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自2009年4月起,看好鲁甸优质野生蕨菜的辽宁大连采购商丁先生,相继几个月收购了云南省玉龙县鲁甸乡近100多吨的野生蕨菜,并在鲁甸当地进行精加工,达到出口标准后准备销往韩国。如今鲁甸野生蕨菜成了商家的香饽饽.  相似文献   

经常使用信用卡的人常常遇到这种情况:明明自己账户里有足够的资金,或者已经按时还款,结果一看账单还是欠了银行的钱,被罚收利息和滞纳金。这究竟怎么回事?  相似文献   

正自改革开放以来,中国银行业经历了浴火重生的变化,完成了从濒临破产到实现高额利润的惊险跳跃。回顾这一改革进程,总结这一改革进程中的经验,评判这一改革过程中的风险,对于深入我国当前的金融体制改革,防范或化解高利润掩盖下的金融风险,促进银行业的健康发展,具有十分重要的现实意义。一、中国银行业风险累积期的改革(1978年至1998年)  相似文献   

张如君  正帆 《农机市场》2001,(10):24-24
依托国有企业多年来形成的人才、管理、研发及设备优势,跳出产品多年一副老面孔的怪圈,从单打向全能发展,使东风农机集团公司(常州拖拉机厂)所产“东风”手拖、轮拖及农机具三大系列各种型号的产品俏销域中及海外市场。  相似文献   

路未央 《致富时代》2011,(12):47-48
今年28岁的方英子是湖南省永州市人。大学毕业后,她南下广州,最初在一家减肥俱乐部做前台接待员,后来又先后在几家外资公司从事过文秘、采购和销售等工作。2005年11月,沉浸在失恋悲伤中的方英子,在表姐刘莉的邀请下,到表姐所在的汤加  相似文献   

林莹  婷婷 《中国广告》2014,(1):66-69
正让我们一起探讨民族性格与创意之间的微妙关系……图中从左至右:Marcin是在上海的荷兰电影导演,从小喜欢电影,之后学习电影制作。朋友们说他热情、单纯、讲话多但没有重点,但认真做起事来又特别细致……(视频链接:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjMwNjgzNTk2.html)Godert是一名在上海的荷兰教授,他酷爱赛车,学生们说他是个绝顶聪明、短小精悍的成功商人形象,他想传授给学生的是一种创新的理念……(视频链接:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjM0NTIzNTAw.html)Mirjam是一名在上海的荷兰创业人,她在中国建立了自己的托儿所。朋友们说她开朗、自信,鼓励给予孩子宽松的教育方  相似文献   

在数字世界中,未来营销的走向,把握在每一个消费个体的手中,在经济大环境充满挑战时,只有了解了人,才能前进。  相似文献   

Total U.S. consumption of potatoes has increased steadily over the past several decades, but significant changes have occurred in the way in which potatoes are consumed. This study identifies how socio-demographic and economic factors affect potato consumption at home and away from home, using data from the spring quarter of the 1977–1978 USDA Nationwide Food Consumption Survey. Tobit estimates indicate that the impact of income and value of time as well as factors such as race, location of residence and household size and composition on consumption differed for potatoes consumed at home versus away from home and by specific potato product. These results suggest the importance of segmenting the market in analysing consumption behaviour and developing marketing programmes.  相似文献   

Households with children spend more on food at home than do households without children. On the other hand, compared with households without children, households with children who are at least 12 years of age are associated with higher expenditures on food away from home expenditures. Households with employed spouses are associated with lower expenditures on food at home. Other determinants of expenditures on food at home are seasonality, house ownership, region, household size, education, age and income. House ownership, region, household size, race, education and income also affect expenditures on food away from home.  相似文献   

目前,深受世界各地摩托车爱好者喜爱的巡航摩托车有一个非常明显的发展趋势——越来越大、越来越威猛。美国的经典巡航车哈利戴维森是不用说了,其标志性的V型双缸排气量基本上都是1000cc以上;雅马哈也不甘落后,先是有总排气量为1300cc的V型4缸“皇家之星”(Royal Star),后来又推出更威猛的排气量为1600cc的V型双缸“道路之星”(XV1600 Road Star);本田则把原来的金翼旅行摩托车的水平对置6缸发动机进行扩容,制造出排气量为1832cc的Valkyrie Rune,净重达363千克,令人叹为一绝;川崎则更是做出使人瞠目结舌的惊人之举,推出排气量为2053cc的V型双缸“火神2000”(VULCAN2000),净重达340千克。  相似文献   

在东风天龙隆重下线之际,东风有限总裁中村克已先生在百忙中接受了《中国汽车市场》杂志总编辑钟国胜先生的专访。他们的谈话并未就炙手可热的天龙车话题展开,而是另辟蹊径,从中村免己先生在合资公司出任总裁三年多时间里的心里路程做了一次深入浅出而富有智慧的探访。通过他们的交流,使人们从另一个侧面了解到,作为中国最大合资汽车企业CEO平实而奇妙的心路历程。  相似文献   

题兴磊 《广告大观》2009,(8):101-101
由美元所带来的次贷危机波及到了全世界,与世界经济往来越来越频繁的中国也不能幸免,作为经济发展晴雨表的广告业在金融危机到来的时候所受到的影响也是不言而喻的。天下雨了,不能怨老天,为什么自己不找把伞?我们认为:危机=危险所带来的机会。  相似文献   

双目 《国际市场》2004,(9):12-14
在国际上,F1被称为“烧钱运动”。今年9月,花费了无数金钱和精力的F1真的来到了中国上海的嘉定,人们正拭目以待嘉定、上海、乃至中国究竟会发生怎样的变化?  相似文献   


The current study was undertaken in order to highlight the most typical circumstances and products related to home injuries and to establish the extent to which any patterns found in domestic injuries were age or gender related.

Injury data were taken from a community-based injury surveillance register built up over a one-year period in a Swedish county. Injury incidence by gender and age was calculated, and typical injury patterns were identified through the multivariate analysis of nine characteristics of the injuries.

Home-injury incidence was found to be higher for males than females in all younger age categories except 7-15 years, and for females than males in the oldest age category (65+). Seven typical injury patterns were identified, and their associations with age group and gender established.

The patterns emerging from the study demonstrate that injuries in home settings are simultaneously product, age and gender related, which points to a combination of risk groups and safety planning problems. The results suggest that home injuries are incurred in many specific locations and under a wide variety of circumstances. Accordingly, the question of safety promotion at home needs to be addressed in a global and environmental manner. It is necessary to reflect on the ways in which domestic building structures, items of equipment and products can be designed so as to be conducive to domestic safety.  相似文献   

“你知道吗?这几张入场券是我提前一个多月就预定了的,35欧元一张。当天的入场券50欧元一张!”朋友一迈唠叨着入场券的价格。一边叮嘱我们带好公司的名片和护照,说什么如果不带和家居有关的有效证件,即使买了票,  相似文献   

2006年9月21日至22日,江苏品牌论坛于南京成功举行。本次论坛由江苏广播电视总台、中国南京金秋博览会组委会联合北京大学、广告大观杂志社及雅智传播机构共同举办。论坛围绕“品牌世纪、创新为王”这一年度主题展开,汇聚了政府、企业、学者三方精英力量,引起了各方的广泛关注。  相似文献   

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