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冯明  刘庆  刘淳 《投资研究》2012,(6):3-15
人民币汇率在中美贸易不平衡的讨论中常常被作为攻讦对象。本文运用1995-2009年月度数据,基于贸易引力模型,通过经典的时间序列分析工具研究了人民币汇率及其它相关因素对中美双边贸易在长期和短期的影响。本文发现:相对于中美两国的实体经济而言,人民币汇率升值的影响很小;人民币汇率对中美贸易的影响符合"J曲线效应"。另外,加入WTO对于中国向美国的出口具有显著的促进作用,而对中国从美国进口的影响不显著。  相似文献   

Previous research that investigated the impact of exchange rate volatility on the trade flows of Malaysia concentrated only on the aggregate exports of Malaysia to the rest of the world. In this paper we first concentrate on the trade flows between Malaysia and the U.S. After showing that exchange rate volatility has neither short-run nor long-run effect on the trade flows between the two countries, we disaggregate the trade data by industry and consider the experience of 101 U.S. exporting industries to Malaysia and 17 U.S. importing industries from Malaysia. While exchange rate volatility seems to have significant short-run effects on the trade flows of most industries, short-run effects translate into the long run only in a limited number of small industries.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 261 US multinationals over the period 1984–2002, we examine the relation between exchange rate changes and the profitability of foreign operations. We find that the impact of exchange rate changes on foreign operations’ profitability is not statistically significant in the majority of industries. Furthermore, according to our variance components analysis, exchange rate changes explain less than 2% of the variation in foreign operations’ profitability for most industries. We also find that the impact of exchange rate changes on foreign operations’ profitability is generally weak for non‐US multinationals from Australia, Canada, Japan and the UK. Our evidence is consistent with the finding of prior studies that the impact of exchange rate changes on firm value is not significant for most multinationals.  相似文献   

人民币汇率及其对日本美国进口价格的传递效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文估计了人民币汇率变化对美国和日本从中国进口商品价格的传递效应。实证结果表明,人民币名义升值1%,将导致美国的进口价格短期上涨0.23%,长期上涨0.47%。日本从中国的进口价格对人民币和日元双边汇率的变化更为敏感。如果人民币兑日元名义汇率上升1%,日本的进口价格短期提高0.55%,长期则提高0.99%,具有完全的传递效应。这种高传递效应在食品、原材料、服装、制造和机械等不同类别的进口商品中也存在。但是,进一步分析表明:日本的高传递效应主要归因于中国钉住美元的汇率政策,而美元是中国对日本出口贸易的主要计价货币。在控制了计价货币因素后,自2005年7月以来人民币的累计升值并未传递到日本的总体进口价格或分类商品进口价格上。人民币汇率的这种低传递效应表明,人民币适度升值对中国的贸易顺差影响甚微。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of equity and bond portfolio inflows on exchange rate volatility using monthly bilateral data for the US vis-a-vis seven Asian developing and emerging countries (India, Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand) over the period 1993:01–2015:11. GARCH models and Markov switching specifications with time-varying transition probabilities are estimated in addition to a benchmark linear model. The evidence suggests that high (low) exchange rate volatility is associated with equity (bond) inflows from the Asian countries toward the US in all cases, with the exception of the Philippines. Therefore, capital controls could be an effective tool to stabilise the foreign exchange market in countries where flows affect exchange rate volatility.  相似文献   

本文在局部均衡框架下建立了引入进口关税的成本加成模型分析国外出口厂商的定价行为,并构建了我国各产业的进口价格、名义有效汇率和国外出口商生产成本指数,利用分布滞后模型首次对各产业的汇率传递效应进行了实证研究。主要发现:无论短期还是长期,各产业进口价格的汇率传递效应都存在很大差异。以采掘、皮革、冶金和纺织为主的资源类产品的进口价格传递弹性普遍较高,甚至超过具有高附加值的机械产业。资源类中以进口稀有金属为主的采掘业长期传递弹性最高。短期内,几乎所有产业的外国出口厂商都会通过调整成本加成来吸收汇率变动;而在长期,汇率变动基本上对各产业进口价格都有不同程度的传递,尤其资源类产业更倾向于采取生产方货币定价方式。结果表明我国一方面可以通过汇率升值提高购买力,另一方面在产业结构调整中则强烈需要改变现有高耗能的增长模式。  相似文献   

人民币汇率变动与实际产出——基于协整的VECM分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过协整分析和VECM检验表明,实际产出、出口额、实际利用FDI和人民币实际有效汇率四个指标变量之间存在长期均衡关系和短期动态关系。长期内人民币实际有效汇率与实际产出呈负相关关系,人民币实际有效汇率每上升1%,实际产出将下降0.26%。短期内,人民币实际有效汇率变化主要对出口产生冲击,并与出口、FDI一起对实际产出产生影响。  相似文献   

Previous studies that tried to assess the impact of exchange rate changes on domestic production of emerging economies assumed that the effects are symmetric and used a linear model to provide mixed results. In this article, we try to determine whether exchange rate changes could have asymmetric effects which amounts to using a nonlinear model. We find that the nonlinear model performs much better than the linear model and yields results that support asymmetry effects of exchange rate changes on domestic production in many of the countries in our sample, both in the short run and in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between beta risk and realized stock index return in the presence of oil and exchange rate sensitivities for 15 countries in the Asia-Pacific region using the international factor model. Thirteen of the 15 countries have the expected beta signs and show significant sensitivity to domestic risk when the world stock market is in both up and down modes. In terms of oil sensitivity, only the Philippines and South Korea are oil-sensitive to changes in the oil price in the short run, when the price is expressed in local currency only. Basically no country shows sensitivity to oil price measured in US dollar regardless whether the oil market is up or down. Nine countries are affected by changes in the exchange rate. In terms of relative factor sensitivity distribution, one is willing to conclude that these stock markets are more conditionally sensitive to local currency oil price changes than to beta risk wherever the relationships are significant.  相似文献   

This study examines the long-run dynamics between oil price and the bilateral US dollar exchange rates for a group of oil-dependent economies before and after the 2008–2009 Global Financial Crises. Exchange rates are for the euro, Indian rupee, Russian ruble, South African rand, Ghanaian cedi and the Nigerian naira. The dependence on crude oil of these economies is either because fiscal revenues are primarily reliant on oil export receipts or because industrial production is heavily dependent on petroleum. Empirical results show evidence of a long run equilibrium relationship between oil price and exchange rate, especially for currencies of the key oil-exporting countries. This relationship is more evident in the post crisis period, which is also the period when both exchange rate volatility and the inverse relationship between oil price and exchange rate experienced a significant increase.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom states that currency depreciation in oil-producing countries is contractionary because demand effects, limited by the prevalence of oil exports priced in dollars, are more than offset by adverse supply effects. Iran, however, has experienced a rapid increase in nonoil exports in the past decade. Against this background, the paper tests whether the conventional wisdom still applies to Iran and concludes that the emergence of the nonoil export sector has made currency depreciation expansionary. The expansionary effect is particularly evident regarding anticipated persistent depreciation in the long run. Notwithstanding the varying effects of exchange rate fluctuations on the demand and supply sides of the economy, managing a flexible exchange rate gradually over time toward achieving stability in the real effective exchange rate may strike the necessary balance.  相似文献   

《Global Finance Journal》2001,12(1):109-119
The effect of exchange rate volatility on trade is a controversial issue in international economics. Despite a widespread view that an increase in exchange rates volatility reduces trade, there is no real consensus on the direction or the size of the exchange rate volatility–trade level linkages. This paper investigates the relationship between US trade volume and exchange rate volatility using cointegration and error-correction models. We use conditional variances of the real effective exchange rate (REER) series modeled as a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) process to measure the exchange rate volatility. The cointegration results indicate a significant negative relationship between US export volume and exchange rate volatility. The short-run dynamics of the relationship, however, show that the effects of both real exchange rates and exchange rate volatility are insignificant.  相似文献   

通过选取国民经济的24个重点行业,使用从2009~2013年的共60个月度数据为研究样本,采用ADL 模型,对汇率变动对按国民经济分类行业的进口价格的传递弹性系数进行实证研究。结果表明:从长期来看,我国人民币汇率变动与进口价格存在着负相关关系,不同行业和产品的传递弹性存在着较大差异。  相似文献   

应用GARCH模型、自回归分布滞后模型和Johansen协整检验,实证分析汇率风险与中国出口贸易的动态关系。结果显示:中国实际有效汇率变动率存在着异方差;实际有效汇率的变动对出口存在较明显的J曲线效应;GARCH模型估计的随时间变动的汇率风险对出口的影响存在着滞后效应;汇率风险在短期内对出口的影响不确定,长期的影响为负。因此,中国在制定出口贸易政策时,应考虑到J曲线效应并保持汇率的稳定性。  相似文献   

近年来,汇率与出口弱相关现象引起理论界和实务界的广泛关注。本文通过考虑全球价值链带来的供给侧联系和第三国汇率效应,使用双边出口全球价值链实际有效汇率弹性指标对双边层面的相对价格竞争力与出口关系作出新的测度和结构贡献度分解。研究发现,对相对价格竞争力与出口关系修正后测度的双边出口全球价值链实际有效汇率弹性值显著为负。出口对修正的汇率变动依旧富有弹性。“汇率对出口影响弱化”并没有传统实际有效汇率和双边汇率表现的那么严重,更没有出现“贬值抑制出口”等不符合理论预期的反常情况。双边出口全球价值链实际有效汇率弹性结构分解贡献度结果显示,伴随我国在全球价值链中参与度和地位的提升,中国对主要贸易伙伴出口中由相对价格变动引起中间产品结构变动对总弹性的贡献度不断提升。  相似文献   

We investigate how economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and geopolitical risks (GPR) impact Bitcoin volatility with respect to factors related to type and nationality of uncertainty, investigated period, relationship horizon and extreme conditions. Applying ARDL model and quantile regression for monthly data from August 2010 to September 2021, we reveal that June 2014 corresponds to a key date that marks a reversal in the investigated relationship. Furthermore, we show that the relationship between uncertainty and bitcoin volatility changes according to different factors. US uncertainty has short run effects on Bitcoin volatility, while China’s uncertainty has rather long run effects. Moreover, Bitcoin volatility responds in the same manner to US EPU and GPR, while, it responds differently to China's EPU and GPR. In extreme quantiles, we find that Bitcoin hedges against US EPU and GPR. Further, Bitcoin hedges against either individual or joint effects of US uncertainty, but not both.  相似文献   

I show that the price discounts of Chinese cross-listed stocks (American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) and H-shares) to their underlying A-shares indicate the expected yuan/US dollar exchange rate. The forecasting models reveal that ADR and H-share discounts predict exchange rate changes more accurately than the random walk and forward exchange rates, particularly at long forecast horizons. Using panel estimations, I find that ADR and H-share investors form their exchange rate expectations according to standard exchange rate theories such as the Harrod-Balassa-Samuelson effect, the risk of competitive devaluations, relative purchasing power parity, uncovered interest rate parity, and the risk of currency crisis.  相似文献   

自2005年汇率制度改革以来,人民币汇率发生了深刻的变化。文章使用2005年-2013年间的月度数据,通过建立计量模型,以人民币实际有效汇率和实际收入水平为解释变量,进出口贸易额为被解释变量,实证分析了人民币汇率变动对我国贸易收支的影响。研究结果表明,人民币汇率变动与进出口贸易额和实际收入水平具有长期的协整关系,而且人民币实际有效汇率对进出口贸易额的影响只存在统计上的单项因果关系。  相似文献   

Despite evidence that large US multinational corporations are hedging their exchange rate risk exposure, existing literature on the measurement of exchange rate risk does not give us a tool to measure the effect of such hedging activities of multinational firms. This paper revisited the measurement of exchange rate risk exposure using the cumulative translation adjustment as a trade-weighted dollar index faced by individual companies. We find that especially small multinational firms are exposed to foreign exchange risk and benefit from a weakening in the international value of the US dollar. The results also indicate that hedging activities by large firms are not so effective to eliminate exchange risk. Two industries in particular show a highly significant relation between changes in the cumulative translation account and equity returns, however, with an opposite sign, i.e. positive for electrical equipment and negative for primary metals.  相似文献   

丁剑平  杨洁  张冲 《金融研究》2020,484(10):1-18
本文通过放松巴萨效应(B-S效应)两大假设,构建了包含贸易品一价定律偏离和劳动力市场分割的开放经济局部均衡模型对人民币实际汇率进行分解,并使用中美服务业细分行业与制造业2004Q1-2016Q4季度数据,分组对人民币实际汇率的B-S效应及其传导渠道进行实证检验。研究发现:(1)中美之间B-S效应成立,但相对相对生产率通过影响相对相对工资从而影响物价水平,并最终影响实际汇率这一传导渠道不成立;(2)除传统B-S效应传导渠道外,我们发现相对相对生产率通过影响GDP进而影响实际汇率这一传导渠道;(3)产业结构失衡在一定程度上导致中国相对生产率和相对工资背离,使得相对相对工资的增加对人民币实际汇率产生负向(升值)作用。这说明,要时刻关注经济基本面,通过供给侧结构性改革提高劳动生产率,实现高端制造业和服务业的协调发展。  相似文献   

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