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平顶山市房地产市场营销策划中的问题与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
喻艳莉 《市场论坛》2009,(12):53-54
房地产营销策划是指为了实现营销目标而对整个项目进行的资源整合与统筹规划,在楼盘销售中起着指导全局的重要作用。文章通过对平顶山市三家具有代表性的房地产项目营销策划方案的分析,发现在其中存在对待策划作用的态度不客观、策划创新不足、片面强调炒作等问题。通过房地产企业的品牌营销、挖掘项目新卖点、注重样板房展示、倡导项目的整合传播等手段的灵活运用,才能使房地产营销策划的目的得以实现。  相似文献   

本文主要描述了市场调研在企业营销管理中具有重要作用,以房地产营销策划为例,随着房地产市场的成熟与竞争的日益剧烈,房地产营销策划需要在先进的营销理论的指导下,运用各种营销手段、营销工具兑现房地产价值,实质上是一个从了解市场、熟知市场到推广市场的过程,其中心是熟知顾客的需求。  相似文献   

在房地产业迅速发展的今天,房地产营销策划对促进房地产业的健康发展以及增强房地产企业的竞争能力具有重要的意义。其内容主要包括市场调研、市场细分、项目定位、管理策略等;其方案的设计主要应突出风格、规划、户型、物业管理等;营销方案的实施过程中,要全面贯彻房地产营销策划方案,及时反馈调节房地产营销策划方案,充分运用服务营销策略,以达到提高市场竞争力,取得理想的营销成果的目的。  相似文献   

近年来,房地产业迅速发展,房地产营销策划越来越得到房地产开发商的重视。房地产营销策划可帮助开发商明确目标、确定投资方向、解决房地产销售难题。但房地产营销仍存在市场调研和分析不足、目标市场与市场定位的混淆、宣传过分依赖于广告、宣传手段单一、专业人员较少、商品卖点把握不准确、过度炒作等问题。房地产企业要加强市场调研,应加快明确市场定位,拓宽宣传渠道,与对房地产营销人员的培养,了解商品卖点,实事求是,避免炒作。  相似文献   

随着国家对房地产调控逐步深入,房地产市场竞争也日益激烈,新的形势对房地产企业营销水平与广告宣传提出了更高的要求。广告是营销策划的核心组成部分,其宣传效果对于营销目的的实现具有重要意义。着眼于房地产广告的规律与房地产营销相关策略,结合对具体广告案例的探讨,试图解析房地产广告与营销策划之间的内在联系。  相似文献   

当前房地产市场已进入了竞争激烈的时代,市场营销被视为房地产企业经营和运作的生命线,房地产营销策划也不断推陈出新,但在房地产营销策划中仍常存在着一些典型的问题,分析房地产企业营销中存在的主要问题,并提出解决对策。  相似文献   

李红峰  畅浩 《中国市场》2010,(31):36-38
本文以房地产营销策划与事件营销的结合为主线,从事件营销的内涵入手,分析了这种营销策划手段目前在房地产营销策划的运用中存在的主要问题,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

王东峰 《商》2012,(15):48-48
房地产营销策划是一个综合性、系统性的工程,需要通过各种营销手段、营销工具,以客户为中心,来实现房地产的自身价值。本文通过对一个具体房地产项目(聊城市新水明珠)营销策划分析,阐述了房地产项目在营销过程中应注意哪些问题。文章对现场销售管理、销售推广、销售价格、销售实施阶段进行了分析,并对各销售阶段提出了中肯的建议,最后提出了房地产营销策划的重要性。  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国经济的发展,房地产市场一方面面临国家宏观调控的压力;另一方面是日益扩大的市场需求带来的诱惑,企业间竞争日益加剧。在激烈的市场竞争中,房地产企业为求得生存和发展,不得不努力提高自身的营销能力。二线海滨城市具有地理和气候的独特性,房地产企业制定营销策略时必须在研究市场的基础上,清晰认识到自身所存在的定位不准确等问题,有针对性地加强营销策划,以提高营销效率。  相似文献   

<正>随着房地产市场的不断成熟与竞争的日益加剧,房地产同质化的趋势不断增强,营销策划能力在企业竞争中的作用越来越重要,也越来越被房地产企业所重视。各种营销理念粉墨登场,如品牌营销,生态住宅,欧式住宅等。各种营销手法层出不穷,例如上海有"形象代言人","集束广告投放".(其作用就  相似文献   

“Strategic marketing” implies that marketing has attained a corporate orientation. However, scant evidence is available to support this view. The primary focus of marketing remains at a micro, consumer-oriented level. Integration of marketing planning with corporate planning would suggest a higher perspective for marketers; recognizing that internal integration of planning is as important for effective marketing as external studies of customers and markets. Toward this end, four key dimensions of corporate planning are introduced. As corporate planning constrains marketing planning, it is this most “strategic” of outlooks that needs to be integrated into the process of marketing planning.  相似文献   


Despite strong empirical validation of the relationship between market orientation and business performance, the literature is inconclusive on the implementation of the strategy. This paper reviews the implementation of market orientation, and investigates the associations between market orientation and marketing planning and their associations with business performance. A survey of 216 Australian larger business organisations was conducted to find evidence of these relationships. The results highlight a close association between market orientation and marketing planning, with virtually the same level of association between them, and the business performance measures used. This evidence suggests that they arguably represent the same domain. The results suggest that marketing practitioners may use the marketing planning technique as an intangible productive resource to operationalise the market orientation strategy, and use it to design a specific style and magnitude of market orientation suitable for an organisation.  相似文献   

Marketing planning is not new. Although being adopted increasingly by businesses of all types, it is still not utilized universally. As a process, though, marketing planning is often poorly facilitated and implementation of its recommendations is not always well directed or controlled. Managed thoughtfully and monitored, marketing planning has many benefits to offer a business, not least in enhancing managers’ understanding of marketing and markets, their motivation and their desire to communicate. This paper examines the barriers facing effective implementation of marketing plans as observed during many long‐term marketing planning initiatives. It proceeds to present a planning programme which overcomes many of the most common hurdles and leads to several additional benefits from marketing planning.  相似文献   


This article examines the potential contribution and implementational problems of developing marketing planning as a means to increase the marketing orientation of a company. It draws on the experience gained from a two year involvement in the design and implementation of a planning system for a large manufacturer, and reviews some of the literature on marketing and strategic planning. The focus is on the problems of managing the interface between strategic and marketing management, and the important role played by marketing information, the Chief Marketing Executive and the planning function in achieving effective and integrated strategic marketing planning.  相似文献   

Marketing managers practice in a consistently changing environment necessitating the need for the formalisation, implementation and evaluation of strategic marketing plans. Nevertheless, despite the advocated benefits of strategic marketing planning, a paucity of empirical evidence makes this notion speculative. This study examines the relationships between strategic marketing planning and performance. The interactive effects of strategic marketing planning and performance are stressed and examined. Findings suggest that the issue is not whether strategic marketing planning affects performance, but rather what marketing capabilities are required to enhance performance. This study extends the knowledge of strategic marketing planning and performance by focusing on the service industry, and provides controls for market-level influences by being restricted to the hotel sector.  相似文献   

市场营销策划属于经济策划的范畴,作为一种高智力的思维活动,其基本特征表现为目的性、超前性、创造性和竞争性等。营销策划在现代市场经济中发挥越来越重要的作用。精心策划,打造品牌,塑造形象,是企业在激烈竞争的市场中立于不败的根本保证。  相似文献   


The traditional model of marketing planning assumes that the process by which organizations take planning decisions is constant with respect to context. Organizational environment, internal context, performance and distinctive competency affect marketing planning only as information inputs for the planning process, not as influences on the choice of process. However, rapid change in environments, in competitive patterns and in market responses all demand action from organizations. Intuitively, we expect that rapid environmental change will require a faster planning process, and that increasing environmental complexity requires more careful deliberation. The marketing planning model does not accommodate such intuition. This paper outlines the case for rethinking marketing planning models, and develops a conceptual framework through which the impact of environmental context on marketing planning processes can be effectively examined.  相似文献   

This paper continues the authors’ recent work on organisational behaviour by arguing that the differences between theory and parctice in marketing planning can be better understood by analysing the corporate environment for marketing management. Thus, variables such as organisational structure, the configuration of corporate decision making processes, patterns of managerial behaviour and the impact of corporate culture, can help us to understand how marketing planning processes operate in practice.

The authors contention is that the real problems associated with the strategic marketing planning process should be grounded in the realities perceived by executives. They go on to discuss a number of common pitfalls in the planning process before reporting on an exploratory empirical study of UK firms with over 100 employees. The implication of the results is seen as reselling the management agenda with regard to the process of marketing planning.  相似文献   

For close to two decades the leading exponents of marketing planning have warned of the cultural, operational, managerial and communications hurdles which so frequently impede the effective implementation of marketing planning programmes. Similar forces have been shown to impede the progress of market segmentation initiatives. Relationship marketing, through its examination of internal relationships, considers many of the barriers cited in the popular marketing planning and segmentation processes. However, recent research indicates that in spite of the extensive current coverage and growing body of marketing literature highlighting internal and organisational issues, the principal forces impeding implementation of marketing plans and segmentation schemes remain those central to the rationale of relationship marketing. Along with other foundations and process requisites, building effective internal relationships is a fundamental part of facilitating the implementation of marketing recommendations. Insufficient guidance is offered to practitioners regarding the impediments to implementation likely to be encountered and how best to pre-empt these barriers. This paper first reviews the core impediments to implementation, offering a summary of these issues, before suggesting various measures for overcoming these difficulties.  相似文献   

传统的市场营销 4P组合是企业参展策划的基础 ,本文在对 2 0 0 4年罗森照明展览营销剖析的基础上 ,揭示 4P组合与参展策划之间的对应关系 ,提出如何利用 4P组合有效进行参展策划 ,形成展场和市场的互动。  相似文献   

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