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首先阐述了企业应对反倾销会计信息证据效力保障机制的研究意义,明确了该机制研究的理论基础是由一个整合理论框架,以及严谨的概念基础和良好的创新语境等组成。然后,对国内外研究现状进行了动态分析,把国内学者相关研究的新进展和成效,国外经典的研究方法体系和关注企业策略性行为对反倾销的影响,战略性"反倾销管理"理念,作为设计我国企业应对反倾销会计信息证据效力保障机制的借鉴,从企业战略层面及相应的制度配置与协调上,构建了与我国企业应对反倾销相适应的会计信息证据效力保障机制。  相似文献   

本文首先回顾国际主流会计学术研究近年来遇到的挑战与质疑,然后提出以宏观经济政策与微观企业行为互动为基础的会计与财务研究框架,并以货币政策变动对企业融资、会计选择、经营业绩的影响为例说明这个框架对会计与财务研究可能产生的影响。本文认为结合宏观经济政策与微观企业行为互动作用的研究可能拓展会计与财务研究的新领域。  相似文献   

货币政策规则研究的进展是近年来货币政策研究的重要突破。本文对货币政策目标规则研究领域的代表性文献进行了系统的分类梳理和总结,并展望国际上相关研究的发展方向,作为我们进一步研究的基础和借鉴。借鉴西方货币政策规则的理论和实践,建立适应新形势的货币政策框架是我国货币政策的发展方向。对中国货币政策目标规则的研究尚处于刚刚起步阶段,今后的相关研究应更多地考虑中国作为新兴市场和转轨国家的经济和金融特征。  相似文献   

20世纪西方货币金融理论研究的简要回顾与述评   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
20世纪,世界各国在经济、政治、化等各个领域都取得了伟大的成就,在理论研究方面同样如此。随着金融在经济发展中地位的迅速上升,经济学家对货币金融问题的研究倾注了极大的热情,取得了许多重要的成果。在20世纪结束的时候,货币金融理论研究已形成了比较完善的研究体系,并且成为整个经济学理论体系和框架结构的重要支柱。本在对1900年前后西方货币金融理论研究的基本状况进行简要归纳分析的基础上,比较全面地回顾了20世纪西方货币金融理论研究的重要进展。  相似文献   

The so-called German Dominance Hypothesis (GDH) claimed that Bundesbank policies were transmitted into other European Monetary System (EMS) interest rates during the pre-euro era. We reformulate this hypothesis for the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries that are on the verge of accessing the eurozone. We test this “Euro Dominance Hypothesis (EDH)” in a novel way using a global vector autoregressive (GVAR) approach that combines country-specific error correction models in a global system. We find that euro area monetary policies are transmitted into CEE money market rates, providing evidence for monetary integration between the eurozone and CEE countries. Our framework also allows for introducing global monetary shocks to provide at least tentative empirical evidence regarding the effects of the recent financial crisis on monetary integration in Europe.  相似文献   

This article reviews and integrates the empirical literature on the measurement of investment efficiency in the areas of accounting and finance. We identify the theories behind the measures and provide a framework which organises the measures of investment efficiency into three groups: those based on neoclassical theories, agency theory and real options theory. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages of each type of measure are discussed, allowing researchers to compare and then ascertain the most appropriate measure for their research purpose and research context.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the US monetary policy and stock valuation using a structural VAR framework that allows for the simultaneous interaction between the federal funds rate and stock market developments based on the assumption of long-run monetary neutrality. The results confirm a strong, negative and significant monetary policy tightening effect on real stock prices. Furthermore, we provide evidence consistent with a delayed response of small stocks to monetary policy shocks relative to large stocks.  相似文献   

货币政策波动、银行信贷与会计稳健性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
宏观经济政策(如货币政策)如何通过改变微观企业行为来影响经济发展是学术界探讨得比较少的领域。本文在此方向上进行研究尝试,并以货币政策波动对企业会计政策稳健性与银行贷款之间的关系为切人点。具体来说,当货币政策进入紧缩期时,我们预期企业会计政策变得更加稳健,以更容易取得银行贷款。运用1998~2008年的年度数据,并根据央行要求的金融机构存款准备金率、对金融机构的再贷款利率和再贴现利率的变化,我们定义2004、2006、2007年为我国的货币政策紧缩阶段。实证结果基本上支持我们的预期。我们进一步发现依赖于外部融资和拥有更高债务水平的企业会计稳健性更高,持有大量现金的企业会计稳健性更低,国有企业的会计稳健性更低。在会计稳健性的经济后果上,本文发现在货币政策紧缩阶段,会计稳健性的提高有助于企业获得更多的信贷资源。  相似文献   

电子货币对货币供给的影响的机制中,除对基础货币的影响外,货币乘数也是重要的影响途径。与基础货币不同,货币乘数并不直接决定于货币当局的政策行为,而是决定于存款货币银行和社会公众的行为。电子货币的流通,分别作用于货币乘数的若干决定因素,进而对货币供给的数量、结构和稳定性产生重要的影响。通过研究,本文建立了一个电子货币对货币乘数作用与影响的分析框架。  相似文献   

本文基于中国银行业和企业的数据,对“双支柱”调控的微观稳定效应进行了研究。实证结果表明:一方面,宏观审慎政策能够减弱货币政策的银行风险承担渠道传导效应,有效抑制银行在宽松货币政策下的过度风险承担;另一方面,在宽松货币政策下,企业有提高负债率的激励,而宏观审慎政策能够有效抑制企业过度负债的动机;同时,宏观审慎政策能够降低企业对银行贷款的依赖程度、促进企业优化债务结构,而货币政策与宏观审慎政策的配合强化了这一作用。上述实证结果说明“双支柱”调控政策对银行和企业两个微观层面主体都具有更好的稳定效应。此外,本文的实证分析还发现,“双支柱”调控对银行风险承担和企业负债行为的影响在不同经济周期阶段具有显著的差异性,同时,“双支柱”调控的政策效果在不同性质的银行和企业中也有所不同,这意味着在制定“双支柱”调控政策时需考虑经济周期以及银行和企业异质性,以进一步提高政策的针对性和有效性。本文的相关研究结论丰富了“双支柱”调控在微观层面的传导效应等方面的文献,并为中国实施“双支柱”调控的科学性和有效性提供了一定的经验证据。  相似文献   

货币政策框架理论的一般分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文深入分析货币政策目标、物价稳定和货币政策框架三者之间的关系以及在中国的适用问题,期望为中国货币政策框架的改革提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

The images that have shaped accounting theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accounting theory elaborates imagery. Working within a framework defining a numerical view of reality, accountants draw on different images of the accounting process to elaborate different theories of accounting. This paper examines how different images have shaped developments in financial accounting and considers the implications for future theory and research.  相似文献   

Calls for improving the critical thinking ability of accounting students have been clear and repeated in both the accounting education and professional accounting literature. Although numerous ideas for developing critical thinking skills have been generated, there remains a significant lack of empirical evidence, in both the accounting education and higher education literature, that any specific instructional method can enhance the critical thinking skills of students. Given the lack of empirical support for success in the development of critical thinking skills, the value of further efforts to develop students' critical thinking skills must be questioned. The premise of this paper is that accounting programs and faculty wanting to address the issue of developing critical thinking skills in their curricula should be able to empirically examine whether their efforts are achieving the desired effects. This article first presents a brief review of prior research on critical thinking skills development and then offers suggestions to improve the design of future research on this topic. The authors attempt to provide guidance on the design of more powerful empirical tests of promising curricular strategies so that accounting faculty can determine if their attempts to enhance student critical thinking skills are meeting expectations.  相似文献   

International Financial Reporting Standard 15 (IFRS 15) Revenue from Contracts with Customers has significantly changed the philosophy of revenue recognition, not only to provide a fairer representation of corporate revenues, but also to inhibit the use of revenues for ‘earnings management’ purposes. We provide a framework to analyse the various effects of new and amended accounting standards. Changes in how companies recognise, measure, present and disclose their revenues (accounting effects) can affect how companies and their transactions are understood, both internally and externally (information effects), can change security prices (capital market effects) and can change how companies operate, and their costs and cash flows (real effects). We provide empirical evidence, based on a review of corporate annual reports, comment letters and interviews, on the effects of IFRS 15. We find evidence of accounting, information and, to a lesser extent, real effects, although, outside a few industries, IFRS 15 has had relatively little impact on the recognition and measurement of revenue.  相似文献   

管理会计理论框架的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文针对管理会计的理论框架问题进行了深入探讨,提出管理会计理论的框架应以管理会计目的为逻辑起点,管理会计理论框架主要包括管理会计基本理论、管理会计概念结构、管理会计应用理论及管理会计行为主体理论.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a conceptual framework, based on the concepts of rationality and motivation, which uses theories and empirical research from psychology/behavioural finance, sociology and critical accounting to systematise, advance and challenge research on impression management. The paper focuses on research that departs from economic concepts of impression management as opportunistic managerial discretionary disclosure behaviour resulting in reporting bias or ‘cheap talk’. Using alternative rationality assumptions, such as bounded rationality, irrationality, substantive rationality and the notion of rationality as a social construct, we conceptualise impression management in alternative ways as (1) self-serving bias, (2) symbolic management and (3) accounting rhetoric. This contributes to an enhanced understanding of impression management in a corporate reporting context.  相似文献   

马勇  付莉 《金融研究》2020,482(8):1-17
本文通过构建包含金融部门和“双支柱”调控政策的DSGE模型,系统考察了货币政策和宏观审慎政策的组合在不同经济金融冲击下的宏观经济和金融稳定效应。相关分析得出了三个基本结论:一是纳入宏观审慎政策的“双支柱”调控框架确实比单一使用货币政策具有相对更好的经济和金融稳定效应;二是“双支柱”调控框架在应对金融冲击时的稳定效应表现得更加明显,这说明宏观审慎政策确实是通过金融稳定渠道发挥作用的,从而与货币政策侧重实体经济(产出和通胀)的稳定效应形成了有效互补;三是不论是在价格型的货币政策工具下,还是在数量型的货币政策工具下,“双支柱”调控框架都较单一使用货币政策具有更好的经济金融稳定效应,这说明“双支柱”调控框架的有效性不依赖于货币政策工具的改变而改变,在具体的政策工具组合方面具有较为普遍的适用性。  相似文献   

会计治理功能研究:分析与展望   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
会计治理功能是在特定制度环境与市场环境下产生的财务会计信息,利用其基础性信息与基础化制度角色,借助市场化作用机制,通过缓解信息不对称与代理问题,所发挥的有效克服逆向选择与道德风险问题、提高公司治理效率、促进经济发展的功能。本文构建了会计治理功能分析框架,提出会计治理功能具体包括治理要求体现功能与治理改善功能,进而系统分析了现有的研究文献及其证据,指出了当前会计治理功能研究存在的问题和并展望了未来的研究方向,试图为完善会计准则,开发利用会计治理功能提供框架性意见和研究建议。  相似文献   

武警部队会计作为一种特殊会计种类,其产生发展与国家经济和社会全面发展密切相关。通过回顾26年来武警部队会计的发展过程,分析其前进的推动力量,可以为持续进行武警部队会计改革提供利器。武警会计制度、武警会计机构和会计人员、武警会计信息化、武警会计理论构成了武警会计的整体框架,这正是所要分析的对象。  相似文献   

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