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We examine why studies reach contradictory conclusions concerning the value of the household life cycle model as a predictive tool in consumer expenditure research. Using a database of roughly 14,000 Canadian households, we find that household life cycle variables do not generally enhance prediction over a more parsimonious model containing a basic set of socioeconomic and demographic variables, even when comparing less aggregated to more aggregated expenditure categories. However, they do enhance prediction for categories that are defined such that the typical users of the category fall into a fairly narrow age range. The theoretical and applied significance of our findings are discussed and directions for future research are offered. Copyright © 2007 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how sociodemographic characteristics impact the adoption of online grocery shopping, and relies on the Motivation-Opportunity-Ability (MOA) model to explore what these sociodemographics actually capture and how they are linked with consumer motivations. The researchers exploit a survey among 468 customers of Belgian supermarket chain Colruyt. Their logistic regression shows that while variables at the personal level do affect adoption of the online channel, consumers’ motivations to adopt in fact lie on the household level. In particular, the effect of age disappears or becomes less strong when it is combined with household characteristics. An examination of respondents’ self-reported motivations confirms that age does not only capture a person’s ability to use the technology but also its usefulness for that person’s household, in that age is correlated with the presence of young children and the working situation in the household.  相似文献   

While some research studies have investigated recycling, little work has been done in the area of marketing of recycling behavior by those providing recycling services. This study looks at the effects of different informational, convenience, and economic factors, as well as social norm effects, on recycling behavior of consumers for newspapers, aluminum containers, glass containers, and plastic containers. Results indicate that optimal strategies for inducing recycling behavior may differ depending on the materials to be recycled.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the choice of household informant for psychological variables included in models of risky household financial behavior matters to the empirical researcher. Five research hypotheses are posited in relation to this purpose, which concentrate on evaluating results from different correlation and regression analyses based on behavior measured at the household level, but with psychological data drawn from either the family financial officer (FFO) or the spouse in family households (N = 807). A sample of one-person households from the same database was used as control group (N = 211).It could not be shown directly that the amount of explained variance differed significantly between multiple regression analyses, in which the psychological data were drawn from different informants. However, other tests and analyses strongly indicate that including FFO data increased the validity of the model, while the inclusion of spouse data gave a marginally positive, albeit statistically significant, effect. The interpretation of the model also differs when different informants' data are used. One-person household data used to estimate an identical model seemed to produce a better fit than family household data. Finally, measures of "couple" variables showed stronger agreement between spouses than "individual" variables. Zero-order correlations between psychological variables and measures of risky financial behavior differed significantly between spouses in a few cases.The implication is that in this behavioral domain, psychological data must be collected from the family financial officer, while the spouse can be excluded without any severe consequences. This will also reduce the need to eliminate households from the analysis because of partial non-response.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that attitudes and habit can substantially aid understanding of individual food purchase behavior, no theoretical framework explains how these two factors interact and influence behavior in the presence of the respective other factor. Due to this gap in the scientific literature, this study presents a model that focuses on direct attitude and habit effects as well as on attitude–habit interactions. The proposed model is tested by employing household panel data on two food product categories. The robustness of estimation results is ensured by applying a multilevel model that accounts for individual heterogeneity. Results show that both attitudes and habits contribute to explaining purchase behavior. However, in the presence of strong habits the effects of attitudes become smaller even if attitudes are strong. These results imply that attitudes and habits are linked hierarchically. As habits control attitude effects, food marketers must find strategies to help customers overcoming habitual purchase behavior. Some of these strategies are discussed at the end of this article.  相似文献   

The literature on adaptive selling behavior has grown rapidly over the years, with heavier emphasis placed on industrial/professional salespeople and less attention given to retail salespeople. This study contributes to addressing this imbalance by examining the effects of two salesperson factors (selling skills and affective commitment) and two company-level variables (empowerment and behavior-based control) on the adaptive selling behavior of retail salespeople. Using data obtained from a two staged sampling procedure (105 companies and 419 salespeople), we employ a multilevel analytical procedure to model the effects of the salesperson and organizational factors on adaptive selling behavior of retail salespeople. The results indicate that selling skills and affective commitment directly influence adaptive selling while empowerment and behavior based control only indirectly influence adaptive selling behavior. Based on the findings of this study, implications for managing retail salespeople as well as limitations and suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

农户非农产业投资决定的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用扬州农户的调查数据,分析各种因素对农民做出非农产业投资决定的影响。Logit模型回归结果显示了农户的农业投资收益率、家庭劳动力平均受教育年限、农户的社会关系网络、家庭可利用资金这四个变量对决定农户是否进行非农产业投资具有显著的作用:疏通农民信息渠道,为农户非农产业投资提供合作与帮助;发展农村金融,增加农民融资的可能性;促进农民非农就业,实现劳动力转移;鼓励农户自主创业,多方位参与收入分配。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the determinants of household consumption of newspapers and the amount spent on their purchase by considering several explanatory variables related to household characteristics and the main household wage earner. Results show that the variables have quite similar effects on both the relative probability of buying newspapers and the amount spent. The key variables are the age and occupational status of the main wage earner, the number of household members, income and having to pay for the house, as well as a number of geographical variables. However, certain differences are also observed. The most important is the education of the main wage earner: while its effect on buying newspapers is very small (only those who did not complete primary education are less likely to buy), its effect on the amount spent increases with the level of education. As other studies of cultural goods and services consumption have suggested, education and occupational status are more relevant determinants than income.  相似文献   

Grounded in the transactional stress-coping theory and the Tallis and Eysenck (1994) model of nonpathological worry, the present study sought to advance the conceptual and empirical understanding of financial worry (FW). We positioned objective financial stressors (OFS), subjective financial stressors (SFS), and coping resources as key variables in understanding the determinants of financial worry (FW). The cross-sectional data consisted of responses from a representative sample of 19,385 adults, aged 18 and older, drawn from a large U.S. survey. Hierarchical linear regression results revealed that OFS, SFS, household income, and financial capability (FC) are all key determinants of FW. Furthermore, the results revealed adverse effects of OFS and SFS on FW. These effects were moderated by household income, FC, age, and gender. Implications for future research, employers, practitioners, and policymakers are discussed.  相似文献   


Grocery shoppers were questioned about their response to the stock-out of their preferred item of milk and milk products. This measure was used as the dependent variable in a multinomial logit model with the independent variables being shopper dispositions, the contextual shopping situations, age, and household size. This study identified distinctive customer orientations that foreshadowed shoppers' buying a brand variant, buying another brand, and forgoing or postponing their purchase. A binary logit model then estimated the shoppers'orientations that motivated them to seek their preferred item from another store. It emerged that for most shoppers, their household size appeared to be a pressing variable that influenced the way they tackled the non-availability of their normal choice. Marketing literature postulates that large families invariably gravitate to larger pack sizes. Previous research also observes that brand loyalty is negatively correlated to household size. If their regular choice is not available, shoppers could, therefore, easily be driven to seek alternative brands. This study has identified that it would be useful for brand variants to offer shoppers sufficient consumption time till the products' use-by dates to encourage their purchase and prevent shoppers from crossing over to another brand or store. Central to the ample availability of consumption time is the capacity of channel members to support frequent deliveries of larger pack sizes in small lot quantities to the retail store.  相似文献   

通过对农村人口转移家庭行为选择文献的梳理发现,农业转移人口家庭的土地流转和劳动力分工是家庭行为选择的重要解释变量。实证结果表明,农村外出务工家庭的收入结构与成员分工之间互为因果关系,村级特征变量对家庭行为的影响远不如预期那么明显,个体特征变量的影响也不显著,家庭特征变量却十分显著。由此说明:研究农业转移人口的行为选择问题,必须借助家庭这一微观单元,当然这也是为了寻找农业转移人口市民化(城市化)的微观证据,可以预见“村庄”特征变量系统的影响会日渐凸显。  相似文献   

This study explores the role of situational, demographic, and socioeconomic variables in stimulating impulse purchase behavior in the Republic of Macedonia. Factor analysis reveals five categories of situational impulse buying factors: social and personal, in-store atmosphere, sales related, sales promotion, and time and money. Cluster analysis produced two segments: noticeably rational and noticeably impulsive. The results show significant differences between the two segments on all five factors of impulse buying. Furthermore, the results show that segments differ in terms of age, working status, household income, and frequency of buying.  相似文献   


This study investigates the influence of values on the particular behavior of television viewing, but within the context of other variables, specifically, the demographic variables of gender, age, income, and education. Using a path analytic framework, this study supports the position that the relationship of values to behaviors needs to be investigated in the context of other relevant variables; findings of studies investigating the simple bivariate relationships of values and behavior can be misleading. In this study, the inclusion of the direct relationships between demographics and behaviors in the model reduced some effects of values on television viewing to nonsignificance, but also revealed significant values—viewing relationships that had appeared to be nonsignificant when the direct effects of demographics were excluded from the model. Discussion addresses the implications of the model for values research and the relationship of values to television viewing behavior. Implications for segmentation and targeting are also discussed.  相似文献   

The methods proposed in the new empirical industrial organization (NEIO) literature have made significant contributions to our understanding of competitive behavior. However, these methods have yet to be compared with each other for their performance in explaining and diagnosing competitive market conduct. This inter-method comparison is important because conclusions about competitive behavior based on these methods have significant strategic as well as policy implications for firms. Our objective in this paper is to examine the performance of these different NEIO methods in terms of their discriminatory power, ability to identify strategic variables, and robustness in estimation. For empirical demonstration, we use data from diverse industries such as microprocessors, personal computers, facial tissue, disposable diapers and automobiles. Our results suggest that two commonly used NEIO methods-conjectural variation and non-nested model comparison-exhibit quite good convergence with each other and are consistent with a traditional time series method. This suggests that simpler methods such as conjectural variations deserve more credit. We also find that using these methods in tandem provides valuable additional information that may not be available when using any one method alone. While the emphasis in this study is on comparing different methods of analyzing competitive interaction, the findings also reveal some substantive insights about each market studied.  相似文献   


Strategy formulation is commonly understood as the match between a firm’s internal resources and skills and its external environment. Marketing strategy performance is the function of a dynamic, interactive process incorporating internal firm resources, external environmental factors, and competitive actions. The study aims to assess the impact of competitor actions on marketing strategy performance. We develop a model that accommodates the effects of 29 variables (comprising internal marketing strategy variables, external environmental factors and competitors’ marketing mix variables) on business performance. We empirically test the model using simultaneous equation modelling of time-series data on UK car manufacturers collected from publically available resources and annual reports. The results show that external factors, in particular competitors’ marketing mix elements, have a greater influence on a company’s business performance than internal (marketing and non-marketing) strategy variables. Implications for marketing theory and management are discussed.  相似文献   

西部农户小额信贷还款率影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用主成分分析方法和logistic回归模型,对西部地区小额信贷还款率影响因素进行实证分析。研究表明农户专业技能、信用等级、农户收入、贷款利率、贷款期限、贷款用途等因素与小额信贷还款率显著相关,农户年龄、受教育程度、贷款金额等因素对小额信贷还款率的影响不显著,不同因素在影响小额信贷还款率时具有重要次序性,农户专业技能、信用等级、农户收入、贷款利率、贷款期限、贷款用途、是否贴息、经营能力对小额信贷还款率的影响最为重要,其次为劳动力人数和耕地面积因素。  相似文献   

An emergent body of literature examined why some firms apply some environmental initiatives while other firms do not take responsibility for their natural environment? Thus, firm environmental orientation (responsiveness and performance) are linked in the literature to several variables. Unfortunately, the relationship between firm environmental orientation and either available resources or firm size showed mixed results and inconclusive evidence. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to show empirically how available resources and firm size can explain differences in firm environmental responsiveness and environmental performance. Econometric results of environmental responsiveness using the logistic regression model demonstrated that firm size does appear to add something unique in explaining differences in environmental responsiveness while available resource can be safely dropped from the model. However, econometric analysis of environmental performance using the maximum-likelihood random effects model showed strong evidence that available resources and firm size are significant predictors of firm environmental performance.  相似文献   

One of the most interesting but troublesome features of daily recycling is the mixture of different types of household waste and degradation of a recycled material caused by the mixture of different types of waste. This is often seen in recycling of materials such as used papers, plastics and so on. This paper analyses this aspect, and demonstrates how the formation of prices and activity levels is made in a long‐run growing economy, by means of a neo‐Ricardian type of production model. It is proved that a long‐run equilibrium exists under reasonable assumptions. It is also shown how the sorting rate of different types of waste affects the grade of recyclable resources as well as prices.  相似文献   

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