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This study investigates the relation between trading activities and the price discovery efficacy of the futures markets for EUR–USD and JPY–USD. According to data pertaining to weekly positions, collected from the Commitments of Traders reports distributed by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the information share of currency futures markets declines with hedgers’ positions but increases with speculators’ positions. In addition, both hedgers’ expected and unexpected positions have negative impacts on the contribution of the futures market; the futures market’s information share relates positively to speculators’ expected positions but is uncorrelated with speculators’ unexpected positions.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an intraregionally-focused tri-currency modeling framework to investigate dynamic information spillovers across spot and forward exchange rate markets in frontier and emerging country currencies, for both price levels and volatilities. Empirical estimates of structural parameters were obtained using an MGARCH–MSKST model that incorporated the term structure of non-deliverable forward (NDF) and deliverable forward (DF) markets, the dominance of regional currencies, and the influence of differing forward contract maturities (1-, 3-, 6- and 12-months). The currencies for nine countries were grouped into three regions: Northeast Asia (China, Korea and Taiwan); South/Southeast Asia (India, Indonesia and Philippines); and Latin America (Brazil, Chile and Columbia). The currency for each selected country was evaluated within the regionally determined tri-currency system. We found that NDF markets play a dominant role over DF markets with regard to price discovery during periods of tranquility. During periods of crisis, both NDF and DF markets exhibit a more balanced impact on currency market price discovery mechanisms. In addition, distinct differences were observed across regions: currencies in Northeast Asia were shown to be affected by the Chinese renminbi during periods of crisis and the Indian rupee could be regarded as the dominant currency in South/Southeast Asia. No robust results were obtained with regard to the dominance of currencies in Latin America. Finally, our results also suggest important distinctions between the effect of various instrument maturities on NDF and DF market returns – with DF returns being more responsive to longer maturities (6-months and 12-months). During tranquil periods NDF returns are more responsive to shorter maturities, but during crisis periods this effect is diminished.  相似文献   

This paper studies currency predictability over time. We assess predictability by testing for the presence of exploitable patterns in currency returns. To do so, we first generate consistent and parsimonious reduced-form estimates of currency expected returns and variances and then use these estimates to form dynamic trading strategies that maximize the multi-period Sharpe ratio. Our results show that currency predictability is time-varying and, for a number of currencies, has increased substantially in recent times, casting doubt on the widespread view that currency pricing may be on a path of convergence towards efficiency. We find, however, that currency markets learn in an efficient manner and a close relation between our strategies and indices that track popular technical trading rules, namely moving average cross-over rules and the carry trade, suggesting that the technical rules represent heuristics by which professional market participants exploit currency mispricing.  相似文献   

We provide evidence on short-term predictability of stock returns on the Malaysian stock market. We examine the relation between return predictability and the level of trading activity. This is particularly relevant in emerging stock markets, where thin trading is more pervasive. We find that the returns from a contrarian portfolio strategy are positively related to the level of trading activity in the securities. Specifically, the contrarian profits on actively and frequently traded securities are significantly higher than that generated from the low trading activity securities. We find that the differential behavior of high- and low-volume securities is not subsumed by the size effect, although for the small firms, the volume–predictability relation is most pronounced. We also suggest that the price patterns may be related to the institutional arrangement in the Malaysian stock market.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the predictive performance of the futures basis in directly forecasting currency spot returns and compares it with that of the one-month forward basis. We consider the settle prices of both front-month and nearby-month continuous futures contracts and find that the futures basis exhibits statistically and economically significant in-sample and out-of-sample forecasting power, which clearly exceeds that of the well-known forward basis. The empirical results show that spot returns correspond negatively to both the front-month futures basis and nearby-month futures basis. Furthermore, the futures basis reveals substantial economic value for investors in terms of sizable and tangible portfolio gains, which are consistent with statistical measures. The difference in the forecasting ability of the futures basis and forward basis can be explained by the level of exposure to the time-varying risk premium. Finally, we find that impacts of the futures basis on spot returns vary with time and experienced substantial structural changes during the Global Financial Crisis.  相似文献   

This paper studies whether trading costs or transparency/tradability are more important to price discovery using a unique dataset of currency options that trade simultaneously in two parallel markets. The Over-The-Counter (OTC) market is characterized by sophisticated investors, low trading costs, and low transparency/tradability compared to the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE). Pricing errors are much larger on the TASE and the information share of the OTC market is significantly larger than that of the TASE by various information share measures, showing that trading costs and trader type have a first-order effect on price discovery while transparency/tradability have a second-order effect.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interrelation and information flows between the Won–Dollar spot and offshore forward, i.e., NDF markets. In particular, this paper focuses on the impact of the reform in the Korean exchange rate systems, which occurred in December 1997 in response to the currency crisis, on the relation between the two markets. Using the augmented GARCH formulation, this paper finds that during the pre-reform period a mean spillover effect exists from the spot to the NDF market but not vice versa, and a volatility spillover effect exists in both directions. After the reform, however, the results are reversed and a mean spillover effect exists from the NDF to the spot market. Also, the volatility spillover effect exists only in the same direction. These findings suggest that there are information flows between the two markets, and the reform has changed the direction of the dynamic relation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the price discovery process in currency markets, basing its analysis on the pivotal distinction between the customer (end-user) market and the interdealer market. It first provides evidence that this price discovery process cannot be based on adverse selection between dealers and their customers, as postulated in standard models, because the spreads dealers quote to their customers are not positively related to a trade’s likely information content. The paper then highlights three factors familiar in the literature – fixed operating costs, market power, and strategic dealing – that may explain the cross-sectional variation in customers’ spreads. The paper finishes by proposing a price discovery process relevant to liquid two-tier markets and providing preliminary evidence that this process applies to currencies.  相似文献   

We analyze the behavior of over-the-counter currency option prices across moneyness, maturity, and calendar time on two of the most actively traded currency pairs over the past eight years. We find that, on any given date, the conditional risk-neutral distribution of currency returns can show strong asymmetry. This asymmetry varies greatly over time and often switches signs. We develop and estimate a class of models that captures this stochastic skew behavior. Model estimation shows that our stochastic skew models significantly outperform traditional jump-diffusion stochastic volatility models both in sample and out of sample.  相似文献   

Using daily abnormal currency returns for the universe of countries with flexible exchange rates, we show local currency depreciations ahead of unscheduled, public sovereign debt downgrade announcements. Consistent with the private information hypothesis, the effect is stronger in lower institutional quality countries and holds after we control for concurrent public information and for publicly available rumors about the forthcoming downgrades. Our results persist when abnormal currency returns are adjusted for global carry and dollar risk factors, world equity and bond returns, as well as local stock market returns. Finally, the currency depreciations are permanent, providing evidence for a link between fundamentals and currency markets.  相似文献   

We sort currencies into portfolios by countries’ past consumption growth. The excess return of the highest- over the lowest-consumption-growth portfolio – our consumption carry factor – compensates for negative returns during world-wide downturns and prices the cross-section of portfolio-sorted and of bilateral currency returns. Empirically, sorting currencies on consumption growth is very similar to sorting currencies on interest rates. We interpret these stylized facts in a habit formation model: sorting currencies on past consumption growth approximates sorting on risk aversion. Low (high) risk-aversion currencies have high (low) interest rates and depreciate (appreciate) in times of global turmoil.  相似文献   

This paper examines the sources of momentum profits of countries exhibiting and not exhibiting momentum and compares the differences in the underlying factors determining momentum profits between these two groups of countries. We find remarkable differences in the decomposed components between these two groups of countries. Countries exhibiting momentum show that the cross‐sectional dispersion in unconditional mean returns dominates the negative contribution from the component reflecting the intertemporal behaviour of asset returns. However, this is not the case in countries exhibiting no momentum. Furthermore, countries with greater relative contribution from the cross‐sectional variance in unconditional mean returns tend to have greater momentum profits. Our results may support risk‐based explanations for the momentum phenomenon rather than behavioural finance‐based explanations.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the profit persistence of African banking sector, focusing on the role of the level of competition and banks earnings management. We apply Markov chain to analyse the extent and mobility of profit persistence, dynamic auto regressive model to assess the speed of convergence and the quantile regression technique to examine the determinants of profit persistence of banks in Africa. The results show a high level of profit persistence and relatively low speed of convergence. There is also evidence that regulation and banks earnings management affect both the level and persistence of banks profitability. We also find that competition as well as 2007/2008 financial crisis reduce the level and the speed of profit persistence.  相似文献   


This paper examines earnings management in state-funded Italian healthcare trusts. Italy is unique in requiring trusts to have balanced budgets by law. Small negative and positive deviations from a balanced budget had quite different consequences. The authors found no evidence of accounting manipulation when trusts posted small losses. However, trusts were found to manipulate discretionary accruals, provisions and non-operating expenses to reduce small positive deviations from zero-profit.  相似文献   

This paper studies how the cost of switching banks affects the profits available from relationship based lending when the relationship produces inside information. Lower switching cost compounds the adverse selection problem, discouraging outsider banks to depress loan rates. The adverse selection effect eases off along with higher switching cost, leading to more aggressive bidding and thereby reduction in insider profits. Above a certain threshold, however, the adverse selection effect vanishes completely and the insider profits turn increasing in the switching cost. The model predicts that the availability of relationship credit is non-monotonously related to the magnitude of the switching cost.  相似文献   

Nested tests of Samuelson's submartingale and martingale models of price behavior in an efficient futures market find significant autocorrelation at low lags in daily changes of log prices for four of ten currency futures contracts satisfying the assumptions of the statistical tests. Negative serial correlation following large price changes is also found. The analysis controls for bias due to institutional limits on daily price movements. Simulated trading based on out-of-sample forecasts suggests the dependencies probably could be exploited by traders who are members of the futures exchange to earn net profits greatly exceeding buy and hold.  相似文献   

This paper studies the importance of heterogeneous beliefs for the dynamics of asset prices. We focus on currency markets, where the absence of short-selling constraints allows us to perform sharper tests of theoretical predictions. Using a unique data set with detailed information on foreign-exchange forecasts, we construct an empirical proxy for differences in beliefs. We show that this proxy has a strong effect on the implied volatility of currency options beyond the volatility of macroeconomic fundamentals. We document that differences in beliefs impact also on the shape of the implied volatility smile, on the volatility risk-premiums, and on future currency returns.  相似文献   

This article documents and examines weekday patterns in short-term contrarian profits in futures markets. The Lo and Mackinlay (1990) methodology is used to construct contrarian portfolios and to compute daily contrarian profits. Contrarian portfolios are formed using daily closing prices and are based on the previous day's performance relative to a benchmark. Contrarian profits are measured over subsequent half-day intervals. The empirical results suggest that there are weekday patterns in short-term contrarian profits in futures markets. On average, contrarian profits are largest on Fridays, followed by those on Wednesdays, and smallest on Mondays. For currency futures, however, contrarian profits are largest on Mondays and smallest on Fridays.  相似文献   

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