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Temporal aggregation in general introduces a moving‐average (MA) component in the aggregated model. A similar feature emerges when not all but only a few variables are aggregated, which generates a mixed‐frequency (MF) model. The MA component is generally neglected, likely to preserve the possibility of ordinary least squares estimation, but the consequences have never been properly studied in the MF context. In this paper we show, analytically, in Monte Carlo simulations and in a forecasting application on US macroeconomic variables, the relevance of considering the MA component in MF mixed‐data sampling (MIDAS) and unrestricted MIDAS models (MIDAS–autoregressive moving average (ARMA) and UMIDAS‐ARMA). Specifically, the simulation results indicate that the short‐term forecasting performance of MIDAS‐ARMA and UMIDAS‐ARMA are better than that of, respectively, MIDAS and UMIDAS. The empirical applications on nowcasting US gross domestic product (GDP) growth, investment growth, and GDP deflator inflation confirm this ranking. Moreover, in both simulation and empirical results, MIDAS‐ARMA is better than UMIDAS‐ARMA.  相似文献   

Retailers supply a wide range of stock keeping units (SKUs), which may differ for example in terms of demand quantity, demand frequency, demand regularity, and demand variation. Given this diversity in demand patterns, it is unlikely that any single model for demand forecasting can yield the highest forecasting accuracy across all SKUs. To save costs through improved forecasting, there is thus a need to match any given demand pattern to its most appropriate prediction model. To this end, we propose an automated model selection framework for retail demand forecasting. Specifically, we consider model selection as a classification problem, where classes correspond to the different models available for forecasting. We first build labeled training data based on the models’ performances in previous demand periods with similar demand characteristics. For future data, we then automatically select the most promising model via classification based on the labeled training data. The performance is measured by economic profitability, taking into account asymmetric shortage and inventory costs. In an exploratory case study using data from an e-grocery retailer, we compare our approach to established benchmarks. We find promising results, but also that no single approach clearly outperforms its competitors, underlying the need for case-specific solutions.  相似文献   

The classical spare part demand forecasting literature studies methods for forecasting intermittent demand. However, the majority of these methods do not consider the underlying demand-generating factors. The demand for spare parts originates from the replacement of parts in the installed base of machines, either preventively or upon breakdown of the part. This information from service operations, which we refer to as installed base information, can be used to forecast the future demand for spare parts. This paper reviews the literature on the use of such installed base information for spare part demand forecasting in order to asses (1) what type of installed base information can be useful; (2) how this information can be used to derive forecasts; (3) the value of using installed base information to improve forecasting; and (4) the limits of the existing methods. This serves as motivation for future research.  相似文献   

Expert opinion is an opinion given by an expert, and it can have significant value in forecasting key policy variables in economics and finance. Expert forecasts can either be expert opinions, or forecasts based on an econometric model. An expert forecast that is based on an econometric model is replicable, and can be defined as a replicable expert forecast (REF), whereas an expert opinion that is not based on an econometric model can be defined as a non-replicable expert forecast (Non-REF). Both REF and Non-REF may be made available by an expert regarding a policy variable of interest. In this paper, we develop a model to generate REF, and compare REF with Non-REF. A method is presented to compare REF and Non-REF using efficient estimation methods, and a direct test of expertise on expert opinion is given. The latter serves the purpose of investigating whether expert adjustment improves the model-based forecasts. Illustrations for forecasting pharmaceutical stock keeping unit (SKUs), where the econometric model is of (variations of) the autoregressive integrated moving average model (ARIMA) type, show the relevance of the new methodology proposed in the paper. In particular, experts possess significant expertise, and expert forecasts are significant in explaining actual sales.  相似文献   

This paper provides a non-systematic review of the progress of forecasting in social settings. It is aimed at someone outside the field of forecasting who wants to understand and appreciate the results of the M4 Competition, and forms a survey paper regarding the state of the art of this discipline. It discusses the recorded improvements in forecast accuracy over time, the need to capture forecast uncertainty, and things that can go wrong with predictions. Subsequently, the review classifies the knowledge achieved over recent years into (i) what we know, (ii) what we are not sure about, and (iii) what we don’t knowIn the first two areas, we explore the difference between explanation and prediction, the existence of an optimal model, the performance of machine learning methods on time series forecasting tasks, the difficulties of predicting non-stable environments, the performance of judgment, and the value added by exogenous variables. The article concludes with the importance of (thin and) fat tails, the challenges and advances in causal inference, and the role of luck.  相似文献   

Forecasting competitions have usually compared the accuracy of different forecasting methods across a number of different time series. This paper describes a study of the application of ten forecasting methods to a single time series: that of peak electricity demand in England and Wales. The performance measure used, however, is not one of the usual forecast ones, e.g., MSE or MAPS, but a managerial one in that the impact of different forecast methods on the profitability of the Central Electricity Generating Board for England and Wales is assessed using a financial simulation model. As well as examing the effects of forecast method on profitability the effects of two other factors, namely the use of a temperature corrected data series and the impact of log transformation of the data are considered. All these effects are both statistically and practically significant. The results are then examined from a different standpoint: specifically the extent to which the financial impacts of alternative forecast methods can be explained using a number of conventional forecast accuracy measures. This question is of major importance in applications since accuracy is one of the few easily measured characteristics of a potential forecasting method. It is concluded that much, though not all, of the results can be explained by accuracy considerations.  相似文献   

In liberalized electricity markets, the electricity generation companies usually manage their production by developing hourly bids that are sent to the day‐ahead market. As the prices at which the energy will be purchased are unknown until the end of the bidding process, forecasting of spot prices has become an essential element in electricity management strategies. In this article, we apply forecasting factor models to the market framework in Spain and Portugal and study their performance. Although their goodness of fit is similar to that of autoregressive integrated moving average models, they are easier to implement. The second part of the paper uses the spot‐price forecasting model to generate inputs for a stochastic programming model, which is then used to determine the company's optimal generation bid. The resulting optimal bidding curves are presented and analyzed in the context of the Iberian day‐ahead electricity market.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the forecasting accuracy of six alternative econometric models in the context of the demand for international tourism in Denmark. These econometric models are special cases of a general autoregressive distributed lag specification. In addition, the forecasting accuracy of two univariate time series models is evaluated for benchmark comparison purposes. The forecasting competition is based on annual data on inbound tourism to Denmark. Individual models are estimated for each of the six major origin countries over the period 1969–93 and forecasting performance is assessed using data for the period 1994–97. Rankings of these forecasting models over different time horizons are established based on mean absolute percentage error and root mean square percentage error.  相似文献   

Computer-based demand forecasting systems have been widely adopted in supply chain companies, but little research has studied how these systems are actually used in the forecasting process. We report the findings of a case study of demand forecasting in a pharmaceutical company over a 15-year period. At the start of the study, managers believed that they were making extensive use of their forecasting system that was marketed based on the accuracy of its advanced statistical methods. Yet most forecasts were obtained using the system’s facility for judgmentally overriding the automatic statistical forecasts. Carrying out the judgmental interventions involved considerable management effort as part of a sales & operations planning (S&OP) process, yet these often only served to reduce forecast accuracy. This study uses observations of the forecasting process, interviews with participants and data on the accuracy of forecasts to investigate why the managers continued to use non-normative forecasting practices for many years despite the potential economic benefits that could be achieved through change. The reasons for the longevity of these practices are examined both from the perspective of the individual forecaster and the organization as a whole.  相似文献   

李益民  闫泊  卓元志  李康  张辉 《价值工程》2012,31(36):81-82
电力系统负荷具有很多不确定因素,针对单一模型进行负荷预测时,预测精度不高这一问题,可采用组合预测法将多种预测方法所得的预测值进行加权平均而得到最终预测结果,以满足现代电力对负荷预测结果的准确性、快速性和智能化的要求。该文首先简要介绍了几种常用的负荷预测方法,接着详细介绍了组合负荷预测的研究现状及确定组合预测中各模型最优权重的几种方法,最后介绍了组合负荷预测模型的误差修正方法,对提高负荷预测的准确性有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

The performance of six classes of models in forecasting different types of economic series is evaluated in an extensive pseudo out‐of‐sample exercise. One of these forecasting models, regularized data‐rich model averaging (RDRMA), is new in the literature. The findings can be summarized in four points. First, RDRMA is difficult to beat in general and generates the best forecasts for real variables. This performance is attributed to the combination of regularization and model averaging, and it confirms that a smart handling of large data sets can lead to substantial improvements over univariate approaches. Second, the ARMA(1,1) model emerges as the best to forecast inflation changes in the short run, while RDRMA dominates at longer horizons. Third, the returns on the S&P 500 index are predictable by RDRMA at short horizons. Finally, the forecast accuracy and the optimal structure of the forecasting equations are quite unstable over time.  相似文献   

Factor models have been applied extensively for forecasting when high‐dimensional datasets are available. In this case, the number of variables can be very large. For instance, usual dynamic factor models in central banks handle over 100 variables. However, there is a growing body of literature indicating that more variables do not necessarily lead to estimated factors with lower uncertainty or better forecasting results. This paper investigates the usefulness of partial least squares techniques that take into account the variable to be forecast when reducing the dimension of the problem from a large number of variables to a smaller number of factors. We propose different approaches of dynamic sparse partial least squares as a means of improving forecast efficiency by simultaneously taking into account the variable forecast while forming an informative subset of predictors, instead of using all the available ones to extract the factors. We use the well‐known Stock and Watson database to check the forecasting performance of our approach. The proposed dynamic sparse models show good performance in improving efficiency compared to widely used factor methods in macroeconomic forecasting. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study we analyze existing and improved methods for forecasting incoming calls to telemarketing centers for the purposes of planning and budgeting. We analyze the use of additive and multiplicative versions of Holt–Winters (HW) exponentially weighted moving average models and compare it to Box–Jenkins (ARIMA) modeling with intervention analysis. We determine the forecasting accuracy of HW and ARIMA models for samples of telemarketing data. Although there is much evidence in recent literature that “simple models” such as Holt–Winters perform as well as or better than more complex models, we find that ARIMA models with intervention analysis perform better for the time series studied.  相似文献   

This paper considers the extent to which price and income proxy variables help in forecasting tourist demand in Spain. Contrary to some recent studies, we found that the inputs' contribution in terms of fitting and forecasting is nil when compared with alternative univariate models. Whether these findings are the results of the restrictions embedded in building the proxy inputs or in a poor specification of the dynamics of these models remains to be seen. We also contend that when dealing with medium, long-term forecasting comparisons, the use of the traditional aggregate accuracy measures like RMSE and MAPE help very little in discriminating among competing models. In these situations, predicted annual growth rates may be a better alternative.  相似文献   

In a low-dimensional linear regression setup, considering linear transformations/combinations of predictors does not alter predictions. However, when the forecasting technology either uses shrinkage or is nonlinear, it does. This is precisely the fabric of the machine learning (ML) macroeconomic forecasting environment. Pre-processing of the data translates to an alteration of the regularization – explicit or implicit – embedded in ML algorithms. We review old transformations and propose new ones, then empirically evaluate their merits in a substantial pseudo-out-sample exercise. It is found that traditional factors should almost always be included as predictors and moving average rotations of the data can provide important gains for various forecasting targets. Also, we note that while predicting directly the average growth rate is equivalent to averaging separate horizon forecasts when using OLS-based techniques, the latter can substantially improve on the former when regularization and/or nonparametric nonlinearities are involved.  相似文献   

Macroeconomic forecasting using structural factor analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of a small number of underlying factors to summarize the information from a much larger set of information variables is one of the new frontiers in forecasting. In prior work, the estimated factors have not usually had a structural interpretation and the factors have not been chosen on a theoretical basis. In this paper we propose several variants of a general structural factor forecasting model, and use these to forecast certain key macroeconomic variables. We make the choice of factors more structurally meaningful by estimating factors from subsets of information variables, where these variables can be assigned to subsets on the basis of economic theory. We compare the forecasting performance of the structural factor forecasting model with that of a univariate AR model, a standard VAR model, and some non-structural factor forecasting models. The results suggest that our structural factor forecasting model performs significantly better in forecasting real activity variables, especially at short horizons.  相似文献   

The demand for gasoline has typically been estimated using a reduced-form equation model. The simplicity of the approach is attractive, but has proven to be costly in terms of the insights lost as to the nature of the processes governing the interdependence between fuel efficiency and the overall demand for gasoline. On the other hand, disaggregating the overall demand for gasoline into all of its components produces an enormous amount of detail and many insights, but increases commensurately the complexity of the system and reduces its usefulness in forecasting.A two stage simple demand equation is used which first involves an estimation of the level of fuel efficiency of the fleet stock in terms of price induced technical change. In the second stage, the first equation is coupled with other typical demand variables to determine the overall demand for gasoline. The procedure provides an excellent forecasting equation of both the short-and long-term demand for gasoline.  相似文献   

Regression models used by forecasters are often formulated in terms of the first differences or percentage changes of the variables. A recently developed maximum likelihood procedure permits the researcher to determine whether the first difference or percentage change model is superior. In this paper we apply this new method to several forecasting models from the literature and then determine whether or not the correct functional form improves forecasting accuracy. Results indicate that when either the first difference or percentage change model can he rejected in favor of the other, then superior forecasts can be obtained by using the correct form.  相似文献   

Financial data often contain information that is helpful for macroeconomic forecasting, while multi-step forecast accuracy benefits from incorporating good nowcasts of macroeconomic variables. This paper considers the usefulness of financial nowcasts for making conditional forecasts of macroeconomic variables with quarterly Bayesian vector autoregressions (BVARs). When nowcasting quarterly financial variables’ values, we find that taking the average of the available daily data and a daily random walk forecast to complete the quarter typically outperforms other nowcasting approaches. Using real-time data, we find gains in out-of-sample forecast accuracy from the inclusion of financial nowcasts relative to unconditional forecasts, with further gains from the incorporation of nowcasts of macroeconomic variables. Conditional forecasts from quarterly BVARs augmented with financial nowcasts rival the forecast accuracy of mixed-frequency dynamic factor models and mixed-data sampling (MIDAS) models.  相似文献   

We evaluate the performances of various methods for forecasting tourism data. The data used include 366 monthly series, 427 quarterly series and 518 annual series, all supplied to us by either tourism bodies or academics who had used them in previous tourism forecasting studies. The forecasting methods implemented in the competition are univariate and multivariate time series approaches, and econometric models. This forecasting competition differs from previous competitions in several ways: (i) we concentrate on tourism data only; (ii) we include approaches with explanatory variables; (iii) we evaluate the forecast interval coverage as well as the point forecast accuracy; (iv) we observe the effect of temporal aggregation on the forecasting accuracy; and (v) we consider the mean absolute scaled error as an alternative forecasting accuracy measure. We find that pure time series approaches provide more accurate forecasts for tourism data than models with explanatory variables. For seasonal data we implement three fully automated pure time series algorithms that generate accurate point forecasts, and two of these also produce forecast coverage probabilities which are satisfactorily close to the nominal rates. For annual data we find that Naïve forecasts are hard to beat.  相似文献   

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