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Since its conception, the marketing mix has been the marketer's tool kit for success. A firm's marketing plan is basically comprised of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix tool kit, with practitioners and academicians segregating a marketer's tasks into product, place, price, and promotion. A decade of company-based research suggests, however, that it is time to rebuild the marketing machine by focusing upon the key strategic issues that companies, and marketers, face in today's rapidly evolving, digitized marketplace. If marketing is to become a way of doing business rather than merely one of several organizational functions, marketers must recognize that the marketing mix tool kit is truly an implement for success, just as an engine and wheels are necessary for successful navigation of an automobile. Only after we, as marketers, recognize and conceptualize marketing as a bigger machine than just the 4 Ps will we be able to bring a market orientation to the forefront of strategic thought.  相似文献   

We examine the applicability of Anderson's (1982) procedural learning framework to consumer decision making within the context of how marketing communications influence people's procedural knowledge about selecting decision criteria for a buying decision. In particular, we explore the importance of explicit, conditional if-then statements (e.g., if you are choosing amongst ..., then you should ...) in which the recommended decision-making operation is compatible with prior procedural knowledge. We test this framework in an exploratory study on advertising effects on women's decision criteria for fitness centers.  相似文献   

The relationship between communication in the form of influence strategies used by suppliers in marketing channels and dealer satisfaction is examined in the two diverse cultures of the US and India. The frequencies of use of six types of influence strategies by suppliers-information exchange, recommendation, request, promise, threat and legal plea-are measured. The same measurement scales for the six influence strategies and dealer satisfaction are applied in the electric lamp and lighting equipment channels in the two countries. In both cultures, a structural equation model relating the influence strategies with dealer satisfaction is found to be statistically significant. However, when the impact of individual influence strategies on dealer satisfaction is considered, differences are found between the two countries. In the US, recommendations affect dealer satisfaction positively whereas requests and threats affect it negatively. In India, recommendations and legal pleas impact on dealer satisfaction positively.  相似文献   

Increasingly, there is greater appreciation of the impact of technology on marketing practice. Many strategies like mass customization, relationship marketing, interactive marketing, etc., have gained increased attention, in part, from advancements in manufacturing and information technology. In this paper, we formally examine how technology has made such strategies economically feasible through its impact on optimal segment size. We build on Lancaster's model of product differentiation to derive an equation that exposes the invisible hand of technology. This equation shows how technology influences marketing practice through its effect on optimal segment size. In addition, the equation provides a formal explanation for the apparent paradox of mass customization; that customized products can be mass-produced profitably, without the benefit of large production volumes. We then use this equation to gain a more insightful view of the history of segmentation.Madison S. Wigginton Professor of Management and Director of the Center for Service Marketing  相似文献   

Business-to-business relationships between original equipment manufacturing (OEM) suppliers and customers (brand name buyers) are an often studied issue; however, theoretical and empirical studies seldom focus solely on the suppliers' perspective. This paper examines OEM suppliers' perspectives and reports on the phenomenon of some suppliers choosing single customers while others focus on multiple customers to achieve the adaptive selling as their profit making that cause the parsimonious and complex customer strategies through the empirical studies. The study also uses mental models to analyze two specific cases of OEM suppliers within Taiwan's shoe industry in relation to what kinds of environmental changes that successful managers apply to their parsimonious and complex customer strategies. Mental models are used to map the evolution of these two OEM suppliers' customer strategies, along with their culture, competitive advantages, cooperation relationships, and environment. The study explores these five core propositions to show suppliers to employ different approach to customer strategies, and map the evolution of strategic development of Taiwan shoes companies from the 1970s through to the present day.  相似文献   

During the COVID-19 pandemic, different nations have adopted a variety of response strategies to fight and contain the new coronavirus. Such national response strategies can be classified into three categories based on their underlying philosophy: strict control with unlimited resources, relentless contribution with limited resources, and rough rationality with limited resources. We discuss the philosophies, characteristics, and performances of the three response strategies and when they should be adopted. We also examine what marketing innovation strategies enterprises should adopt to survive and grow their businesses in both the short and long term. This study provides important strategic implications for national policymakers and enterprises on the use of response strategies as well as marketing innovation tactics and strategies to be used both during and after the pandemic.  相似文献   

Successful organizations adapt their marketing strategies to marketplace changes. Boundary spanners, such as salespeople, because they are able to embed themselves in social networks outside the organization, play a key role in developing marketplace knowledge. However, if this knowledge remains solely with the boundary spanners, it cannot be used effectively to improve firm performance. This study investigates tacit knowledge exchange between sales and marketing and its ability to enhance marketing success (i.e., marketing program innovativeness, relative efficiency, and relative effectiveness). In addition, by examining five antecedents hypothesized to influence tacit knowledge exchange, it provides guidance to sales and marketing managers, who desire to improve tacit knowledge exchange, and, in turn, marketing success.  相似文献   


I examine consumer stockpiling behavior in the retail gasoline market and factors that affect consumer stockpiling. Past research such as Hendel and Nevo (2006b Hendel, I. , and A.Nevo . 2006b. “Sales and Consumer Inventory.” The Rand Journal of Economics 37 (3): 543561. doi:10.1111/(ISSN)1756-2171.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) found evidence that implies stockpiling behavior. However, they did not observe actual inventory or consumption and have to rely on simplifying assumptions about these quantities. I collected a novel data set of gasoline purchase history of consumers with actual inventory and consumption to test several hypotheses that relate consumer stockpiling to price, duration between purchases, and consumption. I found that consumers purchase more gasoline when their inventory is low and those holding high inventory are more price sensitive. Consumption habits after a purchase may change due to two forces: previous consumption habit and purchase price. The exact change in consumption and duration between purchases depends on which force is stronger.  相似文献   

Social marketing is based on the adaptation of the contemporary commercial marketing theory and practice as a means of guiding and aiding social change campaigns. This paper draws on recent developments in commercial marketing theory and prior work in social marketing definitions to create a new definition of social marketing which integrates the commercial definitions of the American Marketing Association (AMA) and Chartered Instituted of Marketing (CIM) with established social marketing definitions from the past thirty years of social marketing conceptual development. The development of the definition is supported through the use of qualitative research technique of text mining which uncovered a core series of principles consistent to the historical definitions of social marketing. Finally, the new definition also introduces clarification of several key subcomponent elements as part of an expanded definition of social marketing.  相似文献   

Relationship Marketing is emerging as a new phenomenon. However, relationship oriented marketing practices date back to the pre-Industrial era. In this article, we trace the history of marketing practices and illustrate how the advent of mass production, the emergence of middlemen, and the separation of the producer from the consumer in the Industrial era led to a transactional focus of marketing. Now, due to technological advances, direct marketing is staging a comeback, leading to a relationship orientation. The authors contend that with the evolution of Relationship Marketing, the hitherto prominent exchange paradigm of marketing will be insufficient to explain the growing marketing phenomena of collaborative involvement of customers in the production process. An alternate paradigm of marketing needs to be developed that is more process rather than outcome oriented, and emphasizes value creation rather than value distribution.  相似文献   

The Great Recession of 2008–2010 affected the global and U.S. economies and its companies more universally than any economic downturn since the Great Depression. This study explores how the Great Recession influenced the marketing decisions of firms and the resulting long-term effects on marketing within business-to-business companies. Empirical evidence from previous recessions suggests that companies should focus on their customers and increase their marketing efforts during a recession. However, many companies typically slash their marketing budgets during economic downturns. Authors found that during the Great Recession, companies reacted differently than in previous recessions with their marketing responses. Authors conclude their analysis by proposing that the Great Recession will have three long-term effects on marketing in business-to-business companies.  相似文献   

Product and packaged goods marketers have responded to changing consumer and media environments by adopting integrated approaches to marketing communication. The value and utility of such approaches likely extend to a wide range of marketers, but there have been few published attempts to examine the viability of the integrated marketing communication concept in retail and service marketing. This study addresses this void by using a seven-stage model of integrated marketing communications to examine the media and message delivery practices of national and regional retailers and consumer service marketers. The results of a national mail survey found many of these marketers using such key integrated marketing communication elements as multiple media, databases, individual-level consumer information and behavioural response measures in their media and message delivery practices. Few, however, were using these elements in a strategic or coordinated fashion. Integrated approaches thus appear to have much value in retail and service marketing, particularly as a means for coordinating media and message delivery elements in a fashion that provides a way to link behavioural responses to media vehicles and advertising messages.  相似文献   

This special issue of the Journal of Business Research features sixteen articles selected from papers presented during the third Global Marketing Conference held in Seoul, July 19–22, 2012, hosted by Korean Scholars of Marketing Science, European Marketing Academy, Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution, International Textile and Apparel Association, and Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy. The articles offer readers an interesting mix of topics and methods in complex and global marketing environments. They offer marketing practitioners new ideas and approaches for dealing effectively with the increasingly challenging marketing world and provide marketing researchers insights that may inspire future research.  相似文献   

This special issue of the Journal of Business Research features eleven articles selected from the papers presented during the fourth meeting of the Royal Bank International Research Seminar which took place in Montreal at the John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, September 23 and 24, 2007. They cover topics related to culture and marketing communications, consumer socialization, materialism, identity and religiosity, service quality, language effects, consumer revenge behavior and government actions.  相似文献   

A mail survey was done of professionals from major architectural, law, and accounting firms to determine what factors seem to explain how much effort they devote to marketing their firms' services. The results of this exploratory study identified several significant explanatory variables, a few of which had effects in some professions and not others. Additional research in this area is recommended.  相似文献   

领导的过程就是制定决策并实施决策的过程.决策正确与否,关系到事业的成败、经济的兴衰.因此,在经济管理中按照科学的秩序和方法.制定和实施决策,实现决策科学化,这是市场经济的需要,是事业发展的需要,也是检验现代领导者经济管理水平的重要标志.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the conjecture that increasing marketing mix specialization enhances firm performance. We start by identifying two dimensions of specialization — absolute (concentration of expenditures) and relative to competition (distinctiveness). We then propose underlying mechanisms that lead to effects of marketing mix specialization on firm performance. Using these guidelines we specify an empirical model that relates marketing mix specialization to firm performance. We estimate this model using PIMS data and find support for our propositions.The authors gratefully acknowledge the Isle Maligne Fund at the Fuqua School of Business, the Strategic Planning Institute, and the Wharton PIMS Research Center for their research support; and thank Jim Bettman, Kevin Keller, Debu Purohit, and Rick Staelin for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

Linking marketing capabilities with profit growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Profit growth is one of the primary drivers of a firm's stock price and therefore is a clear priority for managers. Yet little is known about how a firm's marketing capabilities may be linked with its profit growth. In this study, we use data from a cross-industry sample of 114 firms to investigate how market sensing, brand management, and customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities determine firms' revenue growth and margin growth—the two components of profit growth. Our results reveal that these marketing capabilities have direct and complementary effects on both revenue and margin growth rates. Critically, we find that brand management and CRM capabilities have opposing effects on revenue and margin growth rates, such that a failure to examine these two underlying components would mask the relationships between these marketing capabilities and ultimate profit growth rates.  相似文献   


Shelby Hunt provides an insightful, precise essay on the nature and contribution of the field of marketing across five distinct periods and concludes with a discussion of the potential for the field of marketing, both within marketing and across allied fields of management. This ‘promise’ of marketing’s academic future is followed by a discussion of the key factors likely to play a significant role in lessening the contribution of the field. The purpose of this commentary is to focus on Hunt’s key question regarding Era V: Is the future of the marketing discipline promising or problematic? As such, this commentary addresses four issues: (1) the ‘promising’ assets that the discipline has in play; (2) the slide towards academic irrelevance and, thus, the ‘problem’; (3) Hunt’s observations on how the slide might be reversed; and (4) my viewpoint on what can be done to reverse the slide.  相似文献   

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