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从中国P2P网络借贷市场信息中介对等性出发,本文选取已进入良性发展的某前十大平台全部网络交易真实数据,通过合适借款人特征识别、违约机制模拟与不同情境道德风险测算发现:中国P2P网络借贷市场确实有合适的长尾人群且在稳健平台借款不会产生系统性风险;合适借款人违约风险与其主要特征密切相关,出借人可根据违约机制优化组合标的获得超额收益;风险形成机制截然不同的法人混入P2P网络借贷市场将冲击合适借款人;风险中性平台更可能保证市场稳健发展,偏好风险和过度谨慎均可能加剧系统性风险。  相似文献   

随着互联网经济的快速发展,一种新的借贷方式应运而生——P2P网络借贷(Peer to Peer Leading),它在性质上属于小额民间借贷,方式灵活、手续简便,为个人提供了新的融资渠道和融资便利.它有别于传统的银行借贷方式,是现有银行体系的有益补充.本文主要是通过对中国现有的网络借贷市场进行研究分析,从而概括出中国P2P网络借贷的六种运营模式,并据此做出对中国P2P网络借贷市场的前景展望.  相似文献   

2013年以来,我国P2P网络借贷平台发展速度较快,有效助推了普惠金融的发展,拓宽了中小企业的融资渠道,但P2P网络借贷平台暴露出平台机构风险、融资者风险、投资人风险和监管者风险等一系列风险。当前,在鼓励P2P网络借贷平台创新发展的同时,更重要的是坚持加强引导、规范和监管理念,采用"行业自律+监管"模式,尽快引入资金第三方存管和平台"去担保"对我国P2P网络借贷平台进行有效监管。  相似文献   

P2P网络借贷的风险类型有信用风险、流动性风险、技术风险和生态风险。利用logist ic模型,对P2P网络借贷的风险因素进行了实证分析,结果显示:P2P网络借贷的风险因素分别为:借款规模、使用利率、借款时间、信用分值。其中,借款规模对P2P网络借贷风险影响微弱;使用利率、借款时间对风险具有助长的作用;信用分值具有降低P2P网络借贷风险程度的作用,据此文章提出了防范P2P网络借贷风险的若干建议。  相似文献   

王喜平  王婉晨 《技术经济》2022,41(6):131-142
研究碳市场与股票市场间的风险溢出,深层次揭示其中的内在机制与规律,对于有效防范碳金融风险具有重要意义。本文基于广义预测误差方差分解构建溢出指数,从静态和动态两个层面捕捉中国碳市场与电力、材料、房地产、工业、金融、传统能源、新能源等股票板块市场之间的风险溢出强度和方向;在此基础上,进一步从复杂网络视角构建“碳-股票”系统的风险溢出网络,识别风险的中心与演化。结果表明:碳市场与股票市场之间存在一定的风险溢出,碳市场是各股票板块市场的风险净接收方,但不同板块的影响具有非对称性,其中新能源市场的影响最大。在宏观经济波动和有关政策出台时,碳市场与股票市场之间的风险溢出也会发生波动;工业板块市场是“碳-股票”系统的风险中心,基于上述结论提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的P2P网络借贷平台的数量呈爆炸式增长,且成交金额也在逐年增长.由于P2P网络借贷平台具有融资门槛低、金额小、贷款期限较短等特点,因此在这种网络借贷模式的运行下具有监管风险、信用风险、法律风险及操作风险等,为了防范P2P网络借贷模式的风险问题,就应该加强对网络借贷的风险控制,本文就对P2P网络借贷的运行模式与风险控制两个方面进行着重分析.  相似文献   

货币市场、债券市场对沪深300指数溢出效应的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岳正坤  张勇 《宏观经济研究》2014,(3):100-108,135
本文借鉴向量自回归模型(VAR)研究股票收益率(Rst)、债券收益率(Rbt)和利率收益率(Rct)之间的均值溢出效应,通过建立非对称三元对角BEKK模型研究股市、债市及货币市场指数的波动溢出效应。结果表明,债券市场和货币市场对股票市场存在均值溢出效应;当期三个市场的波动都具有明显的ARCH效应,其波动受自身的前期冲击影响明显;货币市场与债券市场的联合波动效应显著为正,政府或者监管者在制定政策时可选择适度盯住债券市场,改变股票市场收益率情况,避免股市出现较大的波动。  相似文献   

2012年以来,P2P作为一种新兴的借贷模式在我国迅猛发展,随着参与人数与资金的不断增加,网络借贷背后潜藏的风险也逐渐显现。由于P2P主要面临技术风险、中间资金账户监管缺失、流动性与证券化风险、担保与关联性风险、政策风险等,2013年我国出现P2P网络借贷倒闭潮。因此,亟需加强对P2P的监管。  相似文献   

P2P网络借贷平台具有投资回报高、借贷便捷等诸多优势,在国内得以迅速发展,但因内部缺乏成熟的管理经验、自律能力,外部缺乏监督、规制,面临诸多风险。P2P网络借贷平台风险与机遇并存,相关主体通过合理的措施,可以有效降低P2P网络借贷平台风险,为生活、学习、创业、经营拓展等借取资金,为国内经济、社会的发展提供强劲的动力。  相似文献   

本文着重讨论了何为P2P借贷?为何有这么高收益目前中国特色P2P的现状,探讨了P2P理财的信用风险、道德风险、经营风险和网络风险以及如何规避上述风险。  相似文献   

2008年金融危机中的一个重要金融现象是流动性溢出效应.本文以我国沪深两市交易的国债和股票为样本,利用VAR技术分析了股票市场与债券市场之间的流动性溢出效应问题.由于我国股票市场的规模远大于交易所交易债券,我们发现存在显著的股市流向债市的流动性溢出效应,而债市流向股市的流动性溢出效应统计上却不显著.同时我们发现各个市场自身的收益率和波动率对其流动性也有着显著的影响.最后我们还发现两市自身的流动性存在着很强的自相关性.证据表明当我国资本市场出现流动性不足时,尤其要加强对股票市场流动性风险的防范和监管.同时也反映出我国要大力发展债券市场的必要,使股市和债市的流动性相互影响相得益彰.  相似文献   

本文采用VAR模型研究了我国交易所和银行间国债市场的信息溢出效应。笔者提出以往文献对两个国债市场信息溢出的结论过于简单化,实证验证了两个市场信息溢出时既具有差异性又具有同质性,哪种性质占主导取决于新信息的来源。笔者发现当新信息来源于国债市场内部,两个国债市场会表现出差异性,溢出效应为负向,即银行间国债市场的上升预示着交易所国债市场的下降。当信息来源于国债市场外部,两个国债市场之间则先表现出同质性,溢出效应为正向;随后差异性占主导,两个国债市场之间发生信息负向溢出或资本的流动。  相似文献   

From 2010 to 2017, with interest rate liberalization and capital market development in China, the impact of monetary policies on China’s financial markets underwent continuous evolution. Using the DCC-GARCH model, this study investigates the transmission process of monetary policies from the money market to capital markets (stock and bond markets). The results show that in the early stage the instability of the money and stock markets and the downturn in the bond market are primarily caused by the block of monetary policy transmission and the paucity of fund sources in the capital markets. Subsequently, the outbreak of the 2013 money shortage and the 2015 stock market crash are also closely related to monetary policies. In the later periods, the money and stock markets maintain a low degree of correlation for a long time, reducing the impact of destabilizing factors on the stock market. By contrast, with the advancement of interest rate reform and the optimization of bond market structure, the bond market is highly relevant to the money market. The central bank regulates the bond market more effectively using both traditional and innovative monetary policy tools.  相似文献   

中国股市与世界其他股市之间的大风险溢出效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文分析了中国证券市场A股、B股和H股之间,中国股市与世界其他股票市场之间的极端风险的溢出效应.实证结果表明:A股与B股之间存在着强烈的风险溢出效应,B股大幅下跌的信息可用来预测未来A股大幅下跌的可能性;A股和H股之间,尤其是B股和H股之间也存在着强烈的风险溢出效应;B股,尤其是H股,与世界其他股市之间存在着显著的风险溢出效应;与此相反,A股虽然与韩国、新加坡股市之间存在着一定的风险溢出效应,但它与日本、美国和德国等世界主要股市之间不存在任何风险溢出效应.  相似文献   

This study measures the extent of financial contagion in the Indian asset markets. In specific it shows the contagion in Indian commodity derivative market vis-à-vis bond, foreign exchange, gold, and stock markets. Subsequently, directional volatility spillover among these asset markets, have been examined. Applying DCC-MGARCH method on daily return of commodity future price index and other asset markets for the period 2006–16, time varying correlation between commodity and other assets are estimated. The degree of financial contagion in commodity derivative market is found to be the largest with stock market and least with the gold market. A generalized VAR based volatility spillover estimation shows that commodity and stock markets are net transmitters of volatility while bond, foreign exchange and gold markets are the net receivers of volatility. Volatility is transmitted to commodity market only from the stock market. Such volatility spillover is found to have time varying nature, showing higher volatility spillover during the Global Financial Crisis and during the period of large rupee depreciation in 2013–14. These results have significant implication for optimal portfolio choice.  相似文献   

本文首先采用时变相关Copula模型对沪港两市收益率的动态相关性进行研究,在此基础上利用BG算法将整个样本期划分为两个不同的阶段,并利用Hong(2001)年提出的风险一Granger因果检验方法分析了不同时段两市间的风险溢出效应。实证结果表明,两地股市收益率的相关性存在逐步增强的趋势,进一步分析表明两市闻风险溢出特征在过去发生了显著变化,风险溢出显著增强。  相似文献   

Since the aftermath of the recent global financial crisis, socially responsible (SR) investments have become an alternative form of conventional finance, giving rise to further systemic risk between conventional and SR stock markets. In this paper, we assess this risk transmission using Value at Risk (VaR) modeling for the US, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, over the period covering January 2004–December 2016. We find that socially responsible stock markets exhibit less risk than do conventional markets in terms of the risk hedging properties induced by the SR screening. Second, contributions to systemic risk vary across market phases and return distribution levels, with a larger contribution and spillover effect during the recent global financial crisis. For example, at the downside of the distribution (CoVaR at 5%), the conventional European index shows the highest contribution to the world market’s systemic risk, while the US stock market shows the highest contribution at the upside of the distribution (CoVaR at 95%). This finding is justified by the difference in the risk aversion of investors that varies with the market state as well as the disparities in the development of SR markets.  相似文献   

This study explores the effect of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) in four countries or regions (China, Japan, Europe, and the United States) on the contagion risk of investments in the global stock market. The stock returns of 22 stock markets worldwide are analyzed to determine which region’s EPU exhibits the greatest effect on regional systematic risk in the global stock market and on volatility risk in individual stock markets. First, all of the samples, the markets of different continents and the spillover indices of the developed and emerging markets, are calculated to observe the dynamic correlation among these markets with the aim of quantifying regional systematic risk and further examining the contagion risk effect of EPU. The results indicate the following: EPU in China is the most influential, and its contagion risk spreads to different regional markets, except for Europe; the effect of EPU in the United States is inferior to that in China; EPU in Japan merely influences contagion risk in emerging markets; contagion risk in European markets is not influenced by the four EPU indices; and EPU in Europe is not influenced by contagion risk in the global stock market. However, according to the volatility risk in each market, the EPU in Europe and China respectively influence Asian countries and European countries the most. These results may be attributable to the extremely high trade dependence among these countries because the performance of international enterprises is mainly determined by the economic policies of their trading partners.  相似文献   

本文探究了网络借贷中羊群效应的存在性、背后的驱动机制以及对投资者投资效率的影响。实证结果表明,在控制了标的流标风险和时间固定效应后,我国网络借贷投资者群体中存在显著的羊群效应。进一步,标的羊群效应程度与借款人信息以及投资者类型紧密相关,借款人的还款能力越低,参与投资的投资者风险厌恶程度越低,则该标的的羊群效应越显著,说明羊群效应是“风险厌恶程度较低的投资者期望通过模仿他人的投资选择来消除由于信息不对称带来的违约风险”造成的结果。最后,网络借贷中的羊群效应有利于提升投资者的投资效率,具体表现在羊群效应提高了投资者成功投资的概率,并且有助于投资者在低质量标的中将资金投资到潜在违约风险更低的标的之中。  相似文献   

文章首先利用香港股市主板市场与创业板市场数据探讨两者之间的互动关系,研究发现两个市场在波动性与流动性方面存在单向溢出效应,即创业板市场的推出并未加剧主板市场的波动性,也未显著分流主板市场的资金;同时,还利用沪深主板市场与深圳中小企业板市场数据分析主板与中小企业板市场之同的联动性,结果表明,仅深圳主板市场波动性单向溢出到中小企业板,沪深主板与中小企业板市场在流动性方面存在双向溢出效应.对此,针对创业板的推出时机与风险防范提出相应的建议.  相似文献   

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