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废玻璃的回收利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简单介绍了回收利用废玻璃的意义,着重叙述了利用玻璃生产平板玻璃,瓶罐玻璃,泡沫玻璃,玻璃马赛克,玻璃微珠,建筑装饰板材的方法和工艺。  相似文献   

案情 2013年5月,我局接举报称LHW公司在某建筑工程使用的门窗玻璃并非中标的“LY”玻璃。立案调查发现,该建筑工程门窗项目中标玻璃为XJR公司的“LY”玻璃,中标方为KP公司,转承包给LHW公司,其未购进“LY”玻璃,而是从漳州某公司购进玻璃原片,送至莆田JJ公司进行钢化加工,取得“JJ”玻璃《产品合格证》。  相似文献   

介绍了粉煤灰泡沫玻璃化学成分和烧成工艺,指出烧成工艺的关键在于温度控制和发泡工艺的选择,该产品由国家建材检测中心进行了检测,测试结果评定符合国家标准。  相似文献   

介绍了建材产品在设计决策,原料来源,色彩,品种规格,功能等方面的发展趋势与特点,指出产品设计在提高产品适销与竞争能力中正发挥着巨大作用。  相似文献   

介绍了金矿尾砂的化学组成,矿物组成,以及在陶瓷、水泥、砖瓦、建材玻璃等方面的利用,对综合利用中的问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

嘉仪 《市场周刊》2004,(42):36-36
综观建材市场,产品名目繁多且良莠不齐,消费针对建材产品的投诉也有所增多。质量技术监督局重点总结分析了建材产品质量的一些投诉热点问题。以此引导消费,使消费购买到放心商品,减少盲目消费,从而降低投诉。  相似文献   

石磊  MG 《环球供应链》2006,(3):100-102
摊位制建材市场、建材超市和二者融合的家居建材大卖场是国内建材流通业三股势均力敌的力量,建材超市取代摊位市场的宏论应当缓行。[编者按]  相似文献   

3月25日,集美家居大红门店隆重举行了“建材以旧换新新闻发布会”。会上集美集团副总裁沈耀俊介绍了建材以旧换新的政策构想,即消费者购买补贴范围内的建材产品,即可享受拆卸处理旧建材的服务以及合同金额5%的现金补贴。拆卸后的材料由集美家居集中分批处理:  相似文献   

刘孝明 《销售与管理》2006,(6):I0013-I0013
A公司是专业的建材销售公司,在当地最大的建材城开了几个建材专卖店,但随着竞争的不断加剧,产品同质化、营销模式雷同化的蛊行,大家拼展厅、拼产品、拼服务的销售模式搞得大家都精疲力竭。为了改变这种局面,董事会决定用一种新的销售模式来创建新的销量增长点与利润增长点。  相似文献   

随着网络科技的不断发展,互联网对各行业的影响不断加大,我国建材门业产品的传统营销模式存在诸多的问题,其在互联网时代受到较大的冲击,难以适应整个建材行业高速发展的需求。因此必须要对目前互联网时代背景下我国建材门业产品的营销模式进行创新与变革,以促使建材门业产品行业有效利用互联网的优势,提高营销效果,促进整个行业的健康长期发展。  相似文献   

根据世界各国对玻璃食品接触材料卫生要求和2000-2010年欧盟食品与饲料快速预警系统对我国出口的玻璃类食品接触材料的通报情况,分析我国出口玻璃类食品接触材料的风险和通报原因,提出相关的应对措施和检验监管建议。  相似文献   

针对现今学者提出的多种获取全景图像的图像镶嵌算法大都只是在图像发生平移条件下完成的局限性,提出一种广泛适用于图像发生任何空间变换(包括图像的平移、旋转、缩放和其它扭曲)的镶嵌算法.该算法核心是采用图像变形技术对发生空间变换的图像进行投影重建.具体过程是:首先由Harris算子提取的角点求得两幅图像间的变换矩阵,然后由此变换矩阵应用图像变形技术,逆向映射重采样插值发生空间变换的图像,最后与源图像合成图像.实验表明,该算法能达到良好的镶嵌效果.  相似文献   

Small Business Economics - Small firms provide and create a large proportion of jobs in Germany. Are these jobs worse than jobs in larger firms? The mosaic picture that emerges from a review of...  相似文献   

Beijing Zhongcixu Vacuum Engineering Co., Ltd. develops the precious glass-Stained Glass which has been researched by experts for many years. It has the fantastic color turning effect and you can see different colors from different directions of different rays. Whether under the sunshine or the light, it can present colorful vision. In decorative glass field, stained glass belongs to the new style products, which have modem sense, luxury, elegance, and nice appearance.  相似文献   

This article describes "Project Breakthrough: A Survey of Corporate Practices for Shattering the Glass Ceiling." Evidence is presented that the "glass ceiling" remains intact in many areas. A list of barriers (social sterotypes) that support the glass ceiling are presented. Some corporate strategies found in the literature are also presented. Sixty-nine companies in the Houston area were surveyed. A summary score based on responses to thirty-four practices listed in the survey were computed. The top twelve organizations were identified as "distinguished," and site visits were conducted. The practices of these companies are listed.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(3):89-108
In 1915, Australian Glass Manufacturers Ltd (AGM) adopted a strategy of technology acquisition to ensure its survival and to establish a sustainable competitive advantage. By 1935, AGM was largely vertically integrated and its core container glass business was an Australian monopoly. AGM had also diversified into commercial glass and consumer goods production and was Australia's first manufacturer of flat glass. The analysis adopts the framework of the new institutional theory of the firm and focuses on the sourcing, assessing and securing of appropriate technologies. It is argued that operationalising the strategy crucially depended on developing managerial and technical know-how. It required the development of specialised teams and new effective precedents, and involved an extended period of learning by doing. AGM also comprises a limiting case for the historiographical stereotype of Australian manufacturing firms as inward looking and largely reliant on British technology in the inter-war period.  相似文献   

The present study measures the impact of FDI inflows on the local economies of the US states that receive most of the FDI inflows in the country. It appears that FDI inflows in manufacturing have rather weak effects on local employment and wages in most of the states in the sample. However, these results are primarily due to the industry composition of the FDI. FDI inflows in Printing and Publishing, Transportation Equipment and Instruments have positive effects on local employment and wages, while FDI inflows in Leather and Stone/Clay/Glass have detrimental effects on local labour markets in most of the states in the sample. These findings indicate the importance of industry characteristics in evaluating the effects of FDI inflows on local communities. Also, they emphasise the need for US states to selectively target and attract FDI inflows in specific industries.  相似文献   

With the enlargement of the European Union its “Rustbelt”, the mosaic of regions traditionally specialised in heavy industries such as coal and steel, will also be enlarged. The new member states in Eastern Europe have many regions that face industrial decline and need to be restructured. What can these traditional industrial areas learn from the case of the German Ruhrgebiet, one of Europe’s most prominent examples of regional industrial restructuring?  相似文献   

This paper explores the influence of culture on trust judgments in customer relationship development by ethnic minority small businesses (EMSBs). Chao and Moon's “cultural mosaic” of overlapping “cultural tiles” is used to develop a generic conceptual model regarding the relationships between multiple cultural identities, trust, and customer relationship development. Drawing on qualitative data from semistructured interviews with 134 Turkish EMSBs in London (United Kingdom), our findings contribute to the understanding of how different cultural tiles influence the dimensions of trust judgments in relationship development between EMSBs and different customer groups. Seven propositions and a theoretical framework regarding these relationships are offered for future research.  相似文献   

被誉为中国最慷慨的慈善家、世界"玻璃大王"的曹德旺在经历了"去家族化"的传承波折后,郑重宣布把企业交给长子。他认为,把福耀玻璃交给长子曹晖,曹家是最大的牺牲者……去年4月,在央视赈灾晚会上,福耀集团董事长曹德旺和集团总裁曹晖父子二人,以个人名义为玉树捐款1亿元。至此,福耀家族企业为中国慈善事业捐款已达45.8亿元。曹晖——这位低调的汽车玻璃王国的少帅,终于以首善的姿态出现在公众视野。而子承父业的故事,对他来说,才刚刚开始……  相似文献   

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