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Status concerns are noteworthy within a modern society as it is a key feature of individuals’ social reputation. Engaging in this form of thinking results in particular patterns of consumption within consumer groups. In South Africa, Black urban consumers have newfound spending power and social mobility. This study investigated motivators of Black urban consumers’ status consumption across different demographic variables (age, income and profession) in the South African (SA) emerging market. A survey research design was used to provide insights into the relationship of normative receptiveness (value expressive and utilitarian influences) and high self‐monitoring as status consumption motivators of clothing brand consumption. The sample consisted of 246 Black urban consumers between the ages of 24 and 36, residing in Gauteng, South Africa and currently working in professional positions. The results of the study indicated that when purchasing clothing Black urban consumers are motivated by factors related to status consumption. This study found no significant differences between age and gender variables in terms of status consumption. In terms of profession, all three motivational factors were significant. They proved to be very aware of the image that they communicate and how they are seen by others indicating that they are motivated especially by value expressiveness, utilitarian influences and high self‐monitoring aspects across various professions.  相似文献   

The article looks into how parents see their children’s consumption. The data material consist of focus group interviews with parents and children living in relatively affluent Scandinavian society. The result shows that parents are not necessarily negative towards their children’s consumption, and in some fields they are willing to spend more than the children expect or want. Parents have two approaches towards their children’s consumption. The child perspective puts the child in the centre with the child’s need for development and protection. The consumer critical discourse dominates and children are seen as vulnerable. In many situations parents will stretch beyond the children’s expectations if they see the consumption as useful. In the parent’s perspective parental skills is exhibited. The parent’s economic status as well as their parental skills and competence are exhibited, and the child’s consumption demonstrates if you are caring and responsible parents.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 300 consumers, this paper develops and tests a hierarchical model that examines the effect of interdependent self-construal on consumers’ susceptibility to salespersons’ influence. Structural equation modeling shows that the relationship between the two constructs is mediated by several situational factors via two prediction paths. Along one path, interdependent self-construal positively affects consumers’ susceptibility to interpersonal influence, which is positively connected to consumers’ susceptibility to salespersons’ influence through the mediation of consumers’ susceptibility to store atmosphere influence. Along the other path, interdependent self-construal is positively correlated with public self-consciousness, which is then positively associated with consumers’ susceptibility to salespersons’ influence. Discussions on theoretical, practical and future research implications are provided.  相似文献   

This paper examines some characteristics of ‘food deserts’– areas of social deprivation which have poor physical access to food shopping – in a large British city, Cardiff. The stereotype of the ‘food desert’ is critically examined, emphasizing the importance attached by residents of such areas to easy access to food shopping, especially in multiple supermarkets. The case study of Cardiff briefly discusses the identification of potential ‘food deserts’, and then examines the structures of ‘healthy food’ availability and prices in four areas of the city (two in the inner city, two in the outer city) where physical access to large multiple supermarkets is poor. The analysis shows that the local shops in these areas cannot compete generally with large supermarkets on either availability of items or their prices, but that the local shops in the inner city areas are rather more competitive than those in the outer areas. Implications for research and policy formulation are finally discussed.  相似文献   

Chinese people are very focused on “face,” the desire to pursue face, and the fear of losing face. Face has a broad and profound impact on the behavior of Chinese consumers. By adopting Zhang's face dimension method, this study divides consumers’ face view into “the desire to gain face” and “the fear of losing face,” and develops a model to investigate their impacts on consumers’ need for uniqueness. Data from 360 college students and graduate students were used to validate the proposed model through structural equation modeling. Results show that the desire to gain face and the fear of losing face have indirect effects on consumers’ need for uniqueness, with the mediation of independent self‐construal and consumer's susceptibility to normative influence. The study provides both theoretical and managerial contributions, and a new perspective to better understand Chinese consumers’ face view and consumers’ need for uniqueness. Managerially, the study offers suggestions for consumers about how to properly obtain face, for enterprises about how to formulate targeted marketing strategies using consumers’ face view, and for the government on how to guide consumption trends through consumers’ face mentality.  相似文献   

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