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Using the data of the 1996 Olympic Games, this paper analyzes the economic impact of a mega‐sporting event. Earlier studies are extended in several ways. First, monthly rather than quarterly data are employed. Second, the impact is analyzed for 16 different sectors. Third, we use a nonparametric approach to flexibly isolate employment effects. Hardly any evidence for a persistent shift in the aftermath of or the preparation for the Olympic Games is supported. We find significant positive employment effects exclusively during the Olympic Games. These short‐term effects are concentrated in the sectors of “retail trade,”“accommodation and food services,” and “arts, entertainment, and recreation.” (JEL H54, R12, L83) 相似文献
论旅游区域与行政区域的关系 --以黄山市为例 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
“行政区经济”是我国区域经济发展中的特有现象,旅游区域与行政区域的关系整合问题是其中的一个层面。黄山市是我国最早建立的一个“行政旅游区”,它的两次行政区划改革都备受争议。围绕几个争论热点展开对有关黄山市行政区划调整问题的探讨,剖析了黄山市两次政区变更的合理性与不合理性,进而又对这一典型的“行政旅游区”现象所反映的旅游区域与行政区域之间的关系及整合进行了研究。 相似文献
Chi-Chur Chao Bharat R. Hazari Jean-Pierre Laffargue Eden S. H. Yu 《Pacific Economic Review》2009,14(2):232-245
Abstract. The present paper uses a dynamic open-economy model with wage indexation to examine the impact of tourism on employment and welfare. Both short-run and long-run situations are analysed. It is well known that tourism converts non-traded goods into tradable goods. An increase in the demand for a non-traded good raises its relative price, which results in an expansion of the non-traded sector at the expense of the traded goods sector. This output shift raises labour employment in the short run. However, in the long run, the higher relative price leads to higher wages, resulting in a negative impact on labour employment. If the output effect is dominant, the expansion in tourism raises employment and welfare. However, under realistic conditions tourism may lower both labour employment and welfare due to rising costs. These results are demonstrated by simulating a dynamic model for the case of Hong Kong. 相似文献
城市旅游绅士化是绅士化发展模式的一种特殊类型,强调了旅游发展在城市绅士化形成中的独特作用。南京"总统府"周边区域的实证研究表明,城市旅游绅士化现象呈现了较为明显的居住与商业转变过程,日益具有国际化特征,不仅展现了当代中国城市化过程中全球化和地方化的相互作用,也反映了文化战略的全球趋势与地方城市发展的融合。在全球与地方互动环境下,"企业化"的地方政府和寻求利润的房地产开发商在推动旅游绅士化发展中具有主导角色,而特定的地方城市社会文化特质和居民的需求偏好则重塑其发展背景。 相似文献
Abstract. An understanding of the nature of demand is critical for the formulation of a tourism development program. It is also important for developed countries where tourism is an important source of export. Thus, the aim of this paper is two-fold. First, it attempts to estimate an equation of the demand for tourism in order to analyse the different variables that influence the number of nights spent in a given destination. Second, by breaking up the total number of nights according to country of origin, it studies the reaction of tourists to given economic variables according to their origin. 相似文献
Slobodan Djajić 《International Economic Review》2014,55(2):551-574
This article studies the implications of temporary emigration for the welfare of a source country. The framework is one of general equilibrium, where the economy's stocks of both capital and labor are endogenously determined by the saving and migration decisions of optimizing agents. Simulations of the model suggest that for realistic values of the parameters, welfare of nonmigrants of the source country is maximized when the migrants are employed abroad for a period in the range of roughly 8–12 years. The ideal duration is found to be an increasing function of the international wage differential, migration costs, and the degree to which the rights of migrants are protected in the host country. 相似文献
Literature argues that the source of growth for high‐tech industries emanates from technological progress, while that for low‐tech industries comes from technical efficiency improvement. Also, some empirical studies have shown that technological progress is often accompanied by deterioration in technical efficiency. The focus in this study is to discuss a methodology and test the above two hypotheses with regard to Korean manufacturing data from 1970 to 1997. The study found that the 2.5 per cent average annual rate of technological progress during this period was the major contributor to total factor productivity (TFP) growth in Korean manufacturing whereas technical efficiency grew by a modest 1.1 per cent per annum. The analysis also showed that technological progress was responsible for TFP growth in both high‐tech and low‐tech industries and that both technological progress and technical efficiency improvement co‐existed in the case of Korean manufacturing industries. 相似文献
20年来大陆—香港关系及重大事件对两岸旅游互动的影响分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1997年香港回归中国是其政体隶属关系的重大转变。依据1990—2007年的有关统计资料,选取入境客流量、环比增长率、占出境游客比率和占入境旅游比率4个指标,定量分析了回归前后7次重大事件及政策变化对旅游双向互动的影响。结果显示:1997年回归之前,香港隶属英国租界,经济发达出游率高,在旅游流互动中处于强势地位;1997年香港回归之后,随着大陆经济实力的不断增强,大陆入境香港旅游则成为旅游互动的核心,庞大的客流量和旅游购买力成为拉动香港经济发展的重要因素。1990—2007年,香港赴大陆旅游客流量由1 653.3万人次增加到7 794.9万人次,占大陆入境旅游比由60.2%下降至59.1%,比例变化不大;而大陆入境香港客流量由75.4万人次增加至1 548.7万人次,占香港入境旅游比由11%增长到55%,依赖性不断增强。 相似文献
基于旅游本底线法(TBCM)的旅游业成长研究——以桂林入境旅游为例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以典型旅游城市桂林为样本城市,利用本底线法分析其入境旅游成长过程及其内在发展规律,并运用相关非线性理论探讨其成长模式和演进路径。这些特征规律的探讨无论对桂林旅游发展规划的制订,还是对旅游产业宏观政策的制定都具参考价值。通过上述研究得到以下发现:①桂林自1973年对外开放以来,入境旅游事业经历了30多年的发展,呈现了明显的非线性增长趋势与周期波动。②桂林入境旅游发展轨迹呈现出明显的波中有波的周期性波动,长波周期和短波周期表现不同的规律性。③本底线多用于事件的评估和预测,实证案例拓展了其第三功能即旅游成长分析,尤其在周期分析中更能凸现事物发展的波中有波规律特征。④一个地区的旅游业是一个由路径依赖性质主导同时又不断受到外部冲击影响的复杂系统,在"刺激—反应"原理的支配下,其成长过程大体遵循"突变—路径依赖—突变—路径转换与新路径依赖……"的演化轨迹。案例分析表明,这与桂林入境旅游业成长过程较为吻合。 相似文献
基于灰色系统理论的旅游客源预测模型--以中国入境旅游客源为例 总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23
本文基于灰色系统理论,以中国1978年以来入境客源为例,建构了旅游客源预测的灰色模型,并与常用的线性模型的预测精度进行了定量对比。所得基本结论为:①旅游系统是灰色系统,灰色系统理论是研究旅游现象的有力工具;②中国入境客源灰色GM(1,1)模型的预测精度高于线性模型;③就灰色预测而言,如果原始数据列较长(例如21年),对原始数据进行平滑处理所得预测模型精度较高,而对原始数据进行取自然对数的处理所得模型预测精度较低;如果原始数据列较短(例如5年),对原始数据进行取自然对数的预处理所得模型预测精度较高。本文所得结论对其他旅游序列预测应该具有一定的借鉴与参考价值。 相似文献
区域旅游“点—轴系统”演进研究——以陕南为例 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
"点—轴系统"理论是我国著名经济地理学家陆大道提出的区域空间结构理论。文章认为区域旅游"点—轴"结构系统的形成机理特征具体体现为:吸引物集聚、旅游者集聚、旅游设施集聚、良好的可达性和充盈的客源市场促成旅游节点,具有一定规模旅游客流流动的交通干线是旅游轴线形成的标志。研究发现区域旅游"点—轴"结构系统发展经历"点—轴系统"发育前的均衡、"点、轴"初步发育、"点—轴系统"成长发育和"点—轴系统"成熟发育四个演进阶段。在2000年以前,2000—2002年,2002—2005年,陕南区域旅游"点—轴系统"分别经历了"点—轴系统"发育的前三个阶段,但之后,陕南旅游发展缓慢,至今未迈进旅游"点—轴"结构系统的成熟发育阶段。文章进一步探讨推动陕南旅游"点—轴"结构系统发育成熟的构想。 相似文献
旅游规划与旅游营销关系辨析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
通过对国内外旅游规划发展历程与旅游营销理念发展的回顾,总结出国内外旅游规划与旅游营销同步发展的观点,在此基础上对旅游规划与营销的辨证关系进行了分析,认为二者存在目的、市场基础和时空变化一致性,并从科学使用调查方法、加强旅游市场研究、强化旅游者行为分析以及引进服务营销理念四个方面提出了实现旅游规划和营销高度统一的策略。 相似文献
影视拍摄对外景地旅游发展的影响分析--以浙江新昌、横店为例 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
影视旅游的现象比较普遍,但相关的研究还不多见.文章采用案例分析的方法,分析外景地旅游发展过程中影视的特殊作用.案例地为浙江省的两个典型的影视旅游地,即新昌和横店,采用文献、报纸、网络、统计数据等资料作为分析根据.结果表明,影视拍摄能够增强外景地的旅游感知形象,增加游客数量,促进旅游景区和旅游接待业发展,增加旅游就业.但是,影视拍摄也能给外景地带来一些问题,如投资成本过大、促销策略倾斜、旅游发展时空集聚、同类外景地的品牌竞争. 相似文献
We consider a repeated moral hazard problem where both the principal and the wealth‐constrained agent are risk‐neutral. In each of two periods, the agent can exert unobservable effort, leading to success or failure. Incentives provided in the second period act as carrot and stick for the first period, so that the effort level induced in the second period is higher after a first‐period success than after a failure. If renegotiation cannot be prevented, the principal may prefer a project with lower returns; i.e., a project may be “too good” to be financed or, similarly, an agent can be “overqualified.” 相似文献
旅游目的地空间结构体系构建研究--以长江三峡为例 总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15
文章首先解析了旅游目的地空间结构等概念,归纳出旅游目的地空间结构的要素,并在此基础之上从三个层面构建了旅游目的地空间结构体系,最后将此体系应用于长江三峡旅游目的地空间结构体系的构成,分析了三峡工程给三峡区域旅游空间结构体系造成的影响和空间格局的演变,提出了旅游开发的应对策略。 相似文献