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褚保田 《价值工程》2013,(30):135-136
中华文明源远流长,斗转星移、浮浮沉沉的历史长河,沉淀下来的是璀璨夺目的中国传统文化。作为中国传统文化中一朵瑰丽的奇葩的古代管理思想在历经几千年的风雨之后,依然散发着灿烂的光芒。为现代管理理论的发展提供了取之不尽、用之不歇的思想源泉。中国古代管理思想中,儒家、道家和法家的思想中蕴藏着丰富的管理智慧,本文通过对儒家、道家和法家三种管理思想的分析,从古为今用的角度评析其现实意义。  相似文献   

本文首先分析儒家人文精神的含义以及儒家人文精神和道家、法家、西方人文精神的区别;其次分析现代社会信息化和全球化的特点;最后从儒家人文精神包含的"天人合一"思想、"仁 "和"礼"的思想、"忠恕"思想、"积极入世"思想四方面分析儒家人文精神的当代意义.  相似文献   

谢琳琳  谢旭 《基建优化》2003,24(5):33-35,41
首先简要阐述了管理哲学和管理的内涵以及二者的关系,同时简要介绍了现代立体管理模式;然后详细论述了道家的“无为而治”管理思想,儒家的“允执其中”管理思想和法家的“抱法处势则治”管理思想;接着重点探讨了道、儒、法管理思想在建构现代立体管理模式中的一些运用实践问题:高层管理者应以道家思想为其管理世界现,循道而行,宽松管理;中层管理者应以儒家思想为其管理世界观,动态持平各方力量;基层管理者应以法家思想为其管理世界观,依法管理。最后简要提出应用道、儒、法管理思想时应具备权变思想。  相似文献   

中国传统文化中儒家和道家是互相依存的,其管理思想是我国劳动人民5000多年的实践经验积累形成的.了解和探索中国古代儒家、道家管理思想及其在现代企业管理中运用,具有十分重要的意义和实践价值,对于现代企业管理者也十分必要.  相似文献   

中国传统法律思想是以儒家儒家法律思想为主,兼采阴阳家、法家、道家等各家之说的法律思想。其发展历史之漫长内容之丰富对我国政治、经济、文化、社会皆产生了深远影响,客观面对传统思想给我们造成的现实影响,才能构建出真正符合我国国情的法制体系。  相似文献   

余锦 《中外企业家》2014,(10):191-193
国学是几千年来中国文化、历史的积淀。源远流长的中国传统文化使中国人重整体、重混沌、重象形、重道德、重关系、重秩序,根植于传统文化的法家、儒家、道家等国学思想影响了中华民族的价值观。管理需要中华优秀传统文化的丰厚滋养,需要从中国文化的精髓、根本上去寻找方法。更好地将国学思想精髓运用于现代企业管理,将有助于实现企业与员工的和谐发展,达到理想的管理效果,更好地服务于社会,促进社会的全面进步与繁荣富强。  相似文献   

春秋战国,诸子百家,使中国古代思想百家齐放,奠定了儒家、道家、法家等诸派学说,本人非常希望通过这种方式,探讨不同的管理风格和管理理论.  相似文献   

中国企业基本全盘照搬了西方企业管理方法及理念,经过中国企业实践,往往出现“水土不服”现象,如何更好地结合现代管理方法,管理好企业,建设好中国式的企业管理方式?儒家及道家哲学管理思想在现代公司文化管理方式中具有很好的指导意义。文章通过对道家及儒家浩瀚文化中拮其一粟,可略见一斑。  相似文献   

中华传统文化博大精深、源远流长,为我国现代企业的管理提供了宝贵的思想财富。儒家思想主张“仁、义、理、智、信”,道家思想主张“无为而治”,法家思想主张“严刑历法”,这三种哲学思想是充分发挥人类的主观能动性顺应社会发展客观规律的体现。博大精深的中国古代传统文化对现代企业的管理具有重要的启迪作用。  相似文献   

刘天瑾 《活力》2014,(18):26-26
法律是人类文明程度的重要象征,从最早期的习俗法到后来发展到成文法,从汉莫拉比法典到民法大全,从古希腊的先哲们到人文主义潮流的思想家,法律在吸取文化精华的过程中也不断促进着文化的进步。我们的中华民族是世界历史上唯一没有经过文化断代的悠久种族,在五千年的文化沉淀中涌现了无数的思想流派以及人文主义精华,而春秋战国时代的百家争鸣则是一场中华历史上最精彩的一场思想碰撞,而其中最闪耀的则是儒家,道家,法家这三家之言:儒家是中国文化哲学的集大成者,普及度也最高;道家不仅有深厚的宗教色彩,也是涉及形而上学的深邃学问;法家则以严苛的管理方式闻名遐迩,我国现代法自然也是集合了五千年文化的精髓,那么以上三种思想在现代法中有哪些体现呢?让我们一一分析。  相似文献   

The concept of the ‘Confucian Entrepreneur’ is now used by many scholars to understand entrepreneurship in China and other East Asian countries. This paper traces the development of this concept from its roots in the writings of nineteenth-century Western authors to its use in modern management journals. We show that while this conceptual tool has been adapted over time, the claims associated with it have remained largely similar. Use of the term Confucian entrepreneur implies belief that Confucian ideas induce Chinese entrepreneurs to behave differently than their Western counterparts, a claim for which the empirical foundations are weak. We do not go so far as to say that those who research Chinese entrepreneurship should discard the concept of the Confucian entrepreneur simply because of its historical origins in colonialism. However, we do call on researchers to reflect on the historical origins of their conceptual tools. By historicising our theories of entrepreneurship, this paper should encourage greater scholarly reflexivity and thus the development of entrepreneurship and management theory with greater predictive power.  相似文献   

There is a need for individuals who have the confidence and assertiveness to adapt to and create positive change in contemporary organizations. The concept of core self-evaluations provides one way to conceptualize this requisite positive self-construal. This article begins by covering the concept of core self-evaluations, highlighting what has been learned about the relationship between core self-evaluations and attitudes, motivation, performance, and career progress. After this review, implications of the core self-evaluation construct for challenges in contemporary organizations are reviewed. Specifically, the potential importance of core self-evaluations for creative performance, transformational leadership, coping with organizational change, and managing “boundaryless” careers is discussed.  相似文献   

This article charts the currents in public sector reform and examines how contemporary HRM articulates to the change agenda pursued in the public sector. It notes the differences between the traditional bureaucratic model and the new management approach of public sector operation and activity. It explores how the institutional, policy and organizational changes delivered a new paradigm of managing members of public service organizations.  相似文献   

杨明彦 《价值工程》2011,30(1):309-310
文章从儒学文化中关于"人"、"社会"、"自然"等理论能否转化为设计实践中的创意素材进行分析研究,并从商业设计实践的过程中对儒学观在视觉设计领域的表现及影响进行了探索性研究。  相似文献   

邵鲁宁 《上海管理科学》2007,29(2):79-80,F0003
本文提出了进行生产性服务外包管理的三大主要理论基础:顾客满意理论、零缺陷质量管理理论和供应链管理理论,分别从顾客需求挖掘、生产性服务过程控制和服务供应商关系管理三个方面阐述三大理论对生产性服务外包管理模式构建的指导作用。  相似文献   

儒家文化作为中国非正式制度的典型代表在规范社会成员行为方面具有一定影响力。以2010—2017年A股上市公司为样本,通过logit模型分析儒家文化对审计行为的影响,研究结果表明:在审计准备期,儒家文化与选聘的事务所规模、事务所地缘关系正相关,与事务所更迭负相关,即企业更愿意选择规模较大和具有较强地缘关系的本地事务所,并且不会轻易变更与事务所的合作关系;在审计实施和终结期,儒家文化与审计延迟负相关,与审计费用正相关,并且随着儒家文化影响程度加深,非标准类审计意见的出具概率也会上升。进一步检验高管儒家文化背景和外来文化冲击影响下儒家文化对审计行为的现实效应,结果发现儒家文化仍对企业审计行为产生显著作用。  相似文献   

图书馆采编工作流程优化模式研究探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘华 《价值工程》2011,30(22):301-301
传统的采编流程工作模式已无法适应当代图书馆管理要求,那么,在其传统模式上综合融入投入产出分析和BPR管理理论相关的技术方法,为当代图书馆管理更上一层楼提供更为精良的基础服务流程。  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a longitudinal study that investigated the nature of the career deal in Iceland, chosen as a research setting because it potentially offers a very different career environment to that which exists in the UK and US, where most previous research examining contemporary careers has been conducted. The findings show that certain dimensions of the contemporary career deal shown to exist in the UK are less apparent in the Icelandic context. While a close reciprocal relationship between career self-management behaviour and organizational career management help does exist, other potential aspects of the deal are absent. In Iceland, individuals who get more help with managing their careers are more committed to their employer but this commitment does not imply that they will do more to manage their own careers with their current employer as result. In addition, no links were found between career management activities and job performance. In Iceland individuals do not engage in career self-management behaviour to any great extent and when they do, their behaviour does not seem to have the same kind of focus or meaning that it has been shown to have in the context of the contemporary career deal that exists in the UK.  相似文献   

彭励 《价值工程》2012,31(8):95-96
"道之以德,齐之以礼"是孔子管理思想的经典名言。孔子主张"德治",强调通过道德的教化来提高人们的道德自律性;同时,还主张必须要用"礼"的规范来约束人们的行为。文章对这一理论进行了剖析,并对其在当代企业管理中的运用进行了探讨,强调了企业"德"与"礼"建设的重要性。  相似文献   

Climate theory is integrated with justice theory and the values literature to develop a model of climate for opportunity. The climate for opportunity model is offered as a useful framework for organizations interested in managing diversity. The core of the model addresses the complex manner in which environmental factors, experiences, values, and cognitions create perceptions about fair treatment in the workplace. Antecedents at the organizational, work group, and individual levels are considered. Climate for opportunity's impact on individual, work group, and organizational level outcomes are also discussed. The model provides a practical framework for understanding the complexities of managing fairly and undertaking climate change interventions.  相似文献   

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