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Logistics optimization has significantly grown in popularity over the last few decades. Improvements in computing power, modeling software, and the willingness of companies to invest time in the modeling effort have allowed models that were once too unwieldy to solve to optimality to be solved quickly. This has led to a more wide‐spread recognition by logistics managers of the potential advantages of using optimization. The scope of logistics optimization in companies and organizations has expanded to address strategic, tactical, operational, and collaborative decision making. Spreadsheets, an analytical tool familiar to managers, have played a crucial role in the expanded modeling efforts of companies. Although optimization’s role in logistics has grown tremendously, there still are areas that remain to be explored that will allow it to achieve an even larger and more successful role in the management of companies. Additionally, there are some models that are still too large or too complex to currently solve to optimality, despite the advances in computing power and modeling/solving software.  相似文献   

数学建模具有创新性、综合性和对数学应用研究的推动性等特点,开展数学建模培训和竞赛活动符合当今人才的培养要求和大学数学的教学改革方向。通过创新教学方式、改革教学内容等手段将数学建模培训有效地融入到数学教学体系中,不仅能显著提高学生的创新能力,还有助于教师教学水平的提高。  相似文献   

孟令江 《中国市场》2008,(36):69-70
物流技术在应用中需要离散数学的支持,数理逻辑是离散数学的重要组成部分,对于物流专业的学生来说,这部分内容是生疏的或者说是新奇的。  相似文献   

数学期望在物流管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过实例介绍了数学期望在物流管理活动中选择最优生产批量、最优库存量、最佳进货量等方面的应用,说明了数学期望在物流决策中的重要作用。  相似文献   

This article examines the levels of savings of former participants in a matched savings program. Findings from a survey of Individual Development Account (IDA) participants and a general low-income population sample show that participants who successfully completed the savings program report higher household savings than both participants who left the program early and a non-participant comparison group, suggesting that successful completion of an IDA program may improve the financial dispositions and behaviors associated with long-term savings. Three predictors of saving behavior emerged: access to the financial mainstream, individual psychological disposition, and the presence of children in the household.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国电子商务的不断发展以及社区功能的日益完备,逆向物流的规模和种类也不断增加,但目前电子商务环境下我国城市社区逆向物流发展还存在很多不足之处.为更好地解决电子商务环境下城市社区逆向物流环节中存在的问题,应借鉴供需网理念,建立一种包括逆向物流管理中心、逆向物流回收中心、逆向物流区域回收站、逆向物流社区回收点等多种角色的逆向物流柔性联合体协作模式,以弥补城市社区物流分散模式的弊端,提高效率,充分整合城市电子商务逆向物流相关企业的可用资源,降低社会总成本;应建立城市社区电子商务逆向物流联合体智能化信息平台,针对联合体中的四种主要角色,分别给出相应的信息平台,以满足不同层级信息处理与信息共享的需要.  相似文献   

This article analyzes competition among mediation service providers that match clients and vendors in a horizontally differentiated market. This is an issue that is important for decision support of mediators in determining pricing and service strategies. We present a simulation model to simultaneously represent search as well as the behaviors of clients, vendors, and multiple competing mediators. Among our findings: intermediaries find it optimal to offer registration fee incentives and derive revenues from transaction fees from successful matches; as switching costs increase, incumbent utilities increase and entrant utilities decrease; expertise, modeled as the ability of mediators to assess vendor attributes accurately, is a powerful competitive weapon for entrants to erode the incumbent intermediary's first mover advantage. On the other hand, client satisfaction is an instrument for an incumbent intermediary to deter entrance by competitors.  相似文献   

高春涛 《北方经贸》2010,(3):131-132
高等数学是工科学生的必修课,数学建模是提高学生综合素质,锻炼分析问题能力和动手能力的一种高级形式。在高等数学教学中融入数学建模思想是搞好高等数学教学,充分发挥数学重要作用的有效手段和途径。  相似文献   

以物流运输管理系统的开发为背景,探讨了UML在物流运输管理系统建模中的应用问题。在对系统进行分析和设计的基础上,采用Rational Rose对系统建立模型。  相似文献   

物流活性:应急物流系统即时响应能力的评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,物流活性是反映物流系统及时满足客户不断变化的物流服务需求的能力指数.它反映物流系统的灵活性、为客户提供服务的多样性、物流运动的快捷性及各物流环节的衔接性.物流活性由库存活性、运输活性、包装活性、搬运活性和物流信息活性构成,物流系统的活性分为技术活性和管理活性,技术进步和管理创新是提高物流活性的源泉.技术进步既可以是其他领域的新技术应用于物流领域,如企业资源规划技术,也可以是物流领域的原发性技术进步,如集装箱、散装水泥、条形码技术、电子标签等;管理创新则包括标准化、模块化、延迟响应等.技术进步和管理创新可以有效提高物流系统的战略柔性,提高即时响应能力.  相似文献   

问:当今全球物流业方兴未艾,其系统也日趋广泛,正从标准物流向综合配套服务方式发展.贵公司如何评价这种发展趋势?  相似文献   

This paper investigates the negotiation problem in a supply chain in which a supplier can realize cost savings if she reaches an agreement with a retailer to use the retailers accurate market data for production planning. We study the participants behavior in an asymmetric and a symmetric information scenario and model the experimental study as a reverse ultimatum game. The main finding is that the revelation of information in the game leads to higher payoffs for both parties and to a higher welfare.  相似文献   


This work proposes a research model that elaborates upon the development of e-loyalty based on the signaling theory and attachment theory. In the model, e-loyalty is indirectly related to both visual appeal and an e-tailer’s service reputation through the full mediation of trust and affection. At the same time, the relationships between trust and e-loyalty and between affection and e-loyalty are hypothetically moderated by an e-tailer’s service reputation. The proposed hypotheses of this research were empirically tested using data from working professionals in high-tech firms in terms of online retailing. This study surveyed the same research participants at two different time points, one month apart, to verify the theoretical inferences. The empirical findings herein complement the previous literature by presenting how visual appeal and an e-tailer’s service reputation simultaneously influence e-loyalty through various mediating and moderating mechanisms.  相似文献   

绿色物流的内涵、特征及其战略价值研究   总被引:45,自引:2,他引:45  
绿色物流指在物流过程中抑制物流对环境造成危害的同时,实现对物流环境的净化,使物流资源得到充分利用。它具有学科交叉性、多目标性、多层次性、时域性和地域性等特征。文章认为,绿色物流战略不仅对环境保护和经济可持续发展具有重要意义,还会给企业带来巨大的经济效益。  相似文献   

Organizations are redesigning business processes in order to cope with changing organizational environments. Some of these redesigns are enabled by improved information technology. In this article, the redesign of logistics processes in dyadical partnerships is central. By focusing on the operational coordination between partners in the dyad, elements of a theory of logistics coordination are presented. A definition of coordination is given, the cause of coordination is assessed, and the factors that influence coordination are given. Uncertainty is identified as the core concept that causes and is simultaneously affected by coordination. Two process characteristics, "Degree of Freedom" and "Action Variety," are introduced to examine the potential of electronic data interchange (EDI) to redesign logistics coordination. EDI is perceived as a means that supports and intensifies coordination.  相似文献   

物流作为国家扶持产业,近些年受到越来越多的关注,但是经济发展对物流能力影响的相关研究还比较少。本文以浙江省11个地级市为样本建立结构方程模型,利用2001-2010年相关数据,对经济发展、物流投入以及区域物流能力之间关系进行实证研究,并在研究的基础上提出促进物流业发展的相关建议。本文研究,对物流行业管理部门和政府制定相应行业扶持政策具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

农产品物流:价值在“链条”上   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为使农产品物流增值,必须从构筑和完善农产品物流运作模式,强化物流功能环节,充分发挥政府的积极作用三方面进行有效、积极运作,研究的目的旨在促进我国农产品物流健康发展、做强做大。  相似文献   

近几年。中国物流业高速增长。据中国物流信息中心统计测算,2003年,全国社会物流总值达295437亿元。同比增长27.5%(按现价计算),明显高于同期GDP的增长速度;国内物流业实现增加值为7880亿元,同比增长10.5%。物流总值高速增长。表明经济增长对物流需求越来越大。经济发展对物流的依赖程度也越来越高。许多物流应用企业为了提高效率、降低成本。  相似文献   

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