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英国皇家造船师协会(RINA)主办的期刊《造船师》(The Naval Architect)是国际海事界知名出版物。2012年,《船舶经济贸易》将与《造船师》开展合作,双方将选择刊登对方发表的文章,以飨读者。  相似文献   

2005年世界客车博览亚洲展览会将于明年3月15-17日在上海新国际博览中心隆重举行。近年来,随着中国加入WTO,申奥的成功,上海世博会的成功申办,给中国客车制造业带来了新的机遇与挑战。技术功底、市场实力以及管理对市场需求节拍的把握将成为企业自身发展的关键。  相似文献   

在河南省长葛市,有这样一对农村夫妇,她们发明了多功能烩面机,创立了专业经营烩面坯这个项目。成功后,不仅帮助众多的下岗职工,农村闲散劳动力走上致富之路,而且将河南名吃嫁接到马来西亚,澳大利亚,新加坡,台湾等国家和地区,小项目做成了大事业。[编者按]  相似文献   

党的十六大报告这样形容文化的作用:“建设小康社会,必须大力发展文化。文化的力量,在综合国力竞争中的地位和作用将越来越突出。”文化创造财富,双星就是典型的一例。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the interaction between changes in tariff protection, informality, inequality and aggregate income. First, we describe some new empirical evidence on informality, the formal/informal wage gap and trade openness in Latin American countries. Then we present a simple model characterized by three (empirically based) assumptions: (1) agents consume both formal and informal goods; (2) the government uses tariff revenues to purchase formal goods; (3) informality is a voluntary phenomenon. The model predicts that tariff reduction increases informality and wage inequality and that the maximization of income requires a positive level of tariff protection. The model's results are shown to be consistent with the empirical evidence concerning Latin American countries.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,知识经济和经济全球化的发展,使企业之间的竞争越来越表现为文化的竞争,企业文化对企业的生存和发展的作用越来越大,成为企业竞争力的基石和决定企业兴衰的关键因素。在这种情况下,对新形势下企业文化的研究、运  相似文献   

In this paper I estimate the impact of changes in real and financial wealth on private consumption for a panel of 17 emerging economies from Asia and Central and Eastern Europe. Households' consumption, income and the two measures of real and financial wealth – proxied by house and stock market prices – are found to be difference-stationary and co-integrated; by means of recent econometric techniques for heterogeneous panels, i.e. the pooled mean group estimator, inference is drawn about the long- and short-run relationships between the variables of interest. The main result of the analysis shows that both real and financial wealth positively affect households' consumption in the long-run, with the elasticity of housing wealth being larger than that of stock market wealth. Moreover, there is also a significant short-run adjustment from income, stock prices and house prices on consumption, i.e. consumption adjusts to its long-run relationship with lags. When the model is run for the two groups of countries separately, the long-run impact of an increase (decrease) in house prices is generally higher in Central and Eastern European economies with respect to Asian ones, which make them more vulnerable to further adverse housing market developments.  相似文献   

Contribution to the society Zhang Hao owns great opportunity to store intelligence and knowledge, in her early year.Zhang Hao was graduated from Economic Management Department of People's University in 1983 and later finished her study in Advanced Training Program of CEO of Chinese Direct Selling Enterprises in Peking University.  相似文献   

As sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) are owned and directed by sovereign governments which often have non-economic strategic motives and concomitant lack of transparency, there is much confusion, suspicion, and concern regarding the purpose of their investments. Strategic or non-economic motives for SWF investments are usually conveyed via respective governing boards of directors. Therefore, there is much need for understanding SWF governance. Using data for 49 large SWFs globally, we document significant and economically important evidence of the impact of national culture on SWF governance. Even when controlling for the quality of respective national governance, we find that poorer SWF governance is associated with the cultural dimensions of power distance, individualism, and most likely masculinity; while better SWF governance is associated with long-term orientation, indulgence and uncertainty avoidance. These results are consistent with what others have noted: good governance means different institutional dynamics in different countries (cultures). We also find that SWF governance is negatively associated with greater investment in foreign assets. Policy makers, capital-market participants, and managers will be interested in these results, as SWFs have become large and important global investors.  相似文献   

Business Economics - The United States has now experienced three major wealth bubbles since 1945. The first two peaked in 1999 and 2006, followed by crash and recession. By 2018, peaks were higher...  相似文献   

Decision meetings may be considered as composed of a divergent part and a convergent one. The divergent part has a discussion of the agenda items. This stage can be computer-supported and it can be done asynchronously during a short period of time. Aspects of the design of a software system intended for this purpose are presented. The discussion of the agenda items is organized in a structured manner, letting users make contributions for any item of the discussion structure. Using our developed tool, people can discuss in a distributed way. The system was tested with actual executives and professionals of a large organization. Results from their evaluation are discussed. These results are encouraging, since according to participants, the system use lets them improve the outcomes of the succeeding meetings.  相似文献   

Here's help for those who determine corporate health benefit policies. This article explains how health service costs really operate and what happens when an HMO moves to town.  相似文献   

浓缩苹果汁是加工果蔬汁饮料的原料产品,属于绿色纯天然农产品,是仅次于橙汁的世界第二大果汁消费品。浓缩果汁加工是资源密集型行业,我  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2020,63(1):61-71
Even though we have gotten better at meeting the iron triangle of cost, time, and scope, many projects still do not achieve the strategic benefits—especially those that are nonmonetary—desired in most contemporary projects. Given that no one is specifically accountable for delivering these benefits, it should be no surprise that these projects are largely unsuccessful. We consider multiple possible candidates for this role of accountability—the CEO, the project manager, the sponsor, and the program manager—and find none of them acceptable, thereby necessitating the formalization of a new role: a project owner. The project owner would be accountable for delivering the strategic benefits desired from each project. In this article, we describe the responsibilities of the project owner at each phase of the project, the sources for candidates to fulfill this role, and the training needed for project owners to find success. We conclude with a case study of an organization that has taken this route and discuss the advantages and challenges that resulted from its strategic organizational change initiative.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide the first comprehensive examination of the stock price reaction to announcements of convertible preferred stock repurchases over the 1981 to 2005 period. We document a positive and significant average common stock abnormal return of 3.27% around announcements of these repurchases. We test signaling and free cash flow explanations for the observed wealth effects by studying abnormal returns and changes in operating performance around repurchase announcements. We find that abnormal returns are positively related to size of repurchases and managerial ownership. We find no evidence of higher stock price reactions for low-q and high free cash flow firms. In addition, we find significant improvements in accounting profitability subsequent to repurchases, but not for low-q firms. Collectively, our results are most consistent with the signaling hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper describes a group decision support system based on an additive multi-attribute utility model for identifying a consensus strategy in group decision-making problems where several decision-makers or groups of decision-makers elicit their own preferences separately. On the one hand, the system provides procedures to quantify the DMs or group of DMs preferences separately. This involves assessing the DMs or group of DMs component utilities that represent their preferences regarding the respective possible attribute values and objective weights that represent the relative importance of the criteria. On the other hand, we propose Monte Carlo simulation techniques for identifying a consensus strategy. An iterative process will be carried out, where, after the simulations have been performed, the imprecise component utilities and weights corresponding to the different DMs or groups of DMs are tightened to output more meaningful information in the next simulations to achieve a consensus strategy. Finally, an application to the evaluation of remedial strategies for restoring contaminated aquatic ecosystems illustrates the usefulness and flexibility of this decision support tool.  相似文献   

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