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以水为反应介质,借助助剂作用合成纯丙烯酸防水乳液,介绍了此防水涂料的组成,性能特点及施工方法,此防水涂料具有较好的耐候性,使用寿命长,弹性高且有装饰效果。 相似文献
Taking Belgium as a case in point, this study analyses, first, tolerance for advertisements unfriendly to women and men as expressed by advertising and marketing professionals, consumers and gender equal opportunity workers. Second, it compares which types of unequal gender portrayal raise concerns with which sector of respondents. Finally, it analyses the differences in adherence of the three sectors to the two main policy solution paradigms proposed in the 2008 European Parliament Resolution on ‘How marketing and advertising affect equality between women and men’. Results suggest a degree of tolerance that varies significantly according to sector, language, gender and age. Overall, respondents express more concerns regarding traditional sex roles in advertising than regarding nudity, unattainable beauty standards or gender stereotypes, and prefer gender-and-advertising literacy programmes and awards for advertisements that break through gender stereotypes over stricter ethical and/or legal regulations. These findings should prove useful to advertising and marketing professionals, national advertising regulatory bodies and policy makers. 相似文献
<正> 近几年来,湖北省宜昌市供销社采取"五化"措施,以创新求发展,取得明显成效。截至2001年9月底止,该市供销社系统187个独立核算单位整体改制,干部职工身份全部置换,人员平稳分流,扭亏增盈工作取得显著效果。2000年该社全系统率先在全省同行业中整体扭亏为盈,2001年又实现了购销利润全面增长,1~9月份商品购销总额分别较2000年同期增长 相似文献
现代物流业是工业经济发展到一定程度的必然产物。本文分析了现代物流业发展的基本要件和潍坊市发展现代物流业的有利条件以及主要问题,提出了加快发展潍坊市现代物流业的对策。 相似文献
由于受美国金融危机影响,我国外贸企业正面临市场风险、政策风险、经营风险等多种挑战。外资使用率下降,油价及农产品价格的波动,自然灾害等因素都给外贸企业带来"蝴蝶效应"。与资源依赖程度高、增长方式粗放、核心技术不足等三大传统挑战不同的是,在华尔街金融危机的影响下,我国外贸企业所处环境更加复杂,需要其采取措施谨慎应对。 相似文献
提高奶业竞争力的产业化路线与模式探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
首先介绍了我国奶业的发展概况和竞争态势,认为本产业竞争的焦点是奶源和消费市场,而提高产业竞争力的关键是技术和服务体系。在此基础上,提出了发展农村奶是提高我国奶业竞争力的可行路线的观点。最后,给出了一个发展我国农材奶业的模型框架。 相似文献
This article investigates the effects of a revelation to blog readers that the blog has been sponsored by a company in exchange for favorable reviews of their products. We compare the responses of two groups of blog readers. One group was exposed to a revelation in a tabloid newspaper that the blogger has been sponsored without admitting it. The other group was not exposed to such a revelation. We find that the attitude toward the blog and the credibility of the blog will suffer after the revelation. The attitude toward the sponsoring brand and the purchase intention, however, will not suffer as a result of the revelation. We find that the effects on the blog can be partially explained by parasocial interaction, whereas the effects on the brand can be partially explained by correspondence bias. On the basis of our findings, we provide implications for both bloggers and brand managers. 相似文献