得出了全省地表水水质在年内间,年际间的变化规律,并对有关影响因素进行了研究。  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTION1 .1 TheprojectbackgroundTheriversinShanghaiwereseriouslypolluted ,sothemunicipalgovernmentdecidedtostartahugeprojec  相似文献   


农村饮水安全的水质问题浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对农村饮水安全执行标准、水质特点、现状及监测体系的介绍,说明农村饮水安全的艰巨性和复杂性,以引起相关部门对农村饮水安全工程的高度重视,进一步加强对农村饮水安全水质的监督管理力度,确保农村饮水安全工程的顺利进行.  相似文献   

The governing equation for sediment pollutions was derived based on the turbulent diffusion of pollutants in shallow lakes. Coupled with shallow water equations, a depth-averaged 2-D flow and water quality model was developed. By means of the conservation law, a proposed differential equation for the change of sediment pollutants was linked to the 2-D equations. Under the framework of the finite volume method, the Osher approximate Riemann solver was employed to solve the equations. An analytical resolution was used to examine the model capabilities. Simulated results matched the exact solutions especially well. As an example, the simulation of CODMn in the Wuli Lake, a part of the Taihu lake, was conducted, which led to reasonable results. This study provides a new approach and a practical tool for the simulation of flow and water quality in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

对水文部门水质监测站(点)的设置提出了几点思考.  相似文献   

The water temperature in reservoirs is difficult to be predicted by numerical simulations. In this article, a statistical model of forecasting the water temperature was proposed. In this model, the 3-D thermal conduction-diffusion equations were converted into a system consisting of 2-D equations with the Fourier expansion and some hypotheses. Then the statistical model of forecasting the water temperature was developed based on the analytical solution to the 2-D thermal equations. The~ simplified statistical model can elucidate the main physical mechanism of the temperature variation much more clearly than the numerical simulation with the Navier-Stokes equations. Finally, with the presented statistical model, the distribution of water temperature in the Shangyoujiang reservoir was determined.  相似文献   

1 . INTRODUCTION[1]TheBostenLakeisthelargestfresh waterlakeofinlandinChinaandimportantwatersourceintheXinjiangarea .Itisalsoofsignificanceforeconomydevelopmentandecology protectioninthisarea .Unfortunately ,inordertopromoteagri cultureandincreasecerealyield ,large scalelandreclamationhasbeencarriedoutandthewaterdi versionquantityforirrigationhasremarkablyin creasedwhichhasresultedindecreasing quantityofinflowrapidly ,loweringwaterlevel ,increasingmineralizationdegreeanddecreasingthe gro…  相似文献   


Seasonal flooding of riverine backwaters is important in maintaining diverse aquatic habitats, but anthropogenic impacts have reduced the frequency and duration of such flooding. This study, conducted in a 2.5‐km‐long shallow floodplain severed meander backwater adjacent to the Coldwater River in Tunica County, Mississippi, USA, compared water quality during a late summer 30‐day artificial flooding period with 28‐day pre‐flood and 26‐day post‐flood periods. Flooding was simulated by pumping 0.22 to 0.35 m3 s?1 from the river into the upstream portion of the backwater. In situ parameters (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and fluorescent chlorophyll) were measured every 30 min at one site within the backwater. Solids (dissolved and suspended) and nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) were measured at three sites in the backwater and in the river every 3 to 5 days. Decreases in the amplitude of temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH diel cycles within the backwater were observed during flooding. Changes in patterns of solids and nutrients were also associated with flooding. Complex patterns in phosphorus and nitrogen emerged as a result of utilization by autotrophs (measured as chlorophyll) and seasonal changes. Artificial flooding in a shallow floodplain water body stabilized and improved water quality for aquatic biota and is a viable method for habitat rehabilitation in these systems. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

抚河流域水环境质量模糊聚类分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用模糊聚类分析方法,选取了抚河11个水质监测断面数据分析,对抚河水质进行分类.  相似文献   

In order to simulate the characteristics of hydrodynamic field and mass transport processes in the Yuqiao Reservoir (YQR), a 2-D coupled model of hydrodynamics and water quality was developed, and the water-quality related state variables in this model included CODMn, TN and TP. The hydrodynamic model was driven by employing observed winds and daily measured flow data to simulate the seasonal water cycle of the reservoir. The simulation of the mass transport and transformation processes of CODMn, TN and TP was based on the unsteady diffusion equations, driven by observed meteorological forcing and external loadings, with the fluxes form the bottom of reservoir and the plant photosynthesis and respiration as internal sources and sinks. A finite volume method and Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) scheme were used to solve these equations. The model was calibrated and verified by using the data observed from YQR in two different years. The results showed that in YQR, the wind-driven current was an important style of lake current, while the concentration of water quality item was decreasing from east to west because of the external pollutant loadings. There was a good agreement between the simulated and measured values, with the minimal calculation error percent of 0.1% and 2.6% and the mean error percent of 44.0% and 51.2% for TN and TP separately. The simulation also showed that, in YQR, the convection was the main process in estuaries of inflow river, and diffusion and biochemical processes dominate in center of reservoir. So it was necessary to build a pre-pond to reduce the external loadings into the reservoir.  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION South to North Water Transfer Project in Chinais designed to solve water shortage problem and support sustainable social and economic development in northern China.Eastern Route Project(ERP)is one of the three components of the water transfer project.Pumping water from the Yangtze River in Yangzhou,Jiangsu Province,ERP utilizes the Grand Canal and its parallel rivers to transfer water from south to north.It also employs Hongze Lake,Huoma Lake,Nansi Lake and Dongp…  相似文献   

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