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《Business History》2012,54(3):327-347
Little business history has been written on the popular music industry while sociological study has tended to focus on the effect of the industry on society. This paper concentrates on how recorded popular music reached the customer, charting the evolution of the industry in the UK from a cartel structure distributing only to specialists, into an industry which allowed upstream entry freely but increasingly emphasised large-scale distribution through mass retailers by the mid-1970s. The paper examines the structure of music distribution in the UK prior to 1965 and how the industry adapted its distribution strategy to the changing environment after 1965. 相似文献
《Business Horizons》1970,13(3):53-59
One of the outstanding characteristics of Charles de Gaulle's presidency was the visible cooling off of American-French relations. Whether in the area of politics, commerce, or monetary reform, De Gaulle's ten-year administration had a definite influence on the thinking of the Atlantic community. In an effort to determine or to forecast any changes in American-French relations under Georges Pompidou's administration, especially in the commercial sector, the author interviewed French and American businessmen, journalists, economists, and government officials in Washington and Paris. The results of these interviews and the evidence gathered from recent publications are convincing: Pompidou's presidency should mark a departure from the personal leadership that De Gaulle embodied and help to construct a new accommodation between France and the United States. 相似文献
This article calls for a discussion about business history research. We advocate that the current typical approach in business history – dominantly case study analysis – maintains its prominent position, but the purpose and relevance of this type of research in the scientific method for business history is made more explicit. Moreover, the article proposes the application of additional approaches in business history, which specifically aim to develop theory and test hypotheses. These approaches are well established in the social sciences, but require adaptation to the particular needs of business history. The purpose of this article is to argue that opportunities for scientific explanations in business history are enhanced by engagement with the circle of knowledge creation where theory is confronted with empirical evidence and empirical observations feed back into theory formation. 相似文献
Joseph F. Coates 《Journal of Business Ethics》1982,1(3):239-248
A technological revolution with first order implications is undeniable and underway. That is the permeation of society by computers and telecommunications technology. For western society, committed to a social, economic, and value structure premised upon an industrial society, the move to an information society is more than disruptive; it is transformational. Current changes are so rapidly paced in relation to business planning that it creates major challenges and opportunities to reach out, influence, and guide the change.The telematics revolution will affect every aspect of our society since it will affect every aspect of our world which involves the generation, production, storage, or handling of information. Many ethical issues are touched upon. To sum them up, the new immorality is to choose to act in ignorance of future consequences.
Joseph F. Coates, 3738 Kanawha Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 70015. This paper was presented at The Management of Computer Technology: Values and Choices in Corporate and Public Policy, during The Fourth National Conference on Business Ethics, Bentley College, Waltham, Mass., April 3, 1981. 相似文献
《Business History》2012,54(1):98-105
We provide a critical reflection of Toms and Wilson's ‘new paradigm of British business history’ by focusing on the logical consistency of their model, the robustness of its predictive powers, and its explanation of transitional change related to stages of business capitalism. For example, central to the paradigm is the importance of accountability and external economies of scale, assumed as exogenous parameters in the analysis of British business history. This assumption is challenged, as is the predictive powers of the analytical matrix in providing an all-encompassing model for British business evolution. In particular, the transitional processes in British business history are not simply reducible to an assessment of accountability and economies of scale and scope, but rather to enhance our understanding there is a need also to engage with the concept of personal capitalism. While business historians should engage with theoretical frameworks, it must also be recognized that firms are idiosyncratic, a feature of business organizations that should not be lost. 相似文献
While most studies argue that, relational embeddedness, one facet of social capital, facilitates the obtaining process of scarce resources, our study cautions that it may exert negative impacts. This study examines the underlying process about how shared cognition influences new business development. Results from a survey on entrepreneur social network in China demonstrate that strong ties bring decision-making constraints for entrepreneurs to bear, while trust helps to lessen such restriction. Additionally, shared cognition should not become a preferred standard for entrepreneurs in choosing their network members, because simply relying on the intermediate role of tie strength engenders dark sides. Implications for research as well as for practice are discussed. 相似文献
This article focuses on the marketing problems of small manufacturing companies. The principal thesis is that marketing is generally perceived from too narrow a perspective. A more comprehensive and yet detailed view of marketing should benefit small business management. The authors develop a marketing capability framework which can be used as a qualitative tool for examining the “state‐of‐the‐art” of marketing in small manufacturing companies. This marketing capability framework is employed in examining the performance of 36 Finnish and Swedish companies using case study analysis. 相似文献
《Business History》2012,54(6):919-941
From the beginning of the 1950s, how to size clothing became an issue debated within national and international organisations which were committed to the standardisation of the technical specifications of industrial products, clothing included. At the time the Gruppo Finanziario Tessile (GFT), which would later act as the industrial springboard for the Italian fashion, introduced a new system of sizes in Italy. Drawing on the company's extensive historical records, the article deals with the technical, organisational, and cultural nature of the process of standardisation of the sizing of clothing. The research provides new evidence about the emergence of a new competitor within a mature industry. 相似文献
What strategic choices do business leaders make when implementing new business models? This study tries to answer this question by analyzing the development of several business model innovations that were new to the industry. We find that business model innovators face four strategic trade-offs and accompanying tensions during the implementation of their business model innovation process: (1) the level of independence granted to the developer (independence vs. dependence), (2) the degree to which the roadmap is planned in advance (discovery vs. planned execution), (3) the degree to which the value proposition challenges the status quo (challenging vs. maintaining status quo), and (4) the rigor to which business model innovators preserve the logic of the initial value proposition (solid vs. fluid logic). Our in-depth analysis reveals that business model innovators make pragmatic decisions that may deviate from the guidelines offered by existing literature, and we offer insights into the drivers behind these decisions. 相似文献
Since China and South Korea established diplomatic ties in 1992, South Korean investment grew rapidly and soon became the main source of foreign capital in China.According to Ministry of Commerce statis- tics,as of the end of 2003,South Korea’s total actual investment in China amounted to 19,688 billion US dollars.Only in the first eight months of 2004,its actual investment in China had reached 4,661 bil- lion US dollars,more than Japan and the United States’ investment flows. 相似文献
André van Dam 《Intereconomics》1977,12(5-6):126-128
The dialogue between the Third World and the industrial nations about a new international order is steeped in emotions, prejudices and rhetoric. Yet, what is most urgently needed is a sober appraisal of the hard-core issues of the north-south dialogue in the framework of geopolitical realities. 相似文献
Successful transformation of centrally planned economies requires not just the privatization of the existing firms, but also the formation of new ones. New entrants serve to correct for the central planners' neglect of such sectors as services and consumer goods, and their bias in favor of large firms. Indeed, Central European economies have been experiencing a rapid rate of new business creation, as measured by the change in the number of small firms. Russia also experienced a short period of explosive growth in the number of new business. However, since 1994 net new business formation has stagnated. This paper looks into the possible causes of this phenomenon.Official data on the change in the number of small businesses, which serve as a proxy for net new business formation, arouse justified suspicion because of the frequent changes in the definition of “small enterprise.” Like everywhere in the world, some Russian registered firms do not become operational, and some firms that have ceased operations do not legally disband. If the share of these “dead souls” in the total count of small firms changes over time and official statistics does not adjust its count accordingly, the data may show the opposite of the actual processes. This paper analyzes Russian data collection procedures and other evidence, and concludes that stagnation in the new business formation is a real phenomenon, rather than a statistical artifact.The difficulty in finding out the causes of stagnation is that empirical studies focus on the existing businesses and miss those that should have been born but were not. The problems faced by the incumbents and frustrated entrants may well be different. The likely causes of the end of new business creation are the increased tax and regulatory burden, combined with plunder by the numerous tax and regulatory authorities. Other possible explanations involve the incumbents' use of the authorities and/or racketeers to erect barriers against new entrants. 相似文献
We investigate regional differences in the effect of new business formation on employment growth in West Germany. We find
an inverse U-shaped relationship between the level of start-up activity and employment change. The main variables that shape
the employment effects of new businesses in a region are population density, the share of medium-skilled workers, the amount
of innovation activities as measured by the proportion of research and development (R&D) employees, and an entrepreneurial
character of the regional technological regime. In contrast, a high share of small-business employment has a negative influence
on the employment effect of start-ups. Other indicators for education, innovation activity, and labor productivity do not
prove to be statistically significant. 相似文献
Ulrica Nylén 《Journal of Business Ethics》1995,14(12):977-986
This paper presents the results of an empirical study of attitudes towards ethical questions in business life among managing directors. They study covers more than 240 Swedish firms of all sizes, from different lines of business, and it is based on a solid theoretical framework. It should be seen as a part of the author's effort to develop a model explaining ethical organizational behaviour. Among the most important conclusions of the study is the concept of corporate moral view. It seems possible to distinguish between the humanitarian morality versus the organizational morality, depending on who's interests the decision maker prefers to take in a moral dilemma.Ulrica Nylén is a Doctoral Candidate in Organizational Theory with a special interest in ethical values and their impact on organizational behavior. She is a member of staff at the Umeå Business School, Sweden, were she is the teaching the subject of Management. 相似文献
In his What is Business Ethics? Peter Drucker accuses business ethics of singling out business unfairly for special ethical treatment, of subordinating ethical to political concerns, and of being, not ethics at all, but ethical chic. We contend that Drucker's denunciation of business ethics rests upon a fundamental misunderstanding of the field. This article is a response to his charges and an effort to clarify the nature, scope and purpose of business ethics. 相似文献
Michael Fritsch 《Small Business Economics》2008,30(1):1-14
This paper gives an overview of the empirical research on the effects of new business formation on regional development and
introduces the contributions to this special issue. The effects of new businesses on regional development emerge over a longer
time-period of up to ten years. A main focus of the contributions to this special issue is on the distribution of these effects
over time and on the magnitude of the overall effect. While the basic pattern found for the different countries and regions
is quite similar, the magnitude of the overall effect can be different and may even be negative. There are strong indications,
that the type of entrants plays an important role in this respect.
Michael FritschEmail: |
Thomas Wilhelmsson 《Journal of Consumer Policy》1990,13(1):1-14
Empirical research from various countries indicates that overindebtedness of consumers is, to a considerable extent, attributable to unexpected changes in the consumer's situation caused by illness, unemployment, and other such circumstances. It is therefore relevant to discuss whether and in what way such circumstances should be taken into account in the rules of private law. In Nordic (especially Finnish) legislation, mainly from the 1980s, there are several provisions which provide for mitigation of sanctions against a defaulting consumer if the delay is caused by illness, unemployment, etc. Such rules are contained, inter alia, in the legislation on consumer credit and on interest on delayed payments.On the basis of these provisions as well as some practices developed by the consumer authorities, a general principle of social force majeure is seen to be evolving. This doctrinal principle would enable the courts and other decision-makers to take into account unfavourable changes in the consumer's health, work, housing, and family situation in cases not regulated by specific legislation, e.g., by giving the consumer the right of withdrawal from burdensome contracts in such circumstances or to protect his right to retain electricity and telephone connections in spite of his temporary payment difficulties. The principle is expected to carry increasing weight in the future, especially in the practice of the consumer authorities. Strong arguments speak in favour of the general acceptance of such a principle.
Thomas Wilhelmsson is Professor of Civil and Commercial Law at the Institute of Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Vuorikatu 5, SF-00100 Helsinki, Finland, and a member of the Finnish Market Court. 相似文献
Wirtschaftliche Unmöglichkeit aus sozialen Gründen — eine neue Rechtsfigur in den Nordischen Staaten
Zusammenfassung Empirisch-rechtssoziologische Untersuchungen aus verschiedenen Ländern kommen zu dem Ergebnis, daß Verschuldung und Zahlungsunfähigkeit von Verbrauchern zu einem großen Teil auf unerwartete Umweltänderungen zurückzuführen sind, etwa Krankheit, Arbeitslosigkeit und ähnliches. Es ist deshalb wichtig zu diskutieren, ob und in welcher Weise solche Umstände bei der Anwendung von Privatrechtsvorschriften berücksichtigt werden sollen. In den Nordischen Staaten, insbesondere in Finnland, gibt es seit den achtziger Jahren gesetzliche Vorschriften, die eine Abmilderung von Sanktionen gegen in Verzug geratene Schuldner vorsehen, wenn der Verzug auf Krankheit, Arbeitslosigkeit usw. zurückgeht. Diese Regeln finden sich im Recht des Konsumentenkredits und der Verzugszinsen. Auf der Basis dieser Vorschriften entwickelt sich eine neue Rechtsfigur der wirtschaftlichen Unmöglichkeit aus sozialen Gründen. Dieser Grundsatz würde es Gerichten und anderen Entscheidungsträgern ermöglichen, nachteilige Veränderungen der Gesundheit, Arbeitswelt, Haushalt und Familie des Verbrauchers auch in noch nicht gesetzlich geregelten Bereichen zu berücksichtigen, z.B. durch Gewährung eines Auflösungsrechts bei übermäßig belastenden Verträgen oder durch Schutz seines Rechts auf Versorgung mit Elektrizität und Telefon trotz zeitweiliger Zahlungsschwierigkeiten. Es wird erwartet, daß sich dieses Prinzip in Zukunft verstärkt durchsetzen wird, insbesondere in der Praxis von Verbraucherschutzbehörden. Wichtige Argumente sprechen für die allgemeine Anerkennung dieses Prinzips.
Thomas Wilhelmsson is Professor of Civil and Commercial Law at the Institute of Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Vuorikatu 5, SF-00100 Helsinki, Finland, and a member of the Finnish Market Court. 相似文献