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I investigate the influences of economic policy uncertainty on corporate cash policy. The findings show that there is a positive association between economic policy uncertainty and cash holdings, as well as the propensity to save cash out of operating cash flow. Further analyses suggests that economic policy uncertainty affects corporate cash policy by influencing firms’ precautionary saving motives and the effect is larger when firms have difficulty in raising external finance. Using the new index developed by Baker et al. (2016), I extend the literature on economic policy uncertainty and show that it is an important macro-level factor in influencing corporate cash policy.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of economic policy uncertainty on stock price crash risk using data from China. We develop a new index to measure Chinese economic policy uncertainty and find that economic policy uncertainty has a remarkable positive effect on stock price crash risk. However, the effect reverses later. The results also indicate that the positive effect of economic policy uncertainty on stock price crash risk is more prominent for state‐owned enterprises. Moreover, this effect is more prominent for firms with higher information asymmetry and firms with greater disagreement among investors, indicating that economic policy uncertainty affects crash risk through two mechanisms: managers’ concealment of bad news and investors’ heterogeneous beliefs.  相似文献   

Using a sample of U.S. banks and an index for economic policy uncertainty developed by Baker et al. (2016), we investigate whether economic policy uncertainty is systematically related to bank earnings opacity. When economic policy is relatively uncertain, it is easier for bank managers to distort financial information, as unpredictable economic policy changes make assessing the existence and impact of hidden “adverse news” more difficult for investors and creditors. Economic policy uncertainty also increases the fluctuation in banks’ earnings and cash flows, thus providing additional incentives and opportunities for bank managers to engage in earnings management. Our results show that uncertainty in economic policy is positively related to earnings opacity, proxied by the magnitude of discretionary loan loss provisions and the likelihood of just meeting or beating the prior year’s earnings, and negatively related to the level of accounting conservatism (i.e., the timeliness of recognition of bad news relative to good news). Collectively, our results suggest that economic policy uncertainty leads to greater earnings opacity. We also find that the impact of economic policy uncertainty on financial reporting distortion is less pronounced for stronger banks (i.e., banks with high capital ratios).  相似文献   

We examine the implications of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) for financial statement comparability. We posit that the increased difficulty of estimating future cash flows and the increased opportunity for earnings management with increased EPU reduce the quality of earnings and its comparability. Consistent with this reasoning, we find a negative relation between earnings comparability and lagged EPU. Further, the association between EPU and comparability is more negative for firms that have poorer accruals quality and higher earnings volatility. We do not find that accounting policy choice is systematically related to the association between EPU and comparability. These results suggest that cross-sectional differences in accounting estimates rather than accounting policies influence the relation between EPU and comparability.  相似文献   

This paper provides new evidence on the stochastic behaviour of the EPU (Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) index constructed by Baker et al. (2016) in six of the biggest economies (Canada, France, Japan, US, Ireland, and Sweden), and also on cross-country linkages, over the period from January 1985 to October 2019. For this purpose, it uses fractional integration/cointegration methods to measure the degree of persistence of the EPU and whether there exists a long-run equilibrium relationship linking the individual indices. This framework is much more general than the standard approaches based on the I(0)/I(1) dichotomy since it allows for fractional values of the integration/cointegration parameter and therefore does not impose restrictive assumptions on the dynamic behaviour of the individual series and their linkages. EPU is found to be in most cases a non-stationary, mean-reverting series which is characterised by long memory. Several breaks are also detected in each country. Finally, there is very little evidence of cross-country linkages. Our analysis provides fresh insights into the degree of persistence and the transmission of EPU shocks and has implications both for investors having to make risk management decisions and choose investment strategies and policymakers having to design effective macroeconomic policies.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on corporate inventory holdings in China over the period 2007–2017. We find that EPU leads firms to significantly reduce inventory holdings and this effect is particularly pronounced among non-state-owned enterprises. The adjustment of inventory holdings enhances firms’ operating and market performance consequently. In addition, firms with greater financial constraints or stronger external governance are more affected by EPU. Further exploration shows that EPU induces high precautionary cash holdings, which crowds out inventories. Our results illustrate that firms reallocate between inventories and cash to cope with uncertainty associated with economic policy changes.  相似文献   

This study primarily investigates whether China’s economic policy uncertainty (EPU) can predict the environmental governance index volatility, which selects companies regarding environmental protection such as sewage treatment, solid waste treatment, air treatment, and energy saving. Empirical results reveal that China’s EPU index can predict the environmental governance index volatility. Furthermore, even during periods of fluctuating volatility and the COVID-19 pandemic, China’s EPU index can reliably forecast the environmental governance index volatility. This paper tries to provide new evidence regarding the connection between EPU and environmental governance companies’ stock volatility.  相似文献   

We show that a news‐based measure of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) negatively forecasts momentum. A 1‐standard‐deviation increase in EPU is associated with a 1.11% decrease in risk‐adjusted momentum returns. The predictive power of EPU is robust after controlling for previously documented economic state variables and macroeconomic uncertainty. We provide an explanation for these results from the perspective of a fund flow‐induced trading mechanism and offer direct empirical support. The literature documents that momentum can be partially attributed to performance‐chasing mutual fund flows. We find that this flow‐induced mechanism functions more effectively in low EPU states, thereby generating stronger stock momentum.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on firm-specific crash risk. Based on a large sample of Chinese listed firms over the period from 2000 to 2017, we provide empirical evidence that firms are more likely to experience stock price crashes when EPU increases. Cross-sectionally analysis further reveals that the impact of EPU on stock price crash risk is stronger for firms whose returns are more sensitive to EPU. More specifically, young stocks, small stocks, high volatility stocks, and growth stocks, which have higher valuation uncertainty per se, are more sensitive to EPU and are more affected by EPU in terms of crash risk. We further show that EPU is significantly and positively associated with aggregated stock price crash risk at the market level.  相似文献   

Just as the world has witnessed the increased importance of the insurance sector over the past few decades, it has also witnessed a sharp rise in risks and uncertainties. Surprisingly, studies analyzing the relationship between economic policy uncertainty and the insurance sector are almost non-existent. Another major limitation of insurance literature is the choice of methodology. Most studies on the insurance sector do not take into consideration issues of heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence, and are therefore subject to errors. To address the identified gaps, this research investigates the impact of economic policy uncertainty on insurance premiums in a panel of 15 countries over the period 1998–2016 by employing heterogeneous panel estimation techniques with cross-sectional dependence. The Durbin-Hausman cointegration tests of Westerlund (2008) confirm that a long-run relationship exists between the variables. Findings from the error correction based panel estimations show that the insurance sector is not immune to the effects of economic policy uncertainty. Economic policy uncertainty raises insurance premiums both in the short and long run, although the long-run impact is greater than the short-run impact. In addition, economic policy uncertainty exerts a bigger influence on non-life insurance premium than on life insurance premium, indicating that the economic risks covered by non-life insurance are more sensitive to uncertainty than the mortality and longevity risks covered by life insurance. Our findings further show that national income, education, population, financial development and institutional quality all raise insurance premiums, while inflation lowers insurance premiums.  相似文献   

Applying machine learning techniques to predict bankruptcy in the sample of French, Italian, Russian and Spanish firms, the study demonstrates that the inclusion of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) indicator into bankruptcy prediction models notably increases their accuracy. This effect is more pronounced when we use novel Twitter-based version of EPU index instead of original news-based index. We further compare the prediction accuracy of machine learning techniques and conclude that stacking ensemble method outperforms (though marginally) machine learning methods, which are more commonly used for bankruptcy prediction, such as single classifiers and bagging.  相似文献   

Economic policy uncertainty affects decisions of households, businesses, policy makers and financial intermediaries. We first examine the impact of economic policy uncertainty on aggregate bank credit growth. Then we analyze commercial bank entity level data to gauge the effects of policy uncertainty on financial intermediaries’ lending. We exploit the cross-sectional heterogeneity to back out indirect evidence of its effects on businesses and households. We ask (i) whether, conditional on standard macroeconomic controls, economic policy uncertainty affected bank level credit growth, and (ii) whether there is variation in the impact related to banks’ balance sheet conditions; that is, whether the effects are attributable to loan demand or, if impact varies with bank level financial constraints, loan supply. We find that policy uncertainty has a significant negative effect on bank credit growth. Since this impact varies meaningfully with some bank characteristics – particularly the overall capital-to-assets ratio and bank asset liquidity-loan supply factors at least partially (and significantly) help determine the influence of policy uncertainty. Because other studies have found important macroeconomic effects of bank lending growth on the macroeconomy, our findings are consistent with the possibility that high economic policy uncertainty may have slowed the U.S. economic recovery from the Great Recession by restraining overall credit growth through the bank lending channel.  相似文献   

We empirically examine the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on banks’ funding structure (FUD). Using an extensive dataset of U.S. bank holding companies, we find that high policy uncertainty strengthens banks’ FUD. For banks with a pre-existing low FUD, an increase in EPU raises FUD. However, for banks with a pre-existing high FUD, the relationship between EPU and FUD becomes negative and economically significant. Considering the lack of relevant studies, our paper contributes to the literature and provides implications for policymakers and practitioners in the banking industry.  相似文献   

This study extends the research of Bordo, Duca, and Koch (2016) and Hu and Gong (2018) by examining the influences of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) at domestic and global levels on aggregate bank credit growth. The empirical analysis is conducted through both supply and demand side factors of bank credit growth in 22 economies over the period 2001–2015. This study employs different measures of EPU and applies panel-corrected standard errors (PCSE) and feasible generalized least squares (FGLS), which are suitable for unbalanced panel data models. Three principal findings are follows. First, higher level of EPU has negative impact on bank credit growth, which is significant for domestic EPU measures. Second, the positive change in EPU appears to have favorable effects on bank credit growth. The effects in both cases are different for the credit demand and supply sides. The findings suggest the need for appropriate measures to tackle bank credit risk-taking activities in uncertain conditions. Third, the impacts of EPU in emerging economies are negative and somewhat stronger than in advanced economies.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this paper is to examine the conditioning effects of economic policy uncertainty on the relationship between wholesale funding and bank stability. Based on a sample of 1829 commercial banks in 27 countries over the period 2005–2020, we provide evidence of a nonlinear relationship between wholesale funding and bank stability. Specifically, a small share of nondeposit funding to total deposit and short-term funding (below 22.3%) offers some risk reduction, but a substantial mixing of nondeposit and deposit funding increases bank fragility. Moreover, the adverse effects of excessive wholesale funding on bank stability are strengthened during periods of high policy uncertainty. Nevertheless, banks in advanced countries, large banks, and high-quality banks with better asset quality are less affected by the detrimental impact of excessive wholesale funding on bank stability when during periods of increased policy uncertainty.  相似文献   

This study uncovers the static and dynamic network of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) across 17 developed and emerging economies. We build a centrality network using the minimal spanning tree (MST) as well as a dependency network using partial correlations. Results from the MST show that EPU exhibits some degree of geographical connections with EPUs in seven countries in the sample directly linked to the US EPU. Evidence from dynamic time-varying MST reveals that the nature and dominance of the EPU network have changed significantly over time. Further, the US and German EPUs dominate a close-knit global policy uncertainty network with the highest net (To and From) transmitter of information flow in the dependency network. Greece, Russia, and Brazil are the top three net receivers of information in the global network of EPU. The policy implication of these results relates to the renewed and ongoing international debate on policy coordination.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on cryptocurrency returns for a sample of 100 highly capitalized cryptocurrencies from January 2016 to May 2021. The results of the panel data analysis and quantile regression show that increases in global EPU have a positive impact on cryptocurrency returns for lower cryptocurrency returns quantiles and an adverse impact for upper quantiles. In line with the existing literature, the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in higher returns for cryptocurrencies. Inclusion of a Covid-19 dummy in the models strengthened the impact of EPU on cryptocurrency returns. Furthermore, the relationship between the change in EPU and cryptocurrency returns was direct in the pre-Covid-19 period but inverse in the post-Covid-19 period. These results imply that cryptocurrencies act more like traditional financial assets in the post-Covid-19 era.  相似文献   

We find strong evidence that firms reduce cash effective tax rate when economic policy uncertainty heightens. Firms also engage in more aggressive forms of tax avoidance including long-term tax planning or shelters. Cash holdings attenuate the negative effect of policy uncertainty on cash effective tax rate, especially for financially constrained firms. The cash tax savings are retained for reinvestments rather than dividend payouts. Our findings suggest that policy uncertainty exacerbates external financing frictions, which in turn induces precautionary motives of tax avoidance.  相似文献   

This study explores the spillovers between economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and stock market realized volatility (RV). The monthly index of Chinese and US EPU and RV are used to analyze the pairwise directional spillovers. We find that RV is a net receiver that is more vulnerable to shocks from U.S. EPU than to shocks from Chinese EPU. We further decompose the RV into good and bad volatility to test the asymmetric spillover effect between the stock market and EPU. The results suggest that EPU has a bigger effect on bad volatility in the stock market throughout most of the sample period. However, we find that good volatility spillovers become larger during periods of stimulated reform, whereas bad volatility spillovers become larger during periods of international disputes. We show that Chinese stock market volatility is sensitive to both U.S. and Chinese EPU and that the spillover is asymmetric in different periods.  相似文献   

We present an equilibrium model of financial institutions to examine the optimal regulation of risk taking. Shareholders provide incentives for management to increase risk to excessive levels. Regulators use caps on asset risk and compensation to achieve the socially optimal risk level. This level trades off costs of risk shifting and costs of bank default. Without regulation, equilibrium risk lies above the optimal level. If information and enforcement are perfect, either policy tool (caps on asset risk or compensation) achieves the optimal risk level. If there are frictions – if enforcement is limited, if there is uncertainty about the incentives facing management and costs of risk shifting, or if regulation cannot be bank specific – welfare can be improved by employing both policy tools.  相似文献   

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