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李建英  田岚 《特区经济》2012,(8):290-292
发展经济是地方政府工作的重中之重,地方经济的发展离不开地方金融的发展。实现地方经济又好又快发展的关键是做好地方金融工作。地方政府与金融业应建立起一种相辅相成、共同发展的关系,如何让地方金融变得更有效率,更有力的推动当地经济的发展,需要重新审视和研究地方政府金融工作与地方经济发展的关系。  相似文献   

李珍刚  程鹏 《特区经济》2009,(7):123-125
随着区域经济一体化的发展,我国地方区域关系发展进入了一个全新的时期,也可以说到了一个攻坚阶段,具体表现为各种矛盾和利益纠纷交织在一起,地方政府深深陷入了参与困境之中。这种困境主要有制度困境、利益困境、目标困境、政府与市场关系不清困境、协调机制制度化低与政府能力有限之间困境和区域协调机制工具理性与价值理性之间困境。这就需要解析和理顺这些困境,为我国地方区域关系发展释放动力和活力。  相似文献   

D.C. Gibbs 《Local Economy》1991,6(3):224-239
While there has been a growing awareness of environmental issues in recent years, there has been little attempt to integrate environmental policy with economic development issues. This paper argues that this is an issue which should be addressed by local authorities and suggests ways in which local authorities could begin to move towards sustainable local economic development.  相似文献   

Many local economic strategies today include reference to a communications infrastructure that involves electronic networks alongside that of roads and railways. Information and communication technologies (ICTs), often referred to as the “information superhighway” or informatics, are considered useful to stimulate local economic activity. This paper, based on a North East case study, suggests that the importance of ICTs to local economic strategy lies in the rationale of key local strategy makers, while the use of ICTs for local economic development means that the local governance of ICTs will become a salient feature in future economic development.  相似文献   

王建国 《上海经济》2010,(10):20-21
近几年,我国地方政府通过地方平台融资和筹资搞建设,一部分省市、区县、甚至街道、乡镇一级政府均产生了不同程度负债,规模达数万亿元。最近中央政府下发了《国务院关于加强地方政府融资平台公司管理有关问题的通知一国发(2010)19号文》,  相似文献   

Booth, C., Darke, J. and Yeandle, S. 1996: CHANGING PLACES: WOMEN'S LIVES IN THE CITY. London: Paul Chapman, £14.95 paper.

Gardiner, J. 1997: GENDER, CARE AND ECONOMICS. Basingstoke: Macmillan, £15.99 paper.

Dijkstra, G. and Plantenga, J. (eds) 1997: GENDER AND ECONOMICS. A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE. London: Routledge, £45.00 cased, £14.99 paper.  相似文献   

王会豪 《中国西部》2007,(2):199-200
《周礼考工记》中有这么一句话:“橘踓而北为枳.“意思是说,橘树移植到了淮河以北的地区之后,就退化成了枳树,再也结不出美味的橘果了.虽然我是在淮河流域长大,却并不知道枳为何物,见到橘树也是来到四川读书之后的事情.但是,每次读到这句话时,却总会引发缺少植物学知识的诸多联想:难道枳树真的就是橘树的变异?为什么仅仅一江之限,就造成了如此大的变化?在这种变化过程中,有没有存在一个过渡的区域?环境对植物有如此的影响,那么对人、对社会风俗的影响又会是怎么样的一种情况?在少数民族地区或者相对封闭的地理单元之间,常常会出现“五里不同风,十里不同俗“的情况,这种变化与环境之间的关系又是怎样?……  相似文献   

中国零售行业全面对外资开放已有两年,零售市场竞争则更加激烈。深圳作为外资零售企业最早进入的城市之一,其本土零售业发展迅速,已培养出华润万家等国内零售巨头。但是,在内外资零售企业的激烈竞争之下,深圳本土零售企业又将何去何从?本文将就此进行分析。  相似文献   

During the 1980s local economic policy became an issue of major political concern. The polarisation of the New Right market-led strategies advanced by the Thatcher governments and the New Left-inspired counter-response, typified by the last years of the GLC, reflected the tenor of national political and economic debates at the time. Arguably, in the 10 years since the abolition of the GLC, local economic development has been devoid (some might say spared) of any “big idea” arising from wider political debates. Recently, however, there have been signs that a new political direction may be emerging at the national level with significant implications for local economic policy. That direction is the notion of stakeholding.  相似文献   

从各种媒体上看到各位专家学者对我国发行地方政府债券的呼声比较高,称地方政府债券的发行是我国金融中一大创新,是投资的一大亮点,是促进经济发展的动力。好像地方政府债券一发行就能解决经济社会发展中遇到的各种问题,成了包治百病的万灵药。以下就是一些专家学者的观点:  相似文献   

李冬梅 《特区经济》2007,224(9):146-147
特殊的国情使得我国地方政府在社会经济发展中的地位不同于西方发达市场经济国家,在经济体制改革不断向纵深发展的今天,如何正视这种特殊地位,建立和完善我国地方公共财政是我们必须解决的问题,本文拟就这个问题提出自己的思考和建议。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the challenge facing transformed local government in actually delivering the developmental role and services set out in the Constitution. The White Paper on Local Government sets out an extremely ambitious agenda, identifying municipalities as a main vehicle for improving living conditions for the majority of the population. Successful delivery is critical. The current UK Local Government reform programme is based on the concept of ‘best value’, ie the continuous search to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of public services through year‐on‐year improvement. The article suggests a simple and straightforward implementation model based on three integrated elements: an annual member cycle for the systematic consideration and review of the application of resources to identified priority community needs; adopting a limited number of critical success factors and incorporating these into officer performance appraisal.  相似文献   

Cities and suburbs share a special interrelationship—they are both dependent on one another yet, simultaneously, in competition with one another. Because of their impact on the regional land and labor markets, fiscal policies undertaken in the central city can have effects that extend beyond its political jurisdiction. An understanding of these potential spillovers is critical in the design of regional economic policy. With no such understanding, one municipality's policies could lead to undesirable consequences for the metropolitan area as a whole, such as increasing suburban sprawl. This paper develops a general equilibrium model of an inter- and intrametropolitan location that allows the examination of such effects. The model can be used to determine what types of policies best serve the metropolitan area.  相似文献   

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