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This paper examines the operation of the UK government's Private Finance Initiative (PFI) from the viewpoint of accounting in the National Health Service. It explores how the entity concept may be used to remove representation of the economic consequences of such schemes from public accounting reports. Illustrations are provided from the accounts of hospital NHS Trusts, with their high-value and politically sensitive capital projects. The paper provides contemporary evidence of the financial reporting of PFI schemes and the contradictions between the form and substance of these transactions.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the UK's Private Finance Initiative (PFI) at a conceptual level by focusing on the management of risk, which is central to the justification for the policy and its application across the public services, and uncertainty, which underlies the role of the state. The paper argues that the rhetorical support for PFI rests on a conflation of risk and uncertainty and that PFI leads to contractual arrangements that are inappropriate for the provision of public services over the medium term.  相似文献   

This article examines how the context out of which the PFI emerged has conditioned its implementation. Attention is directed, in particular, towards how public expenditure is scored for the purposes of the national accounts and for public expenditure planning. The Treasury's decision to substitute accruals for cash accounting across central government has significant implications for the accounting treatment of PFI assets. Certain important distinctions are analysed, notably that between assets which generate revenue streams from third-party payers and those which do not. The authors conclude that disclosure practices must give primacy to transparency about future obligations, over claims to commercial confidentiality.  相似文献   

George R. Husband, accounting educator, was a leader in research, service and teaching. His former students and admirers endowed a chair, three scholarships and an annual lecture series in his memory nearly forty years after his death in 1958. This article highlights his lasting accomplishments by examining his research (e.g., as an opponent of the LIFO method of inventory valuation, an advocate of price-level accounting and major proponent of the proprietary theory of financial accounting, and as one of the most prolific authors in The Accounting Review ), service (e.g., as Vice President and President of the American Accounting Association) and teaching. We also discuss Husband's research in the context of other notable contemporary scholars and those whose works are consistent with Husband's thoughts.  相似文献   

Accounting and Finance (A&F ) has experienced a surge in published research in the last decade. The analysis here reveals a marked increase in the number of published articles in A&F since 2003, a distinct trend for published papers to have a larger number of authors, a significant and stable contribution by the top 5 Australian accounting/finance departments, as well as a notable increase in contribution from non‐US foreign universities, particularly those located in the UK, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore and Spain. An analysis of citations indicates the increasing impact of A&F in recent years.  相似文献   

Accounting and Finance has evolved from a news bulletin to a full-grown refereed academic journal that has published papers written by authors from Australia, New Zealand, the United States of America, Canada, Europe and Asia. The Journal published its 41st volume in 2001 and that anniversary issue coincides with the beginning of the new millennium. As part of the celebration of this important milestone, this article reviews the Journal's evolution, the variety of papers published and the Journal's impact on accounting and finance research in the Asia Pacific region. Data for 394 papers published in the Journal by 570 authors are analysed. I find that the distribution of institutions and authors that have published in the Journal is highly skewed, with the top five (11) institutions accounting for 35 per cent (51 per cent) of the published papers in the Journal. Similarly, 8 per cent of the authors have published 26 per cent of the articles in the Journal. Analysis of the citation pattern indicates that Accounting and Finance does not have much impact on research published in the Asia Pacific region, with the Journal accounting for only 1.06 per cent of all citations in the selected Asia Pacific journals. Sub-period analysis indicates that not even the establishment of the editorial board in the latter half of the 1990s has helped improve the impact of the Journal on research published in the Asia Pacific region. However, compared with other Asia-Pacific journals, Accounting and Finance has the strongest impact on publications in the selected journals. The impact is even stronger in the latter half of the 1990s. Also, the impact of Accounting and Finance on the more recent journals in the Asia Pacific region is stronger than that of the other more established journals.  相似文献   

为了解房地产企业民间融资情况,2012年3月下旬,我们组织对广西13市225家房地产企业进行调查,结果显示:近半数房地产企业有民间融资行为,且存在融资规模不断扩大、利率水平高、借贷手续不规范、延期偿还情况较多等问题,隐藏了较大风险,值得关注。  相似文献   

民间金融是指个人、家庭、企业之间通过绕开官方正式的金融体系而直接进行的、尚未纳入政府监管范围的、未取得合法地位的金融交易活动。民间金融在支持民营经济发展,促进农村经济发展中发挥了积极作用,但在其发展过程中还存在着一些问题。本文分析了我国民间金融存在的问题,并提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

STEPHEN L. TAYLOR 《Abacus》1987,23(2):157-170
International aspects of financial reporting have begun to receive an increasing amount of attention by a range of organizations. There is a need then, to appraise critically the performance and the underlying rationale of those agencies responsible for influencing international practices. Identification and appraisal of the rationale underlying the existence of those agencies is a necessary step in determining their potential for achieving the objectives which they have been set. This paper examines the rationale behind one of these agencies, the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC, 1977). Unlike many others, the paper does not attempt to explain why we should have an organization such as the IASC and the standards it produces. Rather, it represents an attempt to explain why we do have an organization such as the IASC. To that end, an alternative rationale is suggested for the output of the IASC, based on theories of professional selfinterest, agency, and property rights. It is argued that that rationale is likely to have significantly greater explanatory power in respect of the present output produced by the IASC than those traditionally presented.  相似文献   

Recent studies in accounting regulation have used either the capture argument or the pluralistic notion to describe the enactment of accounting regulations. This paper explores the nature of the impact of public choice in accounting standard setting in New Zealand using the pluralistic notion. To provide an insight into the standard-setting process, this paper involves an examination of the establishment, withdrawal and re-establishment of New Zealand's most controversial standard after current cost accounting — the standard on investment property accounting (SSAP 17). The investigation considers the nature of public choice in the agenda entrance, demand and supply factors influencing standard setting in New Zealand. The results indicate that the New Zealand accounting standard-setting process is pluralistic in a limited way. Like most other English-speaking countries, the scope of participation for certain groups has been institutionalized on the supply side by way of membership of standard-setting committees of the New Zealand Society of Accountants. On the demand side, however, consumers of accounting have been provided with only limited scope for participating in the formal process of standard setting. Nevertheless, other means (i.e., exogenous and informal ones) may be used to influence the process. Overall, from both the demand and supply perspectives of regulation, the Big-8 accounting firms (as they were previously known) followed by the preparers of financial statements, seem to have greater participatory capacity in the New Zealand standard-setting process.  相似文献   

In response to criticism of rules-based accounting standards and Section 108(d) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the SEC proposed principles-based (or 'objectives-oriented') standards. We identify several shortcomings with this approach and focus on two of them. First, the format (type) of a standard is dependent on the contents of what the standard regulates. Given the asset/liability approach combined with fair values, we argue that the combination of this measurement concept with principles-based standards is inconsistent because it requires significant guidance for management judgment. Second, we propose the inclusion of a true-and-fair override as a necessary requirement for any format that is more than 'principles-only' to deal with inconsistencies between principles and guidance. We discuss the benefits of this override and present evidence from the United Kingdom's experience.  相似文献   

R. G. Walker 《Abacus》2007,43(1):49-75
Since 1990 a key element of Australia's regulatory arrangements has been reliance on a 'principles-based' rule to the effect that all 'reporting entities' should prepare general purpose financial reports (GPFRs) that comply with accounting standards. The concept of reporting entity was defined in terms of whether it was 'reasonable to expect the existence of users' who were dependent on GPFRs for information which will be useful to them when making and evaluating decisions about resource allocation. Australia's differential reporting arrangements are reviewed so as to highlight the extent to which reliance is placed on practitioners to apply the 'reporting entity' rule for entities other than publicly listed corporations or borrowing corporations. Illustrations are provided of how this 'principles-based' rule has been ignored. This experience suggests that there is little reason to expect full observance of a principles-based rule, if reliance is placed upon practitioners to ensure compliance.  相似文献   

现值和公允价值会计:21世纪财务变革的重要前提   总被引:48,自引:2,他引:48  
脱离或忽略现值和公允价值会计这一当代国际会计发展大趋势和重要的会计学前提(视角)来研究财务问题是不够全面和深刻的.价值是财务与会计的核心概念、本原逻辑和联结纽带;21世纪的财务变革正呼唤着"价值型会计模式"(即基于价值计量的现值和公允价值会计模式),并且这一模式是完全有可能实现的.  相似文献   

In an earlier article in this journal (Grimsey, D., & Lewis, M. K. (2002b). Accounting for Public Private Partnerships. Accounting Forum, 26(3), 245–270), we examined the intricacies of the accounting issues raised by Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). It was argued that the critical accounting question from the public sector's viewpoint is not one of whether the arrangement is on or off balance sheet, but whether it represents good value for money. However, determining value for money for a PPP is an area in which, despite strong criticisms by a number of academic writers of the methods used by practitioners to evaluate value for money, surprisingly little engagement has taken place between the practitioners and the academics on the issues involved. This paper attempts to provide such an engagement. At the same time, because many of the academic critiques focus on the situation in one country (particularly the UK or Australia), we try to put matters into a broader, comparative context by considering approaches to value for money tests in a number of countries. Our examination is thus comparative in the sense of considering value for money tests in different countries, while also comparing the views of academics and practitioners.  相似文献   

东莞50强民营企业财务管理状况的问卷调查表明:东莞50强民营企业财务管理中普遍存在财务管理理念陈旧、财务人员业务素质偏低、企业融资渠道狭窄、财务核算制度不健全等问题;应该通过转变经营管理观念、提高财务人员的整体素质\健全企业会计基础工作、拓宽融资渠道、完善企业内部会计控制等措施进行有效治理,以促进其持续健康发展。  相似文献   

CHRISTOPHER NOBES 《Abacus》1992,28(2):142-167
A cyclical pattern of standard setting has been suggested elsewhere. In this context, this paper constitutes a case study of U.K. standard setting on the subject of goodwill. It is noted that varied practice of the 1960s was followed by several stimuli for action by standard setters. Managers opposed standardization and income reductions, whereas senior policy-makers, government, press and international influences proposed it. The result is dramatic swings in the content of documents on goodwill from the Accounting Standards Committee, possibly contributing to the latter's demise.  相似文献   

Laurence van Lent 《Abacus》1997,33(1):88-114
This article examines the political process of promulgating two controversial laws which pertain to the reporting of Dutch financial conglomerates. Central to the study is the exploration of the lobbying efforts observed during the process, and the interaction between the government, the supervisors of banks and insurance companies, the industry and its associations, and the users and auditors of annual reports of financial conglomerates. Previous studies in accounting-rule development have often ignored influences that do not fall within the formal regulatory procedures. By adopting an inductive research approach, this study explores in some detail the behaviour of participants, including their use of informal lobbying methods. Pluralist theory is used to explain the nature of the political process and the behaviour of interested parties. The findings indicate that the Dutch political process in accounting matters is indeed pluralistic. Although auditors and producers of accounts seem to have greater possibilities to participate, the users of corporate reports are able to voice their opinion effectively. Overall, the users' preferences were acknowledged in the final rules governing the reporting by financial conglomerates.  相似文献   

Consistency is an essential part of financial reporting: it applies both to the continuous use of the same accounting principles by an entity from period to period, and to consistency between various accounting principles used by the same entity. In the development of accounting standards, risks to users of inconsistencies can be reduced by good disclosure requirements, particularly so between various pronouncements. A study examining the treatment of interest found inconsistencies in two-thirds of the relevant U.S. GAAP pronouncements.  相似文献   

Evidence from the archives of the U.K. Accounting Standards Committee (ASC) is used to trace the events leading to the withdrawal of the current cost accounting standard, SSAP 16, from 1980 to 1988. Three central issues are addressed. First, the ASC's role as a regulatory body is considered in the light of the failure to obtain compliance with SSAP 16 and to find an acceptable replacement. Second, the decline in support for SSAP 16 is explained in terms of changes in the economic environment. Third, the roles of different interest groups in the process are analysed.  相似文献   

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