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Images of Native Americans and of aspects of Native American culture are common in advertisements in the United States. Three such images can be distinguished — the Noble Savage, the Civilizable Savage and the Bloodthirsty Savage images. The aim of this paper is to argue that the use of such images is not morally acceptable because these images depend upon an underlying conception of Native Americans that denies that they are human beings. By so doing, it also denies to them any moral standing and thus any claim to moral consideration and treatment. I begin by arguing that the traits which are distinctively human are fostered only within a cultural framework consisting of the accumulated knowledge and activities of a group of human beings. I then argue that savages are conceptualized as natural and cultureless beings. Furthermore, within the traditional Western conceptualization of the world mere natural objects have no moral standing. Thus, it follows that Native Americans insofar as they are also merely natural objects would have no standing or status as moral beings. The conception of Native Americans as savages undercuts the very conditions for the possibility of moral respect. I then turn to an application of these principles to some current commercial uses of images of Native Americans and other indigenous peoples.Dr. Michael K. Green, Ph.D. in Philosophy, has published inPolitical Theory, The New Scholasticism, The Journal of Business Ethics, andSocial Theory and Practice, as well as various other journals. He was president of MKG Enterprises, Inc., for six years and is a fellow at the Hartwick Humanities in Management Leadership Institute.  相似文献   

本文在管理学发展概述的基础上,阐述了管理学研究方法,然后对"定性"与"定量"研究方法进行辨析,最后指出管理科学研究方法的理性回归是研究方法的多元化运用与注重研究方法的科学性。  相似文献   

In this paper we present some reflections on the development and state of research in marketing in Europe. After briefly putting European research in a historical perspective, we devote a major section to discussing the institutional setting in which research takes place. We believe that the institutional setting is a crucial determinant of research. We then discuss numumber of European research accomplishments. We essentially limit ourselves to marketing models and industrial marketing, our own major areas of interest. In the final section we list some challenges for the future and discuss how they could be turned into opportunities.  相似文献   

The role of moral intensity in moral judgments: An empirical investigation   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Jones (1991) has proposed an issue-contingent model of ethical decision making by individuals in organizations. The distinguishing feature of the issue was identified as its moral intensity, which determines the moral imperative in the situation. In this study, we adapted three scenarios from the literature in order to examine the issue-contingent model. Findings, based on a student sample, suggest that (1) the perceived and actual dimensions of moral intensity often differed; (2) perceived moral intensity variables, in the aggregate, significantly affected an individual's moral judgments; and (3) some dimensions of moral intensity (namely, perceived social consensus and perceived magnitude of consequences) mattered more than others.Sara A. Morris is Assistant Professor of Management at Old Dominion University. Her current research examines corporate codes of ethics, attitudes about corporate social responsibility, and the relationship between corporate social and financial performance.Robert A. McDonald is a doctoral candidate in organizational studies at the State University of New York at Albany. His research interests include ethical decision making, characteristics of moral dilemmas, and leadership power and influence tactics.  相似文献   

This text is a personal confession projected at the background and history of e-books. Like with any new technologies, their introduction evoked hopes and fears. As technical problems vanish, and new habits are forming, the readership of e-books grows.  相似文献   

Most economists agree in their view of small and medium-sized enterprises, or small businesses (SMEs), as a marginal scientific subject. They may go so far as to ignore them, either because they think these economic units do not lend themselves to conventional economic studies — studies which, for instance, take into account the sacred cow theory of economies of scale — or because they see them as being not really different from big businesses.However, at least a few economists have recognized, first, the many characteristics differentiating SMEs from big firms, and second, their increasing importance in terms of numbers and job creation within economies. Among these few, Schumpeter was one of the first to show the importance of entrepreneurs and SMEs as the main variable of change in an economy. Simon and Lucas also explained the difference between small and big firms through the differing abilities required by managers to run them. Penrose looked at the question from another point of view by highlighting the interstices taken up by SMEs to fulfil needs that cannot be fulfilled by bigger units. Critics of the theory of economies of scale showed that such economies may be offset by a number of diseconomies, thus justifying the efficiency of many SMEs. More recently, Mills and Schumann suggested that SMEs compensate for their lack of economies of scale by their production flexibility, particularly in today's turbulent economy.The limits of traditional economic theory are clearly demonstrated by the fact that it does not take account of all these theories, concepts and ideas. It thus neglects a number of important economic phenomena, including the persistence and current expansion of SMEs. Consideration of such phenomena may lead to the development of a new economic theory based on the concepts of instability and contingency, together with the behaviour of entrepreneurs and small firms, thus tending to contradict, in particular, the concept of equilibrium in conventional economic theory.A first version of this paper has been presented as invited speaker at the symposium of TETRA Group at Lyon, France, 30–31 May 1990. I thank the colleagues Fritz Rieger, Frances Solé Parrellada, Jacques Filion and the two referees for their very interesting suggestions on a preliminary second version.  相似文献   

Moral dissensus is a distinct feature of our time. This is not only true of our post-modern culture in general, but also of business culture specifically. In this paper I start by explaining how modernist rationality has produced moral dissensus without offering any hope of bringing an end to it in the foreseeable future. Opting for a form of post-modernist rationality as the only viable way of dealing with moral dissensus, I then make an analysis of a number of ways proposed by both specialists in the field of business ethics, as well as philosophers to deal with moral decision-making in this situation of moral dissensus. The conclusion reached is that none of these attempts succeeds in coming to terms with moral dissensus. I then formulate an alternative approach to moral decision-making which I call: Rational interaction for moral sensitivity. After explaining this approach, I defend it against some of the most obvious objections that might be raised against it in a business environment.

是先全心全意做大流量,还是边做流量边进行盈利模式的摸索?在前两次的互联网创业经历中,张晓京对这个问题答案的选择尽管不同,结果却是殊途同归。从两次的失败经历中得来的教训,使张晓京在第三次创业面临同样的难题时更加举棋不定。  相似文献   

Much debate has occurred as to whether or not moral responsibility should be ascribed to corporate entities. The present study advances the theory that moral responsibility is a self-imposed or attributable aspect of corporate operations which extends beyond the parameters established by law.In this context, the corporation must consciously endeavor to discharge its moral responsibility to avoid, minimize, eliminate and compensate for the potential or actual harm which its operations cause. To achieve this objective, consideration is given to the establishment of a Moral Audit Committee, an internal monitoring mechanism, with a proposed generic structure. The corporate Mission Statement and Code of Ethics play a vital role as well in building an institutional environment which supports this self-appraisal process. With this system in place, the ambit of a Moral Audit is then examined. This study concludes with a case analysis, which partly depicts the Moral Audit process.S. Andrew Ostapski is Assistant Professor of Business Law, University of Miami, School of Business Administration, Coral Gables, Florida. A.B., 1975 Oberlin College; J.D., 1978, Capital University Law School; LL.M. in International Law, 1986, University of Miami School of Law.Camille N. Isaacs is a Foreign Service Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Kingston, Jamaica. B.A., 1983, University of the West Indies; M.B.A., 1991, University of Miami, School of Business Administration.The name of the corporation and other data have been altered to preserve the anonymity of the firm, but the essential factual basis has not been materially distorted.  相似文献   

An elite consensus appears to have formed around the strengthening of IPR regimes. At the same time, many people, particularly in developing countries, are questioning the idea of paying for what they intuitively sense might possibly be free. In view of the potential for global dissensus on this issue, businesses that produce and distribute explicit knowledge, or digital sequences, would be quite prudent to start making contingency plans for a new form of global capitalism: one characterised by much weaker IPR regimes. Competitive business strategies based upon rival-complementarity (i.e. physical goods and human services that complement digital products) indicate the feasibility of a global economy-of-things, resting upon a freely accessible ecology of knowledge. This might be built in the future, in much the same way that an industrial economy was built, historically, upon a natural ecology of available land and biosystems. Such an arrangement conforms to several rather fundamental political intuitions.  相似文献   

陈师正 《中国市场》2008,(32):20-21
现代物流作为国民经济中一个新兴的服务部门,在经济快速发展的今天已经成为"第三利润源泉"。与国外相比较,中国的物流产业仍然处在起步发展阶段,但在相当一些领域和地区已经呈现出快速发展的趋势。发展我国的物流产业必须从宏观、微观两方面着手。  相似文献   

The authors propose a model for business ethics which arises directly from business practice. This model is based on a behavioral definition of the economic theory of profit maximization and situates business ethics within opportunity costs. Within that context, they argue that good business and good ethics are synonymous, that ethics is at the heart and center of business, that profits and ethics are intrinsically related.Marist Father Pat Primeaux is a Professor of Theology at Saint John's University, (New York). John Stieber is a Professor of Finance and Economics at Southern Methodist University's Edwin L. Cox School of Business (Dallas). They have collaborated on several articles on the behavioral dimension of economic efficiency. They have also designed and taught courses in business ethics at both the graduate and undergraduate level.  相似文献   

In his article “The Moral Responsibility of Corporate Executives for Disasters”, John Bishop has argued that we are justified on moral considerations for holding corporate executives responsible for disasters resulting from corporate activities, even in circumstances where they could not reasonably have been expected to possess the information necessary to avert these disasters. I argue that he is mistaken in this claim.  相似文献   

Development research (not so much practical development policy-making) has been recently marked by an increased orientation towards the satisfaction of basic needs. This raises the question as to whether indicators exist which could adequately provide for a sufficiently exact operationalisation of at least the basic physical human needs (nutrition, health, shelter, clothing and education). This would enable improved measurement of the degree to which target levels have in fact been reached and an evaluation of alternative economic strategies. The following article sets out to examine possible ways of operationalising basic needs.  相似文献   

现代企业竞争的焦点聚集在被称为企业的“第三利润源泉”的物流业上。加入WTO后,我国物流业面临着国外先进物流企业的巨大竞争压力。现代物流与传统物流相比,具有反应快速化、功能集成化、作业规范化等特点。发展现代物流将提高企业的竞争力,促进社会经济的发展。  相似文献   

Which business practices set successful firms apart from others? We address this question using data from an official survey of almost 3000 New Zealand firms. Questions cover: leadership, planning practices, customer and supplier focus, employee practices, quality and process monitoring, benchmarking, community and social responsibility, innovation, IT use, business structure and the competitive environment. Some of these are internal practices reflecting a firm’s resources and capabilities; some are characteristics of the external environment. We find that capital investment choices, R&;D practices, market research and a range of employee practices are positively associated with firm success; industry structure is also a key determinant of success. The association between specific business practices and firm success is mostly independent of firm size, age and industrial sector, other than for export marketing.  相似文献   

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