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Most previous studies have focused on customer retention and have ignored the importance of customers’ cross-buying behaviour. Customer retention seems to be the result of a kind of repetitive decision by the customers, but their decision to cross-buy involves a more complicated process. In this study, the authors examine the effects of locational convenience, one-stop shopping convenience, firm reputation, firm expertise, and direct mailings on both customer retention and cross-buying. The mediating roles of satisfaction and trust in the relationships between service attributes, customer retention, and cross-buying are also examined. The results indicate that banks can use different service attributes to influence customer retention and cross-buying. Trust and satisfaction play different mediating roles in the relationships between service attributes, customer retention, and cross-buying.  相似文献   

Liquidity plays an important role in financial markets, especially during a financial crisis. New Basel III regulatory framework highlights the importance of liquidity risk management implemented by financial institutions. Moreover, updated International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) require the improvements about fair value measurements and reinforce existing principles for disclosures about the liquidity risk associated with financial instruments. Using the liquidity discount model of Chen (2012), we are able to empirically classify Taiwan's financial institutions into three liquidity categories: safe, crisis contagious and vulnerable. Our findings can serve as an early warning signal for liquidity calamity. In addition, we investigate what factors affect firm-specific liquidity discounts for these institutions and conduct a sub-period analysis, which examines whether there is significant liquidity discounts changes before and after the 2008 financial crisis. We find that liquidity discounts change substantially during the financial crisis. Furthermore, we find that liquidity discounts can be attributed to some firm-specific performance.  相似文献   

This research study examines the tendency for serial correlation in bank holding company profitability, finding significant evidence of reversion to the industry mean in profitability. The paper then considers the impact of mean reversion on the evaluation of post-merger performance of bank holding companies. The research concludes that when an adjustment is made for the mean reversion, post-merger results significantly exceed those of the industry in the first 5 years after the merger.  相似文献   

从逆周期、宏观审慎角度加强监管是危机后的共识。监管改革使全球银行业将面临资本充足率下降、融资需求巨大,融资成本被推高的难题。从中长期来看,银行还将面临贷款增长疲软的境况,中间业务将是未来盈利关键,业务模式将回归简单化和本土化等。然而,巴塞尔Ⅲ没有触及金融危机发生的根本制度性原因,即以美元货币为主导的货币体制引发的经济失衡,没有解决宏观审慎和微观审慎之间的监管协调问题,对于跨境金融监管合作和混业监管问题也还没有提出有效的措施。为应对改革对银行业产生的长期结构性影响,中国政府可考虑创新融资方式,建立资本保险机制、允许资产证券化等举措,为中国银行业资本募集创造良好的条件,中国银行业则须从成本缩减、业务模式转换、重新考量流动性等方面全面应对。  相似文献   

<正>随着我国老龄化问题逐年加重,适龄劳动力供给不足,服务业人力成本逐年上升,长期来看人力密集型服务的发展或将遇阻。2000年至今,居民的实际生活水平有所改善,随着消费升级时代的到来,企业在客户服务领域中运用传统的IT技术加人工客服的模式已难以应对不断增长的用户规模和服务多元化、碎片化的需求。  相似文献   

2020年,突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情对我国经济造成了短期冲击,部分行业陷入经营困境,导致银行业信贷需求下滑和资产质量承压。从中长期来看,疫情不会改变我国经济运行的原有轨道,随着企业陆续复工复产,被疫情抑制的企业融资需求会出现明显反弹,企业现金流状况也会好转,且货币政策加大了逆周期调节力度,银行业全年受疫情影响有限。需要注意的是,受疫情影响,区域经济风险暴露且经营能力较差的中小银行面临生存大考,中小微企业经营风险会向中小银行传导。  相似文献   

We set out in this study to investigate whether bancassurance business leads to improvements in the efficiency and profitability of banks. We examine the positive impacts on the system using actual data provided by a unique database on banks engaging in bancassurance business in Taiwan between 2004 and 2012. Our results reveal that banks with greater involvement in bancassurance business generally tend to experience improvements in their efficiency, and thus also accrue greater profits. Our empirical results provide evidence to support that bancassurance business offers substantial benefits for banks, ultimately leading to an increase in shareholder value. Finally, our results also reveal that the adoption of a diversification strategy in bancassurance can impact bank performance.  相似文献   

Although there is a large volume of literature on internal marketing, there is limited empirical evidence on its impact on the perception of service quality in developing nations. A literature review of internal marketing and service quality has been completed. A survey of 32 top managers, 100 employees and 200 external customers of a major bank in Ghana was undertaken to assess the impact of internal marketing on the perception of service quality. The results suggest that internal marketing can have an influence on service quality. Implications of the study are highlighted, limitations noted and directions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of revenue diversification on bank performance while shedding light on the impact of the shift towards non-interest income sources. To this end, we use a sample of 275 banks from fourteen MENA countries over 1990–2011. The model estimation using the GMM system reveals that diversification, when taken as a whole, improves bank profitability. We also split the non-interest income and we find that trading-generating business lines contribute the most to boosting profitability and stability. Engaging in non-interest-related activities worsens the benefit-cost trade-off of diversification, induced by the increased insolvency risk.  相似文献   

This paper provides a meta-analysis of the generalizations in the relationships between the antecedents and consequents of satisfaction with online banking services. In total, 118 observations were analysed, with a sample of 49,607 respondents in 39 published articles from studies indexed in ten databases (Jstor, Emerald, PsycINFO, Taylor & Francis, Elsevier Science Direct, Scopus, ProQuest, SciELO, Google Scholar and EBSCO). Specifically, for the data analysis, we used the correlation coefficient r (plus χ2, f test, t test, z test and β values). The results showed that constructs related to uncertainty, as evoked by online devices, system performance, quality of device content and online banking device structures, are significant and positive antecedents of consumer satisfaction. We also found that satisfaction with online banking services promotes trust and loyalty. Finally, we also detected that the relationship between reliability, satisfaction and service quality is stronger among Western banking consumers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the impact of banking sector development on changes in economic structure and growth. We argue that banking sector development has differential effects on industrial sector development and agricultural sector development. We test whether economic structure and growth foster banking sector development. To test our hypotheses, we construct a panel sample of all countries in the world during 1960–2016. We find that banking sector development has a negative effect on agricultural sector development but exerts no effect on industrial sector development. The negative effect of banking sector development on agricultural sector development is only observed for countries with high degrees of banking sector development. Our results further show that agricultural sector development exerts a negative effect on banking sector development while industrial sector development has a positive effect on banking sector development.  相似文献   

The main purpose of the paper is to investigate the market valuation of accounting information in the European banking industry before and after the adoption of IFRS, the latest version of International Accounting Standards. In a value relevance framework, we apply panel methods to a multiplicative interaction model, in which the partial effects of earnings and book value on share prices are conditional on the adoption of IFRS. According to our evidence, the IFRS introduction enhanced the information content of both earnings and book value for more transparent banks. By contrast, less transparent entities did not experience significant increase in the value relevance of book value.  相似文献   

This article studies the relationship between the degree of banking sector stability and the subsequent evolution of real output growth and inflation. Adopting a panel VAR methodology for a sample of 18 OECD countries, we find a positive link between banking sector stability and real output growth. This finding is predominantly driven by periods of instability rather than by very stable periods. In addition, we show that an unstable banking sector increases uncertainty about future output growth. No clear link between banking sector stability and inflation seems to exist. We then argue that the link between banking stability and real output growth can be used to improve output growth forecasts. Using Fed forecast errors, we show that banking sector stability (instability) results in a significant underestimation (overestimation) of GDP growth in the subsequent quarters.  相似文献   

在强调企业核心竞争力的今天,服务外包作为长期战略成本管理的新兴工具逐渐被越来越多的企业所采用。服务外包的实质是企业和服务商之间的一种“委托一代理”关系。企业需要对自己重新进行定位,截取价值链中较短的部分,缩小经营范围,在此基础上重新配置企业的各种资源,将资源集中到最能反映企业优势的领域,从而更好地构筑竞争优势,以此获得可持续发展的能力。  相似文献   

As very few studies have investigated banking services from fairness perspective and none of the studies have attempted to measure service fairness in Indian retail banking services context, the paper seeks to investigate service fairness in Indian retail banking services context. It attempts to validate the existing four-dimensional service fairness scale and investigates its applicability in the retail banking industry. The conceptual model depicting the relationship between service fairness, service quality and customer satisfaction was tested using SEM. The results established reliability and validity of the scale and the impact of service fairness on service quality and customer satisfaction. The impact of individual fairness dimensions on these two customer evaluation variables is also studied. The paper discusses important implications of the findings and presents valuable insights for the practitioners as well as academia.  相似文献   

The crisis in the UK financial services industry has led to retail banking customers treating transactions with growing scepticism. Retail banks are having to work very hard to regain customer trust. Despite recent research in marketing that acknowledges the importance of service loyalty to service firms, studies that have examined the relative effects of trust and the different types of switching costs on attitudinal and behavioural loyalty are scant. Therefore this article aims to build a model to examine the strength of the relationships between these constructs. Using survey data collected from a convenience sample of 290 retail banking customers in the United Kingdom, the article reveals that the main drivers of attitudinal loyalty are trust and relational switching costs. In contrast, the main drivers of behavioural loyalty are trust, relational switching costs and attitudinal loyalty. Interestingly, financial and procedural switching costs exert no significant effect on either attitudinal or behavioural loyalty. Trust and relational switching costs exert a stronger effect on attitudinal than behavioural loyalty.  相似文献   

This paper examines how state contingent banking can help neutralize challenges like debt overhang and lack of optimal risk takings, problems associated with conventional banking that can eventually manifest in the creation of asset price bubbles and a financial crisis. Our analysis also contributes to the literature on Islamic banking which considers state contingent contracts as ideal from a religious perspective. We develop a model of banking with state contingent contracts on the liability and asset sides. Our model shows that in state contingent banking, the returns for the depositors, bank and the borrowers are more aligned with the real economy, which reduces the incentive for excessive borrowing, lending and investing. Our model also shows that with the state contingent banking on the liability side, during periods of heightened macroeconomic risk, depositors' payoff would be more volatile reducing the liquidity influx from the real economy to the banking sector. This neutralizes the pressure on state contingent banks to excessively lend on the asset side. Our model further demonstrates that state contingent contracts on the asset side can help avoid too much (or too little) lending by reducing the managerial discretion in charging low (or high) interest rates. With returns linked to the prices of the underlying assets, state contingent contracts may prevent lack of optimal risk taking.  相似文献   

2009年11月27日,由中国人民银行主办、中国工商银行承办的第六届银行业科技座谈会在广东中山市隆重召开。本次会议以“十一五”信息化建设回顾与“十二五”信息化发展展望为主题。本次会议由中国人民银行科技司副司长李晓枫主持。中国人民银行党委委员、行长助理李东荣和中国工商银行副行长易会满出席会议并致辞,  相似文献   

We empirically quantify the welfare implications of bank entry in the United States between 2000 and 2008. We use a fully structural framework that combines a differentiated demand model with an endogenous product model to investigate the market outcomes. We find no evidence for under- or over-entry. Compared with the socially efficient outcome, there is a mild welfare loss resulting from banks entering wrong locations in product space. Compared with the observed outcome, consumer surplus drops by 20–38% and bank profits decline by 48–59% when banks are homogeneous. Therefore product differentiation significantly improves welfare under free entry.  相似文献   

Marketing and information systems research show that surface features of a website can induce credibility effects. We conduct an experiment to examine the question of credibility effects induced by the surface features of web-based financial reporting. We predict that participants will perceive financial data from sites with surface flaws (poor style and incompleteness) to be of lower credibility. Consistent with our expectations, we find that surface features can significantly affect users' perceptions of the credibility of financial information. We present further analyses showing that website surface features also impact investment attractiveness, suggesting that website characteristics may adversely affect investor perceptions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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