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This study investigates the prima facie causal relationship between the exports and output growth in 30 developing countries over the period from 1960 to 1988 in a multivariate framework. The information set considered for the output and exports models are ω = (domestic output, exports, labour and capital), and ω = (exports, domestic output, exchange rate and foreign output) respectively. This study indentities a feedback prima facie causal relationship between exports and output growth in five countries, export growth prima facie causes output growth in another six countries; output growth prima facie causes export growth in a further eight countries; and no causal relationship was observed between export growth and output growth in the remaining 11 countries. We also found that in 15 countries the foreign exchange rate prima facie caused export growth, and that in 12 countries world output caused export growth.  相似文献   

The inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) has been found to play a crucial role in the economic growth of receiving countries. Using panel cointegration techniques, this perception was found to be mitigated by an empirical approach that yields different results from previous studies. While the growth in real FDI has an influence on real GDP growth across developing countries in the short-run, year-to-year periods, it does not explain real GDP in the long-run. Rather, it appears to be the economic factors internal to a country that have the most influence on real GDP over time: human capital (measured by literacy rates), export trade, and monetary and fiscal policy.  相似文献   

Does economic freedom cause economic growth or does causality run in the reverse direction? And do all the constituent parts of economic freedom exert a causal impact on economic growth or do some freedoms matter more than others? In order to answer these questions, this paper conducts a series of Granger causality tests using panel data for the period 1970–1999. In addition, the paper discusses a number of model specification issues, e.g. lag-length selection and the importance of intervening variables. The results suggest that some (but not all) aspects economic freedom affect economic growth and investment. On the other hand, there is only weak evidence that growth affects economic freedom.  相似文献   

Outside the conventional economic paradigm, chronic and recurrent bottlenecks are treated as pathological disorders instead of inherent problems in the growth of developing nations. Bottlenecks are either an insufficiency of foreign exchange to purchase an item needed to carry out production, or a shortage of a raw material. A new kind of recessive inflation occurs when markets provoke a regressive distribution of income to reduce bottlenecks and clashes with social pressure for higher wages. The trend toward bottlenecks in primarily exporting countries results in chronic and cumulative foreign indebtedness, recurrent stop and go cycles, and conflicts about income distribution which are solved through recessive inflation. Any balancing action on bottlenecks implies changes in relative prices entailing transfers of income to suppliers of scarce items. Investments should be stimulated by governments at the international level according to a global plan. A network of the largest world banks should be stabilized for most important raw materials and foodstuffs. This would encourage investment and discourage excessive price changes. If a rule were adopted whereby each country would have to live with its own oil deficit, the individualist/opportunism would disappear.  相似文献   

The authors examined the long‐term changes in household income structure and decline in poverty in three rice‐growing villages in the rural Philippines from 1985 to 2004. They found a shift of household income structure away from farm to nonfarm sources, accompanied by a decline in the incidence of poverty by about one‐half. Such a decline can be explained primarily by the rise in returns to the “quantity” attributes of human capital, measured by age composition, and, secondly, by the rise in returns to the “quality” attributes, measured by the proportion of household members completing secondary and tertiary schooling. It is clear that the poor benefited from the development of the nonfarm labor market where they were able to fully utilize their only asset, that is unskilled labor.  相似文献   

This paper investigates major deteminats of the inflation rate in six Asian developing countries. The sample includes low and moderate-high inflation cases. For the investigation a monetarist model of the inflation rate adjusted to account for important external factors is used. The results show that the growth of the money stock was not a primary source of inflation in all countries. However, various factors that influence the public's willingness to hold money are behind inflationary pressures across countries. Among these, some are external factors stemming from changes in foreign interst rates and import prices. Overall, the evidence suggests that the success of domestic policy in fighting inflation is highly dependent on the unique inflationary experience of each country.  相似文献   

The current study investigates the trends in labour productivity of the major developing and developed economies of the Asia‐Pacific region and examines its determinants over the period 1980–2014. The study analyses capital deepening, human capital, technology, share of agriculture in GDP, financial development, institutional quality, inflation as well as macroeconomic variables as potential determinants of productivity, and identifies the differences in the impact of these factors on the productivity of developing and developed countries. Using panel cointegration and group‐mean fully modified ordinary least squares estimation, the study finds that capital deepening, human capital, technology, institutional quality and macroeconomic variables (i.e. government size and openness) are significant determinants of labour productivity of both developing and developed economies of the Asia‐Pacific region. The study further finds that while both trade openness and foreign direct investment affect productivity of developing economies positively, only trade openness has a positive and significant impact on the productivity of developed economies. The share of agriculture in GDP affects the labour productivity of developing Asia‐Pacific economies significantly but not that of developed economies. Furthermore, capital deepening has a much higher impact on the productivity of developing Asia‐Pacific economies than that of developed economies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that between 1975 and 2005, Sweden exhibited a pattern of job polarization with expansions of the highest‐ and lowest‐paid jobs compared to middle‐wage jobs. The most popular explanation for such a pattern is the hypothesis of task‐biased technological change, where technological progress reduces the demand for routine middle‐wage jobs but increases the demand for non‐routine jobs located at the tails of the job–wage distribution. However, our estimates do not support this explanation for the 1970s and 1980s. Stronger evidence for task‐biased technological change, albeit not conclusive, is found for the 1990s and 2000s. In particular, there is both a statistically and economically significant growth of non‐routine jobs and a decline of routine jobs. However, results for wages are mixed; while task‐biased technological change cannot explain changes in between‐occupation wage differentials, it does have considerable explanatory power for changes in within‐occupation wage differentials.  相似文献   

This paper analyses support for reducing inequality and for redistribution to specific groups in Europe and Central Asia. Using the Life in Transition Surveys, it examines differences in redistributive preferences across countries and time, as well as determinants of individual preferences, testing for motivations such as self‐interest, past and expected future social mobility, beliefs about fairness, as well as ideology and risk preferences. The extent to which different groups are perceived as deserving of government support is found to vary considerably, with the disabled, the elderly and families with children being the most favoured groups. The motives for redistribution towards different groups are also not uniform – self‐interest appears to be a basis for assistance to the elderly and families with children, whereas values and beliefs are associated with support for the working poor and the unemployed.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the role of textile exports in Japan and China's economic development in the period of 1868–1930 as a major explanation for the “Little Divergence” between the two countries in the context of the “Great Divergence” between Europe and Asia. Because of textiles' large weighting in proto‐industrialization gross domestic product (GDP), we postulate that China's initial 20‐year lag in textiles vis‐à‐vis Japan turns out to be fatal for its industry and that it eventually ordains totally different development patterns for the textile industry in the two countries, which ultimately led to different growth patterns for the overall economy. Although both countries saw rapid growth of textile exports, the nature of those exports and the entailed position of each country in the industry value chain of trade were quite different. We then use Granger causality tests to show that in one case (Japan) it is in support of the export‐led‐growth hypothesis (ELG) while in another (China) it is not. Our study then also explains why Japan's industrial revolution took place much earlier than China's.  相似文献   

Here, we discuss the role of both perspiration factors (physical and human capital) and inspiration factors (Total Factor Productivity) in the economic development of the Former Soviet Union area (FSU) and China, ca. 1920–2010. Using a newly created dataset, we find that during the Socialist central‐planning period, economic growth in both countries was largely driven by physical capital accumulation. This finding follows logically from the development policies in place at that time. During their transition periods, (i.e., starting from the late 1970s in China and the late 1980s in the FSU), China managed to keep technical inefficiency of production factors in check, largely by massively increasing its human capital, thereby lowering the physical‐to‐human capital ratio. In contrast, the FSU accomplished a similar outcome largely through reducing its stock of physical capital. As a result, although there was little difference in technical efficiency between these two economies, China's emphasis on human capital formation made it easier for this country to improve its general productivity and to increase per capita growth. This changed in the late 1990s and early 2000s, when the FSU began to recover economically, regaining its 1990 levels of output and productivity.  相似文献   

This article empirically examines the possible causal links between financial development and poverty in developing countries. To this end, we apply a modified form of traditional Granger causality tests to suit the short times series that are available. We conclude that the evidence supports the hypothesis that in the period of the 1970s–1980s financial development, measured by liquid assets of the financial system as a share of GDP or by money and quasi money as a percentage of GDP, leads to the reduction of moderate poverty. These results do not appear for the period of the 1980s–1990s or when financial development is measured by the ratio of the value of credits granted by financial intermediaries to the private sector to GDP, whereas they seem to be strengthened by using summary measures of financial development. Likewise, our analysis does not show any evidence of Granger causality from poverty to financial development.  相似文献   

In an attempt to resolve the existing controversy about the cause and effect relationship between external dept and economic slowdown, Granger causality tests are conducted with data on indebted developing countries of Asia and Pacific. The results of these tests indicate that the Bulow–Rogoff proposition that the external debts of developing countries are a symptom rather than a cause of economic slowdown is rejected. They also indicate that the Dornbush–Krugman proposition that external dept leads to economic slowdown is also rejected. Moreover, a feedback-type relationship is not rejected for two countries. In view of the mixed results, this paper also estimates the nexus of inter-relationship between public and private external dept accumulation, capital accumulation and production within a simultaneous equation system. The estimation results indicate that the full effects of the public and private external depts on GNP are small and of an opposite sign, whereas an increase in the GNP level raises substantially the public and private external depts. These findings support Bulow–Rogoff's proposition that the external debts of developing countries are not a primary cause of economic slowdown.  相似文献   

We investigate the international transmission of the 2007–2009 financial crisis to Japanese firms by examining both stock returns and changes in operating performance during the crisis. Our results indicate that Japanese firms were affected by the crisis mainly through the trade channel in both stock returns and changes in operating performance. We also find that the liquidity channel played a role in the fall of stock returns in response to the crisis and in the changes in return on assets during the first year of the crisis. We obtain weak evidence for the credit crunch channel and no evidence to support the trade finance channel.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence of the triangular relationship between governance quality, foreign direct investment, and economic growth. Unlike previous studies in the governance—foreign direct investment—growth literature, this study employed the panel vector autoregressive model to examine the impact of governance quality and foreign direct investment on economic growth. Moreover, we used the impulse response function tool, which was developed in the same context, to better understand the reaction of the two main variables of interest, foreign direct investment, and economic growth, after shocks to the governance quality variable. Finally, the analysis was completed by the variance decomposition of all variables. These analyses were conducted for 102 developing countries from 1996 to 2014. Overall, the results show that inward foreign direct investment has a significant impact and can strongly encourage economic growth. These results indicate that the quality of governance in developing countries does not affect foreign direct investment and economic growth.  相似文献   

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