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债务危机背景下欧盟财政一体化的进展与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于主权债务危机的成因,经济学家较集中的论断是欧元区成员国在货币一体化的同时缺乏财政一体化。然而,在被认为是欧盟推进财政一体化重要举措的财政契约签订后,主权债务危机的阴影继续蔓延至西班牙和塞浦路斯。如何评价财政契约对财政一体化的影响,财政一体化对缓解债务危机有什么作用,本文从财政职能、经济增长和危机根源等角度进行了深入的分析,并指出财政契约和今后的财政一体化进程都将在众多挑战中艰难推进。  相似文献   

土耳其加入欧盟很大程度上是一个认同问题。从认同的角度出发,本文分析了土耳其认同与一个形成中的欧洲认同的关系,指出许多欧洲人认为土耳其不属于欧洲,不具有欧洲认同,这成为了欧盟给予土耳其完全成员资格的主要障碍。尽管土耳其和欧盟的自由派希望能够不顾文化和宗教的差异包容土耳其,但是实际上在当前的欧盟,接纳土耳其缺乏必要的社会基础,因为人们担忧土耳其的入盟会改变欧盟的性质。欧洲人对土耳其的态度体现了欧洲认同对内包容与对外排斥的作用和意义。  相似文献   

赖作莲  魏雯  智敏 《开发研究》2021,(1):98-103
新冠肺炎疫情打乱了农村正常的生产、生活秩序,对农业农村经济发展产生了重大影响.尽管随着疫情逐步被控制,疫情对三农的不良影响逐渐得到缓解和克服,但是疫情给财政支农带来了新的挑战,财政支农必须保障粮食绝对安全,支农任务更加繁重、财政支农须进一步夯实农业基础.在疫情常态化防控、农业不确定事件更为频发的背景下,为稳住三农压舱石作用,全面推进乡村振兴,要实施积极的财政支农政策.要优先保障支农支出、提高财政支农效率,不遗余力地加大粮食安全的财政支持力度,加大对农民增收和脱贫攻坚成果巩固的财力支持,加大农村基础设施补短板和农业农村应急管理的财政支持.  相似文献   

2013年美国经济将会走向何处?经济复苏的速度还会慢得像现在这么令人沮丧吗?还是会随着楼市反弹、银行信贷扩张、家庭资产负债表改善和州及地方政府预算状况增强而加速复苏?随着经济逆风消散,美国国内生产总值(GDP)加快增长的前景似乎很有希望。但也存在这样一个风险:庞大且无必要的财政紧缩可能会削弱需求、打击信心,并  相似文献   

欧盟财政可持续性的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
近年来欧盟成员国财政收支状况的不断恶化引起了人们对欧盟财政可持续性的担忧。本文从实证的角度分别对相关经济因素给定和相关经济因素可变条件下欧盟成员国财政的可持续性进行了检验,检验结果显示:相关经济因素对欧盟财政的可持续性有着重要影响,在相关经济因素可变的条件下,欧盟成员国财政具有良好的可持续性。  相似文献   

一、广西县级财政困难的主要表现 1.人均财力严重偏低,可用财力实质更少.分税制前的1990年广西县级财政收入分别占当年度全区财政收入29.57%、28.47%、25.88%和29%,平均为28.23%;分税制后的1994年至1999年分别占26.81%、28.81%、29.81%、28.53%、31.10%、40.51%,平均是30.93%,只比分税制前的4年高出2.7个百分点.1998年广西县级人均财政收入只有161元,比全国县级人均172元少了11元,是广西人均257元的62.65%,为全国人均791元的的20.35%.  相似文献   

欧盟东扩的收益、代价及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯剑 《开放导报》2004,(3):74-75,104
欧盟东扩一直是欧洲一体化进程中难度最大的问题。从2004年5月1日起,波兰、匈矛利等中、东欧10国将陆续成为欧盟的新成员国。这就是说,长久以来欧盟东扩的计划即将实现。欧盟东扩不仅将极大地促进欧洲的稳定和经济发展,而且将提升欧盟作为多极世界中一极的国际地位和影响力。本文首先分析了新旧欧盟成员国基本经济状况和经贸联系以及东扩给欧盟成员国带来的有利影响,然后对东扩的不利影响以及对全球经济影响分别进行了讨论。  相似文献   

王彦军 《中国经贸》2014,(11):107-108
随着“金财工程”不断稳步推进,我国公共财政体制也日益完善,财政管理的精细化与科学化需要财政管理理念和技术手段有进一步的提高。因此,进一步推进涵盖预算、核算、决算一体化财政管理信息平台的构建,成为财政管理日臻完善的必由之路。  相似文献   

We assessed the sustainability of fiscal policy in the 28 European Union countries over the 1980-2015 years. Panel unit root tests in the presence of cross-sectional dependence showed that government revenues, expenditures, the primary balance, and debt were non-stationary series. However, cointegration tests reveled that a long-run relationship exists between government revenues and expenditures as well as between government primary deficit and debt. The results of causality tests were in line with the neutrality hypothesis: government revenues do not cause the expenditures, and vice versa. Furthermore, mixture models analyses indicated the presence of three homogeneous clusters, one of which included Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain (PIIGS), whose coefficient of 0.68 indicates the absence of sustainability, since government expenditures grow faster than revenues.  相似文献   

Fiscal Flows in Europe: The Redistributive Effects of the EU Budget. — In this paper we analyze the redistributive effects of the EU budget among European countries, exploring the relationship between income and fiscal flows, both in per capita terms. Using a new data set on EU budgets from 1986 to 1998, we find that the EU budget has a redistributive effect, though only on its expenditure side. The most redistributive expenditure category is the Regional Fund, followed by the Social Fund and by the guarantee section of the EAGGF. All of them have become increasingly redistributive in time. Total budgetary revenues show only proportionality with income. As regards the net financial balance, three groups of countries are identified, given the treatment they get from the EU budget that cannot be explained by their per capita income levels.  相似文献   

文章针对欧盟东扩后10个新成员国对我国商品出口欧盟市场可能带来的影响,以大卫李嘉图比较优势学说以及H-O要素禀赋理论为出发点,借助区域显示性比较优势指数这一实证工具,对中国与欧盟新、老成员国的比较优势进行测算,并在数据分析的基础上说明了影响的来源,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

Slovenia was the first of the ten new EU member states to enter the Euro Area on January 1, 2007. It was an explicit objective of Slovenian policy-makers to introduce the euro as early as possible. Slovenia was participating in the exchange rate mechanism ERM-II since June 2004. This paper analyses whether the choice of participating in the ERM-II soon after EU accession was the best strategy in terms of the macroeconomic performance. It is shown that a better overall economic performance could have been achieved under a crawling peg regime allowing a depreciation of the Slovenian tolar (SIT) before introducing the euro in 2007. The worst policy results are obtained when the exchange rate is totally fixed at an early stage of EMU integration. The labor market performance can be significantly improved by cutting income taxes and social security contribution rates.   相似文献   

欧盟在发展低碳经济过程中采取的财税政策比较完备,取得了比较大的成就.欧盟低碳财税政策包括促进乘用车减排、绿色税收、政府绿色采购、能源补贴与能效审计等内容,并在运用绿色税收、政府绿色采购等财税政策方面具有成功经验,可以为我国改革能源补贴、政府绿色采购、绿色税收等方面的财税政策提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Recent economic crises have affected different countries in the last decade. Crises shook not only countries that were directly affected but also other more developed countries. Part of the risk of crises derives from the considerable negative effects imposed on economies by the volatility and reversibility of short-term capital flow. International financial reforms should consider (1) regulation and supervision, (2) statistical standards, (3) the goods and services trade, (4) liquidity and lender of last resort, (5) unified action, (6) private-sector involvement, and (7) other contingency measures. The Venezuelan experience suggests some other domestic reforms, but reforming the international financial system, in the direction of globalization, has to be the principle goal of international organizations.  相似文献   

Using the methodology developed in Kehoe and Ruhl (J Polit Econ 121(2):358–392, 2013), I measure the change in the extensive, or new goods, margin of trade between Austria and the ten new entrants to the European Union in 2004. On average, the new goods account for 56 % of the bilateral trade flow after enlargement. A time series measure shows growth in the new goods margin coincides with the period surrounding the 2004 enlargement, which provides evidence on the importance of the role played by the new goods margin in the growth in trade during a trade liberalization.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the process of nominal and real convergence in the new Member States of the European Union (NMS). The importance of nominal and real convergence is underlined in connection with a successful catching-up. The NMS economies experienced robust economic growth in recent years, which had a positive impact on the convergence process. Although this favourable development of real convergence is accompanied by a simultaneous price (nominal) convergence, the comparative price level is still biased towards lower level in comparison with the per capita income. The regression analysis shows interdependence between the comparative price and the income per capita level. This basis enables to evaluate potential benefits and risks connected with joining the euro. The benefits connected with elimination of exchange rate risks and reduction of transaction costs can be compared with the disadvantages associated with the loss of an independent monetary policy and an adjusting exchange rate mechanism. Attention is paid to a potential impact on nominal and real convergence of the observed countries. There are some risks for these countries connected with the common monetary policy, which is adjusted more to the conditions of stabilized advanced economies, forming the core of the Eurozone. These risks can be overcome on the basis of a fast labour productivity growth, accompanied by an adequate policy, ensuring the macroeconomic stability. The rapid productivity growth is raising the relative price level. The Maastricht dilemma, i.e. the fulfilment of two objectives during the stay in ERM II (the price stability and the exchange rate volatility) under on-going nominal convergence enforces an appropriate monetary and fiscal policy. However, such strict policies may slow down the economic growth. Another possible measure for keeping the price stability is a relaxation of the fluctuation band (its full exploitation to the upper and bottom limits), or a change of the central parity (revaluation).
Václav ŽďárekEmail: Email:

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